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Module Name Data Driven For Business

Student Reference Number (SRN) BP0254138

Assessment Title

Declaration of Original Work:

I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP's regulations on plagiarism and that this is my
original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements
of BPP School of Business and Technology. The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and
appendices, is 2495 words.

Student Reference Number: BP0254138 Date: ______

Table of Contents
1. Introduction and project plan..............................................................................................................2
1.1. Data Analytics Framework...........................................................................................................2
1.2. KPI................................................................................................................................................3
2. Data Quality issues and remedies........................................................................................................4
2.1. BIJ's data set file..........................................................................................................................4
3. Data Analysis and commentary...........................................................................................................5
4. Data charting and commentary...........................................................................................................8
5. Conclusions and recommendations...................................................................................................11
5.1. Recommendation......................................................................................................................12
6. Bibliography.......................................................................................................................................13

Tables of Figures

Table A Data and Trends in sales volume and analysis...............................................................................5

Table B Category Comparison by Quarter, yearly and whole analysis period.............................................6
Table C quarter and country wise comparison............................................................................................7

Chart A Comparison of sales value over market..........................................................................................8

Chart B Category performance by Markets.................................................................................................9
Chart C Comparison of sales value Trends................................................................................................10

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1. Introduction and project plan
In the corporate environment, specifically for the decision making, the data and data analytics
occur as the dynamics. Data analytics are supported through different useful methods and tools
that can help in making the market responding strategies for knowing the current conditions (Bag
et al., 2020). In the decision-making process and understanding certain scenarios, it is essential to
consider the macro and micro environment as it will help in identifying the company's specific
strengths and weaknesses along with the external opportunities and threats (Wackowski et al.,
2022). This project holds importance as it will monitor the effectiveness of the marketing
campaign in terms of sales performance in the UK.

This project enables in understanding and monitoring of the data trends, the cleaning of data,
analysis, presentation and the improvements that could take place in it. The data belongs to the
sales performance of Bangles International Jewelry which affects because of its marketing
campaign in the UK. This client holds a prominent place for the consultancy firm Wood from the
Trees. As the company's data analyst, it would be the major responsibility to drive meaningful
information from the raw data and enable effective decision-making. So, through the analysis of
data, the major aim is to know the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in the company's
operational areas in terms of their sales in the UK.

Report structure is designed in a flow where initially the framework required for the data
analysis and presentation is identified; later on, the KPIs are listed, which will help in analyzing
that data. In monitoring the marketing efforts of the company and its effectiveness, KPIs play a
major part (Krizanova et al., 2019). The data analysis process requires some standards based on
which the company's performance could be monitored. Once the data has passed through the
process, it is vital to have a critical analysis of it in which every aspect is considered for the
decision-making. So, after the analysis, the information which will be available will identify the
effectiveness of that particular marketing campaign and also help in further decision-making.

1.1. Data Analytics Framework

The main purpose of this report is to identify the effectiveness of the marketing campaign BIJ in
terms of sales performance in the UK. This could only be identified when every step in the
analysis is performed through the potential design. The report is generally based on data
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analytics, so it is important that a suitable framework should identify which will help in reaching
the final goal. The framework which could be selected for this project includes the exploratory
analysis, predictive, inferential and descriptive analysis frameworks. The frameworks which are
selected in this report have their own effectiveness and suitability in the analysis. However,
Leonardi and Contractor (2018) stated that performing a number of analyses on the data without
even knowing its purpose couldn't help the company. So, while considering it, every framework
which is selected in this report has its own particular effect, which can be identified in the other
section. The data analysis through unnecessary statistical tests or data analytics would only result
in loss of resources and time, and lastly, no benefit could be gained through it.

In monitoring the effectiveness of the results and the type of data, descriptive analytical
framework would be considered. According to Bibri (2018), descriptive analytical framework
enables the analysis of the data and deriving the main aspects of that data through the analysis.
As in it, BIJ wanted to know the effectiveness of its marketing campaign in the UK, so the
descriptive analytical framework could help in understanding the change in sales after that

1.2. KPI
KPIs stand for the Key Performance Indicator (Ryselis et al., 2020). As the name suggests, it is a
critical factor in monitoring the effectiveness of performance. BIJ has launched a marketing
campaign in the UK to improve its sale, so for understanding the effectiveness of that sale, sales
performance values are the major KPIs in it. When the sales index went up in 2020, it will show
that the marketing campaign has imposed a positive effect on BIJ's sales performance for the
specific product. Even with the help of sales data analytics, when it will show ineffectiveness, it
could be stated that there are other factors also included which are impacting the sales. Based on
Brint et al. (2021)'s study, the marketing effectiveness could be monitored through other KPIs
too. Simultaneously, Orzan et al. (2018) stated that the sales of a company are also dependent on
the market conditions, consumer preferences and many other factors. So, concisely, it could be
stated that the framework, KPIs and data analytics are the base of this report which will help in
identifying the multiple areas. However, in this report, the effectiveness of marketing activities in
the UK would only be monitored through the sales performance using the descriptive analysis

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2. Data Quality issues and remedies
In the global corporate environment, when the data is collected, there is a chance of error exists
in that data (Kulp and Strauss, 2019). The errors which exist in the data raise questions about its
quality. Generally, the data quality issues that could be faced by a company contain data
duplication, data privacy, insufficient information and unstructured data (Zhang et al., 2019).
Data supplication means that the data is collected and presented in bulks in the same data file.
The main aim of collecting the data is to derive certain aspects, features and key insights from
the data (Saggi and Jain, 2018). When the data is unstructured and can't visually present any
information, it is not helpful. Certainly, privacy concerns are largely associated with the
company's data. The data which is not secured under some privacy checks can easily be
manipulated altered and provide misinformation about the considered factors. Lastly and the
most important concern related to the data is incomplete information. When the collected data is
not placed properly and with sensitivity, there could be multiple issues and concerns could be
raised. It will not only affect the data but also create issues in the analysis as it will be based on
the manipulated, altered and insufficient data set.

2.1. BIJ's data set file

The above section presents the numerous issues that could exist in any collected data set. The file
which is received from BIJ also contained numerous issues that couldn't be neglected. In
removing the issues, it is essential to highlight them and then establish the strategy for removing
them. The major data issue is an unstructured data format. Even when the data is segregated
based on the market, months, years and categories but still, it is placed on the same sheet in an
unformatted way. Data duplication also exists in the BIJ's data set because the US or USA is
listed as two different markets though it is of the same. So, in this report, the data will clean
initially and then the analysis will perform on it. Certainly, the data which is received from BIJ
has errors in it which also need to rectify before performing the analysis.

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3. Data Analysis and commentary

Table A Data and Trends in sales volume and analysis

Table A shows the trends in sales value and volume for the UK by month and year. In 2020, BIJ
ran a campaign that effect has to monitors sales. Through Table A, it is evident that the total
sales value and volume in high in 2020. However, when the monthly comparison is made, the
situations are relatively better than in the previous few years. Whereas in every month, the sale
value and volume are even less than the other years' month values and volume.

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Table B Category Comparison by Quarter, yearly and whole analysis period

Table B shows the quarter-wise sales values and volumes of every category. Through Table B,
the most prominent change that takes place after the marketing campaign is accessories sales. As
in the 2018 and 2019's quarters, the accessories sales are minimal and even 0 in some quarters.
The prominent increase also takes place in the Bracelet's sales value and volume. However, the
other categories like hair bands, necklaces and rings don't show any positive change in their sales
value and volume.

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Table C quarter and country wise comparison

Table C shows the quarter and market-wise sales value and sales volume. In the Table, the
benchmark from which the comparison is made in the UK markets and its quarters. The
promotional strategy by BIJ takes place in the UK for the year 2020. However, in the quarterly
analysis, the sales value and volume in the UK in 2020 are less than the other three markets
(Japan and USA). Though when the other markets' sales value and sales volume are compared
with the other year's sales, it can be noticed that the sales in 2020 for Japan market decreased.
Simultaneously, even when the sales of the USA increase in 2020 as compared to 2019. Through
the comparative analysis, it could be stated that UK market sales value ad volume is affected
significantly after the marketing campaign.

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4. Data charting and commentary

Chart A Comparison of sales value over market

The whole analysis period for this project is from 2018 to 2020. The market includes it in the
UK, US and Japan. The values which are generated after the analysis is initially cleaned to derive
reliable and accurate results. Chart A presents the sales value trend in the different markets. The
sales value in the UK every year is less than the other markets. It could be of any reason, but the
most prominent is that the company has a strong brand position in the Japan and USA as
compared to the UK. In this way, the brand position can be stronger than previous through
continuous efforts such as a marketing campaign. The analysis shows that the BIJ has to keep
working through its marketing campaign. Through the chart, it is also evident that when the sales
value increased in 2020 for the UK, the Japanese market faced a decline 2020. Simultaneously,
the increase in USA sales value is also not significant as it is in the case of the UK.

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Chart B Category performance by Markets

Chart B presents the comparison among the market based on the different categories. The entire
categories range is undertaken for the analysis. These categories range includes accessories,
bracelets, hair bands, necklaces and rings. The major sales of BIJ are in bracelets and hair bands.
The performance of sales in the UK for the year 2020 is low than the other markets. However,
through the trend of the chart, it can also be monitored that BIJ also has to take early actions in
the Japanese market. It is due to the sales volume for the Bracelet when above 2000 in UK and
USA; it was just 372 in Japan. In it, the changes in demand and consumer preferences can also
play their part. However, the marketing campaign has had a significant impact on BIJ's sales
performance in the UK. The UK has performed well in comparison to itself, whereas in markets
comparison, the sales value and volume generated by the UK are still beyond then the other
markets (the USA and Japan).

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Chart C Comparison of sales value Trends

Chart C shows the trend analysis among different markets while having the comparison from the
previous years (2018 and 2019) of the UK. In 2020, UK sales performance did well as the sales
value in 2020 is above the trend linear line. Simultaneously, the linear trend line showed that
other markets are working perfectly as compared to the UK market. The sales value in the other
markets is significantly higher than in the UK market every year. Lastly, the UK market is
significantly impacted by the marketing campaign, but it is still behind the other markets' sales
value generation.

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5. Conclusions and recommendations
In concluding the report, it has noted that every section is completed with it as it was required.
The charts and tables are also added on which the comments on BIJ marketing efforts are based.
The project plan has shown the aspects and the characteristics which will be included in the
report while carrying out the sales analysis. The data-based marketing approach was considered
in this report to know the effectiveness of the UK's marketing campaign based on the sales value
and volume generated in the UK and other markets like Japan and the USA. BIJ has made the
marketing campaign to influence its sales performance. So, the KPIs for which the analysis can
be monitored are the sales value and volume.

At the same time, in the organization, data when is not efficiently collected and entered, there
could be multiple issues that could arise. In this report, it has been noticed that the data provided
by BIJ also contains multiple errors and issues which has to omit. Those issues include the
duplication of data and typing errors. The US and USA are created as two different markets.
Furthermore, in the data set, 2030 was also mentioned, which was a typing error. The typing
error also existed in the spellings of the ring. So, before doing the analysis, those issues are
rectified to get a reliable data analysis.

In this, the tables and charts which are generated to understand the effectiveness of the UK
marketing campaign by BIJ in 2020 showed meaningful information. In the UK, the sales
performance is increased as compared to the other years in the analysis, i.e., 2018 and 2019.
However, when the comparison of the UK market is made with the other market on a quarterly
and categories basis, it shows that there are still numerous problems exists which need to be
improved. Simultaneously, the Table and charts showed that Japan's market is also showing
negative trends in certain categories, which need to be considered earlier. Lastly, the overall data
analysis has shown that in UK 2020 sales performance, the marketing campaign by BIJ has a
positive impact.

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5.1. Recommendation
Following are the potential recommendation which is generated from the report:

 BIJ is only considering sales performance as their KPIs for marketing campaign
effectiveness. However, the marketing campaign and sales performance also have
multiple factors that could also change the marketing effectiveness and sales
performance, such as market conditions, marketing channels, marketing strategy and
tools, consumer preferences, characteristics of the product and the competitor's strategy
(Tarsakoo and Charoensukmongkol, 2019). These all factors are not included.
 While collecting and entering the data, when the typing error exists in the categories, year
and market data entry, it also raised the question of the values which are entered. BIJ has
to cross-check its collected data to get better results.
 Based on the analysis, it has shown that the company could even increase more in certain
categories like a bracelet. At the same time, the other categories also need more attention
to get improve.

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6. Bibliography
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Tarsakoo, P. and Charoensukmongkol, P., 2019. Dimensions of social media marketing
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