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(L R)


Despicable : scorn/contempt/disregard = redoubtable : awe, regard = venerable : reverence = reverential : deference =

exemplary : imitation = culpable : blame = creditable : belief/trust = notable : attention = reprehensible : censure :
= :


Edible : eat = potable : drink : = :


Exemplary : imitation = culpable : blame = notable : attention (not gullible : deception)

: = : = :


Exemplary : imitation = culpable : blame = redoubtable : regard = creditable : belief/trust = despicable :

scorn/contempt/disregard : = : = : = : = : //


Exemplary : imitation = culpable : blame : = :


Exemplary : imitation = redoubtable : regard : = :


Exemplary : imitation = venerable : reverence = reverential (reverable) : deference : = :


Fragile : break = porous : penetrate : = :


Friable : crumbed = lucid : comprehended : = :

10. Friable : crumble = malleable : alter : = :

11. Impressionable : influence = : (l is able to be r)
12. Indistinguishable : confound = equivalent : interchange : = :
13. Knead : malleable = penetrate : permeable : = :
14. Malleable : shape = irresolute : opinion : = :
15. Mandatory : comply = forbidden : abstain : = :
16. Potable : beverage = habitable : dwelling : = :
17. Prominent : notice = lucid : understand : = :

18. Pulverizable : crumbed = lucid : comprehended : = :

19. Redoubtable : regard = exemplary : imitation : = :
20. Redoubtable : regard, awe = despicable : scorn ,contempt, disregard : = :
21. Redoubtable : regard, respect = credible : trust : = :

22. Redoubtable : regard/awe = exemplary : imitation = culpable : blame = despicable : scorn/contempt/disregard

: = : = : = :

23. Resilient (returning freely to a previous position, shape, or condition) : recover = ?? :

24. Reverential (inspiring reverence )/ venerable : respect = exemplary : imitation : = :
25. Venerable : reverence = despicable : scorn : = :
26. Venial : excuse = pellucid : understand : = :
(L R) ( 2 )


Choleric : rile = volatile (easily aroused) : arouse : = :


Conspicuous : see = transparent : understand : = :


Gullible : chicanery = servile : domination : = :


Manifest / lucid : perceive = transparent : understand / : = :


Obvious : notice = pliant : influence : = :


Subtle : ignore = salient : observe : = :


Subtle : overlook = tractable : lead : = :


Ticklish : offend = pliable : influence () : = (,) : ,


Tractable : control = credulous : cozen : = :

(L R) ( 2 )


Abstruse : comprehension = ?? :


Demanding : satisfy = pristine : adulterate : = :


Elusive : define = faint : perceive : = :


Impassive : perturb = voracious : satisfy : = :


Indolent (averse to activity) : stir (to rouse to activity) = impassive : disturb : = :


Indomitable : subdue = exacting : satisfy : = :


Intrepid : deter = rapt : distract : = :


Invincible : conquer = negligible : perceive : = :


Petty : notice = contemptible : respect

: = : () (NOT mysterious : explain)

10. Salient : ignore = incomprehensible : understand : = :

11. Stoic : perturb = avaricious : satisfy : = :
12. Vagary : predict = acme : surpass : = :
13. Vagary : predict = diehard : budge : = :
14. Vagary : predict = impossibility : execute : = :
15. Vigilant : entrapped = demanding : satisfied : = : (l is not easy to be r)
16. Vigilant : waylaid (ambushed, entrapped) = wary : duped : = : / exacting : satisfied

17. Watchful : waylaid = cunning : gulled : = :


Abstemious : indulge = intransigent : compromise : = :


Adamant : move = impossible : execute : =:


Adamant : yield = cautious : gamble : = : ()


Adapt : unchangeable = ?? :


Ambiguous : understand = blatant : ignore : = :


Approbation : reprehensible = censure : blameless : = :


Bribe : incorruptible = affect : insensible : = : ( hear : uncommunicative


Buoyant : sink = insoluble : dissolve : = :


Censure : blameless = approbation : reprehensible : = :

10. Dauntless : intimidate = footloose : attach


: = :

11. Dauntless : intimidate = irrepressible : restrain : = :

12. Gibberish : intelligible = cacophony : harmonious : = :
13. Hear (=to receive communication) : uncommunicated = comprehend : ununderstood
: = :

14. Impenetrable : (pierce) = immutable : change : = :

15. Impervious : damaged = matchless : equaled : = :
16. Impervious : damaged = indefensible : excused : = :
17. Impervious : damaged = indomitable : subdued : = :
18. Impervious : penetrate = ineluctable : avoid : = :
19. Impossibility : execute = acme (summit) : surpass : = :
20. Impracticable : effected = indemonstrable : proven : = : (no.30, ) (not
intangible : known)

21. Impractical : effect = indemonstrable : prove : = :

22. Inaccessible : enter = ?? :
23. Inalienable : surrendered = implacable : propitiate = immutable : altered
: = : = :

24. Incontrovertible : disputed = indefensible, untenable : defended

: = :

25. Incontrovertible : disputed = matchless : equaled : = :

26. Incorrigible : rectify = incorruptible : bribe : = :
27. Incorrigible : reform = : ()
28. Indelible : forget = astounding : expect : = :
29. Indubitable : questioned = resolute : sway / inimitable : copy : = : = :
30. Ineffable : description = ineradicable : obliteration : = :
31. Ineluctable / inevitable : avoid = untenable : defend : = :
32. Inexorable : dissuasion = indomitable : conquest : = :
33. Inexpurgable (inexpungible) : obliterate = inimitable : copy : = :
34. Insatiable : slake = unsalvageable : restore : = :
35. Irreproachable : blame = irresponsible : restraint : = :
36. Irrevocable : rescind = ?? :
37. Obdurate : move = irrepressible : quell : = : (not volatile : rouse)
38. Opaque : light = impermeable : fluid : = :
39. Penetrate : impermeable = change : immutable : = :
40. Pierce : impenetrable = change : immutable = :
41. Pierce : impenetrable(impervious) = profane : inviolable : = : (not comprehend :

42. Pierce : impervious = profane : inviolable : = :

43. Pliable : inflexibility = malleable : rootedness : = :
44. Unexceptionable : oppose = unsalvageable : repair : = :
45. Unexceptionable : opposition = unique : precedent : = :

46. Unfathomable : understand = indomitable : suppress : = :

47. Unflappable : rile, (upset) = obstinate : persuade : = :
48. Unheralded : announcement = impromptu : rehearsal : = :
49. Unsalvageable(can not be saved) : repair = implacable : propitiate : = :
50. Untenable : defend = inexpurgatable : obliterate : = :
51. Untenable : defense = invulnerable : injury : = :


Abandon : inhibit = despair : hope : = :


Abet : dissuasion= ?? : :


Acrid : gentleness=forthright : guile : = :


Adroit : ungainly = loquacious : succinct : = :


Affected : artless = ?? :


Airtight : loophole = ?? :


Aloof : associate = politic : offend : , = :


Ambiguous : clarity = mendacious : truth : = :


Amicable : malign = ?? :

10. Anomaly : paradigmatic = blemish : flawless : = :

11. Apocryphal : authentic = ?? :
12. Apoplectic : calm = callow : mature : = :
13. Apposite : extraneous = ?? , :
14. Archaic : currency = evanescent : permanence : = :
15. Arrogance : defer = lassitude : stir : = :
16. Ascetic : indulge = imperious : grovel : = :
17. Ascetic : indulge = intransigent : acquiesce : = :
18. Asperity (=hardship) : optimistic = ?? :
19. Assuage : vex = ?? :
20. Audacious : caution = ?? :
21. Audacious : trepidation = laconic : volubility : = :
22. Belated : timeliness = ?? :
23. Beneficent : harm = tenacious : yield : = :
24. Besmirch : honor = ?? :
25. Bigoted : tolerant = provincial : cosmopolitan : = :
26. Breach(to destroy continuity) : continuity = disturb (to destroy repose) : repose : = :
27. Cacophony : melody = genteel : churlishness : = :
28. Calmness : frenzy = abandon : inhibition : = :
29. Candor : subterfuge = brashness : deliberateness : = :
30. Capricious : deliberation = insubordinate : submissiveness : = :
31. Celebration : lament = slight : show respect : = :

32. Circular : asymmetrical = protean : rigid : = :

33. Clarity : confusion = consensus : factionalism : = : ,
34. Complaisance : intractable = adeptness : maladroit : = :
35. Consensus : factionalism = clarity : confusion : = :
36. Craven : admirable = deft : awkward : = :
37. Craven : confront = honest : deceive : = :
38. Dauntless : trepidation = footloose : attachment : = :
39. Deferential : offend = scornful : respect : = :
40. Deft : awkward = craven : admirable : = :
41. Despicable : valuablemulish : flexible : = :
42. Dilute : concentrate = slacken : tauten : = :
43. Dingy : glisten = slippery : adhere : = :
44. Disaffected : content = dubious : conviction : = :
45. Disaffected : contentment = dubious : conviction : = :
46. Discompose : placid (pacific) = engage : tedious : = :
47. Dissemble : honesty = snub : politeness : = :
48. Dour : geniality = bumptious : humbleness : = :
49. Dour : tractable = bumptious : humble : = :
50. Ennui : enthusiastic = fervor : apathetic : = :
51. Ephemeral : abide = ?? :
52. Ephemeral : endure = inelastic : stretch : = :
53. Ephemeral : endure = inert : react : = :
54. Ephemeral : enduring = inanimate : living : = :
( infirm : healing : / interminable : continuous : )

55. Ephemeral : eternal = inanimate : living : = :

56. Ephemeral : longevity = grandiose : humility : = :
57. Equivocate : clarity = prevaricate : truth : = :
58. Equivocate : commitment = procrastinate : action : = :
59. Equivocate : directness = fawn : imperiousness : = :
60. Equivocation : clarity = prevarication : truth : = :
61. Equivocation : truth = delicacy : offense : = :
62. Equivocation : truth = euphemism(delicacy) : offense = obfuscation : clarity : = : =

63. Equivocation : truth = obfuscation : clarity : = :

64. Evanescent : permanence = archaic : currency : = :
65. Exorbitant : moderation = perfidious : loyalty : = :
66. Expedition : foot-dragging = consensus : factionalism : = :
67. Familiarity : unversed = spontaneity : studied : = :
68. Footloose : attachment = unversed : familiarity : = :
69. Frank : secretiveness = callow : maturity : = :
70. Frenetic : calm = ?? :

71. Frenzy : calmness = abandon : inhibition : = :

72. Frivolous : gravity = brash : discretion : = :
73. Furtive : openness = flippant : reserve : = :
74. Fusty (=old-fashioned) : fresh = :
75. Gall : lull = ?? :
76. Genteel : vulgarity = intrepid : fear : = :
77. Gossamer : substantial = ?? : (=firmly constructed)
78. Gratuitous : justification = ?? :
79. Guile : artless = blemish : /impeccable/flawless : = :
80. Guile : artless = flaw : impeccable : : = :
81. Guile : naif(nave) = tardiness : prompt : = :
82. Headlong : deliberation = ?? :
83. Heroic : craven = deft : awkward : = :

84. Hodgepodge : uniformity = clich : originality : = :

85. Hodgepodge(hotchpotch) : uniformity = clich : originality : = :
86. Husbandry : dissipate=alacrity : procrastinate : = :
87. Immaterial : relevance = peripheral : center : = :
88. Imperious : fawn = self-deprecating : swagger(v.) : = :
89. Imperious : fawn = swagger (adj.): self-depreciate : = :
90. Imperious : servile = bellicose : peaceable : = :
91. Imperiousness : fawn = self-depreciatory : swagger : = : :

92. Impertinent : propriety = keen : obtuseness : = :

93. Impervious : damaged = precarious : stabled : = :
94. Impervious : friable = nonflammable : combustible : = :
95. Impetuous : hesitant = irrepressible : servile : = : ,
96. Impetuous : hesitation = bumptious : humbleness : = :
97. Impetuous : vacillation / hesitation = bumptious : humbleness : = :
98. Imprudence : discreet = compassion : reclusive : = :
99. Inception : termination = matriculation : graduation : = :
100. Inchoate : organized = transitory : permanent : = :
101. Inchoate : organized = volatile : stabilized : = :
102. Incipient : realized = hypothetical : proven : = :
103. Incipient : realized = immature : developed : = :
104. Incipient : realized = moribund : dead : = :
105. Incogitant : thoughtful = restive : calm : = :
106. Incogitant : thoughtfulness = restive : calmness : = :
107. Incognizance : knowledgeable = penury : wealthy : = :
108. Incongruent : conform = recalcitrant : obey : = :
109. Inconsequent (= inconclusive) : conclude = ?? :
110. Inconsonant : concord = discrete : overlap : = :
111. Indigent : wealthy = redundant : indispensable : = :

112. Ingenuous : dissemble = raffish : preen = polite : snub : = : = :

113. Ingenuous : guile = delicate : offense : = :
114. Ingenuous : guile = impeccable : flaw : = :
115. Inhibit : abandon = calmness : frenzy : = :
116. Initial : realized = moribund : dead : = :

117. Insubordinate : submissive = capricious : deliberate :

118. Intentional : accidental = restive : calm (= arrogant : humble) , : () = , :
, (= : )

119. Intransigent : acquiesce = deferential : offend : = :

120. Inventiveness : accidental = effect (purport, intent) : casual (by chance) : = :
121. Irascible : placid = insensate : conscious : = :
122. Labyrinthine : simplicity = jejune : interest : = :
123. Lassitude : stir = arrogance : defer : = :
124. Loose : confinement = disabuse : misconception : = :
125. Maladroit : deft = voluble : terse : = :
126. Maladroit : skill = glib : profundity : = :
127. Mean : prodigality = meek : arrogance : = :
128. Meteoric (evanescent) : constancy (permanence) = archaic : currency : = :
129. Nominal : significance = disjunctive : unity , : = :
130. Palatial : hovel = bucolic : city : = :
131. Palatial : hovel = bucolic : metropolis : = :
132. Palliate : worsen = ?? :
133. Palter : candor = betray : loyalty : , = :
134. Paltry : significance = ?? , :
135. Paraphrase : verbatim = approximate : precise : = :
136. Parsimonious : generosity = skeptic : credulity : = :

137. Parsimonious : liberal (generous) = obtuse : keen : = :

138. Parsimonious : profligacy = impetuous : hesitance : = :

139. Particularize : abstract = lag : alacrity : = :

140. Partisan : objective = ?? :
141. Penitent : obdurate = skeptic : credulous : = : ,
142. Perfunctorily : inspiration = insolently : veneration : = :
143. Persistence : vacillate = inertia : react : = :
144. Pliable : inflexibility = malleable : rootedness : = :
145. Pliant : indomitable = modular : differentiated : = :
146. Pliant : mulish = despicable : valuable : = :
147. Precarious : stability = spent : efficacy : = :
148. Prevaricate : candid = equivocate : direct : = :
149. Pristine : decaystill : movement : = :
150. Profligate : solvent = mercurial : committed : = :
151. Rakish(dissolute) : restraint = slothful : assiduous : = :

152. Ramshackle : soundness = garbled : clarity (=unsound) : = :

153. Rectitude : transgress = indolent : stir : = :
154. Recycle : disposal = rehabilitate : demolition : = :
155. Repatriate : emigration = repeal : ratification : () = :
156. Repeal : ratification = repatriate : emigration : = :
157. Restive : calm = piddling(trivial) : considerable : = :
158. Restive : calmness = impeccable : flaw : = :
159. Restive : calmness = keen : obtuseness : = :
160. Restive : imperturbable = ?? :
161. Sanctimonious : devout = unctuous : earnest : = :
162. Schism : consensus = interruption : continuity : = :
163. Scrutinize : gloss = delve : skim : = :
164. Scurrilous : propriety = mercurial : constancy : = :
165. Self-confident : timid = open : shy : = :
166. Serpentine : directness = truculent : gentleness : = :
167. Simple : complexity = spurious : authenticity : = :
168. Slacken : tauten = dilute : concentrate : = :
169. Slothful : assiduity = ?? :
170. Slovenly : neatness = ?? :
171. Slovenly : dapper = ascetic : indulgent : = :
172. Spoke : hub = radius : center : = :
173. Static : move = pliable : inflexible : = :
174. Stream : eddy = trend : anomaly : = :
175. Taint : integrity = havoc : tranquility : = :
176. Tenacious : yield = beneficent : harm = insouciant : worry : = : = :
177. Tenacious : yield = insouciant : worry : = :
178. Terseness : voluble = transitory : permanence : = :
179. Threadbare / timeworn : novelty = labyrinthine : directness / : = :
180. Tranquility : agitation = abandon : inhibition : = :
181. Transitory : endure = immutable : change : = :
182. Truant : dutiful = ?? , :
183. Unabashed : embarrassment = unheralded : announcement : = :
184. Unheralded : announcement = impromptu : rehearsal : = :
185. Vacillate : persistent = react : inert : = :
186. Waffle : enunciate = embed : disinter : = :
187. Windy : concise = hackneyed : original : = :
188. Wordy : laconic = gregarious : reserved : = :


Abet : assistance = counsel : guidance : = :


Abet : encouragement = counsel : guidance : = :


Abet : encouragement = elucidate : clarification : = :


Aerial : air = aquatic : water (of air : air = of water : water) : = :


Ameliorate : improve = admonish (advise) : caution : = :


Ameliorate : improvement (or promotion) = advise : caution : = :


Ameliorative : improve = advisory : caution : = :


Apocalyptic : prophetic = inconsequential : illogical


Arboreal : trees = sidereal : stars = aquatic : water = fluvial : river : = : = : =

: = :

10. Audible : stentorian = discernible : obvious : = :

11. Authenticity : canon = ?? :
12. Authority : superiority = heterodoxy : nonconformity : = :

13. Bootless : futility = effulgent : resplendence : = :

( culpable : blame : )

14. Bootless : futility = effulgent : resplendence : = :

15. Bootless : futility = void : emptiness : = :
16. Buoyant : float = heavy : drop : = :
17. Canonical : conforming = qualified : limited : = :
18. Caprice : whimsical = insight : discerning = stealth : furtive = discontent : unsatisfied : = :
= : = :

19. Charismatic : appeal : = : panache

20. Clandestine : secrecy = harmonious : congruity : = :
21. Clandestine : secretly = overt : openly : = :
22. Cogent : convince = repugnant : repel : = :
23. Comprehensible : lucid = audible : stentorian = discernable : obvious : = : =

24. Condescending : patronize = obsequious : fawn : = :

25. Condolence : sympathy = gibe : derision : = :
26. Condolence : sympathy/compassion = gibe : derision : = :
27. Conducive : foment = tonic : invigorate : = :
28. Congenial : bonhomie = reclusive : aloofness : = :
29. Console : sympathetic = gibe : derisive : = :
30. Convivial : sociability = ? ? :
31. Convoluted : complex = transient : ephemeral () : = :
32. Convoluted : complexity = ephemeral : transience : = :
33. Convoluted : complexity = transient : evanescence () : = :
34. Dapper (neat and trim in appearance : excessively spruce) : fastidious = imperturbable : placid
: = :

35. Dexterous : manipulate(to manage or utilize skillfully) = prescient : predict : = :

36. Didactic : teach = hortatory (exhortative) : urge : = :
37. Digress : excursive = reiterate : redundant : = :
( accede : contentious : )

38. Diligent : effort = malign : ill will = deceptive : duplicity : = : = :

39. Draconian : inclemency = fretful : vexation : = :
40. Ecumenical : generality = entire : integrity : = :
41. Encomium : eulogy = quibble : cavil : = :
42. Enticing : tempt = affectionate : love : = :
43. Ephemeral : transient = permanent : perpetual : = :
44. Erudite : fathom = oblivious : neglect : = :
45. Exculpatory : absolve = motivational : stir(excite) : = :
46. Genial : bonhomie (good-natured easy friendliness ) = diplomatic : tact = () :
47. Genuine : authenticity = entire : integrity : = :

48. Gibe (jibe, jape) : derision = condolence : compassion : = :

49. Haunt : frequent = obscure : undistinguishable : = :
50. Headstrong : willfulness = (fawning : subservience) : = :
51. Heinous : abominable = grating : irritating : = :

52. Heretic : unconformity = generous : liberality : = :

53. Heterodox : nonconformity = generous : liberality : = :
54. Impudence : brazen = deadpan : impassive : = :
55. Inexperience : green = disobedience : refractory : = :
56. Inexperience : green = pertinacity : refractory : = :
57. Infuriate : rage = commend : esteem : = :
58. Infuriate : rage = nonplus : perplexity : = :
59. Ingratiating : win favor = disingenuous : deceive : = :
60. Ingratiating : win favor = laudatory : praise :
61. Insight : discern = (judgment) : evaluate : = :
62. Insurgent : rebel = incendiary : agitate : = :
63. Inter : burial = obliterate : removal : = :
64. Interesting : intriguing = bootless : futile : = :
65. Judicial : judgment = ?? :
66. Lamentable : pity = reprehensible : censure : = :
67. Limber : flexibility = spindly : frailty : = :
68. Longing : pine = remorse : rue : = :
69. Malicious : ill will = exaggerating : hyperbole : = :
70. Malicious : ill-will = diligent : effort : = :
71. Malign : ill will = diligent : effort : = :
72. Malingering : shirk = parsimonious : skimp : = :
73. Measly (contemptibly small) : contemptibly= puny : weakly : = :
74. Mimicry : camouflage = mutation : variation , : = , :

75. Mysterious (=enigmatic) : enigmatic = pernicious (= harmful) : harmful : = :

76. Nefarious : wickedness = generous : liberality : = :

77. Nicety : precision = illusion : fantasy : = :
78. Nonsensical : drivel = pompous : bombast : = :
79. Obsequious : fawn = compliant : yield : = :
80. Obsequiousness : flattering = sneer : derisive : = :
81. Obstinate : stubborn = devoted : dedicated : = :
82. Opportune : convenience = impermanent : transience : = :
83. Order : imperative = question : interrogative : = :
84. Palatable : savory = discernible : manifest : = :
85. Palatial : grandeur(or Palace : grandiose) = ?? :
86. Palmy : prosperity = draconian : severity : = :
87. Parsimonious : skimp = indolent : shirk : = :
88. Parsimonious : skimp = malingering : shirk : = :
89. Passionate : enthusiasm = ?? :
90. Patronize : condescending = fawn : obsequious : = :
91. Patronize : condescension = deride : mockery : = :
92. Penitent : contrition = ?? :
93. Penitent : remorse = ?? :
94. Periodic : recurevanescent : vanish : = :
95. Pertinent : relevance = redundant : superfluity : = :
96. Pliant : influence = obvious : notice : = :
97. Pontificate : pompous = scoff : derisive = drawl : slow = bluster : loud = prate : aimless
: = : = : = : = : ()

98. Praise : approbation = placate : mollification : = :

99. Preparation : ready = obfuscation : confusing : = :
100. Prodigious : amaze = disgusting : sicken : = :
101. Question : interrogative = order : imperative : = :
102. Raucous (sounding harsh) : harsh = dulcet (sounding sweet) : sweet : = :
103. Recidivism : relapse = rehabilitation : convalesce : = :
104. Rend : tear = dissipate : diminish , : = :
105. Resilient (returning freely to a previous position, shape, or condition) : recover = ?? :
106. Resourceful : inventiveness = philanthropic : geniality = recalcitrant : stubbornness
: = : = :

107. Reverence : regard = credence : belief : = :

108. Reverence : respect = avidity : enthusiasm : = :
109. Sabbatical : leave = ?? :
110. Scoff : contemptuous = thank : grateful : = :
111. Shirk : indolent = hoard : miserly : = :
112. Snub : disdain = double-cross : disloyalty : = :
113. Star : sidereal = emotion : affective : = :

114. Stipple : dot = striate : band : = :

115. Striated : groove = mottled / dappled : spots : = / :
116. Tactile : touch = affective : emotion : = :
117. Temperate : restrain = tenacious : persist : = :
118. Tightfisted : parsimonious = brattish : mischievous : = :
119. Tonsorial : hair = sartorial : apparel : : :
120. Transient : vanish = periodic : recur : = :
121. Transient : vanish = persistent : perpetuate : = :
122. Weakened : languish (be or become weak) = ?? :

123. Whimsical : caprice = furtive : stealth : = :

124. Width : broad = weight : heavy : = :
125. Winsome : charm = sagacious : wisdom : :


Abhorrence : dislike = adoration : fondness : = :


Acrid : odor = piercing /grating : sound : = :


Acute : discern = evanescent : vanish : = :


Adulate : fawn = woo (love) : adore : = :


Agonized : distress = obsessed : concern : = :


Antediluvian : age = colossal : size: :


Apoplectic : angry = emaciated : thin : = : (L > R )


Apprehension : terror = affection : adoration : = : (L < R)


Assert : belabor(to explain or insist on excessively ) = tend : fuss(to pay close or undue attention to small details)
: = :


Atrocious : bad = momentous : important : = :


Attentive : officious = refined : snobbish

: = :


Attentiveness : meddlesome = envy : jealous : = :


Avarice : money = gluttony : food : = :


Aversion : disinclination = adulation : admiration : = :


Badger : bother = persecute : injure : = :

Badger : bother = pry : inquire : = :


Belligerent : assertive = servile : obsequious : = :


Bondless : extensive = interminable : lengthy : = : (no2)


Bumptious (presumptuously, obtusely, and often noisily self-assertive: OBTRUSIVE) : assertive = garish : colorful
, : = :


Castigation : blame = crime : misbehave : = :


Castigation : reproof = loathing : dislike : = :


Cavil : criticize = probe : investigate : = :


Cavil : object = nitpick : criticize : = :



Chide : pillory = humor(: to soothe or content by indulgence) : mollycoddle : = :


Cleft : chasm = cut : gash : = :


Coma : unconsciousness = delirium : confusion : = :


Command : entreaty = goad : enticement : = :


Complain : carp = drink : guzzle : = :


Compliant : servile = trusting : gullible : = :


Convulsion : contraction = frenzy : emotion : = :


Countless / innumerable / myriad / untold : number = everlasting / interminable : duration

: = / :


Countless : number = interminable : duration : = :


Criticize : libel = reprove : denounce : = :


Curt : words = parsimonious : resource : = :


Damp : drench = tint : suffuse : = :


Despondent : depressed = saturnine : gloomy : = :


Dim : glare = ?? :


Disagreeable : hateful = harmful : lethal : = :


Dislike : loathing = pleasure : bliss : = :


Drenched : wet = antithetic : different : = :

40. Effervescence : feeling = fury : anger : = :


Energetic : frenetic = firm : obdurate : = :

42. Engrossed : absorbed = rash : adventurous : = ():


Entangle : involve = scrutinize : observe = grill : question : = : = :


Enthusiasm : mania = suspicion : paranoia : = :


Era : moment = region : site : = : (L > R)


Exult : satisfaction = crave : longing : = : L > R


Fall / descend : plummet = move : dart : = :


Fascination : interest = adoration : fondness : = :


Fathomless : deep = interminable : lengthy : = :


Fawning (Obsequious, Sycophantic) : praise = loquacious : talk : = :


Fawning : attentive = garish : colorful : = :


Fervor : feeling = fury : anger : = :


Fervor : zealot = improvidence : spendthrift : = :


Firm : intransigent = concerned : obsessed : = :


Firm : obdurate = thin : emaciated : = :


Firm : obstinate = curious : interrogative(inquisitive) : = :


Firm : obstinate = energetic : frenetic : = :


Firmness : obduracy = courageousness, braveness : foolhardiness : = :


Firmness : obdurate = carefulness : meticulous : = : (L < R)


Fleeting (=passing swiftly) : pass = meteoric : rise : = , : ,


Fleeting : pass = meteoric : rise : = :

62. Flit : move = blurt : speak/utter : = :



Fluent : glib = humorous : wry : = :


Fold : crumple = carve : hack =

65. Frigid : cool (cold) = sodden : damp : = :


Frigid : cool = soaked : damp : = :


Frugality : penurious = deference : sycophantic : = :


Frugality : penurious = firmness : obdurate : = : (L < R)


Frugality : penury = deference : sycophancy : = :


Full-bodied : flavor = resonant : sound : = :


Fury : anger = effervescent : feeling : = :


Fury : anger = inspiration : enthusiasm : = :


Galvanize : stimulate = irrigate : flush () : = () :


Garrulous : talkative = cloying : sweet : = :


Garrulous : talkative = fussy : careful : = :


Garrulous : words = prodigal : money : = :


Gaudy : apparel = grandiloquent : speak (language) : = :


Grill : question = scrutinize : observe = entangle : involve : = : = :


Heartrending : plaintive(sad) = deafening : loud : = :


Hidebound (=ultraconservative) : conservative = maniacal : interested : = :


Hoary : old = hilarious : funny , : = : ()


Hubris : pride = flattery : praise : = :


Imperial (of superior or unusual size or excellence) : significant (of a noticeably or measurably large amount) =
Spartan : austere : = : (L>R)


Innumerable : number = interminable : duration : = :


Interest : obsession = modest : prudish : = (,) :


Jammed : full = ironclad : firm : = : (L > R)


Loquacious : talkative = cloying : sweet : = :


Loquacious : talkative = rash : adventurous : = ():


Loquacious : word = profligate : money : = :


Mania : enthusiasm = fervor(intensity of feeling) : feeling : = : (L > R)


Mania : enthusiasm = paranoia : suspicion : = : (L > R)


Mania : enthusiasm = rapacity : covetousness : = : (L > R)


Maudlin : sentimental = obsequious : deferential : = : ()


Mawkish : sentimental = gullible : trusting : = :


Mawkish : sentimental = pedantic : scholarly : = :


Meddlesome : pry = contentious : argue : , = :


Milk : extract = exploit : utilize : = :


Mind : dislike = ?? : (L < R)


Momentous : important = atrocious : bad : = : (L > R)

100. Obliterate : remove = saturate : wet : = :

101. Observe : scrutinize = question : grill : = :
102. Obsessed : absorbed / attracted = rash : adventurous : = ():

103. Obstinate : perverse = tactless / insensitive : offend : = :

104. Officious : attentive = parsimonious : frugal : = : LR
105. Painful : agonizing = important : paramount : : :
106. Pleasurable : paradisiacal = tiring : grueling : = : (R<L)
107. Parsimonious : save = prodigal : spend : = :
108. Parsimony : frugality = hubris : pride : = :
109. Plummet : descent = dart : move : = :
110. Ponder : consider = scrutinize : observe : = :
111. Pontificate : speak = strut : walk : = :
112. Pontificate : speak = swagger : walk : = :


Prying : inquisitive = grating : irritating : = :

114. Querulous : complain = sycophantic : flattery : = :

115. Querulous : complain = voluble : talk : = :
116. Recalcitrant : stubbornness = impudent : brass : = :
117. Relevant : crucial = perceptible : obvious : = :
118. Rend : tear = rush : hurry : = :
119. Reprove : criticize = abhor : dislike : = : (L > R)
120. Reprove : reprimand = blame : censure : = : (L < R)
121. Reticent : talk = abstemious : eat : = :
122. Satiated : food = saturated : moisture : = :
123. Saturated : wet = peeved : annoy : = :
124. Scholarly : pedantic = modest : prudish : = :
125. Servile : obsequious = belligerent : assertive : = :
126. Soaked : damp = frigid : cool : = : (NOT exuberant : happy)
127. Sodden : damped = frigid : cool (cold) : = :
128. Terror : fear = (craving : desire) : = ( : )
129. Tint : suffuse = damp : drench : = :
130. Volatile : temper = ready : wit : = :
131. Zeal : dedication = rage : anger : = :
132. Zealous : dedication = mesmeric : interest : = :
133. Zealous : dedication = raged : anger : = :


Blast : whiff = gush : trickle : = : Chuckle : laugh = hum : speak : = :


Creek (brook) : river = hill : mountain : = :


Crime : misdemeanor = commitment : decision : = :


Croon : sing = murmur : speak : = :


Ditch : canyon = burrow : cavern : = :


Doze : sleep = nudge (to prod lightly) : prod : = :


Eaglet (a young eagle) : bird (??)= fawn : mammal : = : ( cub (a young bear) : bear :


Fable : tale = ditty : song : = =


Glitch : flaw = peccadillo : error / sin / offense : = :

10. Grotto (a cave typically picturesque and rocky and of limited size) : cavern (cave) = arroyo (a water-carved gully or
channel) : channel : = :
11. Gust : wind = cloudburst : rainfall : = :
12. Hill (small mountain) : mountain = creek (small river) : river : = :
13. Inch : move = nibble : eat : = :
14. Inkling (slight knowledge) : knowledge = modicum (slight quantity) : quantity : = :
15. Jot (write briefly or hurriedly) : write = skim : read : = :
16. Lapse : error = misbehave : criminality : = :
17. Lapse : fault = misdemeanor : criminality : = :
18. Minuscule : letter = minnow (any of various small fish that are less than a designated size and are not game fish) : fish
: = :
19. Minuscule : letter = minnow (any of various small fish that are less than a designated size and are
20. Misdemeanor : crime = lapse : error : = :

21. Misdemeanor : crime = peccadillo : offense : = :

22. Mishap : accident = peccadillo : offense : = :
23. Mishap : catastrophe = (embarrassment : humiliation) : = : (L < R)
24. Mite : creature = speck : amount : = :
25. Nibble (= to eat a little bit) : eat = inch (= to move a little) : move : =
26. Nicety (a fine or slight distinction) : distinction = spoof (a light humorous parody) : parody
: = :
27. Nitpick : criticize = cavil : object / probe : investigate : = : / :
28. Nuance : distinction = hint : suggestion : = :
29. Peccadillo : sin = admonishment : castigation : = :
30. Peck : kiss = glance : look : = :
31. Peep : sound = ?? :
32. Pittance : allowance = rivulet : stream : = :
33. Pittance : money = morsel : food : = :
34. Quaff : sip = stride : mince : = :
35. Rain : deluge(a drenching rain) = wind : hurricane : = :
36. Sip : drink = mince : walk : = :
37. Skit : play = anecdote : narrative : = :
38. Small : minuscule = moist : saturated : = : (L < R)
39. Squabble : dispute = foible : failing : = :
40. Squall : commotion = flash : illumination : = :
41. Stare : leer = peruse : smattering : = :
42. Tiff : squabble = foible : failing : = :
43. Vignette : scene = skit : drama : = :



Gully : erosion = callus : friction : = :


Abraded : friction = desiccated : dehydration : = :


Abraded : friction = vaporized : heat : = :


Aerate : oxygen = hydrate : water : = :


Apologize : contrite = compliment : impressed : = :


Apologize : contrite = thank : grateful : = :


Aseptic : disinfections = anesthetic : numbs : = :


Boast : pride = complain : discontent : = :


Burnish : lustrous = (numb : insensible) : = :

10. Censorious : criticize = reluctant : resist : = :

11. Collapse : implode = divide : sunder : = :

12. Coronation : reign = wedding : marriage : = :
13. Debris : destroy = ash : burn : = : ()
14. Demur (hesitation (as in doing or accepting) usually based on doubt of the acceptability of something offered or
proposed) : doubt = waver : irresoluteness : = : ()
15. Embarrass : shame = console : comfort : = :
16. Enfranchise : vote = illuminate : see : = : = license : practice :
17. Fear : cower = anger : rant : = :
18. Fertilize : grow = immunize : resist : = :
19. Frugal : impecunious = temperate : sober : = : (R cause L)
20. Gripe : discontent = praise : admiration : = :
21. Grisly : flinch = droll : laugh : = :
22. Haunt : familiar = harass : irritating : = :
23. Hilarious : laughter = contemptible : disdain

: = :

24. Interest : intriguing = admiration : estimable : = :

25. Inured : tolerance = addicted : dependency : = :
26. Jolt(to cause to move with a sudden jerky motion) : move = check(to bring to a stop) : stop : = :

27. Lettered : education = mature : growth : = :

28. Liquefy : liquid, fluid = distill : pure : = :
29. Menacing : fear = odious : repugnance : = :
30. Numb : insensible : burnish : lustrous : = :
31. Obviate (to make unnecessary) : unnecessary = reduce : smaller : = :
32. Odious : disgust (repugnance) = menacing : fear : = :
33. Odious : repugnance = menacing : fear : = :
34. Overexposure : jaded = vaccination : immune : = :
35. Pain : wince (=to shrink back involuntarily as from pain) = fear : flinch : = :
36. Proselytize (vi. to make or attempt to convert one) : convert = grandstand (vi. act or conduct oneself with a view to
impressing onlookers) : impress : = :
37. Rationalize : plausible = obfuscate : indiscernible : = :

38. Reprehensible : censure = specious : doubt : = :

39. Ripen : mature = drain : empty : = :
40. Sand : smooth = ?? :
41. Scuff : abrasion = heat : vaporization : = :
42. Smart : pain = grieve : sorrow : = :
43. Tarnish : dull = vitrify : smooth : = :
44. Thank : grateful = apologize : contrite : = :
45. Vaccination : immune = overexposure : jaded : = :
46. Vacillate : uncertain = apologize : contrite : = :
47. Varnish : glossy = sand : smooth : = :
48. Varnish : wood = wax : linoleum : = : ()
49. Wedding : marriage = coronation : reign : = :

(L provide R)

Corroborate : evidence = calumniate : falsehood : = :


Endow : income = endorse : approval : = :


Laud : homage = counsel : advice : = :


Succor : relief = caution : warning : = : )


Correct : accurate = garble : unintelligible : = , :


Diagnose : treat = proofread : correct : = :


Mediation : compromise = prosecution : conviction : = :


Oppose : thwart = treat : cure : = :


Acquittal : charges = disentanglement : snarl : = :


Adulterate : pure = bolster : weak : = :


Antidote : poisoning = balm : irritation : = :


Blur : definition(distinctness of outline or detail) = subjugate : independence : = :


Burnish : dull = mar : flawless : = :


Censorship : information = sanitation : disease : = :


Cleanse : dirt = desiccate : moisture : = :


Conundrum : solve = (tangle : unravel) (snarl : untangle) : = :


Decipher : hieroglyph = separate : component : = :

10. Dehydrate : moisture = desertification : vegetation : = :

11. Dehydrate : water = fade : brightness : = () :
12. Dehydrate : water = repose : fatigue : = :

13. Dehydrate : water = wither : vitality : = :

14. Desiccate : moisture = detoxify : poison : = :
15. Desiccation : moisture = deceleration : velocity : = :
16. Disembarrass (=extricate) : entanglement = reassure : anxiety : = :
17. Dismantle : unity = adulterate : purity : = :
18. Exempt : liability = pardon : penalty : = :
19. Exonerate : blame = extricate : snarl , : = :
20. Exoneration : blame = disentanglement : snarl , : = :
21. Exoneration : blame = extricate : entanglement : = :
22. Food : hunger = stimulation : boredom: = :
23. Gratify : desire = slake : thirst : = :
24. Guilt : expiate = fatigue : repose : = :
25. Hamstring : effectiveness = enervate : vitality : = :
26. Illiteracy : education = inequity : redistribution : = :
27. Misunderstood : clarify = erroneous : retract : = :
28. Pain : analgesia = complexity : simplification : = :
29. Perturb : serenity = reassure : doubt : = :
30. Rest : fatigue : = dehydrate : water : = :
31. Retract : statement = repeal : ordinance (legislation) : = :
32. Slake : thirsty = gratify : desire : = :
33. Winnow : chaff = filter : impurities : = :
34. Winnow : grain = purify : water : = :


Evict : residence = banish : country : = (exile, deport) : = disbar : court :

2. Aberrant : standard = digressive : topic(devious from standard : standard = devious from topic : topic) :
= :

Course : digress = (group : stray ) or (subject/topistatement : deviate)


Course : veer(deviate) = topic : digress : = :


Debark : ship = dismount : horse : = : NOT unload : truck


Detour : route = digress : topic : = :


Digression : topic = aberration : standard : = :


Digressive : topic / subject = stray : group : = :


Dismount : horse = debark (disembark) : ship : = :

10. Doctrine : heretical (heterodox) = course : errant : = :

11. Heretic : orthodox = errant : course : = :
12. Stray : group = digress : subject : = :



Achromatic : hueextraneous : essence : = :


Albino : pigment = prairie : tree : = : ( prairie: )

( meadow : flower : / island : water : / ostrich : plumage : )


Amorphous : form = haphazard : order : = , :


Amorphous : shape = equivocal : meaning : = :


Amorphous : shape = errant / wandering : course : = / :


Authenticity : apocrypha = subtlety : melodrama : = :


Babble : sense = parrot : originality , : = :


Chaos : predictability = pallor : color : = :


Desultory : plan = languid : energy = facile : profundity/depth : = : =


10. Desultory : plan = sluggish : industriousness : = : (NOT unreasonable : institution)

11. Empty-handed (: having or bringing nothing 2 : having acquired or gained nothing came back empty-handed) :
gratitude (=thankfulness) = : ( gratitude : gratitude )
12. Euphemism : offense = prevarication : truth : = :
13. Euphemism : offensive = aphorism : diffuse : = :
14. Fast : eat = moratorium : activity : = :
15. Fast : eat = respite : activity : = :
16. Fast : eat = respite : labor : = :
17. Foolish : discretion = impecunious : money : = :
18. Freelancer : employer = nomad : domicile : = :
19. Haphazard : order = amorphous : form , : = :
20. Impeccable : flaw = sterile : germ : = :
21. Languid : energy = desultory : plan : = :

22. Moratorium : activity = respite : labor activity : activity = labor : labor

23. Nomadic : adobe = irresolute : opinion : = :
24. Numb : sensation = stiff : suppleness : = :
25. Pelf (=money, wealth) : impecunious = ?? :
26. Plateau : change = respite : activity : = : Respite : labor = interim : concert : =
27. Serendipitous : effort = unavoidable, ineluctable(inevitable) : chance
: = :
28. Unexceptionable : opposition = unique : precedent : = :
29. Unique : precedent = infinite (=endless) : end : = :
30. Vapid : zeal (lacking zeal : zeal) = ?? :

1=> 3


Approval : applause = mirth : laughter : / = :



Blush : embarrassment = shrug : indifference : = :


Bristle : anger = vacillate : irresolution : = :


Chagrin : mind = grimace : face : = :


Embrace : affection =?? :


Grimace : pain = sneer : derision : = :


Mirth : laughter = approval : applause : = :


Obeisance : esteem = embrace : affection () : = () :


Praise : approbation = demur : objection : = :

10. Sneer : derision = smirk : smugness : = :

11. Wince : pain = smile : pleasure = pout : displeasure = sneer : contempt
: = : = : = :
12. Yawn : sleepiness = blush : embarrassment : = :


Corroborate : evidence = calumniate : falsehood : = :


Endow : income = endorse : approval : = :


Laud : homage = counsel : advice : = :


Succor : relief = caution : warning : = : (L provide R)


Measure : dimensions = calibrate : diameter = gauge : pressure = plumb : depth = analyze : nature = assess : value =
verify : accuracy : = : = : = : = : = :
= :


Collude : collaborate = stalk : follow / pursue : = :


Collude : cooperate = smuggle : convey : = :


Collude : cooperate = stalk : follow : = :


Connive : cooperate = spy : watch : = :


Eavesdrop : hear = spy : watch(observe) = infiltrate : enter = shadow / stalk : follow = abscond : depart (leave) =
collude : cooperate = conspire : plan = secrete : store
: = : = : = : = : = : = :
= :


Intimate : communicate = allude : refer : = :


Plot (Scheme) : plan = inveigle : interest : = :



Malinger : duty = dissemble (camouflage) : detection : = () :


Malinger : work = shirk : duty : = :


Parry : question = deflect : criticism : = :

4. Parry : question = shirk : duty : = :


Reclusiveness : crowd = claustrophobia : enclosure : = : (l avoid r)


Abdicate : throne = resign : office : = :


Apostasy : faith = recantation : heresy : = :


Cede : possession = abdicate : (throne, regime) : = :


Cede : possession = recant : belief : = :

10. Duty : shirk = question : parry : = :

11. Evade : answer = goldbrick (=to shirk duty or responsibility) : work : = :
12. Revoke, countermand : order = rescind : law : = :


Bigoted : advice = conservative : change : = :


Conservative : change = diehard : budge : = : (v.i )


Contumacious : authority = reactionary / hidebound / conservative : change / innovation /

novelty : = / / : / /


Hidebound : innovation = parsimonious : expenditure : = :


Reactionary : revolution = hidebound : renovation : = :


Recalcitrant / refractory : authority = reactionary : change : = :


Abase (debase) : status = chill : temperature : = :


Abase : prestige = dampen : fervor/ardor : = :


Abase : status = shorten : length : = :


Abate : degree = discount : price : = :


Abate : force = attenuate : thickness : = : ()


Abate : force, intensity = fade out : loudness : = :


Abate : intensity = taper : width : = :


Abate : tax = alleviate : distress : = :


Abbreviate : sentence = abridge : essay () : = () :

10. Abbreviation : sentence = synopsis : narrative () : = :

11. Abbreviation : word = abridgement : article (, Im) : = () :
12. Alleviate : intensity = abate : tax : = :
13. Alleviate : intensity = assuage, console, solace : grief : = : (L R)

14. Alleviate : strength = dampen : ardor : = :

15. Attenuate : force = decelerate : speed : = :
16. Attenuate : force = simplify : complexity : = : (NOT proliferate : number)

17. Attenuate : intensity = attenuate : thickness : :

18. Attenuate : strength = blunt : sharpness : = :
19. Attenuate : thickness = (cool : temperature / enervate : vitality / debilitate : strength)
: = ( : / : / : )
20. Attenuation : force = retrenchment : expense : = :
21. Attenuation : strength = compression : size : = :
22. Buffer : impact = extenuate : strength : = :
23. Curtail : duration = abase : strength : = ;
24. Curtail : duration = debase : prestige : = : = simplify : complexity :
= (enervate) : energy :
25. Curtail : duration = debase : value : = :
26. Debase : status = lower : height : = :
27. Debase : value = attenuate : force : = :
28. Debase : value = attenuate : strength / thickness : = / : /
29. Debase : value = simplify : complexity : = :
30. Dehydrate : water = fade : brightness : = () :
31. Dehydrate : water = repose : fatigue : = :
32. Dehydrate : water = wither : vitality : = :
33. Depreciation : value : = ?? (debase : value = attenuate : thickness : = : =
simplify : complexity : = ossification : flexibility :
34. Descent : altitude = desiccation : moisture : = :
35. Desiccate : moisture = detoxify : poison : = :
36. Eclipse : prestige = enervate / enfeeble : vigor : = :
37. Enervation : vitality, energy, strength, vim = debase : value : = :
38. Moderate : intensify = extenuate : seriousness : = :
39. Mollify : anger = hearted : dejection : = : )
40. Pain : analgesic = symptom : palliative : = :
41. Palliate : severity = enfeeble : vigor : = : ()
42. Retrench (to decrease expense) : expense = decelerate : speed : = :
43. Retrenchment : expense = deceleration : speed : = :

44. Thin : density = abridge : length : = : ()

45. Thin : thickness = collapse : volume : = :
46. Truncate : extent = simplify : complexity : = :
47. Truncate : length = abase : prestige : = :
,, ( 1 )
1. Abstemious : indulge = intransigent : compromise : = :
2. Abstruse : comprehension = ?? :
3. Adamant : flexibility = refractory : obedience : = :
4. Adamant : move = impossible : execute : = :
5. Adamant : yield = cautious : gamble : = : ()

6. Closed-minded : sway = ?? :
7. Dauntless : intimidate = irrepressible : restrain : = :
8. Demanding : satisfy = pristine : adulterate : = :
9. Elusive : define = faint : perceive : = :
10. Intransigent : acquiesce = deferential : offend : = :
11. Invincible : conquer = negligible : perceive : = : ()
12. Vagary : predict = acme : surpass : = :
13. Vagary : predict = diehard : budge : = :
14. Vagary : predict = impossibility : execute : = :
15. Impenetrable : (pierce) = immutable : change : = :
16. Impervious : damaged = matchless : equaled : = :
17. Impervious : damaged = indefensible : excused : = :
18. Impervious : damaged = indomitable : subdued : = :
19. Impervious : friable = nonflammable : combustible : = :
20. Impervious : penetrate = ineluctable : avoid : = :
21. Impractical : effect = undemonstratable : prove : = :
22. Inalienable : surrendered = implacable : propitiate = immutable : altered
: = : = :
23. Incontrovertible : disputed = indefensible, untenable : defended : = :
24. Incorrigible : reform = : ()
25. Indelible : forget = astounding : expect : = :
26. Indistinguishable : confound = equivalent : interchange : = :
27. Indolent : stir = impassive : disturb : = :
28. Indomitable : subdue = exacting : satisfy : = :
29. Indubitable : questioned = resolute : sway / inimitable : copy : = : = :
30. Inedible : ingest = ?? :
31. Ineffable : description = ineradicable : obliteration : = :
32. Ineluctable / inevitable : avoid = untenable : defend : = :
33. Inexorable : dissuasion = indomitable : conquest : = :
34. Incorrigible : rectify = incorruptible : bribe : = :
35. Inexpurgable (Inexpungible) : obliterate = inimitable : copy : = :
36. Insatiable : slake = unsalvageable : restore : = :
37. Intransigent : acquiesce = deferential : offend : = :
38. Intrepid : deter = rapt : distract : = :
39. Irreproachable : blame = irresponsible : restraint : = :
40. Irrevocable : rescind = ?? :
41. Petty : notice = contemptible : respect : = :
42. Pierce : impenetrable = change : immutable = :
43. Pierce : impenetrable(impervious) = profane : inviolable : = :
44. Pierce : impervious = profane : inviolable : = :
45. Salient : ignore = incomprehensible : understand : = :

46. Submerge : buoyant = dissolve : insoluble / bend : rigid : = : = :

47. Subtle : ignore = salient : observe : = :
48. Subtle : overlook = tractable : lead : = :
49. Unexceptionable : opposition = unique : precedent : = :
50. Unflappable : rile, (upset) = obstinate : persuade : = :
51. Unheralded : announcement = impromptu : rehearsal : = : ()
52. Unsalvageable(can not be saved) : repair = implacable : propitiate : = :
53. Untenable : defend = inexpurgatable : obliterate : = : ()
54. Untenable : defense = invulnerable : injury : = : ()
; ( 1 )
1. Acute : discern = evanescent : vanish : = :
2. Choleric : rile = volatile (easily aroused) : arouse : = :
3. Conspicuous : see = transparent : understand : = :
4. Coward : craven = dupe : gullible : = :
5. Credulous : cozen = tractable : control : = :
6. Flexibility : bend = ?? :
7. Fragile : break = porous : penetrate : = :
8. Friable : crumbed = lucid : comprehended : = :
9. Friable : crumble = malleable : alter : = ;
10. Gullible : chicanery = servile : domination : = :
11. Libertine : dissolute = dupe : gullible : = :
12. Manifest / lucid : perceive = transparent : understand / : = :
13. Mawkish : sentimental = gullible : trusting : = : ()
14. Obvious : notice = pliant : influence : = :
15. Pliant : influence = obvious : notice : = :
16. Pliant : influence = ticklish : offend : = :
17. Pulverizable : crumbed = lucid : comprehended : = :
18. Reverent : idolater = trusting : dupe : = :
19. Testy : annoy = tractable : control : = :
20. Testy : annoy = tractable : teach : = :
21. Ticklish : offend = pliable : influence () : = (,) : ,
22. Tractable : control = credulous : cozen : = :
23. Venial : excuse = pellucid : understand : = :
24. Audible : stentorian = discernible : obvious : = :
25. Comprehensible : lucid = audible : stentorian = discernable : obvious
: = : = :
26. Contempt : despicable = condemn (censure) : reprehensible : = :
27. Craven : admirable = deft : awkward : = :
28. Despicable : contempt = reprehensible : censure : = :
29. Edible : eat = potable : drink : = :

30. Exemplary : imitation = culpable : blame = redoubtable : regard = creditable : belief/trust = despicable :
scorn/contempt/disregard : = : = : = : = :/
/= venerable : reverence = reverential : deference : = :
31. Knead : malleable = penetrate : permeable : = :
32. Lamentable : pity = reprehensible : censure : = :
33. Limber : flexibility = spindly : frailty : = :
34. Malleable : shape = irresolute : opinion : = :
35. Palatable : savory = discernible : manifest : = :
36. Portable : move = ?? :
37. Potable : beverage = habitable : dwelling : = :
38. Redoubtable : regard, respect = credible : trust : = :
39. Redoubtable : regard/awe = exemplary : imitation = culpable : blame = despicable : scorn/contempt/disregard
: = : = : = :
40. Venerable : reverence = despicable : scorn : = :
41. Venial : excuse = pellucid : understand : = :
,, (v2 )
1. Abase (debase) : status = chill : temperature : = :
2. Abase : prestige = dampen : fervor/ardor : = :
3. Abase : status = shorten : length : = :
4. Abate : degree = discount : price : = :
5. Abate : force = attenuate : thickness : = : ()
6. Abate : force, intensity = fade out : loudness : = :
7. Abate : intensity = taper : width : = :
8. Abate : tax = alleviate : distress : = :
9. Abbreviate : sentence = abridge : essay (to shorten sentence : sentence = to shorten essay : essay)
() : = () :
10. Abbreviation : sentence = synopsis : narrative () : = :
11. Abbreviation : word = abridgement : article (, Im) : = () :
12. Abridge : length = attenuate : thickness : = :
13. Abridge : sentence = abbreviate : letter () : = () :
14. Alleviate : intensity = abate : tax : = :
15. Alleviate : intensity = assuage, console, solace : grief : = :
16. Alleviate : strength = dampen : ardor : = :
17. Attenuate : force = decelerate : speed : = :
18. Attenuate : force = simplify : complexity : = :
19. Attenuate : intensity = attenuate : thickness : = :
20. Attenuate : strength = blunt : sharpness : = :
21. Attenuate : thickness = (cool : temperature / enervate : vitality / debilitate : strength)
: = ( : / : / : )
22. Attenuation : force = retrenchment : expense : = :

23. Attenuation : strength = compression : size : = :

24. Collapse : volume = attenuate : thickness : = :
25. Constrict (to make narrow or draw together) : diameter = compress : size : = :
26. Curtail : duration = abase : strength : = :
27. Curtail : duration = debase : prestige : = : = simplify : complexity : =
(enervate) : energy :
28. Curtail : duration = debase : value : = :
29. Debase : status = lower : height : = :
30. Debase : value = attenuate : force : = :
31. Debase : value = attenuate : strength / thickness : = / : /
32. Debase : value = constrict : diameter : = :
33. Debase : value = simplify : complexity : = :
34. Depreciation : value : = ?? (debase : value = attenuate : thickness : = : = simplify :
complexity : = ossification : flexibility :
35. Descent : altitude = desiccation : moisture : = :
36. Dilute : strength = slacken : tautness : = :
37. Eclipse : prestige = enervate / enfeeble : vigor : = :
38. Enervation : vitality = debase : value : = :
39. Mitigate : severe = qualify : general : = :
40. Moderate : intensify = extenuate : seriousness : = :
41. Moderate : intensity = buffer : impact : = :
42. Mollify : anger = hearted : dejection : = :
43. Palliate : severity = enfeeble : vigor : = :
44. Protract : length = throng : number : = , : (: )
45. Retrench (to decrease expense) : expense = decelerate (to decrease speed) : speed : = :
46. Retrenchment : expense = deceleration : speedNOT augment : size/inhibition : behavior : = :
47. Thin : density = abridge : length : = :
48. Thin : thickness = collapse : volume : = :
49. Truncate : extent = simplify : complexity : = :
50. Truncate : length = abase : prestige : = :
( 1=> 3)

1. Aesthetic : art = gourmand : food : = :

2. Anarchist : rebel = apologist : defend : = :
3. Apologist : defend = anarchist : rebel : = one who rebels against government :
4. Apothecary : medicine = butcher : meat : = :
5. Appoint : official = cast : actor : = :
6. Arbiter : judge = broker : trade : = :
7. Ascetic : self-denial = busybody : intrusiveness : = :
8. Aspiranta seeker to attain something: quarry (one that is sought or pursued) = hunter : prey

() : = :
9. Attorney : defendant =?? :
10. Augur : predict = pundit : opine : = :
11. Author : novel = chef : banquet : = : (NOT sculptor : marble :
() NOT proofreader : magazine)
12. Bellwether (=leader) : leadership = advisor : consultation : = :
13. Benevolence : misanthrope = prudence : daredevil : = :
14. Bequest : testator = heirloom : ancestor : = :
15. Bigot : tolerance = turncoat : constancy : = :
16. Bigot : tolerant = poseur, posturer : unaffected : = : ,
17. Bigot : tolerant = recluse : gregarious : = :
18. Blacksmith : foundry = artist : studio : = : ()
19. Bodyguard : person = soldier : nation : = :
20. Busybody (meddler) : meddlesome = :
21. Cartographer : map = weaver : cloth = lexicographer : dictionary : = : = :
22. Cavern : spelunker = ocean : diver : = :
23. Caviler : carping = libertine : licentious : = :
24. Chaplain (a person chosen to conduct religious exercises) : religious = ?? : (NOT merchant : remunerative)
25. Chef : kitchen = chemist : laboratory ()
referee : field : : judge : courtroom : = blacksmith : foundry = artist : studio :
= lawyer : courtroom = gladiator : arena = :
26. Choreographer : movement = architect : building ?? : = :
27. Cineast : film = gourmand : food : = : (NOT sharpshooter: target : ) (
28. Connoisseur : art = gourmet : cuisine : = :
( commentator : review / listener : music : / : )
29. Constancy : stalwart (an unwavering, constant partisan) = judiciousness : sage : = : (L is R
30. Constant : stalwart = judicious : sage : = :
31. Coward : craven = dupe : gullible : = :
32. Craven : hero = parsimonious : spendthrift : = :
33. Cynic : trustfulness = ingnue : sophistication : = :
34. Dastard : craven = rascal(a mischievous person or animal) : mischievous : = :
35. Defeatist : resigned (Martinet : disciplinary) = stickler : exacting : ( : ) =
36. Defer : leader = admire : hero : = :
37. Dilettante : commitment = nonentity : consequence : = : ()
38. Director : script = conductor : score : = :
39. Disciple : follow = apologist : defend : = :
40. Dissenter : orthodoxy = maverick : group : = :
41. Dupe : credulous = ?? : ()

Libertine : dissolute = dupe : gullible : = :

42. Eccentric : conventional = doyen : uninitiated : = :
43. Encomiast : eulogize = quibbler : cavil : = :
44. Encomiast : eulogize = sycophant : fawn : = :
45. Epicure : discriminating = spectator : watching : = :
46. Exponent : advocate = pollster : canvass : = :
47. Fanatic : devoted = prude : proper : = :
48. Faultfinder : criticize = quibbler : cavil : = :
49. Fervor : zealot = improvidence : spendthrift : = :
50. Fungi : ecologist = motivation : psychologist : = :
51. Gadfly : annoying = churl : rude : = :
52. Gadfly : goad = humorist : amuse : = :
53. Genteel : lout = ?? :
54. Glutton : indulgent = busybody : meddlesome : = :
55. Glutton : overindulgence = ascetic : self-denial : = :
( egotist : bravado : ) ( disciple : self-discipline : )
56. Gourmet : food = aesthete : art : = :
57. Gourmet : food = bibliophile : books : = :
58. Hard liner : compromise = ?? :
59. Heirloom : ancestor = bequest : testator : = :
60. Heretic : orthodoxy = maverick : group : = :
61. Heretic : unconformity = apologist : defense : = :
62. Imposter : identity = usurper : authority : = : (NOT barbarian : property)
63. Inaugurate : president = install : official = crown : king : = : = :
64. Inauguration : official = matriculation : student : = :
65. Independent : maverick = ?? : : ()
Heretic : orthodoxy = maverick : group : = :
66. Inexperience : neophyte = insensitivity : boor : = :
67. Inexperience : neophyte = irresponsibility : wastrel : = :
68. Inexperienced : neophyte = ludicrous : buffoon : = :
69. Ingnue : sophistication = cynic : trustfulness : = : ()
70. Insensitive : boor = stingy : miser = : imp

: = : = : (

71. Intercessor : mediate = interpreter : translate : = :
72. Interpreter : translate = illuminator : instruct : = :
73. Intrusive : interloper (= one that intrudes in a place or sphere of activity) = ?? :
74. Lawyer : courtroom = gladiator : arena : = :
75. Libertine : dissolute = dupe : gullible : = :
76. Libertine : dissolute = sycophant : obsequious : = :
77. Ludicrous : buffoon = dissolute : libertine = humorous : wag
: = : = :

78. Malingerer : shirk = sycophant : fawn : = :

79. Martinet : disciplinarian = stickler : exacting : = :
80. Martinet : leniency = dabbler : dedication : = :
81. Martinet : rigid = stickler : exacting : = :
82. Martinet : rigidity = dilettante : superficiality : = :
83. Maven : experience = luminary : eminence : = :
84. Mentor : guidance = oracle : prophecy : = :
85. Misanthrope : distrust = insurgent : rebel : = :
Parsimony : miser = rebelliousness : insurgent : = :
86. Misanthrope : humane = (xenophobia : stranger) : = :
87. Miscreant : crimie = visionary : delusion : = :
88. Miser : hoard = dandy : preen = sycophant : fawn = malingerer : shirk
: = : = : = :
89. Miser : munificent = zealot : blas : = :
90. Miser : parsimonious = spendthrift : prodigal = sage : judicious
: = : = : ()
91. Narcissist : self-absorbed = sycophant : obsequious : = :
92. Nitpicker : criticize = preacher : sermon = quibbler : cavil
: = : = :
93. Nomad : domicile = freelancer : employer , : = :
94. Nonentity : consequence = ??Dilettante : commitment = nonentity : consequence
: = : ()
95. Paragon : admire = pariah : contempt : = , :
96. Pariah : ostracize = prisoner : confine , : = :
97. Parsimony : miser = rebelliousness : insurgent : = :
98. Partisan : biased = ?? : ()
99. Patriot : country = partisan : course : = :
100. Patron : support = apologist : defend : = :
101. Pedagogue : indoctrinating = stickler : exacting () : = :
102. Pedagogue : instruct = exponent : advocate : =
103. Pedant : learning = hack : writing (?? This may be wrong answer)
104. Pedantic : scholar = histrionic : actor : = :
105. Philanthropist : eleemosynary = ?? :
106. Philanthropist : endow = prevaricator : deceive : = :
107. Pilot : ship = conductor : orchestra : = :
108. Poseur (posturer) : unaffected = bigot : tolerant : , = :
109. Poseur : sincerity = recluse : gregariousness : = :
( flirt : decency : )
110. Posturer : unaffected = bigot : tolerant : = :
111. Proselytizer : convert = mediator : reconcile : = :
112. Proselytizer : convert = salesman : buy : = :

113. Prudence : daredevil = sagacity : simpleton : = :

114. Pundit : opinion = augur : prediction : = :
115. Pundit : opinion = autocrat : power : = () :
116. Quartet (=1 : a musical composition for four instruments or voices 2 : a group or set of four; especially: the performers of a
quartet) : singer = triptych (=a picture or carving in three panels side by side) : panel 1.()2. () :

117. Quartet : singer = ?? Trinity : panel anthology : poem

118. Quartet : singers = trinity (=a group of three closely related persons or things) : personnel(plural = persons)
() : = :
119. Raconteur : storytelling = wordsmith(a skillful writer) : writing : = :
120. Ranger : forest = curator : museum : : :
121. Rapscallion (= rascal : a mischievous person) : mischievous = sluggard : lazy/ indolent
: = : ()
122. Recidivist : relapse = pundit : opine : = : ()
123. Recluse : gregarious = poser : sincere : = :
124. Recluse : sociable, gregariousness = skeptic : credulous : = :
125. Recluse : solitude = toady : favor : = : (L R)
126. Recluse : withdrawn = bigot : biased : = :
127. Remonstrator : dissuade = applicant : appeal : = :
128. Reportage : journalist = ridicule : satirist : = :
129. Reprobate : misbehave = sycophant : fawn : = :
130. Reverent : idolater = trusting : dupe : = :
131. Rioter : hodgepodge = interpreter : translation : = :
132. Roisterer : carouse = recluse : withdraw : = :
133. Sabotage : subvert = bully : intimidate : = :
134. Saboteur : disrupt = apologist : defend : = :
135. Safeguard : accident = hedge : loss : = :
136. Sage : judgment = knave : deception : = :
137. Salesperson : buy = proselytizer : convert : = :
138. Salmon : ichthyologist = chameleon : herpetologist : = :
139. Sensitivity : boor = sagacity : simpleton : = :
140. Sentinel : watchful = epicure : discriminating : = : (NOT spy : cautious)
141. Stickler : approximation / imprecision = purist : adulteration : = :
142. Stickler : derelict = poseur : unaffected : = : ,
143. Stickler : exacting = martinet : disciplined : = :
144. Stickler : exacting = pedagogue : indoctrinating : = () :
145. Stickler : imprecision = prude : indecency, impropriety, impudence, indiscretion
: = : or
146. Stoic (free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submissive to natural law) : flinch = ?? :
147. Supervisor : oversee = agent : negotiate : = :
148. Supervisor : oversight = agent : negotiation : = : (no30)

149. Supplicant : beseeching = coquette : flirtatious : = :

150. Sycophant : fawn = malcontent : complain : = :
151. Sycophant : flattery = extortionist : intimidation : = :
152. Sycophant : obsequious = rebel : insurgent : = :
153. Sycophant : obsequious = rebel : insurgent : = :
154. Toady : favor = recluse : solitude : = : (L R)
155. Treasurer : funds = secretary : records : = :
(NOT consultant : advices/economist : merchandises)
156. Turncoat : constancy = simpleton : precedent : = :
157. Uncouth : churl (uncouth person) = invasive : intruder = conspiratorial : conniver
: = : = : (no.30)
158. Uncouth : churl = pretentious : quack
: (an uncouth person) = : (a pretender to medical skill)
159. Vegetarian : meat = hermit : society : = :
160. Vendor : purvey = censor : expurgate , : = :
161. Virtuoso : skill = potentate : power : = :
162. Windbag : taciturnity = ?? :
163. Wordsmith : writing = raconteur : storytelling : = :
164. Writer : poet = engineer : architect : = :

1. Follow : shadow = leave : abscond = wait : lurk = take : steal = scheme : plot
: = : = : = : = :
See Eavesdrop : hear = spy : watch(observe) : = :
2. Abscond : depart = pilfer / sneak : take = secrete : store = lurk : wait (no 30)
: = : = : = :
3. Accost : approach = :
4. Accrete : growth = erode : destruction : = :
5. Accrete : growth = inch : advance : = :
6. Admonish : denounce = punish : pillory : = :
( persuade : convince : )
7. Affidavit : statement = wedding : ceremony : = :
8. Apophasis : claim = oxymoron : contradict claim : claim = contradict :
contradict ()
9. Apparel : cloth = furniture : sofa : = :
10. Babble : express = ?? :
11. Ballad : song = ?? :
12. Blurt : utter = flit : move : = :
13. Blustering : speak = swaggering : walk : = :
14. Bravura : performance = resplendent : appearance : = :

( elaborate : oration : / extravagant : expenditure : )

15. Cabal : association = plot : plan : = : (NOT spat : quarrel)
16. Cacophony : sound = malodor : scent : = :
17. Cacophony : voice = gaucherie : skill : = :
18. Calumny : assert / representation = perjury : testimony / deposition
/ : / = : ,
19. Cameo : sculpture = :
20. Delusion : thought = hallucination : perception : = :
21. Din : ear = stench : nose : = : (NOT glimmer : eye)
22. Drawl : speak = lope : run : = :
23. Embezzlement : fraud = forgery : counterfeit : = :
24. Enter : infiltrate = follow : shadow / plan : conspire () See Eavesdrop : hear = spy : watch(observe) See
Eavesdrop : hear = spy : watch(observe) : = :
25. Eulogy : speech = (paean : song) : = :
26. Exclaim (to utter in strong or sudden emotion) : utter = flare(to shine with a sudden light) : shine
: = :
27. Exclaim (to utter in strong or sudden emotion) : utter = flare(to shine with a sudden light) : shine
: = :
28. Facetious : speech = antic : behavior : = :
29. Falter : act = stammer : speak : = :
30. Fang : tooth = finger : digit : = :
31. Farce : performance = limerick : poem : = :
32. Fetid : smell : cacophonous : sound : = :
33. Flannel : cloth = linen : fabric : = :
34. Flout : disregard = taunt : challenge (= mock : imitate) : = : = :
35. Gait : walk = parlance : speak : = :
36. Ginger : spice = ?? :
37. Grandiloquent : speak = gaudy : apparel : = :
38. Grating : sound = acrid : odor : = :
39. Grating : sound = fetid : water : = :
40. Hear : eavesdrop = follow : shadow : = :
See Eavesdrop : hear = spy : watch(observe) : = :
41. Hedgerow : fence arbor (a shelter of vines or branches or of latticework covered with climbing shrubs or vines) : shelter
: = :
42. Infiltrate : enter = conspire : plan = spy : watch = shadow : follow (or insinuate : say) See Eavesdrop : hear = spy :
watch(observe) : = :
43. Injure : sprain = disease : infection : = :
44. Jog : exercise = barter : trade : = :
45. Leverage (the advantage gained by using leverage as in business) : advantage = ?? :
46. Lien : claim = subpoena : command : = :
Lint : covering = tarpaulin/raincoat : garment : = /: ()

47. Lug : carry = trudge : walk : = :

48. Lurk : concealment = espouse : marriage : = :
49. Lurk : wait = purloin : appropriate / abscond : depart
: = : / : See Eavesdrop : hear = spy : watch(observe)
See Eavesdrop : hear = spy : watch(observe) : = :
50. Malodorous : scent = fetid : water : = :
51. Malodorous : smell = cacophonous : sound : = :
52. Mellifluous : music = ambrosial : food : = :
53. Mellifluous : sound = ambrosial (savory) : taste : = :
54. Melodious : sound = ambrosial : taste : = : (NOT piquancy : smell) (L is good R)
55. Music : ragtime(a kind of music) = ??()
56. Nepotism (or Cronyism) : favoritism = embezzlement : fraud
() : = :
57. Ode (a lyric poem) : poem = spoof (a light humorous parody) : parody ()
58. Paean (a joyous song or hymn of praise, tribute, thanksgiving, or triumph) : song = elegy : poem : = :
59. Parable : story = homily (moral lecture) : lecture : = : ()
60. Parlance : speak = gait : walk : = :
61. Portrait : painting = biography : history : = :
62. Portrait : painting = jazz : music : = :
63. Prate : speak = saunter : walk : = :
64. Pun : joke = supernova : star : = :
65. Redolent : scent = mellifluous : sound : = :
66. Repartee (a succession or interchange of clever retorts) : retortdebate : issue = conversation(oral exchange of sentiments,
observations, opinions, or ideas) : language (=TALK) : = :
67. Rib : bone = molar : tooth : = :
68. Savory : taste = melodioushear : = :
69. Scorn : reject = disparage : ignore : = :
70. Shadow : follow = scheme : plot (plan) : = :
See Eavesdrop : hear = spy : watch(observe) : = :
71. Shred : remnant = ?? :
72. Smirk (smile in an affected or a smug manner) : smile = sneer : deride , : = :
73. Smoke : pollutant = backache : pain : = :
74. Sophism (a false reasoning) : reasoning = counterfeit : money: = : ()
75. Stalk : follow = infiltrate : enter See Eavesdrop : hear = spy : watch(observe) : = :
76. Statue : sculpture = ode : poem : = :
77. Stridency : sound = acridity : odor : = :
78. Strut : walk = pontificate : speak : = :
79. Tamper : adjust = misrepresent : communicate : = :
80. Theft : take = piracy : copy : = :
81. Tinker (to adjust unskillfully) : adjust = scribble : write : = :
82. Tower : edifice = rampart : barrier : = :

83. Tug (to carry with difficulty) : carry = trudge (to walk with difficulty) : walk = : = :
84. Usurp : take, seize = trespass : enter : = :
85. Voting : roll call = termination : cloture : = : (Big Book ) ()
86. Walk : amble = draw : doodle : = : ()
87. Walk : amble = talk : chat : = : ( swim : float : )

1. Abbreviate : sentence = abridge : essay (to shorten sentence : sentence = to shorten essay : essay)
2. Addendum : book = postscript : letter : = :
3. Adlib : impromptu = aside : digressive : = :
4. Advertising : commercial = publishing : journal : = :
5. Aesthetics : beauty = epistemology : knowledge : = :
6. Affidavit : claim ( or statement) = wedding : ceremony : = :
7. Agenda : meeting = program : concert : = :
8. Alibi : exculpatory = warning : admonitory : = :
9. Anecdote : amusement = lecture : instruction : = :
10. Anger : tirade = exaggeration : hyperbole : = :
11. Article : byline = movie : credits : = :
12. Authenticity : apocrypha = subtlety : melodrama : = :
13. Authenticity : canon : = ?? : ??
14. Barb : caustic = pan : harsh : = :
15. Blurb : notice = gloss : explanation
: = :
16. Bravura : performance = resplendent : appearance : = :
( elaborate : oration : extravagant : expenditure : )
17. Brevity : aphorism = distortion : caricature : = :
18. Canard : deceive = aside : digress , : = :
19. Caricature : presentation :
20. Censorship : information = sanitation : disease : = :
21. Charade : word = mime : story : = :
22. Chiaroscuro : contrast = filigree : intricacy : = :
23. Compendium : summary = anthology : collection : = :
24. Concise : aphorism = exaggerated : caricature : = :
25. Conservatory : music = seminary : theology = observatory : astronomy
: = : = :
26. Conundrum : solve = (tangle : unravel) (snarl : untangle) : = :
27. Debut : career = embarkment : journey : = : ,
28. Declamation : grandiloquence = diatribe : abuse
29. Demography : population = meteorology : weather : = :
30. Diatribe : abuse = burlesque : mockery : = :

31. Didactic : teach = hortative : urge : = :

32. Digressive : topic, subject = stray : group : = :
33. Dirge : sorrow = hymn : admiration : = :
34. Doggerel : verse = burlesque : play : = :
35. Easel : canvas = tripod : camera : = :
36. Encyclopedia : compendious = abstract : condensed
37. Eulogy : speech = (paean : song) : = :
38. Euphemism : offense = prevarication : truth : = :
39. Euphemism : offensive = aphorism : diffuse : = : ()
40. Fable : tale = ditty : song : = :
41. Farce : performance = limerick : poem : = :
42. Illiteracy : education = inequity : redistribution : = :
43. Inventory : merchandise = manifest : cargo : = :
44. Joke : punch line = plot : denouement : = :
45. Journal : entries = run : performance : = :
46. Lien : claim = subpoena : command : = :
47. Logic : reasoning = ethics : behavior : = :
48. Lottery : raffle = ticket : admission : = :
49. Montage : images = medley : songs : = :
50. Music : ragtime ( a kind of music) = ?? : ??
51. Nicety : distinction = spoof : parody : = parody : parody
52. Ode (a praising poem) : poem = ?? : ??
53. Ornithology : eagle = astronomy : planet : = :
fungi : ecologist = motivation : psychologist = salmon : ichthyologist = falcon : ornithologist
= chameleon : herpetologist
demography : population = meteorology : weather
54. Overture : introductory = caveat : warning : = :
55. Palette : color = repertoire : play : = :
56. Parable : story = homily ( moral lecture ): lecture : = :
57. Paradox : contradictory = epigram : wise : = :
58. Paraphrase : verbatim = approximate : precise : = :
59. Parlance : speak = gait : walk : = :
60. Parody : style = mime : gesture style : style = gesture : gesture
61. Petroglyph : rock = mural : wall : = :
62. Pithiness : aphorism = exaggeration : caricature : = :
63. Plagiarism : ideas = rustling : cattle : = :
64. Portrait : painting = biography : history : = :
65. Portrait : painting = jazz : music : = :
66. Postscript : epistle(a formal, elegant letter) = endorsement : policy : = :
67. Protest : dissuade = syllogism : disprove : = : (L is used to R)
68. Quatrain : stanza : = ?? : ??

69. Remonstrance : attack, dissuade = syllogism : disprove : ()() = :

(L is used to R)
70. Repertoire : performance = manifest : cargo : = :
( agenda : meeting : )
71. Rider : bill = endorsement : policy : = :
( consignment : invoice : )
72. Ruse : deceive = blandishment : coax : = :
73. Ruse : deceptive = paroxysm (a sudden outburst of emotion or action) : sudden : =
74. Scan : metrical = parse : grammatical : = :
75. Score : instrument :
76. Script : drama = score : music : = :
77. Skit : revue :
78. Sonnet : poem (quatrain : limerick ) : = ?? : ??
79. Sophism : reasoning = counterfeit : money( a false reasoning) : = :
80. Stanza : line = volume : issue : = : ( concert : program)
81. Stanza : poem = movement : symphony : = : ( act : theater : )
82. Subterfuge : deceive = (decanter : pour) : = ( : ) (L is used to R)
83. Tacit : infer = encoded : decode : = :
84. Tint : suffuse = damp : drench : = :
85. Typo (typing error): text = bug : software text error : text = software error : software
86. Ultimatum : demand = epilogue : play : = :
87. Underscore : emphasis = brand : ownership : = :
88. Varnish : glossy = sand : smooth : = :
89. Varnish : wood = wax : linoleum : = :
90. Veto : prohibitive = overture : introductory : = : = caveat : cautious :
91. Vignette : scene = skit : drama : = :
92. Word : sentence = water : canal : = :
93. Zigzag : turns = montage : images : = :

1. Abdicate : throne = resign : office : = :

2. Abscond : depart = pilfer sneak : take = secrete : store = lurk : wait
: = : = : = :
3. Acquittal : charges = disentanglement : snarl : = :
4. Adulate : flatter = dote : love : = :
5. Apologize : contrite = compliment : impressed : = : = thank : grateful
6. Appoint : official = cast : actor : = :
7. Atrocious : bad = momentous : important : = :

8. Attentive : officious = refined : snobbish

: = :
9. Blandishment : coax = medal : honor : = :
10. Blandishment : coax = threat : intimidate : = :
11. Blustering : speak = swaggering : walk : = :
12. Bribe : incorruptible = affect : insensible : = :
13. Building : restoration = person : rehabilitation : =
14. Cabal : association = plot : plan : = :
15. Cavil : criticize = probe : investigate : = :
16. Cede : possession = abdicate : (throne, regime) : = :
17. Censorship : information = sanitation : disease : = :
18. Charade : dissimulation = void : emptiness : = :
19. Chuckle : laugh = hum : speak
20. Collude : collaborate = stalk : (pursue) : = :
21. Collude : cooperate = smuggle : convey : = :
22. Command : entreaty = goad : enticement : = :
23. Complain : carp = drink : guzzle : = : ( grumble : accuse : )
24. Condescending : patronize = obsequious : fawn : = :
25. Condolence : compassion : = ?? : ??
26. Connive : cooperate = spy : watch : = :
27. Console : sympathetic = gibe : derisive : = :
28. Coronation : reign = wedding : marriage : = :
29. Correct : accurate = garble : unintelligible : = , :
30. Correspond : letters = barter : commodities : = :
31. Criticize : libel = reprove : denounce : = :
32. Default : pay = yield : resist : = :
33. Deferential : offend = scornful : respect : = :
34. Diagnose : treat = proofread : correct : = :
35. Dissemble : honesty = snub : politeness : = :
36. Dissemble : information = masquerade : feeling : = :
37. Dodder : unsteady = cavort : sprightly : = :
38. Doze : sleep = nudge (to prod lightly) : prod : = :
39. Embarrass : shame = console : comfort : = :
40. Embezzlement : fraud = forgery : counterfeit : = :
41. Emulation : exemplar = (admiration : paragon) : = , :
42. Emulation : exemplar = deference : authority : = :
43. Enfranchise : vote = illuminate : see : = : = license : practice :
44. Enticing : tempt = affectionate : love : = :
45. Evict : residence = banish : country : = (exile, deport) : = disbar : court :
46. Exclaim (to utter in strong or sudden emotion) : utter = flare( to shine with a sudden light) : shine
47. Exempt : liability = pardon : penalty : = :

48. Exhortation : encourage = invective : discredit : = :

49. Exhortation : encouraging = equivocation : misleading : = :
50. Exhortation : motivate = invective : discredit : = :
51. Exhortative : motivate = obloquy : discredit : = :
52. Exhortative : urge = didactic : teach : = :
53. Exoneration : blame = disentanglement : snarl , : = :
54. Expedite : process = accelerate : pace : = :
55. Expedite : process = accelerate : pace : = :
56. Expedition : foot-dragging = consensus : factionalism : = :
57. Falter : act = stammer : speak : = :
58. Fast : eat = respite : activity : = :
59. Fatigue : rest = dehydrate : water () : = :
60. Filibuster : delay = anodyne : relieve : = :
61. Filibuster : delay = hoax : deceive : = :
62. Flatter : praise = loquacious : talkative : = :
63. Flit : move = blurt : utter : = :
64. Follow : shadow = leave : abscond = lurk : wait = steal : take
: = : = : = :
65. Follow : shadow = plot : scheme : = :
66. Freeze : water = clot : blood : = :
67. Gait : walk = parlance : speak : = :
68. Glaze : porcelain = varnish : wood : = :
69. Harp : pluck = horn : blow : = :
70. Haunt : frequent = obscure : undistinguishable : = :
71. Hear : eavesdrop = follow : shadow : = :
72. Horn : blow = harp : pluck : = :
73. Inaugurate : president = install : official = crown : king
: = : = :
74. Inauguration : official = matriculation : student : = :
75. Inch : move = nibble : eat : = :
76. Ingratiating : win favor = disingenuous : deceive : = :
77. Insect(=specimen) : dissect = sentence : parse : = :
78. Instructive : comprehension = salubrious : health : = :
79. Inter : burial = obliterate : removal : = :
80. Jog : exercise = barter : trade : = :
81. Jolt : move = check : stop : = :
82. Lapse : error = misbehave : criminality : = :
83. Lapse : fault = misdemeanor : criminality : = :
84. Liken : similarity = discriminate : difference : = :
85. Lug : carry = trudge : walk : = :
86. Lurk : concealment = espouse: marriage : = :

87. Malinger : duty = dissemble (camouflage) : detection : = () :

88. Mine : ore = quarry : rock : = :
89. Mint : coin = strike : medal : = :
90. Moratorium : activity = respite : labor activity : activity = labor : labor
91. Nepotism : kinship = jingoism : nation : = :
92. Nepotism : relative = cronyism : friend : = :
93. Nitpick : criticize = cavil : object ( interrogate : probe)


Abacus : calculate = balance : weigh : = :


Accolade (an expression of praise) : praise = prevarication : deceive : = :


Adornment : enhance = disguise : alter (to enhance the beauty of) : = (to alter the appearance of) :


Advertisement : product = ?? :


Agenda : meeting = program : concert : = :


Alibi : exculpate = sophism : deceive : = : ( and )


Alibi : exculpatory = warning : admonitory : = :


Alibi : excuse = caveat : admonish : = :


Analgesia : pain = simplification : complexity : = :

10. Anecdote : amusement = lecture : instruction : = :

11. Apiary : bee = cage : pet : = :
12. Aqueduct : water = pipeline : gas = vessel : blood : = : = :
13. Archetype : exemplify = harbinger : presage : = :
14. Archive : manuscript = arsenal : weapon = museum : paintings = library : books
: = : = : = :
15. Archive : records, manuscript = museum : artifacts : = :
16. Aside : digress, diverge = canard : deceive : = , :
17. Aside : digression = summary : excerpt : = :
18. Awl : pierce = pestle : hash : = :
19. Awning : sun = umbrella : rain : = :
20. Balance : weigh = ?? :
21. Ballast : stabilize = truss : support : = :
22. Ballast : stabilize = camouflage : deceive, disguise : = :
23. Beacon : seen = siren : heard : = :
24. Blandishment : coax = medal : honor : = :
25. Blandishment : coax = threat : intimidate : = :
26. Blazon : adorn = pillar : support : = :
27. Blurb : notice = gloss : explanation : = :

28. Bolster : support = tackle : hoist : = :


29. Bookcase : books = armory : munitions : = :

30. Brake : decelerate = clamp : compress / fasten : = :
31. Brake : motion = tourniquet : bleeding : = :
32. Bridge : river = tunnel : mountain : = :
33. Buffer : impact = extenuate : strength : = :
34. Buttress(a projecting structure for supporting or giving stability to a building) : edifice = splint : limb :
= :
35. Camouflage : deception = flattering : ingratiation
36. Canard : deceive = aside : digress , : = :
37. Cane : walk = glasses : see : = :
38. Canopy : cover = tag : identify : = :
39. Caustic : burn = catalytic : initiate : , :
40. Caustic : burnsolvent : dissolve : :
41. Caustic : eat away = desiccant : dry : = :
42. Centrifuge : separate = colander : drain : = :
43. Charade : word = mime : story : = :
44. Chicanery : misleading = vituperation : abusive : = :
45. Cistern : liquids = landfill : refuse : = :
46. Coagulant : thicken = solvent : dissolve : = :
( thinner : bind : / dye : dilute : )
47. Color : palette = performance : repertoire : = :
48. Corrective : amend = paradigm : exemplify : = :
49. Crutch : walk = glasses : see : = :
50. Defoliant : tree = insecticides : insect : = :
51. Diatribe : abuse = burlesque : mockery : = :
52. Divert : shunt = retard : brake : = :
53. Door : room = hatch : hold : = :
54. Door : wall = pore : membrane : = :
55. Drop cloth (a protective sheet (as of cloth or plastic) used especially by painters to cover floors and furniture) : floor =
apron : clothing : = : ()
56. Dust jacket : book = tablecloth : table , : = : ()
57. Easel : canvas = tripod : camera : = :
58. Equivocation : coax = explanation : enlighten : = :
59. Equivocation : misleading = exhortation : motivating : = :
60. Exhortation : encourage = invective : discredit : = :
61. Exhortation : encouraging = equivocation : misleading : = :

62. Exhortative : motivate = obloquy : discredit : = :

63. Exhortative : urge = didactic : teach : = :

64. Filibuster : delay = anodyne : relieve : = :

65. Filibuster : delay = hoax : deceive : = :
66. Fingerprint : identity = symptom : disease : = :

67. Foreword : introductory = appellation(an identifying name or title : DESIGNATION) : designating : =

68. Furnace : heat = generator : electricity : = :
69. Gauge : pressure = scale : weight : = :
70. Glossary : text = legend : map : = :
71. Grandstand : impress = equivocation : deceive : = :
72. Hammer : anvil = pestle : mortar : = :
73. Harbinger : presage = archetype : exemplify : = , :
74. Hedge : loss = quarantine : contamination = safeguard : accident : = : = :
75. Hole : membrane = door : wall : = :
76. Hortative : encourage = exculpatory : absolve : = :
77. Insect : pesticide = plant : herbicide : = :
( antiseptic : germicide : / preservative : fungicide : )
78. Lamp : illuminate = apron : protect : = :
79. Larder (pantry) : food = wardrobe : clothes = treasury : funds = bookcase : books = armory : munitions = vault :
valuables : = : = :
80. Larder : food = warehouse : merchandise = wardrobe : clothes / treasury : money, funds / : = :
= : / :
81. Larder : provisions = vault : valuables : = : ( office : files : )
82. Lariat : wrangler = crook : shepherd : = :
83. Lottery : raffle = ticket : admission : = :
84. Lung : respiration = tooth : mastication : = :
85. Mill : grinding = scissors : cutting : = : (no. 4)
86. Mill : grinding = reel : winding , :
87. Mine shaft : lode = well : aquifer : = :
88. Mnemonic (device assisting or intended to assist memory) : remember = staff (a long stick carried in the hand for
support in walking) : walk : = :
89. Mortar : grind = vat (a large vessel (as a cistern, tub, or barrel) especially for holding liquors in an immature state or
preparations for dyeing or tanning) : dye : = , :
90. Mosquito : netting = impurity : filter : = : () ()
91. Obloquy : discredit = sophism : deceive : = :
92. Omen : presage = archetype : exemplify : = , :
93. Padding : damage = disguise : recognition : = : ()
94. Pain : analgesic = sensation : anesthetic : = :
95. Pain : analgesic = symptom : palliative : = :
96. Palette : color = repertoire : play : = :
97. Pantry : food = closet (wardrobe) : clothes : = :
98. Pestle : grind = spoon : stir : = :
99. Preservative : decay = anchor : drift (instability) : = : ()( )
100.Preservative : decay = seal : leakage : = : ()
101.Protest : dissuade = syllogism : disprove : = : (L is used to R)

102.Protocol : blunder = bumper : damage : = : (L prevent R)

103.Reel : winding = die : shaping = drill : boring : = : = :
104.Remedy : disease = antidote : poisoning : = : (NOT diagnosis : illness)
105.Remonstrance : dissuade = reprehension : censure : = (noun) : (verb)
106.Remonstrance : dissuade = syllogism : disprove : = :
107.Remonstrance : offend = syllogism : disprove : = :
108.Ruse : deceive = blandishment : coax : = :
109.Scale : weight = yardstick : length = gauge : pressure : = : = :
110.Scythe : reaper = axe : woodcutter : = :
111. Sealer : leakage = preservative : decay : = :
112.Shield : shaft (=spear ) = earplug : noise : = : ()
113.Solvent : dissolve = coagulant : clot : = :
114.Sop : conciliatory = subsidy : supportive : = :

115. Soporific : alertness = analgesic : pain , : , = , :


Soporific : alertness = anesthetic : pain : = :

117.Soporific : sleep = inoculation : immune(immunize) : = :

118.Soporific : sleep = vaccinating : immunity : = :
119.Splint : mobility = ballast : instability = purchase : slippery
: = = = :
120.Stockade : enclosure = pillar : support : = :
121.Stomach : digestion = lung : respiration : = :
122.Stylus : engraving = shield : protecting : = :
123.Stylus : mark = lamp : illumination : , = :
124.Subterfuge : deceive = decanter : pour : = :
125.Tag : identify = canopy : cover : = : (L is used to R)
126.Testimonial (=an expression of appreciation: TRIBUTE) : appreciation = confession : culpability : = :
127.Token : exchange = archetype : exemplify : :
128.Tong : seize = ?? : ()
129.Tongs : grasping = reel : winding = spoon : stirring , : = , : = :
130.Tonic : invigorate = anesthetic : deaden : = :
131.Tourniquet : bleeding = brake : motion : = :
132.Trophy : contestant = honors : student : = :
133.Truss : support = ballast : stabilize : = : ()
134.Underscore : emphasis = brand : ownership : = : ()
135.Voice : sound = eye : see : = : ()
136.Wallet : money = suitcase : clothing : = :


Anger : tirade = exaggeration : hyperbole : = :



Ad-lib : impromptu = aside : digressive : = :


Amenity : comfortable = honorarium : grateful : = :


Annals : chronological = dictionary : alphabetical : = :


Authoritative : acceptance = conspicuous : attention : = :


Barb : caustic = pan : harsh : = :


Bombast : pompous = ?? :


Brevity : aphorism = distortion : caricature : = :


Brevity : epigram = distortion : caricature : = :

10. Cache (something hidden) : hidden = summit : unsurpassable (??) : = :

11. Chiaroscuro : contrast = filigree : intricacy or delicacy : = : or

Chiaroscuro : contrast = tapestry : intricacy : = :

( tapestry : intricacy filigree : delicacy , tapestry : intricacy; tapestry : delicacy filigree : intricacy or
delicacy , filigree : intricacy or delicacy)
12. Cipher : cryptic = prcis : concise : = :
13. Declamation : grandiloquence = diatribe : abuse to speak pompously or bombastically : =
a bitter and abusive speech or writing :
diatribe : abuse = burlesque : mockery : = :
14. Distillate : purity = synopsis : conciseness : = :
15. Encyclopedia : compendious = abstract : condensed (compendious and comprehensive) : = :

16. Equivocation : ambiguous = oxymoron : incongruous : = :

17. Equivocation : ambiguous = platitude : banal : = :
18. Equivocation : misleading = bromide : hackneyed : = :
19. Equivocation : misleading = bromide, clich : hackneyed : = :
20. Hermitage : secluded = landmark : conspicuous : = :
21. Juggernaut : crush = quisling : betray : = :
22. Paradox : contradictory = epigram : wise : = : ()
23. Paroxysm (a sudden outburst of emotion or action) : sudden = ruse (a deceptive device or stratagem) : deceptive
(or = prevarication : misleading) : = : ()
24. Placebo : innocuous = salve : unctuous : = :
25. Placebo : innocuous = venom : toxic : = :
26. Pompous : bombast = exaggerated : hyperbole : = :
27. Primp : vain = gloat : smug : = , :
28. Rail : vehemence = entreat : urgency : = :
29. Ruse : deceptive = paroxysm (a sudden outburst of emotion or action) : sudden : =
30. Stammer : halting = drone : monotonous : = :



Archive : records, manuscript = museum : artifacts : = :


Apiary : bee = cage : pet : = :


Auditorium : orator = ?? :


Book : library = file : archive : : :


Conservatory : music = seminary : theology = observatory : astronomy

: = : = :


Experiment : laboratory = trial : courtroom : = :


Infirmary (=a place where the infirm or sick are lodged for care and treatment : treatment = ?? (no30) :


Mill : grain = foundry (a place to melt (as metal) and pour into a mold) : medal : = :


Refinery : petroleum = mill : grain : = :

10. Sanctuary : protection :

11. Studio : artist = laboratory : scientist : = :
12. Therapeutic : hospital = illuminating (enlightening) : school : = :
13. Trial : court = experiment : laboratory : = :


Acme : mountain = crest : wave : = :


Acme : surpass = impossibility : execute : =


Clay : porcelain = flax : linen : = :


Crest : wave = summit / peak : mountain : = :


Downpour : flooding = wind : erosion : = :


Filly : horse = pullet : chicken : = =


Finch : bird = aspen : tree : = :


Fire : inferno = storm : hurricane : = :


Fluvial (of, relating or living in a stream or river : river) = sidereal : star : = :


Fluvial : river = sidereal : star (flu ) : = :

11. Foil : metal = veneer : wood : = :

12. Ford : river = pass : mountain : = : (NOT shore : lake)
13. Glacier : ice = sea : water : = :
14. Glade : wood = oasis : desert = archipelago : ocean : = : = :

15. Kangaroo : marsupial = squirrel : rodent : = :

16. Lizard : reptile = eagle : bird = orange : fruit : = : = :
17. Maelstrom : turbulent = mirage : illusory : = :
18. Marsh : sodden = desert : arid : = :
19. Mine : coal = quarry : marble : = :
20. Pachyderm : animal = ant : insect : = : ()
21. Plant : soil = organism : medium : = :
22. Plantation : tobacco = media : bacteria : = :

23. Precipice : steepness = defile : narrowness : = :

24. Prune : plum = raisin : grape : = :
25. Quicksand (something that entraps or frustrates) : ?? = ?? , : ?? ()
26. Resin : tree = gum : rubber tree : = :
27. Sand : dune = water : canal : = : (L make up R) (NOT leaves : tree)
28. Sheep : ewe (a female sheep) = swan : pena female swan : = :
29. Snow : precipitation = hurricane : cyclone (a kind of precipitation) : = (a kind of cyclone) :
(hurricane, typhoon )
30. Soil : mud = stone : gravel : = : ()
31. Summit : mountain = crest : wave : = :

Water : potable = meat : edible : = :

33. Wind : erosion = downpour : flooding : = :


Apple : skin = tree : bark : = : enamel : tooth = bark : tree(:



Article : byline = movie : credits : = :


Banister : staircase = fence : garden : = :


Bit : drill = blade : razor : = :


Border : country = circumference : circle : = :


Breezeway : building = stairway : floor : = :


Cell : membrane = seed : hull : = :


Country : border = circle : perimeter : = :


Enamel : tooth = bark : tree : = :

10. Frieze : building = illumination : manuscript : = :

11. Hem : garment (skirt) = brim : vessel : = :
12. Husk : seed = rind : orange : = :
13. Joke : punch-line = plot : denouement : = :
14. Rider : bill = endorsement : policy : = :
( consignment : invoice : / summons : citation : )
15. Roof : rafter = table : leg : = :
16. Roof : room = summit : mountain : = :
17. Ruffle : shirt = molding : cabinet : = :
18. Spire : church = minaret : mosque : = :
19. Tooth : enamel = tree : bark : = :
20. Tree : bark = human : skin : = : enamel : tooth = bark : tree
21. Typo (typing error) : text = bug : software : = :
22. Venom : toxin = milk : nutrient : = :



Overture : introductory = caveat : warning/cautionary : = :


Overture : symphony (opera) = preface : book : () = :


Dessert : meal = epilogue : play = coda : sonata : = : = :


Epilogue : prose = finale : music , : = :


Postscript : epistle(a formal, elegant letter) = endorsement : policy : = :


Terminus : stop = epilogue : story : = :


Ultimatum : demand = epilogue : play : = :


Addendum : book = postscript : letter : = :


Chapter : novel = step : dance : = :


Chord : note = grove : tree : = : (NOT flower : stem index : table)


Clique : intimates = flock : sheep : = :


Colonnade : pillar = queue : person = chain : link : = : = :

( throng : crowd : )


Color : spectrum = tone : scale : = :


Constellation : star = bouquet : flower : = :


Constellation : star = chord : note / chord : tone : = :


Constellation : star = chord : tone : = : ( queue : person)


Constellation : star = queue : person = chord : note/tone : = : = :

10. Echelon (a level of hierarchy) : hierarchy = (rung : ladder) : = ( : )

11. Fish : school = bird : flock : = :
12. Forest : trees = fur : hairs : = : (NOT trees : branches)
13. Galaxy : stararchipelago : island

: = :

14. Items : hodgepodge = people : rabble : = :

15. Journal : entries = run : performance : = :
16. Menu : dish = curriculum : course : = :
17. Montage : images = medley : songs : = :
18. Mosaic : tile = image : pixel (any of the small discrete elements that together constitute an image (as on a television
screen)) : = :
tile : mosaic = stitch : sampler : = :
19. Plumage : bird = foliage : bush : = :
20. Queue : people = chain : link = colonnade : pillar = constellation : star = chord : note / tone
: = : = : = : = :
21. Range : mountain = caravan( a group of vehicles traveling together in a file) : vehicle : = :
22. Range : mountain = chain : link = archipelago : island : = : = :
23. Repertoire : performance = manifest : cargo : = : ( agenda : meeting : )
24. Retainer : retinue = witch : coven : = : ( 13 )
( staff : officer : / coterie : group : )

25. Retinue : attendant = coven : witch = suite : room : = ( 13 ) : =

(a set of rooms) : (NOT officer : staff / coterie : group)
26. Roster : personnel = slate : candidate : = : (NOT obituary : death : )
27. Shot : salvo (a simultaneous discharge of two or more shots) = ?? :
28. Stanza : line = volume : issue : = : ( concert : program)
29. Stanza : poem = movement : orchestra : = : ( act : theater : )
30. Troupe : performance : choir : sing : = :
31. Word : sentence = water : canal : = : (R is composed of L)
32. Zigzag : turns = montage : images : = : (L consist of many R)


Decibel : sound = lumen : light : = :


Decibel : sound = volt : electricity = watt : power : = : = :


Dose : medicine = ration : food : = :


Heat : calories = power : watts : = : (R is Ls )


Kilometer : distance = pound : weight : = :


Power : watt = sound : decibel = electricity : volt = heat : calorie : = : = : = :


Ream : paper = cord : wood (a unity of paper) : = (a unity of wood) :


Ream(=480, 500, or 516 sheets of paper) : paper = acre : land : = :


Chip : stone = shard : glass (pottery) = crumb : cake = fragment : bone : = : () =

: = :


Crumb : bread = splinter (split) : wood : = :


Crumb : cake, bread = shard : pottery : , = :


Shard : pottery = crumb : cake : () = :


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