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Module Name Data Driven For Business

Student Reference Number (SRN)

Assessment Title

Declaration of Original Work:

I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP's regulations on plagiarism and that this is my
original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements
of BPP School of Business and Technology. The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and
appendices, is 2449 words.

Student Reference Number: Date: ______

Table of Contents
1. Introduction and project plan..............................................................................................................2
Data analytics framework........................................................................................................................3
BIJ key performance indicator and improved KPIs..................................................................................3
2. Data quality issues and remedies........................................................................................................4
BIJ data set file.........................................................................................................................................4
3. Data analysis and commentary............................................................................................................5
4. Data charting and commentary...........................................................................................................8
5. Conclusions and Recommendation...................................................................................................10
6. References.........................................................................................................................................12

Table of Figures

Table A Data and trends in sales volume and value by month, by year and across the whole analysis
Table B Benchmark comparisons of category performance covering sales volume and value by quarter,
by year and across the whole analysis period.............................................................................................6
Table C Benchmark comparisons of sales volume and value between markets by quarter, by year and
across the whole analysis period.................................................................................................................7

Chart A Comparison of sales value trends across markets over time..........................................................8

Chart B Category performance comparisons between markets..................................................................9
Chart C Impact of the marketing campaign in the UK market itself, and in comparison, with other

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1. Introduction and project plan

Globally, businesses are facing immense competition because of the increase in brand
competition and also rapid changes in the external environment. Businesses are required to make
the decision and strategies according to their internal abilities and external conditions (Wang et
al., 2020). However, when the firms are required to focus on the market, particularly in the
marketing activity and to increase the sales statistics, it is important that the brand should know
the existing market and core factors included in that market. The decision-making plan appeared
as a significantly important step which would highlight the business with the possible threats,
opportunities and areas where improvement is required (Abrams et al., 2020). In the business
world, most of the decisions specifically for sales and purchases are based on the number and
collected data. The data could be of any sort but the businesses are required to retrieve useful
information from that data (Hagiu and Wright, 2020).

This report is also established on the same positioning where the BIJ is a company which is a
client of WFTT Company. The report structure is based on multiple steps where the data is
explored, analyzed and presented with a critical perspective. The data which is provided for
performing analysis and making the comments is related to BIJ's sales performance, which is
expected to improve after the marketing campaign. In our consultancy firm WTFF, BIJ is the
major client, and it's my responsibility as the data analyst to derive the required information from
the sales statistics provided by the company. In the decision-making process, the information led
by the data plays a significant part in taking the company on the growth path (Novak et al.,
2021). In this way, the main purpose of the report is to present whether the BIJ is able to gain
excel in its sales performance after the marketing activity in UK or not.

In this report, initially, the scenario is required to understand so the other tasks and steps can be
performed successfully. In the data, when it is required to process, it is required to adjust
according to the requirement (Zhai et al., 2020). In this report, the data which is received from
the BIJ Company about the sales performance would be clean after identifying the issues and
solving those issues. However, before that, the core factors present in the BIJ report or any other
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report would be identified along with the data analytics framework. Precisely, this report
identifies every important aspect which is required before performing the analysis of the data.
Before the analysis, the important aspects include the data analytics framework, KPIs,
identifying data issues and remedies of it. After every important aspect is covered, then the data
analysis is performed, and comments are made on that data to identify whether the BIJ has
improved its sales after the marketing activities or not.

Data analytics framework

The overall aim of preparing the report is to investigate the marketing campaign's influence on
the sales performance of BIJ in the UK. In reaching the main goal, milestones are required to
cross, and one of those milestones is identifying the framework through which the report is
moving afterwards. Mikalef et al. (2019) stated that the data analytics framework is important to
identify as it would initially highlight the business outcome and the decision and actions taken
place to reach that outcome. In the business, only performing the analysis on data without even
realizing its purpose would be vain (Priyono et al., 2020). Ragab et al. (2021) presented with
three frameworks: descriptive, prescriptive and predictive analytics framework. In understanding
the effectiveness of the marketing campaign by BIJ, this report focuses on the descriptive
analytics framework. Through the descriptive analytics framework, the current situation of BIJ
after the market campaign would be identified. Vindrola-Padros et al. (2020) stated that in the
descriptive framework, the previous happening and the current are analyzed and compared to get
the summarized form. In this report, getting the summarized information derived from the
received data would be facilitated through the descriptive analytics framework.

BIJ key performance indicator and improved KPIs

KPI or Key Performance Indicators are the prominent sections in measuring business failures
and success (Cruz Villazón et al., 2020). The KPIs could enable the managers and business
owners to overview the way in which the business is performing. In this report, BIJ has provided
the data in excel format. In that provided data, the success of a marketing campaign is measured
through the sales value and volume. The data which is provided for the analysis is based on three
years, 2018, 2019 and 2020. When the sales value and volume trend would go above in 2020, it
will show that the marketing campaign works effectively in the US for BIJ sales. Though, in the
corporate and marketing sector, the brands could not simply rely on the increase in sales to

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understand the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns. So, the improved KPIs, in this case,
could be lead-to-customer ratio, customer lifetime value and ROI (Kemell et al., 2020). Though
there are certain other dimensions and KPIs available and popular in the corporate world, it
depends on the nature of the marketing campaign, its medium and the channel.

2. Data quality issues and remedies

The generic data problems exist when the data is collected, entered and stored. Wieringa et al.
(2021) stated that in the data collection and entry task, numerous errors could exist, which can
only decline the quality and reliability of data. In the data, the issues that could arrive includes
the volume of data collection, collecting meaningful data, gathering data from numerous sources,
insufficient information, duplication, data privacy and unstructured data (Munawar et al., 2020).
Moreover, the duplication and the unstructured form of data is the most prominent generic issue
that could exist in the data. In solving those issues with the remedies, the prominent step could
be to review the data while entering it and make a different spreadsheet for a different type of
data (Bellazzi and Zupan, 2008). However, the data is also required to monitor by other persons
on the same project, so the chances of error could be reduced.

BIJ data set file

It has been noted that the data could have multiple genetic issues which need to be removed. The
data file which is received from the BIJ about the sales performance contains different issues
which are also needed to be resolved before performing analysis on it. In the later section of this
report, the data is required to analyze, so before moving to that step, data needs to be free from
generic issues. The first column of the data file is “market” BIJ is dealing prominently in 3
markets: Japan, UK and USA. The other columns also contained certain errors along with the
structured errors in the entire file. So, in this data, multiple errors exist, which could even lead to
false data results. In dealing with it, the data entry person in the relative department has to
proofread the data while entering and even be careful while entering data in the spreadsheet.
Though, the errors in the data can question its reliability and also present the error results. The
errors which exist in the file can’t be accessed by the application as they could only be monitored
through human navigation.

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3. Data analysis and commentary

Table A Data and trends in sales volume and value by month, by year and across the whole
analysis period

The table provides the sales value and volume averages in the UK. The whole table revolves
around the analysis in the UK across the period, monthly and yearly. Through the table, it is
evident that the sales value in 2020 has increased, whereas, in 2019, the UK market is not
performing well in terms of value and sales volume. Though, it could also be witnessed that in
2019, the 9th month has performed well and produced a significant sales volume of 289, which is
highest in comparison to other years. Though in the other years, 2020 and 2018, the highest sales
value is 362 and 251, respectively, the highest sales.

 The sales value and volume increased in 2020 in the UK market of BIJ.
 The increase in sales is significant as compared to the previous years.
 In 2020, the sales value of 362 was the highest in the 6th month, whereas, in 2019, the
sales value was 217 and 239 in 2018 for the same year.

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Table B Benchmark comparisons of category performance covering sales volume and value
by quarter, by year and across the whole analysis period

The table shows the comparison based on the categories which are offered by BIJ. In 2018, the
accessory sales were low, and apparently, no sales value and volume have been witnessed in
certain quarters. Though, in 2020, the conditions are quite favorable and in support of the

 The quarter-wise sales in 2020 for every category have almost improved except the hair
 Though in 2020, the sales of the ring have also reduced from 309 to 204.
 A major boom in sales has been witnessed for the bracelet and accessories, which even
increased the yearly sales of the UK.

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Table C Benchmark comparisons of sales volume and value between markets by quarter,
by year and across the whole analysis period

The above table presents the comparison of the sales value and volume averages based on the
markets. As it has been presented that BIJ is working in 3 markets. Based on the years, it is
evident that in 2018, the sales were highest in Japan, the same as the case in 2019. However, in
2020, the highest yearly sales were witnessed in the USA. In the analysis, it is evident that the
sales in the UK have improved though; it is still far beyond the other markets.

 The UK market has fewer yearly sales in comparison to Japan and USA.
 The sales are even fluctuating in the other markets.

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4. Data charting and commentary
The table analysis presented above has provided numerous pieces of information, and it also
provides insight into the sales. Later on, in this section, the analysis of sales value and volume is
presented in the graphics. The bar chart is used for comparing the years, markets, categories etc.

Chart A Comparison of sales value trends across markets over time

The chart showed the comparison of sales value based on different markets. The orange bar is of
Japan which stands above all in the yearly analysis. However, it is also evident that sales values
in the UK are increasing with every passing time. Even in 2019, it is visible that the sales value
has decreased in the UK market, but maybe after the marketing campaign, the value started to
increase. Though, the other market like the USA also has some fluctuations in sales.

 The increase in UK sales is evident, though it was still incomparable with the other
 Japan's sales increased in 2018 and 2019, but they dropped significantly in 2020, and the
sales value was £ 4132431.05 on averagely.
 In comparison to UK and USA, Japan is still floating above, but the point of focus should
also be devoted to Japan.

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Chart B Category performance comparisons between markets

Chart A has noticed that Japan market has significant potential for the BIJ. On the contrary to it,
the conditions are mixed in the categories-wise comparison. Chart B shows the categories-wise
comparison along with the markets on a yearly basis. In the UK, the high sales volume is in
bracelets and the same for the USA. However, for Japan, the sales volume of 1798 hair bands is
higher than the other categories.

 The market-wise analysis showed that Japan market is booming. On the contrary to it, the
categorical analysis showed that the major contribution of sales volume in Japan's yearly
sales has made by hair bands by 1798.
 The UK has shown a higher sales volume for rings when compared with the other market.
 The sales of hair bands in the UK market are minimal as it is 35.

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Chart C Impact of the marketing campaign in the UK market itself, and in comparison,
with other markets

In comparison, the effectiveness of the marketing campaign in terms of sales volume in the UK
has presented in the above chart. The chart presents that UK sales decreased in 2019 in
comparison to 2018, but in 2020, they also increased significantly. Furthermore, in the market
base analysis, every sales value of other markets is above the sales value for UK. The difference
in sales value of the UK with the USA and Japan is highly significant. The Japan and USA
market is working effectively on their sales, but the UK market for BIJ products is far beyond it.

 The sales in the UK market decreased in 2019.

 The trend linear sales value is moving upward, showing the increase in values.
 The difference in UK sales value is high with USA and Japan.

5. Conclusions and Recommendation

In this report, the detailed analysis and commentary are integrated. Moreover, every aspect
related to data, such as the framework, generic issues and its remedies, are identified. In the data,

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multiple issues existed, which has removed before performing any analysis. When the analysis is
made on the UK sales performance of BIJ, it can be stated that BIJ has done well as compared to
2018 and 2019 as the sales bar has gone above than before. However, in the analysis, when the
comparison is established between markets, the UK market is appeared to be potentially low in
sales performance. From the analysis, it could be stated that BIJ has been influenced positively
by the marketing campaign in the UK, but it also needs further improvement to improve the
business activities and sales performance.

In the BIJ business, the prominent aspect which has to focus on is the irregularity in the product
demand. The BIJ has to determine which business activities and strategies could provide it with
better advantages as compared to the other. Djakasaputra et al. (2021) stated that the brand
could improve sales performance through customer service or marketing activity. BIJ is already
working on improving its sales performance through marketing efforts though the significant
focus should also be devoted to customer service. Though the company could also work on
increasing the transactions per customer. The analysis showed that BIJ is working well for the
bracelet, but the other products like a ring, necklaces, hair bands and accessories are providing
minimal sales. The company has to make promotional offers in which other products would also
be frequently purchased.

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