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part of the coarser ash-beds.

Their commonest minerals are

O, projects an image of the diaphragm, termed by Abbe the

the highest summit of the Bernina group, the Piz Bernina (13,304

be poured into the water (not the other way, lest too great

made friends with Mangasha and received Ras Makonnen7,

Curia was appalling, the sale of offices became a veritable

ALTING, JOHANN HEINRICH (1583--1644), German divine, was

defeat the purpose of the order. It is unnecessary to detail

character and the amount of the manures, and especially on

to lend itself much better to critical discussion and to general

shared by his military superiors. He gave up his post at

over the islands of the sea, Adrian made Henry a conciliatory

Flore de l'Algerie (Algiers and Paris, 1884 and onwards),

such a manner that they constantly scrape the bottom, so that

substantially the same as those of colonial days, and were marked

Adige and the Po form conjointly one delta. (W. A. B. C.)

held on a lease of 1999 years, practically freehold, though

license. The distance to be traversed on foot is fixed by

literary investigators in Edinburgh find so eminently useful.

ordinance, dated December 20, 1820. It was divided into three

(St Petersburg, 1869-1871, Nikolaus I. Band i. Kaiser

23 See Literaturblott fur germanische und

generals rivalled if they did not excel the exploits of

Elbassan and Ochrida. Iannina is connected by carriage-roads

on nitrous oxide (the so-called ``laughing gas''), discovered

Potatoes, tubers, 6 tons 13,440 3360 127 46 2.7 76.5

inspector-general of the army. Like his father, and with

(1900) 4500; ( 1905, state census) 5657, 1206 being foreign-born

chalked or painted white, on which decrees, edicts and other

tribes. The old Kitwara empire, which comprised the plateau

wearing a thin dress, girt high for speed; while on the

concentrating apparatus was the ``boat-pan'' (fig. 8). This is an

directly on the agricultural industry of the United States

cap. 47) first put a stop to unauthorized posting, and the

excluded as they mostly were from politics, and living in

gases and that of the vat-liquor which trickles down in the

Arabia completely subdued, he directed his generals to foreign

schemes were wrecked by want of means. Accident solved the

province of Cadiz, 6 m. W. of Gibraltar, on the opposite side of

in sori on the surface of the female plant. The antheridia

side. The entrance was by a strong gateway (U) to the

Nkomi Katanga Wa-Kerewe

available) are subject to great fluctuations, and probably

Latina. These routes are all followed by modern railways---the

suit modern requirements. In 1905 this company began works

and perhaps partly of igneous origin. A belt of slate which

suffering. The volume was enthusiastically reviewed in the

following equations express the experimental results.

to anapaestic verse; but he is quite right in his general

bursting charge of pebble and fine grain powder gradually poured

of Medicine in Seven Books), the 6th book of which, treating

undisputed master of Syria, he abandoned himself to a life of

in England before Milton's elegies. Roxana is founded

newspapers serves to calf forth a grotesque variety of circulars

with its accessories, though the rudiments of most of the

man. The geologist and the trained archaeologist are

the ``we'' narrative is that of a personal companion of

high personages fell victims to the Borgia's greed this year,

administration. When Brazil became independent in 1822, Rio

the oosphere remains throughout in contact with the oogonial

it ``a heap for ever, even a desolation.'' It is mentioned

to Eugene Bignon (1812-1858), the actor and playwright.

It thus appears that the average yield of wheat in Great

Carrington. They let the men on yearly tenancy have it at about

Mont Pourri (W). . . . . . . . 12,428 Roc du Mulinet (C) . . . . . . . 11,382

made in free air at the same heights, resolved to arrange a

and firms engaged in the rubber trade, navigating the Negro,

largest in Abyssinia, contains numerous wall-paintings of

Indian training school (1881) for boys and girls. The

l'ancienne Afrique (1860-1862; Supplement, 1874); Ch. Diehl,

Pigmented Vertebrates,'' Proc. Roy. Soc. vol. lxxiv.;

indebtedness to the Jews, as is well seen in the Norfolk

friendship. By ethical writers the word has been used generally

the Alexander Range. Their mean elevation is 6000--7000 ft.;

regarded as the symbol of inexhaustible riches and plenty,

both in the doctrine of shades and in their shamanistic

forth. By this means the latent heat of the steam, issuing

a solution of ferrocyanide or ferricyanide of potassium;

In his later years he became very avaricious and amassed a

in the custom-house of his native town and filled several

Helena, he had several interviews with the emperor Napoleon

their combined volume to the surface at a lower level.

The summer rains that accompany the S.W. monsoon in India,

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