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For the Ancient Egyptians, the cycle of life itself began and ended with Isis and Osiris.

In 1922, the
unsealing of King Tutankhamun’s tomb opened a portal to Ancient Egypt. In the burial chamber,
carvings on the wall show the young Pharaoh traveling to the afterlife. Here he is welcomed by Isis,
mother of Pharaohs and goddess of protection, and Osiris, king of the underworld. Two of Egypt’s most
powerful Gods. Long before Isis and Osiris, there was the creator god atum that fashioned geb the
goddess of earth and nut the goddess of sky. They had 4 children isis, Osiris, nepthys and seth. Isis and
Osiris fall for each others, while other siblings formed their own bond. As first born, Osiris became ruler
of the earth. He was essentially the creator of society, who brought law, farming, religion, and
education to the people. While Isis brought medicine, healing…and beer brewing. If Osiris stood for
order, Set stood for chaos. Even with the restrained Nephthys by his side, he couldn’t contain his desire
to destroy his brother. Seth was known for causing storm and war. but his most vicious plan began with
a party. At this gathering, Set produced an ornate chest and proposed a game: whoever could fit inside
the chest, could keep it. All the Gods tried to squeeze in, but none succeeded – for Set had designed the
chest for Osiris’ body alone. As his brother settled in, Set slammed the chest shut, sealed it, and flung it
in the Nile. As Set seized power over Egypt, the chest floated down the Nile and washed up at the
kingdom of Byblos. Here it merged with the trunk of a cedar tree, which the King promptly cut down and
used to prop up his palace - not knowing that Osiris’ body was inside. Isis vowed to find her husband
and put an end to Set’s rule. She and Nephthys took flight as falcons, questioning everyone they could
find for news of Osiris. Eventually, a group of children pointed them in the right direction. Landing on
the shores of Byblos, Isis transformed into a human and set about charming the palace maids and
gaining the favor of the queen, now Now an undercover nanny, Isis took to bathing the infant prince in
fire in order to instill some godly strength – but when the king discovered her actions he was so terrified
that he promised to give her anything in exchange for safety. She demanded the chest and brought it
back to Egypt. But Set found the body, hacking it into fourteen pieces and scattering them across Egypt.
But she found the pieces and stitched it back together. By the power of Isis, Osiris was briefly revived,
given a proper burial, and sent safely to the realm of the dead. Here he was resurrected as the king of
the afterlife, or Duat, where he would rule for eternity. In the wake of Osiris’ departure, Isis raised their
son Horus in hiding. Under her guidance, he grew into a strapping young God who defeated Set to
assume his rightful rule over Egypt.

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