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In a man's horoscope the planets to which the Moon makes an aspect by progression after birth, indicate the women to whom he will be attracted, together with their character and disposition, which are determined by the signs that the planets are in and the aspects which they make. For illustration, let us suppose that the Moon in a certain person's horoscope comes first to a sextile of the Sun in Leo, and that the Sun is aspected by a trine to Jupiter, then we shall find the description of the wife by looking up the disposition, a noble character, a blonde and of florid complexion. If on the other hand, we find that the Moon after birth makes a square to Mars in Scorpio, and Mars in turn square to Venus, then it would show a woman of a very lewd, slothful and slovenly nature who would be domineering, quarrelsome, extremely difficult to get along with. Similarly for the other planets. In a woman's horoscope the husband is described by the planets to which the Sun makes an aspect by progression, these planets to be taken in

connection with the sign where they are found and the planets with which they in turn form configurations, and the method is the same as indicated in the case of the Moon in a man's horoscope. It should be remarked, however, that when the significator of the marriage partner, aspected by the Sun or Moon, is retrograde or weak by sign, as Saturn in Aries or Jupiter in Gemini, the attraction is not strong enough to culminate in a marriage but will probably indicate only a passing attraction. Therefore the student must use his judgment in these respects.

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