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There is another important interpretation because Adrian can be considered a ghost for Tony, or

also Tony’s double. 

Otto Rank has written, considered by Freud his best disciple/student, a book called The double
examining the situation of the double in different works. He was focusing his attention on who is
the double, generally either an opposite or complementary figure to the one of the protagonists in
the story, it surely shares something with the protagonist of the story, sometimes they live in the
same place, sometimes they work in the same place. Most importantly they have parallel lives and
Otto Rank stressed the fact that in literature the stories of the double have a male protagonist. In
all of these cases the double is a man, impossible for us to read a story whose character is a man
and the double is a woman. He comes to the conclusion that this relationship is extremely
negative. The double is an oppressing presence for the main character, his action is often seen as
a persecution. For these reasons a long standing peaceful coexistence between the protagonist
and his double is impossible. There are generally two typical conclusions in the story of double in
1. One of the two selves kills the other
2. One of the two commits suicide
There is no story about the double where we can find the protagonist and his double alive at the
Before the conclusion of the story one of the two must die. 

Examples of the double:

- The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide by Stevenson, he wanted to stress the fact that there
is always one of the two selves which want to kill the other. Jekyll - hidden meaning of I kill. 
- The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde 
- Il fu Mattia Pascal by Pirandello 
Adrien becomes Tony’s double and he commits suicide. 

Tony has inherited Adrian’s diary but Veronica has apparently kept it for herself. He starts
becoming more and more curious so he starts writing her email until she agrees to meet him. 
Page 89

Veronica did not receive an appropriate explanation regarding Adrian’s diary. She has just told him
that he will never receive Adrien’s diary because she has burnt it (if it is true or not we don’t know).
40 years have passed since their love story, the situation has not changed in the meanwhile, all the
time they are about to argue. The Wobbly Bridge is the bridge which is shaking or trembling.
After this meeting Tony did not receive Adrien’s diary, he has received a letter quite surprisingly
because at the end of their meeting Veronica hands him a letter for him to read. 
This letter is the letter that Adrien has written 40 years before when he had learnt about Veronica
and Tony’s relationship. 
(When Tony has received the letter where Adrien asked permission to go out with Veronica there
were 2 different reactions: Tony had decided to write a postcard which was a friendly message,
later when he was thinking about this new relationship he was a little angry. He decided to write a
letter to them, something about which she did not precisely remember, he had forgotten what he
had written. This is the letter that Veronica is handing him.)

Page 95
Short anticipation of the letter. Tony is stressing the fact that there is always a consistent gap
between our real story and our story that we are narrating to other people and not ourselves. The
second version is always different from the first one, we like to tell our story in such a way that we
omit all embarrassing details or some parts of the real story, our version must be pleasant to

Page 95-96-97
The letter causes great embarrassment that he starts drinking some Whiskey, he is not only
embarrassed to have written it, he also regrets it. It was a very bad decision to send the letter. This
letter has been commented by various critics as malicious, spiteful, nasty, dreadful and venomous.
It shows the revengeful attitude of the writer, who writes it very explicitly sottolineato in blu. We can
find a splitting personality of Tony. One is the young Tony who has written this venomous letter, the
other is the elderly
Tony who is reading the letter now and feels ashamed. These are two different personae. This can
be considered Tonyìs first important discovery in his recent life, he is about to reconstruct the story
of his past and this letter which he had forgotten about or he had removed from his own memory is
the very first important discovery. 

Page 97-98
Tony is talking about a splitting of his own, his younger self is opposed to him, one is shocking the
other. The change over the last 40 has been so huge that he does not recognise himself when he
was young. 

Page 98 
Little by little memories resurfaced in his memory, he apparently remembers about the postcard he
had written to Adrian, the first reaction to reading the letter that Adrien had written along with
Veronica, He had chosen a postcard of the suspended Bridge which became famous because
people chose it to commit suicide. We may wonder, was it a friendly message? Was he addressing
his friend or was it a form of curse?
The protagonist is always forgetting the story of his life, is he forgetting his past or is he removing
those memories from his mind?
Adrien has becoming a sort of torture for Tony.

Page  99 - 100
As Tony starts thinking about Adrien he falls into crisis and depression because the idea of Adrian
becomes a persecution for him. He starts thinking about himself from Adrian’s perspective.  He
come sto the conclusion that all his life he has been a muddler (pasticcione). By making a
confrontation between Adrian’s life and his own he understands how helpsess and inefficient he
has always been and starts feeling remorseful for having wasted his life. 

A sentence is repeated during the novel: you just don’t get it, do you? This is an answer by
Veronica to the apologetic letter which Tony wrote to her. 
1. Page 62 

Tony understands that he cannot trust his memory any longer. 

Page 111
The focus is on Tony’s memory, and how it has become faulty during the years. He starts thinking
about the importance of forgetfulness (or removal). He wants to make sense of his own past and
his own story so he starts writing to Veronica asking to meet her again and again. They will meet
again, Tony lives away from London and to meet her he takes the train. While he is on the train he
starts thinking about his past and his memories. In this specific moment he remembers when
Veronica, who did not like dancing, was dancing in her room. When he has the chance of meeting
Veronica he talks about his memory. 

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