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200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©

These flashcards were designed to help you study teaching cues for each asana in the 200
HR program. You can print them out and fold the page down the middle to study each
pose and its corresponding name or teaching cues. You can also study right on your screen
using your hand to cover up the answers. We hope that you’ll find this resource helpful with
your studies.

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
Balancing Table

Teaching Cues
Engage your core muscles
Keep your neck soft but elongated by gazing down
Lengthen through your spine
Elongate through your outstretched fingers and toes
Draw a line of energy through your fingers and toes
Flex your back toe down
Keep your hips squared
Keep your shoulders over wrists

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Engage your core muscles
Firm and activate your quad muscles
Broaden your shoulder blades across your back
Lift your hips towards the sky
Draw a line of energy through your hands and tuck
your shoulders
Softly tuck your chin into your chest to protect your
Keep your knees and ankles in line
Elongate your neck
Press your feet into your mat
Draw your knees in same direction as your toes

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Engage the abs
Draw the shoulders blades down the back
Lengthen up through your spine and crown of the
Keep the chest lifted and open
Back is straight
Engage the quad muscles
Lengthen tailbone down towards the mat
Arms and fingers are active and engaged

Pose Name
Bound Angle

Teaching Cues
Keep your chest broad and open
Allow your shoulder blades to stay broad and open
across the top of your back
Draw your shoulders down your back as you
lengthen up
Press firmly down through your sit bones
Pull your heels in towards your pelvis
Draw your chest closer towards your feet
With every inhale, lengthen your spine 
With every exhale, allow yourself to fold deeper into
the stretch

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Keep your knees hip distance apart
Firm your shoulder blades down your back
Lift your chest and upper torso upwards
Keep your neck relaxed and soft
Reach back for your ankles or feet
Engage your upper back muscles to help you lift
Keep your chest reaching up and forwards
Lengthen your spine to avoid compression in the
lower back
Engage your inner thighs
Keep your gaze forward

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Go slowly into the pose and slowly out of the pose
Lengthen the tailbone down and lengthen up through
the crown of the head
Press the hips slightly forward
Allow the hips and thighs to stay in line
Focus on lengthening up through each vertebra in the
Keep the chest lifted up
Press evenly into the shins and tops of feet
Energize the thighs
Allow the legs to stay parallel to each other
Stack the hips over the knees
Draw the shoulder blades together

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues To Use

Draw the belly into the spine
Focus on starting the movement at the tailbone and
allow the head and neck to move last
Lengthen through each vertebra in the spine as you
move slowly in and out of the pose
Push down through the fingers and palms as you pull
the spine toward the sky
Tuck the tailbone
Keep the neck soft as you look down and release

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Squeeze the thighs together
Tuck the tailbone in slightly to avoid over-arching
of the lower back
Try to bring the thighs parallel to the mat
Draw shoulders down and back 
Keep the chest open
Press knees in together gently
Keep the knees slightly in behind the toes
Keep most of your weight in your heels 
Engage the core to prevent the ribcage from falling
too forward
Relax the neck and shoulders
Focus on breathing smoothly and steadily

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Drop the shoulders down and back
Feel the chest opening as you lower down
Push forward with your toes and lengthen the crown
Keep the arms hugged into the body
Engage the core muscles
Keep the shoulders above the elbows
Engage your upper back and shoulder muscles
Fully engage your leg muscles
Squeeze the elbows into your ribs

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Lengthen down through the spine and hips
Sink down into the hips
Broaden the upper back
Allow your chest to rest on or in between your thighs
Soften the neck and lower back
Relax the shoulders down and back
Feel the ground beneath you supporting you
Extend out through the fingers
Sink the head down towards the mat

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Focus on lengthening up through the crown  of your
Gaze upwards without straining the neck
Keep the shoulders down the back to avoid crunching
of the lower spine
Elbows stay hugged into the body
Keep the spine long
Peel the torso off the ground keeping the pelvis
rooted to the mat
Engage the quad muscles and press gently into the
tops of the feet
Engage the upper back and shoulder muscles to avoid
compression of the lower back
Press into tops of feet
Legs are active

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Draw the shoulders down away from the ears
Push down through your hands and fingers
Lift your gaze up
Pull the belly down towards the mat
Keep the chest open 
Allow the movement to begin at the base of your
tailbone, letting the neck and head follow last
Let the movement to be soft and fluid in the spine

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
Cow Face

Teaching Cues
Sit evenly into the sit bones
Stack the knees directly over each other
Draw the knees down towards the mat
Bring both heels equal distance to the hips
Elongate through the spine
Draw the shoulders down away from the ears
Knit the lower ribs in 
Keep the chest lifted and open 
Keep the elbows close into the body and avoid them
extending outwards
Elongate through the torso
Hook the hands together

Pose Name
Crescent Lunge

Teaching Cues

Lengthen up through the crown of the head

Draw a line of energy through your fingertips up to
the sky
Align your knee with your ankle
Lift the torso and pull the belly button in the spine
Draw shoulders down away from the ears
Knit the lower rib cage into the body

Pose Name

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Teaching Cues
Keep your gaze fixed in front of you
Front knees and toes face forward
Ground down and firm into the lower leg
Draw the core in and engage it
Engage the standing thigh muscles to keep you
Ground down through all corners of your standing
Focus your hips and pelvis so that they are squared to
the front of your mat
Allow your knees to be same direction as your toes
Reach the chest forward
Knit the ribs in to keep your torso from falling too far
Work to get the back thigh parallel to the mat

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Allow your body to come into an 'A' shape
Press into your forearms and shoulders
Allow your feet to be hip distance apart
Lift up through your tailbone
Lengthen through your torso
Engage and activate your core
Engage your quad muscles
Lift your kneecaps up slightly
Press your heels in towards the ground

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
Downward Facing Dog

Teaching Cues
Draw your shoulders away from your ears
Pull your hips up towards the sky
Broaden out through the back of your shoulders and
upper back
Keep your neck soft
Melt your heels towards the mat
Bring your gaze towards your ankles or toes
Draw your belly into the spine
Allow your biceps to frame your ears

Keep your hands about shoulder width apart

Press evenly into your palms and spread your

fingers wide on the mat

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Ground down through the outer edges of the standing
Squeeze the arms and legs together for balance
Sit back on your hips
Engage the core
Sink deeper into the hips to deepen the pose
Draw the arms up slightly and draw the shoulder
blades together
Keep the arms, torso, neck, and thighs in line
Draw the shoulders down away from the ears
Lengthen up through the spine
Wrap your foot behind your calf or rest it by the
standing ankle
Wrap the arms and hands together

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Ground down through your sit bones
Press evenly down into the earth
Relax your shoulders
Lengthen up through your spine
Lengthen the crown of your head upwards
Engage your core muscles slightly

Pose Name
Extended Side Angle

Teaching Cues
Keep your torso lifted up to avoid it collapsing down
Root down into the outer edge of your back foot
Engage your core muscles
Lengthen up through your ribs
Top arm reaches up and over or upwards
Front knee aligns with your front ankle or slightly
behind it
Press into your back foot
Rotate your chest upward
Rotate your back outer hip upward
For added stability - tuck the length of the lower arm
against the leg

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Engage your core
Press your hips forward slightly
Work to bring your thighs parallel to the mat
Sink deeper into your hips
Engage your core muscles
Pull your belly into your spine
Draw your shoulders blades down the back
Lengthen up through your spine
Keep your chest lifted and open
Keep your knees directly over your ankles
Engage your quad and thigh muscles
Lengthen your tailbone down towards your mat
Turn your toes outwards at about 45 degrees

Pose Name
Half Moon

Teaching Cues
Rotate your chest up towards the sky
Engage your core
Press down through your standing foot
Lift up through the kneecaps of your standing leg
Keep your shoulders stacked
Keep your hips stacked over each other
Activate your muscles in your thighs
Draw a line of energy out through your raised foot as you kick
Open up your torso to the same side of the body as your back
lifted leg

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
Halfway Lift

Teaching Cues
Keep your back flat as you lengthen forward
Keep your gaze soft as you look forward
Root down through your feet
Align your hips over your ankles
Draw your shoulders down away from your ears
Keep your neck, chest, and head lengthened and in a
straight line

Pose Name
Happy Baby

Teaching Cues
Gently push into your feet creating resistance
Lengthen your lower back down onto the mat
Allow your shoulders to remain pressed to your mat
Keep the knees resting on the torso
Grab for your feet or ankles
Tuck your tailbone down towards the mat
Gently tuck your chin into your chest to avoid
tension in your neck

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
High Lunge

Teaching Cues
Lengthen up through the crown of your head
Draw a line of energy through your fingertips up to
the sky
Align your front knee with your front ankle
Lift your torso and engage your core
Draw your shoulders down away from your ears
Knit your lower rib cage into your body
Engage your glutes and quadriceps to keep your legs
Keep your hips squared to the front of your mat

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Point your front toe towards the front of the mat
Stay lifted up on the ball of your back foot
Keep your shoulders broad
Allow your spine to remain lengthened
Keep your bent thigh hugged into your ribs to
avoid splaying out
Gaze forward slightly
Allow your head and neck to remain in line with
your spine
Keep the chest broad and lifted up to avoid
collapsing down

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Broaden across your collar bones and chest
Lift your chest upwards
Keep your neck and head soft and relaxed
Engage your legs as you lift up
Activate through your arms as you lift them up
Lift up through your quads and inner thighs
Keep your buttocks slightly firm without over clenching
Lift up through your chest, arms, and legs evenly

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Engage your core
Allow your chest to be open 
Lift slightly up through your kneecaps
Engage your quad muscles and turn the thighs slightly into
each other
Ground down through the outer edges of your feet
Lift up through the natural inner arches of your feet
Draw the shoulders down your spine
Lengthen up through the crown of your head
Tuck your tailbone in slightly
Keep your spine neutral and lengthened
Bring your chin parallel to the ground
Engage your arms slightly
Bring your big toes to touch

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Legs are spread comfortably apart
Close your eyes
Unclench your jaw
Allow your arms to rest comfortably away from
your body
Allow your feet to fall open gently
Keep your palms relaxed and open towards the sky
Soften the muscles in your face
Allow all the muscles in your body to completely

Pose Name
Seated Forward Fold

Teaching Cues
Engage your core muscles
Draw your shoulders away from your ears
Lengthen up through your spine 
Keep your spine straight and lengthened
Root down evenly through your sit bones
Reach your arms towards your feet
Point your tailbone down towards the mat
Engage your leg muscles
Broaden through your shoulders and upper back
Fold forward from your hips

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
Seated Spinal Twist

Teaching Cues
Lengthen up through your spine
Engage your core muscles
Allow the twist to come from your torso
Relax the neck as you gently twist the head back
Keep your chest open and lifted
Draw your shoulders away from your ears
Sit evenly into your sit bones

Pose Name
Side Plank

Teaching Cues
Stack your feet 
Engage your quad muscles
Stack your shoulders
Stack your shoulders directly over your wrists
Gaze softly up towards your top hand
Pull your side body up towards the sky
Lengthen up through your ribs

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
Standing Forward Fold

Teaching Cues
Allow your fold to come from your hips, not the
Keep your torso and spine long as you fold down
Keep your knees soft or bent 
Allow your neck to soften and lengthen down
towards the mat
Root down through all four corners of your feet
Lift your tailbone upward towards the sky

Pose Name
Seated Straddle

Teaching Cues
Keep your spine long to avoid hunching over
Draw your shoulders down away from your ears
Keep your knees soft without locking them
Allow the fold to come from your hips 
Keep your spine lengthened
Draw your belly into the spine
Soften your neck
Press down evenly into your sit bones

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
Supine Twist

Teaching Cues
Keep your spine long
Allow your shoulders to stay pressed to the ground
Keep your neck soft
Gaze in the opposite direction of your knees
Allow your knees to fall comfortably towards the
As you inhale, focus on lengthening up through your
As you exhale, focus on twisting deeper into your

Pose Name
Three Legged Dog

Teaching Cues
Lengthen up through your back leg
Engage your core
Lengthen up through your ribs
Sink your standing leg heel down
Broaden through your upper back
Draw your shoulders down away from ears

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Keep your breath steady
Draw your shoulders down your back
Keep your head, neck, torso, hips, and legs in one
long line
Engage your abs
Ground down in your standing leg
Keep your gaze on your focus point in front of you
Externally rotate your knee open 
Hips stay even
Keep your mind clear and focus on your breathing

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Lift up through the arches of the feet
Root down through the outer edges of the back foot
Keep the arms in line with the shoulders
Keep the neck, thighs, and arms in line
Lengthen up through the side of the body
Stack shoulders

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Lift your kneecaps slightly up to engage your quad
Press your toes into the mat
Breath space and length into your spine
Keep your weight in your upper back and shoulders
Engage your core muscles
Allow your torso, shoulders, and hips to remain in
Allow your torso to remain perpendicular to the mat

Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Lengthen up through the crown of the head and
Draw the shoulders down away from the ears
Square hips to the front of the mat
Point the tailbone down towards the ground
Internally rotate the back leg in
Press gently into the top of the back foot
As you inhale, focus on lengthening
As you exhale, focus on gently deepening more into
the stretch

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Keep your hips squared to the front short edge of
your mat
Keep your torso elongated as you float it
down over the front leg
Turn your torso towards the short edge of the mat
Press firmly into the outer edges of both your feet
Front knee can be bent slightly or straight
Draw your lower ribs inward to keep them from
falling forward
Draw your shoulders down your back
Avoid over-arching your lower back
Keep the crown of your head extending forwards 

Pose Name
Reverse Warrior

Teaching Cues
Open your chest and lift up through your rib cage
Root down through the outer four corners of your feet
Focus on lifting up from your chest vs. coming into a
backbend to avoid compression of your lower back
Keep your front knee aligned with the ankle
Allow your front knee to remain engaged and

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
Upward Facing Dog

Teaching Cues
Keep your shoulders down your back
Press down and up through the tops of your feet
Keep your wrists straight as you lengthen up
Pull a line of energy up through your rib cage
Engage your abs
Keep your chest lifted and open towards the sky
Draw your ribs forward and up
Lift your legs and knees off the ground
Keep your hands shoulder width apart
Spread your fingers wide on the mat
Keep length in your spine

Pose Name
Warrior 1

Teaching Cues
Keep your front knee aligned with or slightly behind
your ankle
Keep your hips squared to the front of the mat
Point your tailbone down towards the mat
Draw your shoulders down your back
Root down through the outer edges of your feet
Allow the arches of your feet to lift upward
Open your chest up towards the sky
Extend your fingertips up towards the sky
Contract your abs to protect your lower back
Allow your ribcage to open
Allow your back leg to remain straight and engaged

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name
Warrior 2

Teaching Cues
Align your front knee over your front ankle or slightly behind
Work to get your front thigh parallel to the mat
Spiral your front thigh open 
Keep your front knee and ankle in the same direction
Ground down through the outer edges of your back foot
Press the heel of your front foot down
As you press your feet down, lift the inner arches of your feet
Draw a long line of energy through your fingertips
Draw your shoulders down and directly over the hips
Tuck your tailbone down slightly
Keep your hips open to the side and even
Keep your torso directly over your hips
Send your gaze over your front fingers
Lengthen your ribcage up

Pose Name
Warrior 3

Teaching Cues
Press firmly into your standing foot
Draw a line of energy through your fingers and toes
Frame your arms by your ears
Find your point of focus to keep you balanced
Engage your core muscles
Lift up slightly through your standing kneecap 
Engage your quad muscles in the standing knee
Activate your core
Arms, torso and back leg are in a straight line

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©
Pose Name

Teaching Cues
Press down evenly through your arms and legs
Lift your hips up towards the sky
Lengthen through your ribs and chest
Press your pelvis up 
Keep your feet parallel to each other
Lift up through each vertebrae
Lengthen your spine
Allow your knees to remain in the same direction as your toes
Broaden across your shoulder blades

Pose Name
Wide Legged Forward Fold

Teaching Cues
Fold from your hips and not your waist or lower back
Keep your legs relatively straight and lift up through your
kneecaps and quads
Draw your shoulders down your back
Lengthen up through the crown of your head
Lift your hips up towards the sky and slightly forward
Engage your core muscles to keep you balanced and to protect
your lower back

200 HR YogaRenew Yoga Teacher Training Resource©

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