2.1. Introduction (C. 300 Words: Deprivation

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2.1. Introduction (c.

300 words

This research study is about understanding the educational challenges that

adolescent students residing in residential homes encounter at mainstream schools
and Learning Support Centres. These students do not display interest during the
learning process, with result that they will finish school without even the basic
certificates. (Abela Angela, 2012)

Unfortunately, most adolescent students residing in residential homes will leave

school early with the perception that academic learning is boring. The educational
deprivation will reflect later in life because it creates social and economic difficulties
in their adulthood. (Committee, 2022)

The researcher has two decades of experience working with adolescent students
residing in residential homes and is aware that these adolescent students pass
through traumas and are prone to displaying social-emotional behaviour difficulties.

During the last 4 years, the researcher has had the opportunity to work in the
education setting which still encounters and works with adolescent students residing
in residential homes. The researcher questions the academic challenges during the
learning process and never had a concrete answer. This is a priceless opportunity to
investigate and analyze the educational challenges that adolescent students residing
in residential care face and how the education system could overcome these
educational challenges.


 The main aim of this research study is to find out the causes of academic
challenges that adolescent students residing in residential homes faced
during the learning process in mainstream schools and Learning Support

1. To understand and identify the experiences of adolescent students residing in
residential care and the academic impact.
2. To investigate educational challenges through the learning process in
Inclusive Education.
3. To identify the best practice methods and strategies to be implemented for
these students to overcome their academic challenges.


1. What are the teachers’ perspectives toward adolescent students residing in

residential care?
2. What are the support workers’(working in residential homes with adolescent
students) perspectives on the academic challenges that students face?
3. What are the students’ perspectives on academic challenges and their
experiences during the learning process in mainstream schools or Learning
Support Centres?
4. What are the best practice methods and strategies to be implemented for
these students to overcome their educational challenges?

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