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Algebra I Mixed Systems Word Problems

1) Mr. Charles cashed a $135 check in his bank. He received $5 bills and $10 bills. The number of $5 bills was 3
more than twice the number of $10 bills. How many bills of each type did Mr. Charles receive?

2) The cost of an adult ticket to a football game was $1.75. The cost of a student ticket was $1.25. The number of
student tickets sold was twice the number of adult tickets. The total income from the sale of tickets was $850. How
many tickets of each type were sold?

3) A pet shop sold 20 rabbits for $192. Some of the rabbits sold for $7 each and the rest for $11 each. How many
rabbits were sold at each price?

4) In one day, 4 plumbers and 5 helpers earned $182. On another day, working the same number of hours and at the
same rate of pay, 5 plumbers and 6 helpers earned $224. How much does a plumber earn and how much does a
helper earn each day?

5) There were 220 tickets sold for a school wrestling match. Tickets were $2.50 for adults and $1.50 for students.
The total amount collected was $465. How many of each type of ticket was sold?

6) Four oranges and five apples cost $2.00. Three oranges and four apples cost $1.56. Find the cost of an orange
and the cost of an apple.

7) To raise funds, a school sells two kinds of raffle tickets, some for $6 and the rest for $1.50. Sales for both
amounted to $822. If 371 tickets were sold, how many were $1.50 tickets?

8) Marc’s scout troop bought 50 cans of beans and tomatoes for a camping trip at a total cost of $20.30. The
tomatoes cost 35 cents per can and the beans cost 45 cents per can. How many cans of each kind were purchased?

9) Maria paid $7.65 for some 15-cent stamps and some 25-cent stamps. She bought 37 stamps in all. How many of
each kind did she buy?

10) The Northeast Riders 4H Club sold ginger ale and coffee at their horse show. The ginger ale cost 20 cents per
bottle and the coffee was 15 cents per cup. They sold 20 more cups of coffee than bottles of ginger ale. How much
of each drink did they sell if the total receipts were $11.40?

11) A basketball manager bought 7 shirts and 4 pairs of shoes for $81. Another manager, who paid the same prices,
paid $54 for 5 shirts and 2 pairs of shoes. Find the cost of a shirt and the cost of a pair of shoes.

12) Mrs. Jones paid $5.45 for 4 pounds of walnuts and 3 pounds of pecans. At the same time, Mrs. Knox paid $4.20
for 5 pounds of walnuts and one pound of pecans. Find the price per pound of each kind of nut.

13) A school lunch stand sold 230 hamburgers and hot dogs in one day for total receipts of $176.50. The
hamburgers sold for 80 cents each and the hot dogs sold for 65 cents each. How many hamburgers and how many
hot dogs were sold?

14) The attendance at a school concert was 578. Admission was $2.00 for adults and $1.50 for students. The
receipts were $985.00. How many adults and how many students attended the concert?
1) 15 ($5 bills); 6 ($10 bills) 6) $0.20 orange; $0.24 apple 11) $9 shirt; $4.50 shoes
2) 200 adult; 400 student 7) 312 at $1.50 12) $0.65 walnut; $0.95 pecan
3) 7 at $7; 13 at $11 8) 22 tomato; 28 beans 13) 180 hamburgers; 50 hot dogs
4) $28 plumber; $14 helper 9) 3 at 15 cents; 21 at 25 cents 14) 236 adult; 342 student
5) 135 adult; 85 student 10) 44 coffee; 24 ginger ale

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