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Dall, Dorsey, Gatschet, Hewitt, Mooney, Pilling, J. R.

and he was destined to take no share in the crusade he had

not less obvious that the costliness of news service renders

suffered with others grievous imprisonment and scourging.

ends of the coil to dip into two mercury cups. If a current

about the banishment of Herod Antipas, to whose tetrarchy he

made of all Federal war expenses up to that date, including

Kinross-shire. He was gazetted an ensign at the age of

three important memoirs to the Philisophical Transactions of

Arctic shores; Dene (Tinneh), in north-western Canada;

Swedes 87 2 7 1/2 71 6

of grand master of navigation established in lieu. This new

lack contemporary historians, some of them eye-witnesses and even

Though the Hova belong to a race naturally addicted to

treated as a part of elementary algebra; but it is more

zeal led to the lodging of complaints against him at Rome;

former and more than half that of the latter being claimed by

balloon from the Crystal Palace, the thermometer registering

command of the German army of occupation, a position which

conceived, and the allotment law that came into force in October

the manner of the imaginative masters of the past. There

a court of appeal and a court of assizes, and headquarters

Permanent appointments are not revokable except by sentence of

in any way in connection with this electronic text.

several oospheres arise in each oogonium; and while the oospheres

Reiser (1628-1686) denounced the opera as antichristian.

beyond. In the one case we have no direct knowledge (though

that a very large proportion of the wine sold under the name

31 deg. 18' N., 49 deg. E. It has been identified with the Aginis of
the occasion for interminable discussions, but as the subject

and placing the casks underneath, communication being made by

the museum of his native town of Montpellier. Two excellent

in ``soda-fountains'' the waters are sent out in large cylinders.

Special provision for vegetative multiplication is not common

England. From these two centres, and from later settlements,

granted to the bishops. The archbishopric dates from 1678.

He was the first to arrange a complete liturgy for the

birth and death are not known. The name seems to show that

a municipal district of the same name. Pop. (1899) of the

to produce such effects but for the exceptional inventive

punished petty offences and left great ones untouched; that

have been distinctions as nice, and the line of admiralty

the first perpetual secretary of the new, had been a

world. According to Jastrow, this attempted ascension was an

forming the ritual choir, occupy the four eastern bays of the

alcohols in the seeds of Heracleum giganteum, and in the

faith. Theodosius, the emperor of the East, also professed

and is destitute of timber, the eastern double ranges barely

space to the essays. They relied, with a confidence which

than the outer (``barrel-shaped distortion''), or conversely

his blood sprang a red flower, as at the death of Hyacinthus,

used. Miss Durham interprets her results as indicating that the

which is a combination of the two with which we have dealt

companions. So I took thought, and invented what I conceived

depth to admit the passage of vessels, so as to obviate the

is of the more importance, and, in general, compensation is

at the adoption of the alias, with a fraudulent intention.

his successors had become kings of Anshan, i.e. a part of

has, however, recently canvassed the conclusions of both

plaster in 1738, and carved in marble in 1763 as his ``reception

Thomas Aquinas, but a comparison of dates makes it clear

and the suppression of theatrical performances within the

they were originally both administered and regarded as

Mirdites and the devastation of their territory. In 1880

Amazon at a point about 60 m. west of the mouth of the

iron. The needle is balanced so that gravity compels it to

had sought to include a part at least of Florida in that

A.H. 1304; legal bibliography under MAHOMMEDAN LAW) (D. B. MA.)

with most minute and ample instructions to investigate the

treasure. Hyrieus thereupon set a trap in which Agamedes

Byways (1861), and A Summer Tour in the Grisons (1862); H.

himself up, or is put up, for the sake of promoting debate,

or set at an angle (a proceeding which is paralleled by the

lower animals have been occasionally detected. The movement

Monasticism in the West owes its extension and development

of America (1492) was followed by a great development of

of the 2nd. But its value lies mainly in the light cast on

photographischen Objectivs, the abscissae are focal lengths, and the

(Paris, 1897); A. J. de Araujo, Colonies portuguaises d'Afrique

in the 4th century we find reference to stone altars in the

The plant genus Amarantus (natural order Amarantaceae)

But the greatest development of the railway systems was in

leaving his wife, his other daughters and his Empire to the

museum, the most notable being a great basalt bull, probably

it is equally certain that we not infrequently speak of the

stocks of said corporation." Many have since attributed this

Total British Africa . . . . . . . 2,101,411

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