1st Pronounciation

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1st grade oral test; reading and pronounciation.

ð θ

. ði ofis
The Office
. ðis is dauntaun ofis
1. This is a downtown office.
. it is θersdei
2. It is Thursday.
. ðer ar meni pipl at ði ofis
3. There are many people at the office.
. ðer is a long lain ov pipl
4. There is a long line of people.
. it is a doctors ofis
5. It is a doctor’s office.
. ðis doctor is expensiv
6. This doctor is expensive.
In ðe monθ ov febrari hi is chip
7. In the month of February, he is cheap.
Hi helps pur pipl in ðe uinter monθ
8. He helps poor people in the winter month.
. ðer is a steθoscoup araund his nek
9. There is a stethoscope around his neck.
. ðer is a pen in his shert pocket
10. There is a pen in his shirt pocket.

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