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Effective Date:

Honeywell (Date auditable) Document

Chris Nolan
FMS Management System Owner:
July 1, 2019
Level 1 -- FMS Management Plans Rev #: 3 Approved
Rev Date: Gregory Bopp
Document #: A-FMS-1-108 May 11, 2021
Contains Requirement(s) for following organizational levels:
☒ Facility ☐ Field Work ☒ SBG ☐ Corporate

1. FMS Requirements
Ref # Applicability Requirement
1 FMS Management Plan
1.1 ☐ Corp An FMS Management Plan is developed and documented for the location or organization which
☒ Facilities identifies the plan to accomplish and sustain FMS objectives.
☐ FW Objective Documented Facilities Management Plan
1.2 ☐ Corp The FMS Management Plan includes for each FMS objective: the steps to accomplish, resources
☒ Facilities required, persons responsible and the method to be used for monitoring and measuring progress.
☐ FW Objective Location of Facilities Management Plan and MOS.
1.3 ☐ Corp The FMS Management Plan is reviewed and approved by site leadership at least annually and
☒ Facilities updated as changes occur that impact the FMS Objectives.
☐ FW Objective Location or organization Management Review, Change Management; FMS
Evidence: Management of Change reviews and FMS Management plan revision history

2. Revision History
Revision Section Revised by Revision Description of Change
Number Number Date
1 All J. Pallanich 2/22/2019 Incorporation of FMS to align with Common Management System
2 All R Williams 07/24/20 Change to document owner
3 All C Nolan 05/11/2021 Change to document owner

3. References
3.1 FMS 107 FMS Objectives

FMS 108 Management Plans

February 22, 2019
© Honeywell Proprietary and Confidential
CAUTION: Copy printed on Dec. 27, 2022.
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