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Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26

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Agricultural Water Management

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Productivity, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency of corn and

tomato crops simulated by AquaCrop under contrasting water stress
conditions in the Mediterranean region
Nader Katerji a , Pasquale Campi b,∗ , Marcello Mastrorilli b
INRA, UMR 1091 EGC, 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France
Consiglio per la ricerca e la sperimentazione in agricoltura, Research Unit for Cropping Systems in Dry Environments, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The FAO AquaCrop model has been conceived as a tool for simulating, on a daily scale, the canopy cover
Received 30 October 2012 (CC), biomass and the actual evapotranspiration and for simulating, on a seasonal scale, the final biomass,
Accepted 2 August 2013 the harvested yield, the cumulate actual evapotranspiration, and the crop water use efficiency. This
Available online 1 September 2013
performance was analysed after a series of tests carried on 12 crop cycles, concerning corn and tomato
grown in the Mediterranean region, and having three levels of plant water stress: absence of plant water
stress (control), moderately stressed and severely stressed. The results highlight the effects of three
Plant water stress
factors affecting the AquaCrop performances: the species, the level of plant water stress during the crop
Crop model
cycle and the output variable to simulate.
Water balance The AquaCrop adequately simulates the daily canopy cover (CC) in control treatments of tomato and
corn, and in moderate stress treatment of corn. In the severe stressed treatment of corn, the simulated
values of CC were close to the measured values only from sowing to 60 days after sowing, after that the
simulated values do not fit the measurements.
The AquaCrop model adequately simulates the daily biomass accumulation under all treatments in
tomato and under non-stressed and moderate stressed treatments in corn. However, the simulated
biomass outputs were generally overestimated during the late stages of the crop cycles and, conse-
quently, the yield also exhibited a tendency to be overestimated. Nevertheless, the yield overestimation
can be retained as acceptable because the normalised differences (D) between the simulations and mea-
sured values were less than 15% on average. An exception was the tomato yield simulated in the severely
stressed treatment, for which D was greater than 30%. In contrast, in the case of the severely stressed
treatment in corn, AquaCrop did not exhibit any aptitude for simulating the biomass or the grain yield.
In fact, the model predicts the absence of any yield production, while 5 t ha−1 of grain were actually
measured in the severely stressed treatment.
The daily actual evapotranspiration simulated by AquaCrop was consistent with the observations only
in the case of the control treatments of tomato, in all the three seasons. In contrast, for the other treatments
(all treatments in corn and all stressed treatments in tomato), the quality of the evapotranspiration
simulation was poor.
In general, AquaCrop underestimated the seasonal values of evapotranspiration. The normalised dif-
ferences between the seasonal values of the observations and simulations are acceptable in the case of
the tomato evapotranspiration (D = −7%). However, in the case of corn, the differences are related to the
level of plant water stress, and they become unacceptable (D = −36%) in the severely stressed treatments.
The overestimation of the yield and the underestimation of the seasonal evapotranspiration cause the
simulations of the water use efficiency to be overestimated. In the specific case of corn, due to the unac-
ceptable performance of the model under severely stressed treatments, the linear regression between
the observations and measurements of water use efficiency is unsatisfactory.
The potential uses of the AquaCrop model as a tool for research purposes aimed to enhance the water
efficiency and as a tool for managing irrigation have been deeply discussed. The paths that should be
followed in the future to improve the model simulations have also been suggested
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 080 547 5014; fax: +39 080 547 5023.
E-mail addresses:, (P. Campi).

0378-3774/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26 15

1. Introduction 2011). However, the performance of the AquaCrop model under

water stress conditions in arid or semi-arid regions has not been
The agricultural sector, particularly in the Mediterranean region, clearly demonstrated. Heng et al. (2009) underline, that AquaCrop
is currently faced with the challenge of implementing new is less accurate in simulating the yield of deficit-irrigated corn,
approaches to water resource management that ensure the pro- in the Mediterranean region. Conversely, Andarzian et al. (2011)
tection and integrity of the water resources (Katerji et al., 2008). note the ability of the AquaCrop model to simulate the yield in full
Increasing water use efficiency has played a leading role in the and deficit irrigated wheat in a hot and dry environment in the
formulation of strategies aimed to reduce the water allocated for south of Iran. It is important to remark that in the study by Heng
cultivated crops (Molden and Oweis, 2007). et al. (2009), the yield losses, observed in the stressed treatments,
Reviews dealing with the analysis of crop water use effi- varied between 31% and 90% with respect to the well-watered
ciency (WUE), calculated by the ratio between the final harvest control treatment, while in the Andarzian et al. (2011) study, the
yield and the seasonal values of actual evapotranspiration (Zwart yield was reduced by a lesser extent, ranging between 3% and
and Bastiaanssen, 2004; Deng et al., 2006; Molden and Oweis, 15%.
2007; Hsiao et al., 2007; Katerji et al., 2008) have aimed to Out of the literature described above, only few studies have
highlight different potential strategies for the most efficient use simultaneously compared the seasonal values of the actual evapo-
of water in agriculture, particularly in those areas where the transpiration (ET) simulated by the AquaCrop model and those
water resources are limited. Although the WUE value is easy observed using an independent method, such as lysimeters (Heng
to determine, it results a complex indicator because it can be et al., 2009) or the soil water balance (Farahani et al., 2009; Palumbo
ascribed (see the review by Katerji et al., 2008) mainly to agro- et al., 2012). Under full irrigation conditions, Heng et al. (2009), and
techniques (water regime, mineral supply and water quality), Palumbo et al. (2012), reported a good agreement between the sim-
plant factors (species, varieties and sensitivity of the growth stage ulated and measured values in corn and tomato. In Farahani et al.
to the stress), and environment (climate, atmospheric pollution, (2009) study, performed during two successive years using cotton
soil texture and climate change). Appropriate water manage- under different water regimes, AquaCrop tended to underestimate
ment should take into account these different factors and their the ET measurements.
potential interactions. This objective is achievable through the cor- The precise value of the seasonal ET is a basic prerequisite for
rect use of crop models (Brisson et al., 1998). Nevertheless, the calculating the water use efficiency. Consequently, if a model (as in
choice of an operative model depends on its performance in cor- the case of the AquaCrop) is conceived to be used at the same time
rectly simulating, under contrasting water stress conditions, the for irrigation water scheduling and for testing different scenarios
actual crop evapotranspiration, biomass production and the final of water management, it is necessary to verify, under water stress
harvestable yield, which determines the economic value of pro- conditions, that the daily ET is also correctly simulated by the model
duction. during the crop cycle (Stewart et al., 1977). The studies previously
Theoretically, many models can be generated to satisfy the cited do not provide any information about this issue.
above exigencies, and these models have become available in the Finally, to validate the aptitude of AquaCrop to forecast WUE,
scientific literature over the past thirty years. Among the models only a few studies are actually available. Heng et al. (2009) support
that have been tested or adapted to the specific Mediterranean the AquaCrop aptitude to correctly simulate WUE of full-irrigated
climatic conditions, CERES (Ritchie et al., 1985; Jones and Kiniry, corn, while Todorovic et al. (2009) for sunflower show a quite
1986), WOFOST (Van Diepen et al., 1989), EPIC (Jones et al., 1991), mediocre prediction of WUE simulated by the model under water
CropSyst (Stöckle and Nelson, 2000), STICS (Brisson et al., 2003) and stress conditions.
CRITERIA (Marletto et al., 2005, 2007) warrant mention. The results reported in literature clearly highlight that the per-
Several papers have reported the performances of these models, formance of AquaCrop still stands on partial analyses. In fact,
supported by validation tests, along with the required modifica- validation tests that analyse all outputs of the model (final yield,
tions to improve the predictions under Mediterranean conditions biomass and ET during the crop cycle, WUE) are still lacking. More-
(inter alia see: Castrignanò et al., 1998; Ben Nouna et al., 2000, over, uncertainties arise concerning the real performance of the
2003; Mastrorilli et al., 2003; Stöckle et al., 2003; Brisson et al., model under water stress conditions.
2003; Ritchie and Basso, 2008; Todorovic et al., 2009; Katerji et al., This study, realised in the Mediterranean region, is based on
2010). The recent AquaCrop model described by Steduto et al. field measurements from 12 growing seasons, equally divided into
(2009, 2012), Raes et al. (2009) seem particularly attractive because two crops (corn and tomato), growing in the spring-summer period,
it avoids some of the criticisms that are pertinent to the previ- under different irrigation strategies. All the faults underlined above
ous models. First, the AquaCrop model is characterised by a low were omitted because an original approach was adopted which
requirement for inputs to predict at a daily level the biomass and allowing a better determination of two aspects. The first one con-
water requirement (Heng et al., 2009). In this model, the calibra- cerns the levels of plant water stress actually experienced by each
tion procedure represents a simple prerequisite (Hsiao et al., 2009). crop when submitted to different water conditions. In this study
In addition, it is not only applicable to researchers dealing with the plant water status was surveyed during the entire growing sea-
enhancing the water use efficiency but to many users, including son by a direct stress indicator. This methodology (based on the
farmers, agricultural consultants and water managers (Farahani measurement of the predawn leaf water potential) allows for mod-
et al., 2009). According to Garcia-Vila and Fereres (2012), AquaCrop ulating the ranges of plant water stress throughout the irrigation
represents an optimum balance between accuracy, simplicity and scheduling to obtain significant yield reductions between the con-
robustness. trol and stressed treatments and within the stressed treatments.
Previously, several simulations of the yield response to water The second original aspect is related to the analysis of AquaCrop
under diverse water regimes have been reported in the litera- performances. All the outputs provided by the model for determin-
ture in a number of crops, such as corn (Hsiao et al., 2009; Heng ing WUE were compared to the measured data, at daily and seasonal
et al., 2009; Stricevic et al., 2011; Garcia-Vila and Fereres, 2012), scales. Measurements and simulations of the following six param-
cotton (Farahani et al., 2009; Garcia-Vila and Fereres, 2012), sun- eters were taken into account for both crops: the canopy cover, the
flower (Todorovic et al., 2009; Garcia-Vila and Fereres, 2012), biomass, and the daily ET during the crop cycle, the harvested yield
potato (Garcia-Vila and Fereres, 2012), wheat (Andarzian et al., (grain of corn and fruit yields of tomato), the seasonal ET, and the
2011) sugar beet (Stricevic et al., 2011) and tomato (Rinaldi et al., WUE.
16 N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26

Table 1 density was of 5 plants m−2 . The crop was grown under a high
The main soil characteristics observed at the Rutigliano and Foggia sites.
input of mineral fertiliser supply (120 kg P2 O5 ha−1 before sowing
Soil characteristics Rutigliano Foggia and 100 kg ha−1 of N in two rates) and irrigated according to three
Corn Tomato
water treatments (see Section 2.3). The experimental design was
a randomised block replicated three times. Each plot was 9 m long
Depth (m) 0.6 0.6 1.2
and 9.6 m wide. The dates of the main phenological stages were
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm d−1 ) 100 100 100
Water content at the field saturation (vol.%) 48 48 50 observed and used to calculate the growing degree days (GDD),
Water content at the field capacity (vol.%) 34 33.5 39 for each phenological stages, following ‘method 2’ as described by
Water content at the wilting point (vol.%) 16 22.5 23 Raes et al. (2009). The values of GDD observed on control treatment
Total available soil water (mm) 108 66 192
in 1996 are reported in Table 2.
The Leaf Area Index (LAI) measurements are required for cali-
brating the canopy ground cover parameter CC (see Section 2.5.1).
The objective is to analyse the performance of the AquaCrop
The LAI was measured with an area metre (LI-3100C Area Metre, Li-
under different irrigation strategies affecting the plant water status
Cor, USA), and the dry matter was measured after drying (at 65 ◦ C
during the crop cycles and the final productivity.
for 48 h in an oven) the sampled plants. At the end of the corn cycle,
all the plants were harvested from the 10 central rows of each plot,
2. Material and methods and the yields in total biomass and in grain were determined.

2.1. Site and climate

2.2.2. Tomato
Two experimental setups were utilised to validate the AquaCrop Tomato plants were cultivated for two seasons in Rutigliano
at two sites in Southern Italy. The first site was located at Rutigliano (transplant dates: 9th May 2006 and 14th May 2007) and for
(lat: 40◦ 59 N, long: 17◦ 01 E, alt: 147 m a.s.l.), on an experimental one season in Foggia (transplant date: 13th May 2008) at a
farm belonging to the Agricultural Research Council – Research Unit density of 3.3 plants m−2 . The tomato crops were grown using con-
for Cropping Systems in Dry Environments (CRA – SCA). The second ventional agro-techniques (200 kg ha−1 K2 O with 80 kg ha−1 P2 O5
was located at Foggia (lat: 41◦ 25 N, long: 15◦ 31 E, alt: 55 m a.s.l.), before transplanting and 200 kg ha−1 N). The experimental design
on a private farm. The studies were focused on: was a randomised block replicated three times. Each plot was 15 m
long and 10 m wide. The dates of the main phenological stages
• The corn (cv Malthus) grown at Rutigliano for two seasons, 1996 used for the AquaCrop calibration to calculate growing degree days
and 1997. The corn crop was grown under three irrigation strate- (GDD) were collected during the 2007 crop season at the Rutigliano
gies: absence of plant water stress (control), moderately and site. The values of GDD observed on control treatment in 1996 are
severely stressed. reported in Table 2. The total biomass was determined in 2007
• The tomato (cv PS 1296) grown at Rutigliano for two seasons and 2008 at each phenological stage by harvesting plants from a
(2006 and 2007) and under two irrigation strategies: absence of 1.2 m2 sampling area of each plot. For calibrating the CC parameter
plant water stress (control) and moderately stressed. the LAI values were measured, with an area metre (LAI-2000 Plant
• The tomato (cv PS 1296) grown at Foggia during the 2008 season Canopy Analyzer, Li-Cor USA), only in the full irrigated treatment.
and under two irrigation strategies: absence of plant water stress The yield production (in total above ground biomass and in fruits)
(control) and severely stressed. was obtained for all treatments and the three growing seasons by
harvesting all the plants grown in the 6 central rows for each plot.
Southern Italy boosts a Mediterranean climate characterised by Samples of harvested material were dried (at 65 ◦ C for 48 h in an
warm and dry summers, with a maximum air temperature ranging oven) to calculate the dry weights of the biomass and fruits. The
from 32 ◦ C to 43 ◦ C and a minimum relative humidity ranging from total biomass was not measured in the 2006 season.
40% to 15% (Campi et al., 2009). The annual rainfall is almost the
same at both sites, 535 mm in Rutigliano and 554 mm in Foggia.
2.3. Irrigation schedule and experimental design
The rainfall is mainly concentrated in the autumn and late win-
ter periods and is greatly reduced or absent in the spring–summer
2.3.1. Corn
period. The main soil characteristics observed at the Rutigliano and
The irrigation scheduling was designed to produce three differ-
Foggia sites are reported in Table 1.
ent levels of plant water status. The adopted methodology has been
The soil at the Rutigliano site is characterised by considerable
described by Ben Nouna et al. (2000) and it is based on the pre-dawn
spatial variability (De Benedetto et al., 2012). The soil texture is
leaf water potential ( ). The irrigation water was supplied using a
mainly clayey, with a clay content ranging from 30% to 85%. How-
low-pressure system (drip irrigation). For the irrigation schedule,
ever, the soil is homogeneous in the vertical profile. Therefore, due
a threshold value of −0.3 MPa was adopted because if ␺ becomes
to the site-specific soil properties, the total available soil water dif-
more negative than this threshold value, the corn stomata tend
fered between the corn and tomato plots at the Rutigliano site. The
to close (Katerji and Bethenod, 1997). Irrigation was scheduled
calcareous parent rock is located in the first horizons of the soil,
whenever ␺, measured daily, equalled −0.3 MPa (for the control
and the average depth of the soil is 0.60 m, so the crop root system
treatment), −0.6 MPa (for the moderate water stress, STRI) and
has a reduced capacity to expand beyond this layer.
−1.2 MPa (for the severe water stress, STR2).
The soil of Foggia has a 3 m-depth and a loam-clay texture.
The values were measured on the last developed leaves before
Nonetheless, a 1.2 m-deep calcareous layer prevents the roots from
sunrise. Five leaves per treatment were harvested, and the water
expanding beyond this layer.
potential was measured (Scholander et al., 1965) using a pressure
chamber (Model 3000, Soil Moisture Equipment Co., USA).
2.2. Crop management and growth analysis

2.2.1. Corn 2.3.2. Tomato

Corn was sown on 24th May 1996 and on 27th May 1997. Two different protocols were adopted for irrigating the tomato
According the current agro-technique of the region, the final plots:
N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26 17

Table 2
Comparison between the default values contained in the AquaCrop files (Raes et al., 2009) for corn and tomato crops and the values calibrated at the Rutigliano site.

Parameter description Parameter value Unit

Corn Tomato

Default Calibr. Default Calibr.

Plants per hectare 75,000 50,000 33,333 33,333 n.

Maximum canopy cover (CCx) 96 90 75 80 %

GDD from sowing/transplanting to emergence/recovered tr. 80 72 43 165 C

GDD from sowing/transplanting to maximum rooting depth 1409 1392 891 1050 C

GDD from sowing to start senescence 1400 1392 1553 1590 C

GDD for sowing/transplanting to maturity 1700 1660 1993 1935 C

GDD for swing/transplanting to flowering 880 840 525 705 C

GDD of length of flowering stage 180 162 750 720 C
Maximum effective rooting depth, Zx 2.3 0.6 1.0 0.6 m
Minimum effective rooting depth, Zn 0.3 0.15 0.3 0.15 m
Reference Harvest Index, HI0 48 46 63 60 %

Building up of HI during yield formation 750 816 1050 810 C

• At the Rutigliano site, the experimental design in 2006 and The probes were linked to Tektronix equipment for the corn
2007 combined two irrigation schedules: the control treatment experiments and to TDR100 (Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, UT,
(absence of plant stress), which restored 100% of the readily avail- USA) for the tomato experiments. The probes in turn were con-
able soil water, as calculated according the FAO-56 methodology nected to a CR1000 data logger (Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan,
(Allen et al., 1998); and the moderately stressed treatment (STR1), UT, USA). Calibration curves were used to calculate the volumetric
which reduced the irrigation volume by 50% compared with the soil water content.
control treatment from 50 DAT until the harvest in the 2006 The drainage (Dr) was estimated as the amount of water exceed-
season, and from 30 DAT until the harvest in 2007 season. The ing the maximum water capacity in the entire soil profile.
irrigation water was supplied by a drip irrigation system 2 or This approach to measure daily ET was previously validated by
3 times per week, according to the evaporative demand of the Mastrorilli et al. (1998) in diverse soil water conditions by compar-
atmosphere and to the phenological stage of the tomato plants. ing on a daily scale the ET from the simplified soil water balance
• At the Foggia site, the experimental design in 2008 combined equation and ET measured by the Bowen ratio method (Rana and
as well two irrigation schedules: the control treatment and the Katerji, 1998). Differences within 10–15% were measured between
severe stress (STR2) treatment, which was obtained by com- the daily ET determined by the two methods (Mastrorilli et al.,
pletely withholding the irrigation supply from 50 DAT until the 1998).
harvest. This change in the experimental protocol aimed to create In the tomato trials, the soil water content data measured using
a water stress higher than that previously observed in Rutigliano. the TDR technique were only available 20 days after transplanting
because agro-technique recommends ploughing the inter-rows
At the tomato plant level, the water stress was monitored at and shaping the soil surface after transplanting and, as a conse-
both sites in all treatments during the entire vegetative cycle, by quence, the TDR probes cannot function in the disturbed soil at
measuring the pre-dawn leaf water potential ( ), following the this time. In this period, the cumulative evapotranspiration was
same experimental procedure adopted for the corn. calculated according to Eq. (1). In particular, W is the difference
between the values of the soil water content measured by the gravi-
2.4. Actual evapotranspiration measurement metric method at transplanting and at the first day when the TDR
data became available.
Daily actual evapotranspiration (ET) was indirectly measured
(Lhomme and Katerji, 1991) using a simplified soil water balance 2.5. The AquaCrop model
approach. At the Rutigliano site, runoff and capillary rise are negli-
gible because of the flat ground and the presence of a cracked rocky Similar to many other crop-growth models, AquaCrop further
layer that limits the soil depth and ascending water. At the Foggia develops sub-model components that include: the soil, the crop,
site, runoff can be neglected because the area is flat, while the cap- the atmosphere, and management. The simulations are executed
illary rise can be assumed to be zero because of the presence of a with a daily time step, using either calendar days or GDD.
calcareous layer at 1.2 m-deep that prevents the roots from expand- The crop responses to water deficits are simulated using four
ing and the water stored in the deeper soil layers from moving up modifiers that are functions of the fractional available soil water
to the soil surface. modulated by the evaporative demand, based on the differential
The simplified equation for the soil water balance can be sensitivity to water stress of four key plant processes: canopy
expressed, at a daily scale, as: expansion, stomatal control of transpiration, canopy senescence,
and the Harvest Index (HI).
ET = ±DW + P − Dr (1)

where ET, daily actual evapotranspiration (mm d−1 ); P, precipita- 2.5.1. Model input
tion or/and irrigation (mm d−1 ); ±W, the difference in volume of The application of the AquaCrop model to a given crop requires
soil water content in the whole soil profile (mm d−1 ) measured with that a series of inputs be determined. They are related to the (a)
TDR (time domain reflectometry) probes; Dr, drainage (mm d−1 ). climate, (b) crop, (c) crop management, and (d) soil properties.
The same technique for monitoring the soil water status was
used for both sites. Coaxial probes (0.3 m in length) were installed (a) Climate inputs concern the daily data of air temperature, rain-
horizontally into the soil at two layers (−15 and −45 cm from the fall and reference evapotranspiration (ETo). According to the
soil surface at Rutigliano and −20 and −60 cm at Foggia) in only FAO-56 methodology (Allen et al., 1998), the latter parame-
one block. ter is calculated based on the daily measurements of global
18 N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26

radiation, wind speed, air humidity and temperature. In this of both crops, we adopted the statistical procedure proposed by
study, all the climatic parameters have been collected from Loague and Green (1991), consisting of the best fit of the simula-
standard agro-meteorological stations within the two farms tions. This procedure is based on the Relative Root Mean Square
where the field experiments were carried out. Error (RRMSE), calculated from the following equation:
(b) The crop inputs concern two types of parameters:
• Conservative crop parameters do not change materially with 
i=1 i
− Oi )2 100
time, management practices, or geographic location. For RRMSE = · (3)
simulating productivity, evapotranspiration, and water use n Ō
efficiency of corn and tomato, they were assumed to be the
same as those listed in the AquaCrop files (Raes et al., 2009). where n is the number of observations, Pi is the value predicted
• Cultivar specific, or less conservative, parameters are affected by AquaCrop, Oi is the measured value, and Ō is the mean of the
by the climate, field management or conditions in the soil measured values.
profile. In this simulation exercise the cultivar parameters The validation is considered to be excellent when the RRMSE is
were calibrated to take into account the characteristics of the <10%, good if the RRMSE is between 10 and 20%, acceptable if the
retained cultivars. These characteristics were addressed as RRMSE is between 20 and 30%, and poor if >30% (Jamieson et al.,
follows: 1991).
i. Crop development expressed as growing degree days To assess the quality of the model to predict the biomass at the
(GDD) as reported in Table 2. end of the cycle, the yield, and the seasonal evapotranspiration in
ii. The canopy ground cover (CC) is a crucial input (Steduto each water regime treatment of the two crops, we considered the
et al., 2009) for AquaCrop, and for each species it is recom- difference between the simulations and normalised measured val-
mended to verify preliminarily the validity of the values of ues (D, in %). If the values of D did not exceed 15%, as suggested by
this parameter. In this simulation exercise CC values were Brisson et al. (2002), the simulation could be retained as acceptable
verified on the control treatments. As reported by Farahani because the differences fall within the error range that is generally
et al. (2009), the measured CC values can be derived using admitted for field crop research.
the Ritchie model (Ritchie, 1972; Belmans et al., 1983; To assess the quality of the model in predicting water use effi-
Ritchie et al., 1985) from the following equation: ciency and its components (yield and seasonal evapotranspiration)
for each crop under all water regime treatments, the linear regres-
CC = 1 − exp(−K · LAI) (2) sions between the measured and simulated values was analysed.
where LAI was measured while K (extinction coefficient)
was assumed to be 0.60 for corn (Hsiao et al., 2009; Heng
et al., 2009) and 0.75 for tomato (Rinaldi et al., 2011). 3. Results
iii. The minimum effective rooting depths (Table 2) were
measured directly at the earliest development stages by 3.1. Experimental measurements of the plant water status for all
removing the corn and the tomato plants from the soil. treatments of corn and tomato
Whereas the maximum effective rooting depths were
taken as equal to the depth of the soil for the crops cul- Fig. 1(a) and (b) shows the temporal variation in the predawn
tivated at the Rutigliano site (0.6 m) and at the Foggia site leaf water potential ( ) for all treatments in corn during the two
(1.2 m). crop seasons. Differentiation between the treatments began 49 and
iv. The Harvest Index (HI) values were determined 40 days after sowing in 1996 and 1997, respectively. In the STR1
(yield/total biomass) from samples collected at the treatments, it was possible to identify in each year three cycles of
end of the crop cycles. drought when the measured  became significantly lower than
The three inputs concerning the cultivar characteristics (i, that measured in the control treatment. In the STR2 treatments,
ii, and iv) were calibrated using data measured in the control there were only two drought cycles, but in each drought cycle the
treatments, they were collected during the 1996 season for corn drought intensity was higher than that measured in the STR1 treat-
and during the 2007 season for tomato. ments because  reached very low levels.
(c) For the management inputs, the actual irrigation amount and During the two crop seasons, the rainfall differed in intensity
timing of each treatment were provided as input. The effect and in time distribution. The situation differed at the end of the
of soil fertility on yield was not addressed because sufficient crop seasons, when the extended rainless period in 1997 prolonged
amounts of mineral fertiliser were supplied to all irrigation the water stress period in corn plants until the harvest.
treatments to ensure the realisation of the full genetic potential. The time variations in the soil water availability determined for
(d) Soil inputs concern the parameters previously reported in each treatment during 1996 and 1997 seasons are shown Fig. 1(c)
Table 1. Moreover, the soil water content at the beginning of the and (d). The changes in the soil water availability were synchro-
crop cycle was also supplied as an input. They were measured nised with those in  for all water regime treatments during both
using the gravimetric method. years.
Fig. 2(a)–(c) shows the temporal variation in  for all tomato
In Table 2, calibrated values of the two crops are reported, for treatments during the three seasons. Differentiation between the
Rutigliano site, in comparison with the default values contained in STR1 and control treatments began 50 and 30 days after transplan-
the AquaCrop files. Generally, minor discrepancies can be observed ting in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Throughout the crop cycle,
between the calibrated and default values. the values of  were on average 0.16 MPa in 2006 and 0.11 MPa
in 2007 lower than those measured in the control treatments.
2.5.2. Model validation Differentiation between the high stress treatment STR2 and the
The validation concerns crop parameters (ET, biomass, yield, and control treatments began 51 days after transplanting in 2008. The
WUE) which were not utilised in the calibration process. differences between  values measured in the STR2 and con-
To assess the quality of the model to predict the daily values trol treatments increased progressively until the highest value
of canopy cover, biomass, and actual evapotranspiration (ET) mea- 0.37 MPa was reached at the end of the crop cycle, which is 2.7 times
sured during the crop seasons for each water regime treatment higher than the average value measured in the STR1 treatments.
N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26 19

1996 1997
a) b)
Predawn leaf water potential (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120




-0.8 Control

c) d)
Soil water avaiability (mm)




50 STR1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Fig. 1. Values measured in corn during two cropping seasons (1996 and 1997) for three water treatments (control – not stressed, moderately – STR1, and severely stressed
– STR2) of: predawn leaf water potential (a and b); soil water availability (c and d). In c and in d, the values of the wilting point (- - - - - -) and of the field capacity () are also
shown. DAS is the acronym of ‘Days After Sowing’.

2006 2007 2008

a) b) c)
Predawn leaf water potential (MPa)


15 35 55 75 95 115 15 35 55 75 95 115 15 35 55 75 95 115



-0.7 Control

d) e) f)
Soil water avaiability (mm)

250 250 600

200 200 500


150 150 400 Control

Control Control
100 100 300
50 50 200
15 35 55 75 95 115 15 35 55 75 95 115 15 35 55 75 95 115

Fig. 2. Values measured in tomato during three cropping seasons (2006, 2007 and 2008) for three water treatments (control, STR1 and STR2) of: predawn leaf water potential
(a–c); soil water availability (d–f). In panel d, in e, and in f, the values of the wilting point (- - - - - -) and of the field capacity () are also shown. DAT is the acronym of ‘Days
After Transplanting’. The definition of the three treatments (control, STRI and STR2) is provided in the caption to Fig. 1.
20 N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26

a) Corn - 1996 Table 3

100 Control-sim Relative root mean square error (RRMSE in %) determined on corn and tomato crops
1996 STR1-sim grown under three water treatments (control, STR1 and STR2) for daily simulated
STR2-sim values by AquaCrop model of: canopy cover (CC), crop evapotranspiration (ET) and
80 Control-meas biomass. The definition of the three treatments (control, STRI and STR2) is provided
STR1-meas in the caption to Fig. 1.
Canopy cover (%)

60 Season Treatment CC ET Biomass

40 1996 4 37 20
1997 7 41 32
1996 29 50 14
20 STR1
1997 15 42 18
1996 96 70 65
0 1997 81 68 55
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
2006 23
b) Corn – 1997 2007 11 29 19
100 Control-sim
2008 29 14
2006 STR1 38
Control-meas 2007 STR1 41 24
STR1-meas 2008 STR2 44 25
Canopy cover (%)


40 measurements because the model predicts the complete absence

of the canopy cover (i.e. LAI, according to Eq. (2)) after that date. The
20 rehydration of the crop, as shown in Fig. 1, after an irrigation supply
(68 DAS), affects CC values, only in the case of the treatments STR1.
In the control treatments, significant differences between the
measured and simulated biomass values (Fig. 4(a) and (b)), became
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
DAS apparent from 60 (in 1997) and 80 (in 1996) DAS. These differences
c) Tomato – 2007 exhibit a clear trend. The AquaCrop simulation overestimates the
100 biomass during the second half of the corn crop cycle.
Differences between the measured and simulated ET values in
80 the control treatments (Fig. 5(a) and (b)) began at 40 DAS; however
Canopy cover (%)

clear trends were lacking. It was only possible to determine that the
60 days when the simulated ET was underestimated alternated with
days when the daily ET was overestimated.
40 The AquaCrop aptitude to forecast the biomass in control treat-
Control-meas ments is good overall, with an exception for the corn grown in 1997.
20 However, the aptitude to predict the daily ET in these treatments
is poor (Table 3).
0 In the moderately stressed treatments STR1 (Fig. 4(c) and (d)),
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
DAT the measured and simulated biomass values were very similar,
mainly during the entire season in 1996. During the successive
Fig. 3. Canopy cover measured (meas) and simulated (sim) for three water treat- cropping season, significant differences became apparent between
ments (control, STR1 and STR2) during two cropping seasons of corn (1996 and 1997, the measured and simulated biomass values. The trend and the time
a and b) and during one cropping season of tomato for the control treatment (2007,
when these differences appeared were similar to those measured
c). DAS and DAT are the acronyms of ‘Days After Sowing’ and ‘Days After Transplan-
ting’. The definition of the three treatments (control, STRI and STR2) is provided in previously in the control treatments.
the caption to Fig. 1. In STR1 (Fig. 5(c) and (d)), AquaCrop underestimated the daily
values of ET during the drought cycles (for example, see the ET
values simulated and measured between 50 and 60 DAS in 1996
In addition, during the tomato crop cycle, the changes in soil and 1997 and between 100 and 120 DAS in 1997). Furthermore,
water availability (Fig. 2(d)–(f)) were noticeably synchronised to this means that AquaCrop overestimated the drought effect on the
 for all water treatments during both years. daily ET. In addition, the model underestimates the maximal values
of the daily ET measured soon after the irrigation supplies.
3.2. Simulations and measurements of CC, biomass, and ET The AquaCrop aptitude (Table 3) for predicting the biomass in
during the crop cycles STR1 was more effective than in the case of the control treatments.
However, the model exhibited a poor aptitude to predict the daily
3.2.1. The case of corn grown under contrasting watering ET (Table 3) under the same conditions.
conditions In the severely stressed treatments STR2, the model correctly
AquaCrop was able to simulate accurately the canopy cover (CC) simulated the biomass only for the first 50 DAS (Fig. 4(e) and
development in the control treatments (Fig. 3(a) and (b); Table 3). (f)). After the first drought cycle, AquaCrop predicted that the
In the moderately stressed treatments STR1, simulation could be biomass would not exhibit further growth, consistently with the
retained to a certain extent acceptable, since the model systemati- simulations predicting the absence of CC (Fig. 3(a) and (b)). As a
cally underestimates the maximal CC values. In STR2, the simulated consequence, the differences between the measured and simulated
and measured values of CC were close only from sowing to 60 DAS values increased until reaching the maximal value at the end of the
(days after sowing), after that the simulated values do not fit the crop cycle.
N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26 21

1996 1997
a) b)
Control Control


t ha-1
10 measured

c) d)

t ha-1


e) f)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Fig. 4. Biomass measured and simulated by AquaCrop model during two corn cropping seasons (1996 and 1997) for three water treatments: control (a and b), STR1(c and
d) and STR2 (e and f). DAS is the acronym of ‘Days After Sowing’. The definition of the three treatments (control, STRI and STR2) is provided in the caption to Fig. 1.

The simulation of the daily ET in the STR2 treatments (Fig. 5(e) higher under water stress conditions (Fig. 7(d)–(f)). AquaCrop apti-
and (f)) confirms and amplifies the observations previously tude to predict the biomass under water stress conditions was
reported about the STR1 treatments (underestimation of the min- satisfactory. Moreover, the model aptitude to predict the daily ET
imal and maximal values of daily ET). The model shows a poor became poor (Table 3) in all water stress treatments.
aptitude (Table 3) to predict the biomass and ET on a daily scale
in the STR2 conditions. 3.2.3. Simulations and measurements under well watered
treatments: final biomass, yield, seasonal ET and WUE
3.2.2. The case of tomato growing under contrasting watering In terms of grain yield and seasonal ET, the measured corn values
conditions of STR1 decreased on average 22% and 14% with respect to the con-
In the control treatments, the simulated CC (Fig. 3(c)) and trol treatments (Table 4). These reductions were more pronounced
biomass (Fig. 6(a) and (b)) values followed the same trend (on average 43% and 30%, respectively for yield and ET) in the STR2
previously measured in the control treatments of corn. The dif- treatments.
ferences between the simulation and measurements of daily ET In STR1, the yield in fruits and the seasonal ET of tomato
(Fig. 7(a)–(c)) were generally less, particularly in 2006 season, than decreased by an average of 37% and 24% with respect to the control
those previously described for the control treatments of corn. treatments. These reductions were noticeably more pronounced in
As for the three control treatments, the model exhibited a good STR2 (69% for yield and 40% for ET). In both species, the yield was
aptitude (Table 3) to predict CC (in 2007 season) and biomass (2007 reduced more than the seasonal ET.
and 2008 seasons). The daily ET simulations were also acceptable The differences (D) in the final biomass (15–20%) and yield (13%)
(Table 3). measured in the control treatments of corn between the observa-
AquaCrop overestimated the tomato biomass in the stressed tion and simulation during both cropping seasons indicate that the
treatments (Fig. 6(c) and (d)), mainly after 40 DAT and 60 DAT for model overestimates these two parameters. However, the simu-
STR2 and STR1, respectively. In addition, differences between mea- lated values are acceptable, particularly for the yield. Less difference
sured and simulated values were noticeably more pronounced than was observed in the STR1 conditions, ±10% and ±4% for biomass
those measured in the irrigated treatments of the same crop. This and yield, respectively. In contrast, in the case of the STR2 treat-
observation can also be extended to the daily ET values because ments, AquaCrop did not exhibit any aptitude to predict production
the deviations between the simulated and measurements became as the biomass or especially as grain. In the case of corn biomass, the
22 N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26

1996 1997
a) b)
10 simulated
Control observedd
measure Control


c) d)
Daily Actual Evapotranspiration




e) f)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Fig. 5. Actual daily evapotranspiration measured and simulated by AquaCrop model during two cropping seasons of corn (1996 and 1997) for three treatments: control (a
and b), STR1(c and d) and STR2 (e and f). DAS is the acronym of ‘Days After Sowing’. The definition of the three treatments (control, STRI and STR2) is provided in the caption
to Fig. 1.

Table 4
Seasonal evapotranspiration (ET), final biomass and yield measured (meas) and simulated (sim) by AquaCrop model for corn and tomato crops grown under three water
treatments: control, STR1 and STR2. The normalised differences (D in %) between simulated and measured values are also reported. The definition of the three treatments
(control, STRI, STR2) is provided in the caption to Fig. 1.

Crops Years Treatment ET (mm) Biomass (t ha−1 ) Yield (t ha−1 )

Meas Sim D (%) Meas Sim D (%) Meas Sim D (%)

Control 509 483 −5.1 19.9 23.0 15.3 9.2 10.4 13.3
1996 STR1 425 367 −13.6 16.1 14.5 −10.2 6.8 6.5 −4.3
STR2 372 267 −28.2 13.1 5.4 −59.2 5.0 0.0 –
Control 498 465 −6.6 18.7 22.3 19.5 8.7 9.8 13.0
1997 STR1 442 382 −13.6 15.7 17.3 10.5 7.2 7.5 4.2
STR2 338 214 −36.7 11.6 5.3 −54.3 5.2 0.0 –

Control 498 464 −6.8 – 12.0 6.3 7.1 12.7

STR1 400 376 −6.0 – 8.5 4.2 4.9 16.7
Control 485 474 −2.2 9.9 11.4 15.2 5.9 6.7 13.6
Tomato 2007
STR1 345 337 −2.3 5.9 7.0 18.6 3.5 3.9 11.1
Control 486 487 0.2 10.9 11.4 4.2 6.4 6.7 4.7
STR2 290 287 −1.0 4.8 5.2 8.3 2.0 2.6 30.0
N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26 23

2007 2008
a) b)
Control Control
8 measured

t ha-1
6 simulated


c) d)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Fig. 6. Biomass measured and simulated by AquaCrop model during two cropping seasons of tomato (2007 and 2008) for three water treatments: control (a and b), STR1(c)
and STR2(d). DAT is the acronym of ‘Days After Transplanting’. The definition of the three treatments (control, STRI and STR2) is provided in the caption to Fig. 1.

difference between the simulated and measured values was above In general, the simulated values in tomato exhibited the same
54–59%. Moreover, the model predicted the absence of any yield behaviour previously described for corn, consisting in the overes-
production in the STR2 treatments, while approximately 5 t ha−1 timation of final biomass and fruit, and in the underestimation
of grain were actually measured. of the seasonal ET (Table 4). However, the differences in the
The differences in the seasonal ET between the simulation and biomass and seasonal ET observed in all treatments are consid-
measurements observed in all of the corn treatments highlight that ered acceptable (if D < 15%). In the specific case of the fruit yield,
AquaCrop systematically underestimates the seasonal ET. In addi- the differences are acceptable only on the control and STR1 treat-
tion, the D values increased as a function of the level of plant water ments. However, this difference doubles (D = 30%) in the STR2
stress. These differences, however, can be considered unacceptable treatment. The yield simulated in this treatment condition is unac-
(D > 15%) in the STR2 treatments. ceptable.

2006 2007 2008

a) b) c)
10 simulated
Control measured Control Control


Daily Actual Evapotranspiration

d) e) f)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Fig. 7. Actual daily evapotranspiration measured and simulated by AquaCrop model during three cropping seasons of tomato (2006, 2007 and 2008)) for three treatments:
control (a–c), STR1 (d and e) and STR2 (f). DAS is the acronym of ‘Days After Sowing’. The definition of the three treatments (control, STRI and STR2) is provided in the caption
to Fig. 1.
24 N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26

a) 600 4. Discussion

Tomato The analysis reported in the previous sections indicates that the
Corn performance of the AquaCrop depends on three factors: the species
Seasonal ETsimulated (mm)

500 (corn or tomato), the water stress level experienced by the plants
during the crop cycle (control, moderately, or severely stressed),
and the output variable (CC, biomass, ET, yield, or WUE).
TOMATO: The validation tests on the control treatments of tomato crop
400 y = 0.95x + 9.5 underline the model aptitude to simulate CC, biomass, ET and yield.
R² = 0.98 This observation is consistent with previous results obtained by
Rinaldi et al. (2011) and Palumbo et al. (2012) on the same species.
CORN: The validation test under water stress conditions reported here
300 y = 1.57x - 313 can be considered as original results, because at the moment they
R² = 0.99 cannot be compared to other observations taken from the litera-
ture. However, these results should be confirmed by further studies
carried out under water stress conditions which consider specific
observations on the canopy cover. After that an exhaustive analysis
200 300 400 500 600
can be drawn on the aptitude of AquaCrop to simulate tomato crop
Seasonal ET measured (mm)
productivity and water requirement under soil water stress condi-
b) 12 tion. Nevertheless, the results here obtained in corn and in tomato
crops under severe water stress (STR2), are coherent and allow con-
cluding that AquaCrop showed a poor aptitude in simulating the
Yield simulated (t ha-1)

9 final yield and daily actual ET.

TOMATO: The validation test, performed on corn crop, by Stricevic et al.
y = 1.01x + 0.54 (2011) in Serbia is based on observations from two water regimes
6 R² = 0.99 (rainfed and supplemental irrigation) repeated over six crop sea-
sons. In the rainfed treatments, the grain yield was reduced by 15%
on average with respect to the yield measured in the treatments
y = 2.60x - 12.5
3 R² = 0.95 that were watered with supplemental irrigation. In the study by
Garcia-Vila and Fereres (2012), the validation test on corn crop
was based on four observations carried out in Spain using dif-
ferent water treatments. The grain yield measured in these four
treatments varied between 12.6 and 16.8 t ha−1 . The range of yield
0 3 6 9 12
Yield measured (t ha-1) reduction in the two papers cited above was close to that mea-
c) sured in the STR1 treatments (Table 4). Stricevic et al. (2011) and
3 Garcia-Vila and Fereres (2012) could conclude that AquaCrop does
Corn adequately predict the yields in corn under irrigated and stressed
Tomato conditions. Our study does not disagree with their conclusions
WUE simulated (kg m-3)

because our results under control and moderately stressed treat-

2 ments (STR1) are consistent with those reported previously.
In the Heng et al. (2009) study on corn, which was also con-
TOMATO: ducted in Spain during the 1995 season, AquaCrop was tested
y = 0.90x + 0.29
CORN: under three situations: full irrigation (control, FI), and two partial
R² = 0.89
y = 5.45x - 7.4 irrigation treatments receiving 50% and 33% of FI. In both stressed
1 R² = 0.75 treatments, the grain yield was reduced by 31% and 91% with
respect to the control. In our study, the reduction in yield measured
in the STR2 condition ranked between the two values reported
in the Spanish experiment. Heng et al. (2009) concluded that the
0 model showed a good performance in predicting the yield under
0 1 2 3 the fully irrigated conditions. In contrast, AquaCrop failed in simu-
WUE measured (kg m-3) lating the yield in both stressed treatments. In particular, the yield
simulated by the model was equal to that of the control treatment
Fig. 8. Comparison between measured and simulated values from all water treat-
ments of corn and of tomato for: (a) seasonal evapotranspiration, (b) yield, and (c)
in the case of the 50% FI treatment, and the simulated yield was
water use efficiency (WUE). reduced only by 16%, with respect to the control yield, in the case
of the treatment with 33% FI.
After 2 years of observations, the conclusions drown from this
study are also consistent with those of Heng et al. (2009), in that
Fig. 8 presents, for all treatments of corn and tomato crops, a AquaCrop was considered unable to predict the yield of corn under
comparison between the simulated and measured values of sea- severe stress conditions. However, the origin of this lack of fitness
sonal ET (Fig. 8(a)), yield (Fig. 8(b)), and WUE (Fig. 8(c)). For all differed in the two studies. In the study by Heng et al. (2009), it
treatments in tomato, and for two of the treatments in corn (control, is attributed to a less adequate simulation of severe water stress
and STR1), AquaCrop underestimated the seasonal ET, but over- treatments, especially if stress occurs during the senescence stage.
estimated the yield and WUE. In the particular case of STR2 in In our study, the lack of fitness of the model in simulating the corn
corn, the model underestimated three parameters: ET, yield and behaviour under soil water shortage derives from the simulated
WUE. variations of CC during the growing season.
N. Katerji et al. / Agricultural Water Management 130 (2013) 14–26 25

The inhibition of the canopy expansion, calculated by the model studies under water stress conditions. On the seasonal scale, the ET
under the first drought cycle on the STR2 treatments, appears to validation does not allow for demonstrating this aptitude of the
be highly overestimated. In fact, it is possible to observe that, at model. For example, the seasonal ET values simulated in this study
the end of drought cycle, CC suddenly disappears and it stands for were close to those measured in tomato crops under all water treat-
the condition of LAI dropping to zero. However, the measured CC ments. This low deviation could result from the model aptitude in
values indicate a decrease by 10% during the same period (Fig. 3(a) simulating daily ET close to those measured during the whole crop
and (b)). The absence of LAI acts firstly on simulated transpiration season, as was observed in the case of the control treatment of
and it explains the difference between the model output and the tomato in 2006. In addition, this low deviation could indicate that
measured ET. In the second half of the corn cycle, in comparison the periods when the simulated daily ET is overestimated are bal-
with the measurements, AquaCrop simulates low values of daily ET. anced by periods when the simulated daily ET is underestimated,
This is due to the fact that simulated ET corresponds uniquely to the as was observed in the stressed treatments of tomato crops.
soil evaporation, while measured values of ET take into account also The model aptitude to simulate the daily ET appears to be
the transpiration losses (Fig. 5(e) and (f)). In turn, the absence of leaf acceptable only in the case of the three control treatments in the
surface, as described by Raes et al. (2009), provokes a stop in the tomato crops. Nevertheless, two out of three treatments generated
biomass accumulation (Fig. 4(e) and (f)), and, finally the inhibition RRMSE values equal to 29%, close to the threshold value of 30%,
of the process of yield formation (Table 4), and, as a consequence, which indicates poor quality of the simulation. Moreover, in control
the inappropriate estimation of WUE (Fig. 8). treatments of corn and all stressed treatment of corn and tomato,
In the STR2 treatments the canopy expansion does not react to this aptitude was poor. The AquaCrop model does not appear to be
the plant rehydration, after the irrigation supply (Fig. 1). In the case an innovative tool for managing irrigation water, as was previously
of the STR1 treatments, at the end of a soil drought cycle, AquaCrop ascertained in cotton (Farahani et al., 2009).
simulates to a certain extent the CC raise (Fig. 3(a) and (b)). It should be noted here that the AquaCrop model adopts the
These remarks are in agreement with those previously reported Allen et al. (1998) approach to calculating ET, which is based on the
by Heng et al. (2009), since they underline the need of revising, two-step approach: reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop
under severe water treatments, the equations used in AquaCrop coefficient (Kc ). This double approach has generated much criti-
for calculating the water stress. In particular, according the obser- cism when it was applied, mainly in the Mediterranean region (Testi
vations here reported, it is required to revise the estimate of the et al., 2004; Katerji and Rana, 2006; Orgaz et al., 2007; Lovelli et al.,
canopy expansion coefficient. 2007; Irmak and Mutiibwa, 2009). Alternative solutions, based on
In addition, such revision is supported by further considerations. one steep approach, have been proposed to improve the ET calcu-
The same experimental data-set on corn was used in previous stud- lation (Rana et al., 2012). To improve the simulation of the grain
ies to validate the simulation provided by the CERES-Maize (Ben yield in corn, Heng et al. (2009) attempted to increase by 15% the
Nouna et al., 2000) and the STICS (Katerji et al., 2010) models. In ETo calculated according to Allen et al. (1998) but it was unsuccess-
the case of the STR2 treatments, the normalised differences (D) ful. This result suggests avoiding alternative solutions in search of
between simulated and measured values of final yield ranged from a better determination of the daily ET.
15% (in the case of STICS) to 22% (in the case of CERES-Maize).
Moreover, Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) proposed a linear 5. Conclusions
model relating the seasonal evapotranspiration deficit and the yield
deficit for corn. The slope of this linear relation is equal to 1.25. If Based on this study, a series of conclusions are derived which
this simple linear model is used for both STR2 treatments, after could be taken into account for advancing the AquaCrop model.
inputting the simulated values of the evapotranspiration deficit, Because the model performance has been demonstrated to vary
the resulting yield deficits of STR2 are equal to 44% and 37% of the according the level of plant water stress, the model validation tests
control treatments in 1996 and in 1997, respectively. in future should be carried out under very contrasting plant water
The simulations of yield, obtained on STR2 treatments by CERES- stress. The level of water stress, measured at the plant scale, should
Maize, STICS and Doorenbos and Kassam models, are more reliable be clearly identified in any further validation test of the model.
than the absence of a yield on this treatment, as simulated by Additional validation tests under severe water deficit conditions
AquaCrop (Table 4). are required for some species. These tests will allow the proper
Several authors have adopted the AquaCrop as a suitable adjustment of the water stress coefficients which are now available
research tool for studying the optimisation of irrigation water sup- for the model users.
ply and for recommending the appropriate water management To improve the ET simulated by AquaCrop, simple corrections of
decisions (Andarzian et al., 2011; Rinaldi et al., 2011; Garcia- the ETo or Kc values are not appropriate. For calculating ET, alterna-
Vila and Fereres, 2012). In the study from Garcia-Vila and Fereres tive method, based on the one step approach, should be considered.
(2012), performed using four species, including corn, the authors These concluding remarks, if correctly considered, can ame-
consider a wide range of irrigation water allocations to the crops liorate and make more reliable the AquaCrop simulations and
and derive economic analyses, which were obtained by introducing any further analyses concerning the optimisation of the irrigation
an economic sub-routine into AquaCrop. strategies and the economic returns derived from the water supply.
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performed exclusively on the basis of the yield measured in irri-
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