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PovB022 9634 QPSNo: 675 Course Code: 17ASTC2 (For the candidates admitted from the academle year 2019-2020 onwards Under CBCS) B.AB.ConyB.Com(CAYB.Com(Cooperation), Degree Examination, June-2022 (Allied to Co-operation, Commerce, Commerce (CA), BBA) Major: Statistics, Semester - IV : : 0 Time:3 Hours Allied Statistics Course-II: BUSINESS STATISTICS-| Maximum Marks773 Scction-A (9X1=9 Marks) Answer Any Nine Questions. Choose the Correct Answer 1.The Correlation between two variables is of order: a)2 bl 0 d) None of these Ayeae unpsses ee a auflens 2 al 0 F) Qaypyfied agieyBledenso 2Which of the following is the highest range of 7? a)Oand1 b) -lando co) -land1 © d)land2 Usagamard ie agi Qearihs ews ampby? 2) 0upgyd 1g) -Lodprd 0 @) -lugpd1 A) Lupgm 2 SEX and Y are two variates, there can be at @) One regression line b) Two regression line _¢) Three regression line) Four regression line X Wynd Y QysinGo QyanG wnpunGsms Qe psned, NeraGaenarhHeo QGesseomd 20 BG Usirenna} Cand &) QyaHG eirononoy CanG ®) Teng Derenenoy Con@ F) Brite WenerenLoy Came 4.Paasches index is based on a) Base year quantities b) Current year quantities c) Both d) None of these Paasches @eHOLécv Driagamayponp sigiumLumnes Canoin gy SHaIGIUOL geinG sinayscr syypiiy aeinG giensysst @ Bysingw MQayhHed qgyoyerenoo 5.The circular test is satisfied by: a) Simple aggregative index _b) Paasches index numbers ¢) Laspeyres index numbers d) Kellys index numbers aio Héms Conse draGasmarh ord HEU sO. ADSs: 2h caus SILLS GUILE aypPaasches @HUSLG arsinscn Q) oonctdusjery GHG arsinscr Fy sede ule GHUILG ainsi 6.The aggregate price index that uses base year quantities as base is: a) Base year quantities b) Current year quantities —_c) Both 4d) None of these SIQUAL gyeinG gioTaYsenM SigiUELwTs UIEUDSEN Qonds Denovs G:Hus OL sin: 2) SiQUUEL aysing simsyss QBLLY aysin® otonaysct ®) QyenOa FF) QouphyHied stgyay.Aledveneo 7:The trend is linear if: a) The growth rate is constant _b) Rate of the growth is positive c) Growth isnot constant —_—_-d) None of these. Cpflused stositun@ ened 8) AIOT|EA DAS Sonsounengs HOI EA OAS Cofnsrpusrengy @) cumt}éA Honcounengy oicd—o F) QauisHed aginyidrenes 8.Which of the following components is used for short term forecast? a) Cyclical b)Trend —_c) Seasonal ) None of these diag sayscied ag) EMAL sro (NEA HANIYSS UUIKUGSSLUGSADg? 2) HHETU SOOLYOLU SCUTSG Q) UGABTOSHEHu —m) QeuyHed sgyaysrooney 9.Cyclie fluctuations are caused by: a)Strike and lockouts b) Floods) Wars) None of these. SpA gp Onssrise eragamarpne ghuGAeper 2) Cammsipgssd Upp sscumiyec — ayQeusremb ; @) Cumpscr FF) Qayhshie agyayBevsne> 10-The transportation problem deals with the transportation of a) Single products from a source to several observation. b) Several products from a source to a destination. ©) Single products from several source to a destination. 4) Several products from several source to several destination. Curégamydg) Aése Cunégeuyssy ensunsrdpg) 2) 9G WOSHSTGHS! UH siugnahiyss gion sumuyssr B 9G WHSIOGHS 9G QwsGss uy sumfPlyscr 8) Uo WarlesGis BG ANdGSE GHD suMLysc 7) UD CAmFMAAGS UD QosGaess uo suMpiysdt 11.In Northwest corner method first allocation is made of 2) Lower right corner of the table b) Upper right comer of the table ¢) Highest costly cel ofthe tabled) Upper left hand comer of the table. UCOHE Coemaudd wom se g5s8O OsiimcuGang) 2) SLLaimenmder 8p axsogs epansouded 8) siLLaimemier Ginsd eusogy apensoulkd D) sammie OS 2wiis Demouwis decd 7) SiLLeumemuidir Cine QLgi ms epenerutd 12.When the total demand is equal to supply then the transportation problem is said to be: a) Balanced —_b) Unbalanced —_¢) Maximization Gongs Come aupisgss sore Ge setbCun SapLUGsngy: 2) PanPerouym_o sy) SOHMeU Q) sH\sucswonsed 1 3 13,A= [2 | what is the order of matrix? 5 6 a) 2x3 b)3x2 4x3 d) None of these 4) Minimization. iB) CLEATS E) Ass Tereugiongy 1 Gensco 1 3 AS [: | ucts ouflens ater 5 6 ay 2x8 BBX2 — Q) 4X3 Maxie agiadereno 14.Equivalent Matrices ? a) A~B b)A=B )A#B__ d) Noneof these siotones sHea8 Housed ogy oy A~B SBA=B Q) AFB) Geudihled agiagAedoney 15Square matrices : a) mn b)nxm axn dr 5B) ste HowhyHled ogy eo) mn gnxm Qynxn mw Section-B (2X8=16 Marks) Answer any TWO questions yp biaii i Saag ge comelaton Coefficient from the following data. CUSMANG HS STs Oemhy eomagmp Ops x| 21] 36 [42 [37] 25, on, Ly [47 [40 [37 [42 [43 . Hund the different components of Time series. 1S Asm fen ucdCeugy sagysme oensgs. 18. Explain Index Number and their types. SHUI croim odd syeugyHeir aimasenen aendGS 19. What is the cost matrix. Qseey inh arsinpned creer 20. Solve the equation by Caramer's rule. 3x-+ SmMuoficr oNGusned sweiumLens Sse 3x24 Section-C (5X10=50 Marks) _ Answer any FIVE questions dl 21. The following data give the marks obtained by 10 students in ‘Accountancy and Statistics: Find the coefficient of correlation and interpret it. : eco eae sembgu upatures os ysteleeugs Se 10 aeajr Quydp ing LAussenenl THONG? BIK BEAK en: Asm jy Gomsgoss seinGigss sions oherésoy Kccout | 46 1 70 1 65 [30-1 90 | -40 [30 [75 | 85 | 60 | Satsies 3501901701 40 [95 | 40-{ 60 [eo | 80 | 50 | 22. You are given the following data: Particular x Y Arithmetic Mean 36 85 Standard Deviation 1 8 Correlation Coefficient 0.66. ()Find the two regression equations. (ii)Estimate the value of X and Y = 75. ARSGIG Merug sya enGssiu Gerongy x fle aqme 36 85 SLLaeosstb n Bi gm fy eamstb 0.66. (Qpsing Hereren_ayé socrun@sonens seim_H. Gi) X wxdpwb Y = 75 Qeer ws}iienu oH UAIGs, 23, Calculate three yearly Moving Average of the following data erugib spajsser WAN AGLMBAY 56Gb sqrafimus sombOOs Year 1998- 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 No.of Students 15 8 17 0 B B BW 3 3 40 24, Calculate the trend values by the method of least square from the data given below Ay AanGssiue Oxior SajsoAAG ig GODS F517 WWMOUNE CUTdG ns LYsered seoRbAG [Year 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 [ 2007 [Sales ofCo.A,[70_[ 74 | 80 | 86 [90 25, Compute a) Laspeyre’s method (b)Paasche's method (€) Fisher's method (8) Mieshall Edge worth index number a SaRdAG (on UNGapAre UHen (ay) conetUCUUPE CHEM y.Klapfler anenD wonf a HPiy CHILE aa ene aC 4 Base Year Current Year Commodities Fase Guantly — Price Quanity — x 2 40 6 30 B 4 50 8 40 iq 6 20 9 30 D 8 “ho 6 20 E 1 10 5 20 26. Calculate fisher's Ideal index number fisher’s ADS GDULG acinmend semsAQs 7 1995 1996 Commodities [price Quantity Price Quantity A 2 4 3 82 B 5 125 4 140 {c 7 40 [6 33 27. Solve the following transportation Problem stag CUrsGaUTdgs Adsmrms, Sis To A_[B_[C_| Availability gr 50 [30 | 220]1 © [I 90 [45 [170]3 mI 250 [200 [50 [4 Requirement [4 [2 [2 28. Solve the assignment problem sensceCiosin. AbsMOrs, Sse JOB MACHINE |_[P [Q[R [S 18 [26 [47 [11 13 [28 [14 [26 38 [19 [18 [15 19 | 26 | 24 [10 gol=|> 1 0 -1" 29. Find the inverse of the matrix A=}3. 4 5 | 0-6 -7 1 ak Coho) sieofhullenr A= f 45 0 -6 -7 30. Solve the equation by Cramer's rule: 3x —y + 2z

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