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The head of the Pagud family named Vicente Pagud, a 69-year-old who is residing in Barangay
Iboy, San Ildefonso, Ilocos Sur. He was born on July 19, 1953 and was baptized as Roman Catholic. He
graduated elementary and farming is his main source of income to support his family’s daily needs. He
married Mirecia Pagud, a 69-year-old who passed away 6 months ago (May 14, 2022) due to
lipocarsinoma. She left her husband with his only son, Mark Anthony Pagud, 40 years old and a college
graduate and degree holder who is now a member of the barangay council.
A. Family Structures, Characteristics and Dynamics
The Pagud family is a typical nuclear type of a family which consists of three members; Vicente
Pagud is the head of the family, Mirecia Pagud is the wife who passed away 6 months ago (May 14,
2022) due to lipocarsinoma, and they have one child which is Mark Anthony Pagud. Each member of the
family has a distinct function to play in the family, which is well-respected. Furthermore, the family
communicates openly. They have a strong bond as father-son relationship. Farming is one of their forms
of bonding connects them as one. Even though farming takes a lot of their time, they find ways to talk and
eat their meal together.
B. Socio-Economic and Cultural Characteristics
The father and son help each other in providing their daily needs. Both father and son work to
support financial stability for the household, providing sufficient income for basic family necessities such
as housing, food, and healthcare. The father tenanted the land he was farming, and the son is working as a
Barangay Kagawad, which gives him an advantage in becoming well-versed in essential health and
community issues and responsibilities for his family member. There are no significant differences
between the two. Decisions are made by both, especially when it comes to money. However, since the
father is always on the farm, the son has the upper hand in decision-making. They have a quite discussion
regarding the family budget. With regards to their family income, they have a total monthly income of
10,000 pesos which is allotted on their family needs; food supply, electricity and water, transportation,
and health supplies.

C. Home and Environment

The family owned the area where there is located. Their house is constructed of durable material,
including galvanized sheets roofing, wood and cement walls, and floor. The adequacy of the living space
of the house consists of 3 bedrooms with 1 occupant per room. Moreover, they are using broken chairs
that everyone must be aware of the potential harm if not handled properly. They have trash cans for their
rubbish, but they do not have a cover, and they just burn it after. The family knows well the implication of
cleanliness in their house. However, their nearest neighbor seems to not know the consequences of proper
garbage disposal as it affects the Pagud family. There is a lack of preventive measures in parasite-infested
areas; open receptacles, free flowing sink and water sealed toilet. They are covering their leftovers in a
covered plate, and a functioning refrigerator that makes the food remain warm and refrigerated for long
period. They acquire their water from a water-refilling station and store it in a water jug which they drink
it without boiling or filtering. Their sink often operates as an open conduit to wastewater. The type of
toilet they use is watered sealed which takes less water than a typical flush toilet.
D. Health Status of Each of The Family Member
According to Mr. Antony Pagud, his father had the flu with a fever, headache that which stops
after a few days. But the sore throat, cough, and stuffy nose lasted for a week. This is due to the heat and
rain on the first week of September, and it was then transmitted to him. Mirecia Pagud, the mother of the
family was diagnosed with lipocarcinoma and unfortunately passed away 2 years ago. They also stated
that they are not picky eaters, except they limit their food intake with high fat and high salt foods because
they are health conscious that may trigger their high blood. The Pagud family does not smoke nor drink
alcohol. In the family, the calculated BMI for the both of them is within the normal ranges. Mr. Anthony
Pagud have a BMI of 19.7 while his father has a BMI of 21.9 but have an elevated blood lipids as
evidence by their measured blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg.
E. Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion, Maintenance and Disease Prevention
Mr. Anthony Pagud mentioned that they ensure that they are fully vaccinated of Covid-19. As a
Barangay Kagawad, the son is well-versed in essential health and community issues and responsibilities
such as giving medical assistance and services as a volunteer to health programs in their barangay. As a
response, if a family member becomes ill, the son knows what to do to care for his father. However, the
father and son are able to provide and consume nutritious nourishment freshly harvested from their own
backyard. They are both health conscious, they are making sure that their family is away from sickness
especially now that there is pandemic. During our stay in their house, we observed that they have
adequate sanitation in their surroundings and the water that they are using. We also observed that there
was no scattered garbage nearby. The air feels refreshing because their house was surrounded with plants.
We also check if they have the basic medicines and accept medical treatment when they become unwell.
The family gets enough sleep and rest as they share what time they are sleeping and the time they wake
up in the morning to go to their farm. But, one of the major problems of the family is the noise pollution
coming from the vehicles that are passing by since their house is located near the roadway. Also, their
neighbors were disturbing them from getting their deserved rest because of their loud voices. They eat
three times a day as they mentioned that they make sure that their stomach is full before starting their day
also making sure that they eat together. The family knows whom to contact or whom to approach for
assistance with community services, particularly health.

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