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MYP Summative Assessment Task Sheet

Writing Assessment
Subject Arabic B
Grade 9 - Phase 1 & 2
Objectives (criteria) Criterion C (Speaking)

Date / deadline, and any specific

submission instructions

Date by when results and feedback can

be expected

Unit Details
Unit Name Dream world - ‫عا َل ُم اَأْل ْحالم‬
Key Concept Identities & Relationships
Related Concept(s) Purpose / Function
Global Context Personal and cultural expression
Statement of Inquiry The dream house entertains and reflect culture and
heritage while allowing creativity through rituals,
They are a part of individual and national identity
and may differ from country to country.

Assessment details [Instructions, expectations, assessment rubrics, guidance]

Description of the Task:
1) Speak loudly and clear
2) Reading from a paper or your notebook is not allowed


Objective: You need to video record yourself while doing an orally presentation
about your dream house (The dream house Lesson – ‫ْت اَأْلحْ الم‬
ُ ‫ ) َدرس َبي‬from Unit 1.
You can bring pictures of your dream house and describe them during your
Role: You are a client who wants to publish your video seeking to find your
dream house and/or your dream job.
Audience: grade 9 students
success (criteria):
• Uses a wide range of vocabulary and linking words in your speaking
• Uses a wide range of grammatical structures precisely in general: use the
present precise, pronouns and prepositions (on, in, next to ...)
• Organize ideas in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.
• Speak for: (Ph1: 1 to 1.5 minutes /Ph2: 1.5 to 2 minutes)

Questions will help you in your speaking:

1-What is your dream? Why are you dreaming of it?
‫ما ه َُو حُلُمُك؟ لِماذا َتحْ لُ ُم ِبهِ؟‬
2- Who will live with you in your dream house?
‫ت َأحْ المِك؟‬ َ ‫َمنْ َس َيسْ ُكنُ َم َع‬
ِ ‫ك في َب ْي‬
3- What size is your dream house?
‫ما َحجْ ُم َبيْت َأحْ المك؟‬
4- How many rooms does it contain?
‫َك ْم ُغرْ َفة َيحْ َتوي َبيْت َأحْ المك؟‬
5- Name all rooms and give each a description.
‫اذ ُكر اِسم ُك ّل ُغرْ َفة َم َع َوصْ فٍ لَها‬. ْ
6- How many floors?
‫طابق َيحْ َتوي َبيْت َأحْ المِك؟‬ ِ ‫َك ْم‬
7- Where do you wish your dream house to be?
‫كون َبيْت أحْ المك؟‬ َ ‫َأي َْن َت َت َم ّنى َأنْ َي‬
8- What makes your dream house special?
‫ما الَّذي ُي َم ِّي ُز َبيْت أحالمك؟‬
9- What is your dream job? ‫ما َوظي َف ُة َأحْ المك؟‬
10 – Why do you seek to be a/an ….? ‫؟‬.... ‫لِماذا ُتري ُد َأنْ ُتصْ ِب َح‬
11 – What is the importance of work in life? ‫ما َأهَ ِّميَّةُ ْال َع َمل في ْال َحياة؟‬

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