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Applications of Chemistry

Submitted to: Ma’am Sobia

Submitted by: Maryam Khalil


BS-III Chemistry

Assignment # 02

Department of Chemistry

I.M.C.G (P.G), F-7/2, Islamabad

Applications of Chemistry

Importance and Scope of Chemistry:

Chemicals used in industry have a direct impact on our daily life, including what we eat, wear,
travel, technology, how we treat illnesses, how we receive electricity, and many more.

Many future concerns, such as sustainable energy and food production, environmental
management, supplying safe drinking water, and improving human and environmental
health, will be solved with chemistry. There are several times in our daily life where
chemistry, its applications, and its principles are involved. Let’s take a look at each one

Since ancient civilizations, chemistry has been related to metals, mining, the production of
colors, medicine, and some technical industries like tanning, dyeing clothes and the production
of glass, the ancient Egyptians used some chemicals in mummifying their dead.
The pharmacological industry is one of the most important applications of chemistry, All food
consist of chemicals even if they are organically grown, Fuel and all parts of the car are made up
of chemicals. The dyeing of fabrics is a chemical process, Chemical reactions can be used to
produce the electricity, the water treatment and purification is an important chemical method.

Use of Organic Compounds in Industries:

Before the vast development of science that enables artificial invention, organic chemistry was
all that humans have to sustain and improve their life. Despite many inorganic and synthetic
substances, organic chemistry still plays huge role industry.
Not to mention many of the newly developed chemicals are derivation of organic compound.
Organic compound itself is one that comes from nature source or occur naturally. The variations
of organic chemistry range widely. Surely there are many importance of organic compounds in
industry. Uses of Organic compounds in medical, pharmaceutical, cosmic, paints, pigments and
polymer are as follows:

Dyes and pigments

A dye is a colored compounds, normally used in solution, which is capable of being fixed to a
fabrics. The dye must be ‘fast’ or chemically stable so that the color will not wash with soap and
water, or fade on exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet light). A dyes owes its color to the presence of
a chromophores and its fixing property to the acidic or basic auxochromic groups such as OH,
SO3H, NH2, NR2, etc.

Coloring materials have been used for many thousands of years by man. Leather, cloth, food,
pottery and housing have all been modified in this way. Some of our most common dyes are still
derived from natural sources. These are termed natural dyes. The Color Index uses this as a
classification and naming system.

Each dye is named according to the pattern:

Natural + base color + number

Natural dyes are often negatively charged. Positively charged natural dyes do exist, but are not
common. In other words, the colored part of the molecule is usually the anion. Although the
molecular charge is often shown on a specific atom in structural formulae, it is the whole
molecule that is charged. Many, but by no means all, natural dyes require the use of a mordant.

Synthetic dye:
Dyes derived from organic or inorganic compound are known as synthetic dyes. Examples of
this class of dyes are Direct, Acid, Basic, Reactive dye, Mordant, Metal complex, Vat, Sulfur,
Disperse dye etc. Synthetic dyes quickly replaced the traditional natural dyes.

They cost less, they offered a vast range of new colors, and they imparted better properties to the
dyed materials dyes are now classified according to how they are used in the dyeing process.

Many types of dyes:

Acid dye:
Acid dyes are water-soluble anionic dyes, containing one or more sulfonic acid substituents or
other acidic groups. An example of the class is Acid Yellow 36.

Acid dyes are water-soluble anionic dyes that are applied to fibers such as silk, wool, nylon and
modified acrylic fibers using neutral to acid dye baths. Acid dyes are not substantive to cellulosic
fibers. Most synthetic food colors fall in this category. The dyeing process is reversible and may
be described as follows:

Basic or Cationic Dye:

This group was the first of the synthetic dyes to be taken out of coal-tar derivatives. As textile
dyes, they have been largely replaced by later developments. They are still used in discharge
printing, and for preparing leather, paper, wood, and straw. More recently they have been
successfully used with some readymade fibers, especially the acrylics. Basic dyes were originally
used to color wool, silk, linen, hemp, etc., without the use of a mordant, or using agent. With a
mordant like tannic acid they were used on cotton and rayon. Basic dyes give brilliant colors
with exceptional fastness to acrylic fibers. They can be used on basic dye-able variants of nylon
and polyester.

Basic Brown 1 is an example of a cationic dye that is readily protonated under the pH 2 to 5
conditions of dyeing.

These are the dyes which can be applied directly to the fabrics from an aqueous solution. These
are most useful for fabrics which can form hydrogen bonds with the Dyeing of Fabrics. The
direct dyes mainly the basic dyes and were widely hailed because they made it unnecessary to
use a mordant or binder in dyeing cotton. The colors are not as brilliant as those in the basic dyes
but they have better fastness to light and washing, and such fastness can be measurably improved
by after treatments (diazotized and developed.) Direct dyes can be used on cotton, linen, rayon,
wool, silk and nylon. These dyes usually have azo linkage –N=N- and high molecular weight.
They are water soluble because of sulfonic acid groups.

Direct orange 26 is a typical direct dye.

Azo dyes contain at least one azo group (-N=N-) attached to one or often two aromatic rings.
These dyes are used primarily for bright red shades in dyeing and printing since most other
classes of fast dyes are lacking in good red dyes. Azoic dyes, called Naphtha’s in the industry,
are actually manufactured in the fabric by applying one half of the dye. The other half is then put
on and they combine to form the finished color. Unless they are carefully applied and well
washed, they have poor fastness to rubbing or crocking.

The production of bluish red azoic dye from the following two components is an example.

Nitro dyes are pollinator derivatives of phenols containing at least one nitro group ortho or para
to the hydroxyl group. It is used to dye wool. It Consist of two or more aromatic rings (benzene,


Disperse dyes were originally developed for dyeing secondary cellulose acetate fibers. These
dyes are relatively insoluble in water and are prepared for dyeing by being ground into relatively
fine powder in the presence of dispersing agents. In the dye bath, a suspension of the dye particle
dispersion produces a very dilute solution of the dyes, which are then absorbed by the fibers.
This dye class is used to dye polyester, nylon, acetate and triacetate fibers.

Disperse yellow 3, Disperse Red 4, and Disperse Blue 27 are good examples of disperse dye.

The vat dyes are insoluble complex polycyclic molecules based on the Quinone structure
(ketoforms). The term vat comes from the old indigo method dyeing in a vat: indigo had to be
reduced to light form. Vat dyes are made from indigo, anthraquinone and carbazole. They are
successfully used on cotton, linen, rayon, wool, silk, and sometimes nylon. Vat dyes are also
used in the continuous piece of dyeing process sometimes called the pigment application process.
The dyeings produced in this way have high wash and light fastness.

An example of a vat dye is Vat Blue 4 (Indanthrene).

These Dyeing of Fabrics do not dye the fabric directly but require a binding agent known as
mordant. The mordant acts as a binding agent between the fiber and the dye. Some dyes combine
with metal salts (mordanting) to form insoluble colored complexes (lakes). These materials are
usually used for the dyeing of cotton, wool or other protein fiber. The metallic precipitate is
formed in the fiber producing very fast colors highly resistant to both light and washing.

These dyes react with the cellulosic fiber to form a covalent bond. This produces dyed fiber with
extremely high wash fastness properties. These are the dyeing of fabrics which contain a
reactive group which combines directly with the hydroxyl or the amino group of the fiber.
Because of the chemical reaction the color is fast and has a very long life. Cotton, wool or silk
can be dyed with this type of dyeing of Fabrics. There are various types of reactive dyes used in
dyeing industry.

Example: This type is the Reactive Blue 5 dye shown below,

These dyes are water-insoluble but soluble in alcohols, chlorinated hydrocarbons, or liquid
ammonia. These colors are applied by dissolving in the target, which is invariably a lipid or non-
polar solvent. The Color Index uses this as a classification and naming system. Each dye is
named according to the pattern: – solvent + base color + number they are used for coloring
synthetics, plastics, gasoline, oils and waxes.

The Sulphur dyes provide very deep shades, which have excellent resistance to washing but poor
resistance to sunlight. They will dye cotton, linen, and rayon, but not brightly. A problem with
Sulphur dyes especially the black colors is that they make the fabric tender, or weaken its
structure, so that it breaks easily. Sulfur dyes are applied to cotton from an alkaline reducing bath
with sodium sulfide as the reducing agent. They are low cost and have good fastness to light,
washings and acids.

Organic Compounds in Medical and Pharmaceutical

Chemical contamination is a reality in the hospital environment but unfortunately is

rarely studied. However, if we consider that healthcare workers use a high diversity of products
such as disinfectants, sterilizers, anesthetic gases, and much other is easy to recognize that
workers and patients can be exposed to a complex mixture of chemicals. The aim of this study
was to determine, through a review, the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
mixtures in hospital environment. Results showed that a complex mixture of VOCs is normally
present and this aspect should be reflected in the risk assessment process. Future research work
must be developed related with the possible health effects caused by exposure to complex
mixtures of chemicals. Medicines are chemical compounds with healing properties that can
be extract from natural sources or prepared in laboratories. Chemistry is important in both
medicine and pharmacy because it helps to understand the nature of hormone and enzyme
functions as well as the role of medicine in the human body.

Let’s have a look at some of the most important medications in chemistry-

1. Analgesics are pain relievers that are used to treat a variety of ailments.
2. Tranquilizers are medications that are used to treat mental illnesses. Take, for instance,
3. Antiseptics are used to destroy or prevent the growth of microorganisms on the skin,
wounds, and cuts.
4. Disinfectants are chemicals that kill microorganisms but are not suitable for human
5. Antibiotics are chemical molecules produced by some microorganisms that can be employed
to kill infection-causing microorganisms.
6. Antacids are substances used to eliminate excess acid from the stomach and increase the pH
to a healthy level.
The pharmaceutical industry develops, produces, and markets drugs used as medications for humans
or animals.
Some pharmaceutical companies deal in brand-name (i.e., has a trade name and can be produced and
sold only by the company holding the patent) and/or generic (i.e., chemically equivalent, lower-cost
version of a brand-name drug) medications and medical devices (agents that act on diseases without
chemical interaction with the body).
Pharmaceuticals (brand name and generic) and medical devices are subject to many country-
specific laws and regulations regarding patenting, testing, safety assurance, efficacy, monitoring,
and marketing.

Some uses of organic compounds are given in the table.

Organic Uses of Organic Compounds


Ethylene It is used in anesthesia.

Acetylene In producing light, oxy-ethylene flame, in the form of Marcelin anesthesia, in

making neoprene (artificial rubber) etc.

Polystyrene Is used for the production of caps of bottles of acid, in making the body of the
accumulator cells etc.
Ethyl bromine It is for making local anesthesia.

Chloroform In surgical operation as anesthesia, in form of a solvent of rubber, fat, lac etc.,
as insecticide etc.

Methyl alcohol In making methylated spirit, artificial color, varnish and polish, mixing with
petrol and utilized as a fuel of engines etc.

Firmament In making medicine of throats in making chewing tablets.

Ethyl alcohol It is used for making wine and other alcoholic drinking stuff, tincture, varnish
and polish, in the form of solvents, in methylated spirit, in artificial colors in
perfumes and scent of fruits, in transparent soaps, in spirit lamps and stoves, in
the form of fuel of motor vehicle in cleaning the wound, in the form of
insecticide etc.

Acetaldehyde In making color medicines, in manufacturing meta acetaldehyde medicine used

in sleeping, in the production of plastics.

Acetone In making varnish, cordite, clod Ian cellulose, artificial silk, synthetic rubber,
sulphone, chloretone, chloroform, iodoform etc. as medicines etc.

Acetic acid As laboratory’s reagent, in the form of vinegar, in making sauces and jelly etc.

Acetyl chloride In making acetamide, acetic anhydride etc.

Acetic anhydride In the color industry, in the manufacturing of medicine like aspirin, in making
artificial or synthetic silk from cellulose etc.

Ethyl acetate In making medicines, artificial perfumes etc.

Glucose In making, medicines like gluconate etc.

Benzene In the form of solvent, in dry cleaning, by mixing it with petrol and used as fuel
of engines etc.

Toluene In the dry cleaning, in the form of solvent, in the production of medicines, in
making of explosives etc.

Chloro benzene In the manufacturing of aniline, phenol etc.

Aniline In the trade of colors, in manufacturing of drugs etc.

Phenol In the production of carbolic soap, in the form of insecticide, in Bakelite, in

predestine, aspirin, celolal etc.

Benzoic acid In the making drugs, preservation of fruits juices etc.

Benzene Sulphonic In the production of saccharin, in the production of solute color, in making
acid sulpha drugs etc.

Ether As anesthesia, solvent, coolant, in the production of alcohol etc...

Carbon- In the form of a fire extinguisher.


Urotropin In the treatment of urological diseases.

Gammexene In the form of germicide/ insecticide

Uses of Organic compounds as Polymer

1- C-1 Chemistry (Syn Gas) : Many important organic chemicals can be produced from the
CO and H2 mixture known as syn gas. They range from simple molecules, such as
methanol, to high-grade synthetic crude oil.
The basic reaction for conversion of syn gas to mixtures of hydrocarbons is called the Fischer–
Tropsch reaction, used in Germany during World War II to produce fuel mixtures for diesel and
gasoline engines. Since the 1950s South Africa has also used this reaction, and currently there is
much interest in using it to convert natural gas (methane) to more easily transported liquids.

Ammonia (NH3), although it is not an organic compound, is often considered as part of C-1
chemistry, since it is produced via a reaction that uses hydrogen gas obtained from methane. It is
made by the Haber process

Ammonia and its derivatives, HNO3, NH4NO3, and CO(NH2)2, are key fertilizers and ingredients
for explosives, and their production consumes nearly 5 percent of the world.

2- C-2 Chemistry (Ethylene or Ethene). With annual worldwide capacity running over 100
million tons, ethylene is the world's largest volume organic compound. Most of it (almost
60%) is used to make polyethylene, the world's highest poundage plastic.

Polyethylene comes in two basic types: high density and low density. The original polymer was a
highly flexible branched product, first prepared in 1932 by a process that required high
temperatures and ultrahigh pressures. It is now known as low-density polyethylene (LDPE), to
differentiate it from a linear polymer discovered later and known as high-density polyethylene
(HDPE). For many applications the original branched LDPE has now been replaced by linear
low-density polyethylene (LLDPE). HDPE is more rigid and less translucent than LDPE or
LLDPE, and it has a higher softening point and tensile strength. HDPE is used to make bottles,
toys, kitchenware, and so on, whereas LDPE and LLDPE are mainly used for film used in
packaging (e.g., plastic bags).

Vinyl chloride (CH2=CHCl) is the second-largest-volume chemical made from ethylene. It is

made by adding chlorine to ethylene and then thermally cracking out HCl from the intermediate,
ethylene dichloride. The vinyl chloride is polymerized to polyvinyl chloride (PVC), also called
vinyl, which is used to make pipe, floor covering, wire coating, house siding, imitation leather,
and many other products.

Styrene (phenylethylene or vinyl benzene, C6H5−CH=CH2) is made from ethylene by reaction

with benzene to form ethylbenzene, followed by dehydrogenation. Over 50 percent of
manufactured styrene is polymerized to polystyrene for toys, cups, containers, and foamed
materials used for insulation and packing. The rest is used to make styrene copolymers, such as
styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR).

Ethylene oxide is made by air oxidation of ethylene. Most ethylene oxide (about 60%) is
converted to ethylene glycol via acid catalyzed hydrolysis.

Ethylene glycol (HOCH2CH2OH) is a toxic dialcohol. Approximately half of what is produced is

used as automobile coolant (antifreeze); most of the rest is used to make polyesters for products
such as fabrics, rigid films, and bottles.

3- C-3 Chemistry (Propylene or Propene). Polypropylene manufacture is by far the largest

use of propylene. In the late 1950s Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta developed some special
coordination catalysts (aluminum alkyls and titanium salts) that yield very strong addition
polymers from propylene. Almost 25 percent of polypropylene is used to make injection-
molded articles, such as automotive battery cases, steering wheels, outdoor chairs, toys, and
luggage. Another 25 percent is used to make fibers for upholstery, carpets, and special
sports clothing. Oligomers (dimers, trimers, and tetramers) of propylene, which are made
by acid-catalyzed polymerization, form mixtures known as polygas, used as high-octane
motor fuel.

Acrylonitrile (CH2=CH−CN) was made from acetylene and HCN until the 1960s. Today it is
made by direct ammoxidation of propylene. Its major use is in making polyacrylonitrile, which is
mainly converted to fibers (Orlon). It is also copolymerized with butadiene and styrene to
produce high impact plastics.

Propylene oxide is made via several methods. The classical one involves treating propylene with
chlorine water to produce propylene chlorohydrin, and then using base to split out HCl. The
primary use for propylene oxide is its oligomerization (to polypropylene glycols). These
products combine with diisocyanates to produce high molecular weight polyurethane foams,
which make very good padding for furniture and vehicle seats.

Manufacture of propylene glycol (CH3-CHOH-CH2OH) consumes about 30 percent of the

propylene oxide produced. Like ethylene oxide, propylene oxide undergoes hydrolysis to yield
the corresponding glycol. Propylene glycol is mainly used to make polyester resins, but it is also
used in foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

Cumene (isopropylbenzene) is made by Friedel–Crafts alkylation of benzene with propylene.

Although cumene is a high-octane automotive fuel, almost all of the cumene produced is used to
make phenol (C6H5OH) and acetone [(CH3)2CO]. Cumene is easily oxidized to the corresponding
hydroperoxide, which is readily cleaved in dilute acid, to yield phenol and acetone.

Phenol and acetone each have a number of important commercial uses, but they also have an
important use together. Phenol and acetone can be condensed to form bisphenol A, which is used
in the production of poly-carbonate and epoxy resins.

4- C-4 Chemistry (Butanes, Butylenes, Butadiene). Maleic anhydride is the main chemical

made from n -butane. A complex catalyst is used for the oxidation reaction. The major uses
for maleic anhydride are the making of unsaturated polyester resins (by reaction with
glycol and phthalic anhydride) and tetrahydrofuran (by hydrogenation).

Methyl-tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) is one of the leading chemicals currently being made from
isobutylene (methyl propene) via the acid-catalyzed addition of methyl alcohol. MTBE has been
added to gasoline as a required "oxygenate." However, it is under attack as a groundwater
contaminant and is being phased out.

Polyisobutylenes are easily made via the acid-catalyzed polymerization of isobutylene. The
low molecular weight polymers are used as additives for gasoline and lubricating oils, whereas
higher molecular weight polymers are used as adhesives, sealants, caulks, and protective

Butyl rubber is made by polymerizing isobutylene with a small quantity of isoprene. Its main
uses are in the making of truck tire inner tubes, inner coatings for tubeless tires, and automobile
motor mounts.

Hexamethylenediamine [HMDA, H2H-(CH2)6-NH2] is the principal industrial chemical made

from butadiene. HMDA is polymerized with adipic acid to make a kind of nylon.
Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) accounts for about 40 percent of the total consumption of
butadiene. SBR is the material used to make most automobile tires. Other synthetic rubbers, such
as polybutadiene and polychloroprene (neoprene), make up another 25 percent of the butadiene

ABS resin (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) is a widely used terpolymer that accounts for about 8
percent of the butadiene market.

5- BTX Chemistry (Benzene, Toluene, Xylene). Styrene, discussed under C-2 chemistry, is

one of the main industrial chemicals made from benzene. Most benzene is alkylated with
ethylene to form ethylbenzene, which is dehydrogenated to styrene (see Equation 10).

Cumene, discussed under C-3 chemistry, is the second-largest-volume chemical product made
from benzene. About 25 percent of manufactured benzene is alkylated with propylene to form
cumene. Although its high octane number makes it desirable in gasoline, most cumene is
oxidized to the hydroperoxide, which is readily cleaved to phenol and acetone

Cyclohexane (C6H12) is made by hydrogenation of benzene (over Ni or Pt). Most of it is

converted to adipic acid by oxidation, via the intermediaries cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone.

Adipic acid [HO2C(CH2)4CO2H], the main product of cyclohexane, is reacted with

hexamethylene diamine to produce nylon-6,6, a very strong synthetic fiber. Most carpets are
made of nylon, as are many silk like garments, some kinds of rope, and many injection-molded

Caprolactam (C6H11NO) is also used to make nylon. Nylon-6 is made by direct polymerization of
caprolactam, often obtained by reaction of cyclohexanone with hydroxylamine, followed by
rearrangement of the oxime. Although nylon-6,6 is the dominant nylon produced in the United
States, nylon-6 is the leading nylon product in Europe.

Aniline (C6H5NH2) is made by nitration of benzene to nitrobenzene, followed by hydrogenation

over a Cu/SiO2 catalyst. The major use of aniline is in making diisocyanates, which are used in
producing polyurethane materials (e.g., for home insulation).
Alkylbenzene sulfonates (R-C6H5-SO3Na) are important surfactant compounds used in laundry
detergents. Alkylbenzenes (made by the Friedel–Crafts alkylation of benzene using linear olefin
molecules that have about twelve carbon atoms) are sulfonated, and the sulfonic acids are then
neutralized with NaOH. Benzene (C6H6), about 40 percent of it, is obtained from toluene by
removal of the methyl group (hydrodealkylation, see Equation 2). Benzene production is the
primary use of toluene (60%).

Toluene disocyanate (TDI) is polymerized with diols to produce polyurethanes, which are used
to make flexible foam for furniture cushions, mattresses, and carpet pads.Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
is made via a stepwise nitration of toluene in the 2, 4, and 6 positions. TNT is a high explosive
and missile propellant.Phthalic anhydride is made by air oxidation of ortho-xylene. About half of
phthalic anhydride is used to make plasticizers, especially the compound dioctyl phthalate, for
softening polyvinyl chloride plastic. Phthalic anhydride is also used to make unsaturated
polyester resins.

Uses of Organic compounds in Cosmetics

A cosmetic is defined under the Industrial Chemical (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 as
‘a substance or preparation intended for placement in contact with any external part of the human
body' (this includes the mouth and teeth). We use cosmetics to cleanse, perfume, protect and
change the appearance of our bodies or to alter its odours. In contrast, products that claim to
‘modify a bodily process or prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate any disease, ailment or defect’
are called therapeutics. This distinction means that shampoos and deodorants are placed in the
cosmetics category, whilst anti-dandruff shampoos and antiperspirants are considered to be


The term emulsifiers refers to any ingredient that helps to keep unlike substances (such as oil and
water) from separating. Many cosmetic products are based on emulsions—small droplets of oil
dispersed in water or small droplets of water dispersed in oil. Since oil and water don't mix no
matter how much you shake, blend or stir, emulsifiers are added to change the surface tension
between the water and the oil, producing a homogeneous and well-mixed product with an even
texture. Examples of emulsifiers used in cosmetics include polysorbates, laureth-4, and
potassium cetyl sulfate.

Colouring agents/pigments

Ruby lips, smoky eyes and rosy cheeks; it is the purpose of many cosmetics to accentuate or alter
a person’s natural colouring. A huge range of substances are used to provide the rainbow of
appealing colors you find in the makeup stand. Mineral ingredients can include iron oxide, mica
flakes, manganese, chromium oxide and coal tar. Natural colors can come from plants, such as
beet powder, or from animals, like the cochineal insect. The latter is often used in red lipsticks
and referred to on your ingredient list as carmine, cochineal extract or natural red 4. Pigments
can be split into two main categories: organic, which are carbon-based molecules (i.e. organic in
the chemistry context, not to be confused with the use of the word to promote ‘natural’ or ‘non-
synthetic’ or ‘chemical-free’ products) and inorganic which are generally metal oxides (metal +
oxygen and often some other elements too). Inorganic should not be confused with ‘synthetic’ or
‘unnatural’ as most of the inorganic metal oxide pigments do occur naturally as mineral

The two most common organic pigments are lakes and toners.  The lake pigments are made by
combining a dye color with an insoluble substance like alumina hydrate. This causes the dye to
become insoluble in water, making it suitable for cosmetics where water-resistant or waterproof
properties are desired.A toner pigment is an organic pigment that has not been combined with
any other substance.The inorganic metal oxide pigments are usually duller than the organic
pigments, but are more resistant to heat and light, providing a longer-lasting color.


No matter how effective a cosmetic may be, no one will want to use it if it smells unpleasant.
Consumer research indicates that smell is one of the key factors in a consumer’s decision to
purchase and/or use a product.Chemicals, both natural and synthetic, are added to cosmetics to
provide an appealing fragrance. Even ‘unscented’ products may contain masking fragrances to
mask the smell of other chemicals.

The term ‘fragrance’ is often a generic term used by manufacturers. A single listing of fragrance
on your product’s ingredient list could represent dozens or even hundreds of unlisted chemical
compounds which were used to create the final individual fragrance. Manufacturers do not have
to list these individual ingredients as fragrance is considered to be a trade secret. There are over
3,000 chemicals used to formulate the huge range of fragrances used in consumer products
worldwide. A comprehensive list has been published by the fragrance industry. All the
ingredients on this list have passed the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) safety
standards for use in commercial products. However, without knowing which individual
ingredients went in to making up the fragrance of a product, consumers can find it difficult to
make informed choices. If consumers are concerned they should look for fragrance free products
and buy from companies that label their products more comprehensively.
There are various of organic chemicals used in the preparation of cosmetics which should be
used cautiously and appropriately, or else they can have harmful effects to our body. The table
below shows the use of organic chemicals in the manufacturing of cosmetic products and the
effect that caused by it.
Some other uses of organic compound are given in the table

Organic chemical in cosmetic Uses

Coal Tar - to treat itchy, dry and scaling skin
- a brown-black material and thick
liquid formed during the incomplete - can be found in shampoo, lotion, soap, and scalp treament
combustion of coal

Triclosan - to inhibit the growth of bacteria

- an antifungal and antibacterial
agent found in consumer product - can be found in toothpaste and cleansers

Lead acetate - to be used as a colour additive   in men’s hair dye products

- a white crystalline substances with

a sweetish taste made by treating
lead (II) oxide with acetic acid

Formaldehyde - to prevent bacterial contamination

- a naturally-occuring organic - can be found in nail polishes,hair dye, soaps, shampoo, lotions and so
compound with the formula CH2O on

Diethanolamine (DEA) - to act as emulsifiers to produce foams and bubbles in cosmetics

- an organic compound which is - to be used to adjust the pH value of a product

white solid at room temperature
- can be found in shampoo, body washes and soap

Butyl acetate - used in nail polish,nail polish remover and basecoats

- clear liquid with fruity odors

Propylene glycol - to formulate fragrances

- a viscous colourless liquid or - acts as moisturizers to enhance the appearance of skin

organic alcohol
- can be found in lotions and skin care creams

Phthalates - to increase the flexibility, durability, longevity and transparency of

- a diverse group of materials that
made plastics more flexible - can be found in nail polish, hair spray, shampoo, soaps, perfumes and
so on

Toluene - acts as a solvent to dissolve other substances such as plasticizers and

-a clear liquid with an aromatic
odour - can be found in nail polish

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