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Idiosyncrasy a personal peculiarity; something unique

to an individual

2. Ignominious shameful

3. Illuminate to light up or make clear

3. Impartial unbiased; neutral

4. Impecunious penniless

5. Impeding hindering

6. Impoverished destitute; poor

7. Impromptu unrehearsed; spontaneous

8. Inadvertent not intentional

9. Incarceration putting in prison

10. Incise cut into [incision (n); incisive (adj)]

11. Incongruous not fitting in; out of place

12. Incumbents occupiers of a job or position

13. Indigence extreme poverty or destitution

14. Indigenous native to a particular area

15. Indulgent pampering; satisfying desires; Tolerant or


16. Infamous famous for something bad

17. insurgent a rebel

18. Intermittent sporadic; irregular

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