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Neutrosophic Fusion of Sensors, Data, and Information - Research Article

International Journal of Distributed

Sensor Networks
2019, Vol. 15(5)
The generalization negation of Ó The Author(s) 2019
DOI: 10.1177/1550147719849381
probability distribution and its

application in target recognition based

on sensor fusion

Xiaozhuan Gao and Yong Deng

Target recognition in uncertain environments is a hot issue. Fusion rules are used to combine the sensor reports from dif-
ferent sources. In this situation, obtaining more information to make correct decision is an essential issue. Probability distri-
bution is one of the most used methods to represent uncertainty information. In addition, the negation of probability
distribution provides a new view to represent the uncertainty information. In this article, the existing negation of probability
distribution is extended with Tsallis entropy. The main reason is that different systems have different parameter q. Some
numerical examples are used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method. Besides, the article also discusses the
application of negation in target recognition based on sensor fusion to further demonstrate the importance of negation.

Probability distribution, negation, Tsallis entropy, Gini entropy, sensor fusion

Date received: 5 January 2019; accepted: 17 April 2019

Handling Editor: Mohamed Abdel-Basset

Introduction estimate whether an event will happen or not. Due to

the uncertainty, there are some methods to deal with
In recent years, information fusion is paid great atten- it.21–24 Probability distribution is used to quantitatively
tion in military applications.1,2 Many methods based describe the possibility of occurrence of a result in real
on information fusion have been proposed to classify applications.25 More importantly, for most cases, it is
objects,3 target recognition4,5 and decisions making.6,7 much easier to describe the negation of the events than
In most cases, the final result which is obtained by directly describe them in some circumstances. For
information fusion of multiple sensors may be reason- example, if it is difficult to prove a mathematical for-
able. However, the recognition result maybe counter- mula rigorously, however, a counterexample can easily
intuitive due to high conflict.8 Up to now, fusion rule is prove the formula wrong. Similarly, there is a signifi-
still an open question. Besides, the information gath- cant property in probability, namely mutual exclusion.
ered in sensors fusing system9–11 exists uncertain as it is
incomplete, inconsistent and possibly imprecise. Many
methods have been proposed to obtain more informa- Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Science, University of Electronic
tion.12–14 However, due to the existing uncertainty,15–17 Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China
it is essential to obtain more information according to
Corresponding author:
known knowledge. Yong Deng, Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Science, University of
Presenting knowledge is an open issue.18–20 In most Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China.
cases, we commonly use ‘must’, ‘may’ and ‘likely’ to Emails:;

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2 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Mutual exclusion means the occurrence of one thing Gini entropy

when its opposite will not happen. In other words, the Entropy plays a very important role in many systems.31–33
probability of an event will affect its opposition. In Yager’s NPD, the Gini entropy is adopted.27
Therefore, it is meaningful to study negation of prob-
ability distribution (NPD).26 Recently, the NPD based
on Gini entropy was proposed by Yager to present Definition 1. Gini entropy is defined as follows34
knowledge in a new view.27
The motivation of this study is to find a more gen- X
HG = P(Ai )(1  P(Ai )) ð1Þ
eral and reasonable mode to evaluate the uncertainty i=1
of NPD. If the correlations between the N elements are
strong enough, then the extensivity of some entropies is where pi is the probability distribution which satisfies
P n
lost, which is incompatible with classical thermody- i = 1 Pi = 1. Gini entropy is expansive, that is,
namics.28 Tsallis entropy29 is proposed to overcome G(P1 , P2 ,    , Pn ) = G(P1 , P2 ,    , Pn , 0). It means add-
this difficulty with non-extensive property. In Tsallis ing an element with zero probability does not affect the
entropy, q is not a ‘tunable’ parameter, but is strictly Gini entropy.
determined by the system itself.30 As a result, always Moreover, if only for the sake of comparing the uncer-
using Gini entropy in Yager’s NPD,27 which is a special tainty associated with the two distributions, the Gini
case of Tsallis entropy when q = 2, is not reasonable to entropy may be preferred to the Shannon with simpler cal-
many real systems. To solve this problem, the article culation.35 Knowledge representation is of great significance
uses Tsallis entropy to measure the uncertainty of to modern science. In many fields, it has been regarded as
NPD, which can be more reasonable. the main driving force for the application of theory to prac-
More importantly, in nature and society, everything tice, such as, aggregation,36 evidence resolution,37–39 deci-
has its negation. Regret and expect give us two views to sion-making40–42 and so on.43–45 Interestingly, probability is
consider a problem. Moreover, the best alternative is as similar to coins, it also has a original side and a negative
close as ideal solution and is as far as negative solution. side.46 Summarizing, negation provides a new view to inves-
Besides, NPD can provide another information based tigate the property of probability.
on known information. That is to say, we can analyse
this target from two sides, which can improve the cor- Definition 2. Assuming a probability distribution
rectness of decision-making. The reason is that NPD P = fP(A1 ), P(A2 ),    , P(An )g, the NPD was defined
has the properties of imprecision and unknown, which as27
is beneficial for decision. More importantly, if the origi-
nal information is highly conflicting, the conflict of  i ) = 1  Ai
P(A ð2Þ
negation may not be highly conflicting. Based on the n1
discussion, it is of great significance to study negation.
Because the probabilities are completely mutually
Hence, the article also uses negation to recognize target
exclusive, its negation was normalized, so the NPD
based on sensor fusion.
The rest of this article is structured as follows: In the
section ‘Preliminaries’, preliminaries of some entropies  1) ł 1
0 ł P(A
and Yager’s negation method are introduced. The pro- X
posed method is introduced in the section ‘The pro-  i) = 1
posed method’. In the section ‘Examples and
discussion’, a numerical example is used to illustrate It should be pointed that since the basic probability
the method of negation and using Tsallis entropy to assignment has more flexibility to represent uncertainty,
evaluate the uncertainty. The application of negation in the negation of basic probability assignment is also paid
target recognition based on sensor fusion is introduced attention recently.46
in the section ‘Application of negation based on sensor
fusion’. Finally, some conclusions are given in the sec- Tsallis entropy
tion ‘Conclusion’.
Definition 3. Given a probability distribution
P = fP1 , P2    , Pn g, the Tsallis entropy can be defined
Preliminaries as29
In this section, the preliminaries of some entropies and k X q
NPD will be briefly introduced. Hq ð PÞ = 1 Pi ð3Þ
q1 i
Gao and Deng 3

when q ! 1, which corresponds to the Boltzmann-   H1 (P) = 
H1 (P) (1  Pi )ln(1  Pi ) + Pi lnPi
Gibbs entropy, namely !
X   H1 (P) + l
D0 = H1 (P) Pi  1
H(P) = H1 (P) =  Pi lnPi ð4Þ i=1
i=1   H1 (P)
∂H1 (P) 1 1  Pi
= lnPi + 3 ln +l
One can rewrite Tsallis entropy as follows29 ∂Pi n1 n1
 ø H(P)
k XW
Hq = Pi (1  Pq1
i ) ð5Þ
q1 1 From the above calculation, it can be seen that
Tsallis entropy can increase after negation.
where q is a real parameter sometimes called entropic-
index which generalizes the usual exponential and plays
the important role in description of thermodynamic. k Property 2. There is maximum Tsallis entropy with uni-
is the Boltzmann constant (or some other convenient form distribution after multiple negations.
value, in areas outside physics, such as information the- The general formula of the negation method is as
ory, cybernetics and others).28,29 Besides, when q = 2, follows
the Tsallis entropy degenerates the Gini entropy.
1 n 3 x1  1
xi + 1 = + ð7Þ
n n 3 (n  1)i1
The proposed method
where xi + 1 represents the ith negation. After multiple
From the above, it can be seen that Yager’s method negations, the probability distribution is as follows
would be the special case. In order to expand the appli-
cation of negation, the article proposed a method that 1
lim xi + 1 =
uses Tsallis entropy to measure the uncertainty of i!‘ n
NPD. Using Tsallis entropy to measure the uncertainty
From the above, it can be seen that Tsallis entropy
of NPD can expand the application of negation
reaches the maximum after multiple negations.
  Besides, in nature, any operation can cause energy
1 X 1  Pi 1  Pi q1
Hq = 1( ) ð6Þ consumption. The change of entropy means the con-
q1 n1 n1 sumption of energy, and consumed energy cannot be
In the following part, the property of negation-based reused. Similarly, the variation of information entropy
proposed method can be discussed. is accompanied by the consumption of information. Of
various entropies, Tsallis entropy is non-extensive
entropy and applied in artificial and social complex sys-
Property 1. Tsallis entropy can increase after negation. tems. Hence, using Tsallis entropy to measure uncer-
Specific proof is as follows tainty of NPD can expand the applications of negation.
1 X q
Hq (P) = 3 (1  (Pi ))
q1 Examples and discussion
X q
 = 1 3 (1 
Hq (P)  i ))
(P Example
Example 1. Given the event space X = fx1 , x2 , x3 g,
when q 6¼ 1 P(x1 ) = 0:2, P(x2 ) = 0:5, P(x3 ) = 0:3, the NPD can be
1 X q X 1  Pi q obtained as follows
  Hq (P) =
Hq (P) 3( Pi  )
q1 n1  1 ) = 0:4, P(x
P(x  2 ) = 0:25, P(x
 3 ) = 0:35
  Hq (P) + l
D0 = Hq (P) Pi  1 Comparing P(xi ) with its negation P(x i ), it can be
i=1 seen that the event xi which attaches to lower probabil-
∂D0 q q 1 ity acquires higher probability after negation process.
= q1
p + ð1  Pi Þq1 + l  i)
∂Pi q1 q1 n1 Attractively, what happens if negation is taken to P(x
  Hq (P) ø 0
Hq (P) ? Second negation is made and the results are obtained
as follows
when q = 1
P(x  ) = 0:375, P(x
 ) = 0:3, P(x  ) = 0:325
1 2 3
4 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

It is apparent that the original probability distribu-

 ). Generally, this process
tion P(xi ) is not equal to P(x i
for obtaining the NPD is irreversible when N ø 3

 ) 6¼ P(x )
P(x i i

It is necessary to explore what causes this irreversi-

bility. From Example 1, it can be found that the prob-
ability would be redistribution after negation. Hence, it
should be considered whether the uncertainty has chan-
ged after taking NPD. In the next section, there are
some discussions on why the negation process is gener-
ally irreversible and how to measure the uncertainty of
the probability based on our negation method.

Further discussion Figure 1. The trend of Tsallis entropy after each iteration of
negation process.
Again considering the Example 1, the Table 1 is used
to show the change of probability after each iteration
of negation process. It can be clearly known that prob-
ability is reallocated after negation. Gradually, the Table 1. The change of probability after each iteration of
probability distribution becomes more and more close negation process.
to the uniform distribution. What is the cause of this
phenomenon? Frequency of negation P(x1 ) P(x2 ) P(x3 )
The concept of entropy is derived from physics.47,48
0 0.2000 0.5000 0.3000
With the increasing application of entropy,49,50 infor-
1 0.4000 0.2500 0.3500
mation entropy has become an indispensable part of 2 0.3000 0.3750 0.3250
modern scientific development.51,52 Shannon53 first 3 0.3500 0.3125 0.3375
proposed the concept of information entropy to 4 0.3250 0.3437 0.3313
describe the uncertainty and has applied in a lots of 5 0.3375 0.3281 0.3344
6 0.3310 0.3360 0.3330
fields.54,55 However, as in typical physical problems, 7 0.3345 0.3320 0.3335
there are some examples where the Boltzmann- 8 0.3330 0.3340 0.3330
Shannon entropy is not suitable.56,57 In 1988, Tsallis 9 0.3333 0.3332 0.3335
proposed a non-extensive entropy called Tsallis 10 0.3333 0.3333 0.3334
entropy. Subsequently, non-extensive statistical
mechanics which is Generalization of Boltzmann-
Gibbs Statistics emerged based on Tsallis entropy.
gradually in the process of negation and is almost
More importantly, the Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics is
invariable after the fifth negation, regardless of the
recovered as the limitation when q ! 1.58 The value of
value of q. It is clearly shown that the uncertainty gra-
q is hidden in the microscopic dynamics of the system.
dually increases in any system after each iteration of
It can be obtained by some experiments. A relevant
negation process. When there are multiple iterations of
improvement on the inference accuracy by adopting
negation process, the probability distribution would be
non-extensive entropies is proposed by Tsallis,57 where
uniform distribution and Tsallis entropy has maximum
q equals 2.5 obtains a better result. Besides, in
entropy, which is consistent with Property 1 and
article,59q = 2:5 is used to obtain mutual information
Property 2. Hence, using Tsallis entropy to measure
during DREAM4 data. As a consequence, using Tsallis
uncertainty of NPD is reasonable.
entropy to measure the uncertainty extended the
method of Yager.27 Therefore, it is of great significance
to measure uncertainty of negation with Tsallis Application of negation based on sensor
Let’s calculate the uncertainty using Tsallis entropy
with different q to observe how Tsallis entropy change Target recognition is paid great attention in military
after negation, as shown in Figure 1. There are changes applications.60 There are some methods to make deci-
of Tsallis entropy with five different q from 12 to 3. It sions.61–63 Fusion rules can help us make better deci-
can be easily seen that the Tsallis entropy increases sions.64,65 However, using existing information to make
Gao and Deng 5

more accurate decision is also an open issue. The nega- From the above, it can be seen that the Tsallis
tion provides a new view to obtain more accurate jud- entropy after fusion becomes less, showing that the
gement with the collected information. The specific fusion can decrease the uncertainty of information.
example is as follows. However, fusion rules don’t work in extreme prob-
There are three sensors to recognize the target which ability distribution. Using negation can provide another
maybe A, B and C. The results from the sensors are as view to analyse this phenomenon.
follows There is a special example to better explain the appli-
cation of negation. There are two sensors to recognize
p1 (A) = 0:7, p1 (B) = 0:2, p1 (C) = 0:1 the targets which maybe A, B and C. The results from
p2 (A) = 0:6, p2 (B) = 0:3, p2 (C) = 0:1 the sensors are as follows
p3 (A) = 0:5, p3 (B) = 0:3, p3 (C) = 0:2
p1 (A) = 0:8, p1 (B) = 0, p1 (C) = 0:2
64 p2 (A) = 0, p2 (B) = 0:8, p3 (C) = 0:2
Dempster rule is widely used in sensor data fusion.
The combination results are shown as follows p2 (A) = 0, p2 (B) = 0:8, p3 (C) = 0:2
K = 0:77, p(A) = 0:91, p(B) = 0:078, p(C) = 0:087 Using fusion rules, one can get the results as follows
Using the method of negation, new information is p(A) = 0, p(B) = 0, p(C) = 1
obtained as follows
From the result, it can be seen that the target must
p1 (A) = 0:15, 
 p1 (B) = 0:4, 
p1 (C) = 0:45 be C as p(C) = 1. Obviously, the result is not very reli-
2 (A) = 0:2, p
p 2 (B) = 0:35, p
2 (C) = 0:45 able. Besides, it can be seen that when evidence is highly
conflicting, Dempster rule doesn’t work. However,
3 (A) = 0:25, p
p 3 (B) = 0:35, p
3 (C) = 0:4 negation can provide another information, which is
useful to make decision
Similarly, fusion rule is used as follows

KN = 0:8625, 
p(A) = 0:055; , 
p(B) = 0:356, 
p(C) = 0:375 p1 (A) = 0:1, p1 (B) = 0:5, p1 (C) = 0:4
p2 (A) = 0:5, p2 (B) = 0:1, p2 (C) = 0:4
It is well known that conflicting coefficient K plays The fusion results are as follows
an essential role in information fusion.8 As a result,
analysing the difference of K between the original prob- p(A) = 0:19, p(B) = 0:19, p(C) = 0:62
ability and its corresponding negation is necessary. It is
easily found that the conflict after negation becomes Next, considering the changes of entropy between
bigger. The reason is that p(A) = 1  p(A) represents the original and negation, assume that q = 2 as there
the probability the target is not A, namely p(A) is the are two sensors
probability that target is B or C. Besides, the method
of negation contains the uncertain class (AorB). Hence, T1 = 0:4800, T2 = 0:4800, T = 0
the conflict becomes bigger due to the existing uncer- T 1 = 0:8100, T 2 = 0:8100, T = 0:7480
tain class after negation.
Obviously, negation gives us some new information.
More importantly, by comparing the results between
From the above result, the probability that target is not
the original and negation, the decision has more sup-
C is 0.62. It can be seen that the result of negation is
port to target A. p(A) = 0:055 reflects the probability
more reasonable than the original result. More impor-
that the target is not A. That is to say, it can increase
tantly, negation provides another view to analyse prob-
the probability of target A from the other side. Hence,
lem and can better handle conflicting evidence. Hence,
it can get two results from the two sides based on data,
negation is useful to make decision.
which is better to make a more reasonable decision in
In addition, analysing the Tsallis entropy between
target recognition.
original and negation, it can be found that Tsallis
Next, considering the changes of entropy between
entropy becomes bigger. Besides, according to the sec-
the original and negation, assume that q = 3 as there
ond law of thermodynamics, the entropy of an isolated
are three sensors
system never decreases. The negation can increase
Tsallis entropy. Moreover, entropy is irreversible.
T1 = 0:324, T2 = 0:378, T3 = 0:42, T = 0:123
From this view, the negation can make systems sponta-
T 1 = 0:421, T 2 = 0:429, T 3 = 0:439, T = 0:375 neously evolve towards thermodynamic equilibrium,
6 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

the state with maximum entropy. That is to say, nega- article: The work is partially supported by National Natural
tion tends to make the system uniformly distributed, Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 61573290,
and in fact it does. Hence, the negation not only pro- 61503237).
vides a new way to understand problems, but also pro-
vides better performance of decision support system. ORCID iD
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many applications, negation provides a new view to
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