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There are numerous models on how diseases are caused. The

epidemiologic trio or triangle, the conventional model for infectious disease, is
one of the most basic of them. A susceptible host, an external agent, and an
environment that combines the host and agent make up the trio. According to
this theory, sickness develops as a result of the interaction between the agent
and the vulnerable host in a setting that allows the agent to spread from a
source to that host. For instance, when the soil is infested with fleas, any
mammal or animal who gets in contact with it acquires the parasites. Hence,
when parasites eat the animal’s blood and nutrients, and live in its body, the
animal becomes sick eventually.
To cause disease, agent, host, and environmental variables interact in a
number of intricate ways. These three elements must interact and balance
differently for various diseases. Assessment of all three elements and their
interconnections is typically necessary for the development of suitable,
doable, and successful public health strategies to control or prevent disease.

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