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Design of Square HSS Members in Combined
Axial Compression and Biaxial Flexure
Rev # Revision Description Revised By Date


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Design of Square HSS Members in Combined

Axial Compression and Biaxial Flexure
This worksheet will choose a square steel HSS m ember in com bined axial compression and biaxial
flexure based on input loads and parameters. The flexural capacity is calculated using AISC 360-05
Section F7. The shear capacity is calculated using AISC 360-05 Section G5. The axial capacity is
calculated using AISC 360-05 Sections E3 and E7. Flexure-Axial f orce interact ions are c hecked
using AISC 360-05 Section H1. The user inputs the axial compressive load, and the internal m oment
and shear for each axis found using an outside method of analysis. Input loading should be
determined using second order analysis when appropriate.

According to AISC 360-05
User inputs material yield strength
Loads should be determined using second order analysis when appropriate

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Member Properties

Fy := 46⋅ ksi Yield Strength of Steel Used f or HSS Members

L := 20⋅ ft Length of Member

Lbx := 20⋅ ft Axis 1 Laterally Unbraced Length

Lby := 20⋅ ft Axis 2 Laterally Unbraced Length

Depthmax := 40⋅ in Maxim um Allowable M em ber Depth

Choose End Conditions


Factor := 5 ⋅ % Minim um Factor of Difference Between Ultimate and Design

-Axial Loading

Pu := 23.4⋅ kip Factored Axial Com pressive Load

-Transverse Loading
Ultimate Moment and Shear on Axis 1 of Member

M ux := 73.2⋅ kip ⋅ ft Ultimate Bending Mom ent in A xis 1 of M em ber

V ux := 13.4⋅ kip Ultimate Shear in Axis 1 of Mem ber

Ultimate Moment and Shear on Axis 2 of Member

M uy := 35.6⋅ kip ⋅ ft Ultimate Bending Mom ent in A xis 2 of M em ber

V uy := 8.3 ⋅ kip Ultimate Shear in Axis 2 of Mem ber

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Member Property Calculations

Member = "HSS12X12X1/4" Final Mem ber Selection

SW = 39.4⋅ plf Self Weight of Mem ber Ix = 248⋅ in Mom ent of Inertia
A = 10.8⋅ in Gross Area of Member 3
Zx = 47.6⋅ in Plastic Section Modulus
d = 12⋅ in Depth of Mem ber
Sx = 41.4⋅ in Elastic Section Modulus
t = 0.233⋅ in Design Thickness
b rx = 4.79⋅ in Radius of Gyration
ratiobt = 48.5 Ratio

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Beam Calculations
Compactness Check (AISC Section B4)
Check for flange com pactness, Table B4.1 Case 12

λflan := ratiobt = 48.5 Width Thickness Ratio

λpflan := 1.12⋅ = 28.121 Lim iting Width Thickness Ratio for Compact

λrflan := 1.40⋅ = 35.152 Lim iting Width Thickness Ratio for Noncom pact

Check for web compactness, Table B4.1 Case 13

λweb := ratiobt = 48.5 Width Thickness Ratio

λpweb := 2.42⋅ = 60.762 Lim iting Width Thickness Ratio for Compact

λrweb := 5.70⋅ = 143.118 Lim iting Width Thickness Ratio for Noncom pact

Check1 = "Flange is slender for flexure" Check for Flange Com pactness

Check2 = "Web is compact for flexure" Check for Web Compactness

Flexural Capacity (AISC Section F7)

F7.1 Yielding

M px := Fy⋅ Zx Flexural Yielding Mom ent Capacity (AISC 360-05 Eq F7-1)

M n7.1 := M px

M n7.1 = 182.5⋅ kip ⋅ ft

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Beam Calculations (continued)

Flexural Capacity (AISC Section F7)
F7.2 Flange Local Buckling
F7.2a - Compact Flanges
For compact sections, FLB does not apply

F7.2b - Noncompact Flanges

  Fy   Noncompact FLB Moment

M n7.2b := minMpx − M px − Fy⋅ Sx ⋅  3.75⋅ ratiobt⋅
( ) − 4.0  , M px
 E   Capacity (AISC 360-05 Eq F7-2)
M n7.2b = 105.4⋅ kip ⋅ ft

F7.2c - Slender Flanges

b := d − ( 3 ⋅ t ) = 11.3⋅ in Width of Compression Flange (AISC 360-05 Section B4.2d)

b e := min1.92⋅ t⋅
E 
⋅ 1 −
0.38 E  , b
Fy ratiobt

  Effective Width of Compression Flange
    (AISC 360-05 Eq F7-4)

b e = 9.02⋅ in

b ie := b − be = 2.28⋅ in Ineffective Width of Compression Flange

 2  b ie⋅ t
Ieff := Ix − 2 ⋅ b ie⋅ t⋅ 
d− t 4
 + 12  = 211.2⋅ in Effective Mom ent of Inertia
  2  
Ieff 3
Seff := = 35.21⋅ in Effective Section Modulus
 
M n7.2c := Fy⋅ Seff Slender FLB Moment Capacity (AISC 360-05 Eq F7-3)

M n7.2c = 135.0⋅ kip ⋅ ft

Flange Local Buckling Moment Capacity

M n7.2 := M n7.1 if Check1 = "Flange is compact for flexure"

Resulting Flange Local
M n7.2b if Check1 = "Flange is non-compact for flexure" Buckling Mom ent Capacity
M n7.2c if Check1 = "Flange is slender for flexure"

M n7.2 = 135.0⋅ kip ⋅ ft

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Beam Calculations (continued)

Flexural Capacity (AISC Section F7)
F7.3 Web Local Buckling
F7.3a - Compact Webs
For compact sections, WLB does not apply

F7.3b - Noncompact Webs

  Fy   Noncompact WLB Mom ent

M n7.3b := minMpx − M px − Fy⋅ Sx ⋅  0.305⋅ ratiobt⋅
( ) − 0.738 , Mpx Capacity (AISC 360-05
 E   Eq F7-5)

M n7.3b = 182.5⋅ kip ⋅ ft

Web Local Buckling Moment Capacity

M n7.3 := M n7.1 if Check2 = "Web is compact for flexure" Resulting Web Local
Buckling Mom ent Capacity
M n7.3b if Check2 = "Web is non-compact for flexure"

M n7.3 = 182.5⋅ kip ⋅ ft

Overall Moment Capacity

M n := min M n7.1 , M n7.2 , M n7.3 ) Overall Nominal Mom ent Capacity

M n = 135⋅ kip ⋅ ft

ϕb = 0.9 Strength Reduction Factor for Flexure

ϕb ⋅ Mn = 121.5⋅ kip ⋅ ft Design Moment Capacity for Selected Mem ber

M u = 73.2⋅ kip ⋅ ft Resulting Max Mom ent

Mu Check if Member is Adequate in Flexure

Checkb := = 60.3⋅ %
ϕb ⋅ M n Must Not Exceed 100%

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Beam Calculations (continued)

Shear Capacity (AISC Section G5)
Note: Section G5 dictates the use of Section G2.1 to determ ine the Shear Capacity

h := d − 3 ⋅ t = 11.30⋅ in Depth of Web (AISC 360-05 Section G5)

Aw := 2 ⋅ h⋅ t = 5.27⋅ in Area of Webs (AISC 360-05 Section G5)

kv := 5 Web Plate Buckling Coefficient (AISC 360-05 Section G5)

kv⋅ E
Cv := 1 if λweb ≤ 1.10⋅
Fy Web Shear Coefficient
(AISC 360-05 Eq G2-3, G2-4, and G2-5)
kv⋅ E
Fy kv⋅ E kv⋅ E
if λweb > 1.10⋅ ∧ λweb ≤ 1.37⋅
( ratiobt) Fy Fy

1.51⋅ E⋅ kv kv⋅ E
if λweb > 1.37⋅
( ratiobt) 2⋅ Fy

Cv = 1

V n := 0.6 ⋅ Fy⋅ Aw⋅ Cv Nom inal Shear Capacity (AISC 360-05 Eq G2-1)

V n = 145.3⋅ kip

ϕv = 0.9 Strength Reduction Factor for Shear

ϕv⋅ V n = 130.8⋅ kip Design Shear Capacity for Selected Member

V u = 13.4⋅ kip Resulting Max Shear Force

Vu Check if Member is Adequate in Shear

Checkv := = 10.2⋅ %
ϕv⋅ V n Must Not Exceed 100%

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Column Calculations
Compactness Check (AISC Section B4)
Check for flange/web compactness, Table B4.1 Case 12

λflan := ratiobt = 48.5 Width Thickness Ratio

λpflan := 1.12⋅ = 28.121 Lim iting Width Thickness Ratio for Compact

λrflan := 1.40⋅ = 35.152 Lim iting Width Thickness Ratio for Noncom pact

Check3 = "Flange/Web is slender for compression" Check for Flange/Web Com pactness

Column Slenderness (AISC Section E2)

K⋅ L
= 50.1 Controlling Column Slenderness

Note: For m embers designed on the basis of com pression, the slenderness ratio KL/r
preferably should not exceed 200. (AISC 360-05 Section E2)

Check4 = "Member is not slender for compression" Check for Colum n Slenderness

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Column Calculations (continued)

Compact and Noncompact Capacity (AISC Section E3)

π ⋅E
Fe := = 114⋅ ksi Elastic Critical Buckling Stress (AISC 360-05 Eq E3-4)
 K⋅ L 
 r 
 

 Fy 
 
 Fe 
Fcr1 :=  0.658  ⋅ Fy = 39⋅ ksi Flexural Buckling Stress (AISC 360-05 Eq E3-2)

Fcr2 := 0.877⋅ Fe = 100⋅ ksi Flexural Buckling Stress (AISC 360-05 Eq E3-3)

K⋅ L E
Fcr := Fcr1 if ≤ 4.71⋅
r Fy
Applicable Flexural Buckling Stress for Columns Without
K⋅ L E Slender Elem ents, 0 if Flange and Web are Slender
Fcr2 if > 4.71⋅
r Fy

0 if Check3 = "Flange/Web is slender for compression"

Fcr = 0 ⋅ ksi

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Column Calculations (continued)

Slender Capacity (AISC Section E7)
E7.2b Slender Stiffened Elements

b e := min1.92⋅ t⋅
E 
⋅ 1 −
0.38 E 
⋅  , b Effective Width of Stiff ened
 Fy
 ( ratiobt) Fy
  Elem ent (AISC 360-05 E7-18)
b e = 9.02⋅ in

b ie := b − be = 2.28⋅ in Ineffective Width of Stiff ened Element

( )
Aeff := A − 4 ⋅ b ie⋅ t = 8.68⋅ in Effective Area of Stiffened Element

Q a := = 0.803 Reduction Factor for Slender Stiffened Element (AISC 360-05 E7-16)

Q := Q a = 0.803

Slender Capacity
π ⋅E
Fe := = 114⋅ ksi Elastic Critical Buckling Stress (AISC 360-05 Eq E3-4)
 K⋅ L 
 
 r 

 Q⋅ Fy 
 
 Fe 
Fcr1 := Q ⋅  0.658  ⋅ Fy = 32⋅ ksi Flexural Buckling Stress (AISC 360-05 Eq E7-2)

Fcr2 := 0.877⋅ Fe = 100⋅ ksi Flexural Buckling Stress (AISC 360-05 Eq E7-3)

K⋅ L E
Fcr := Fcr1 if ≤ 4.71⋅
r Q ⋅ Fy Applicable Flexural Buckling Stress for Columns With
Slender Elem ents, 0 if Flange and Web are Not Slender
K⋅ L E
Fcr2 if > 4.71⋅
r Q ⋅ Fy

0 if Check3 ≠ "Flange/Web is slender for compression"

Fcr = 32⋅ ksi

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Column Calculations (continued)

Overall Axial Compressive Capacity

Fcr = 32⋅ ksi Controlling Flexural Buckling Stress

Pn := Fcr⋅ A = 348.5⋅ kip Overall Nominal Axial Com pressive Capacity

ϕc = 0.9 Strength Reduction Factor for Axial Com pression

ϕc⋅ Pn = 313.6⋅ kip Design Axial Compressive Capacity for Selected Member

Pu = 23.4⋅ kip Maxim um Axial Compressive Load

Pu Check if Member is Adequate in Com pression

Checkc := = 7.5 ⋅ %
ϕc⋅ Pn Must Not Exceed 100%

Interaction Calculations
Axial - Bending Interaction Check (AISC Section H1)

 Pu 8  M ux Muy  Pu
Checki :=  ϕ ⋅ P + 9 ⋅  ϕ ⋅ M + ϕ ⋅ M  if ϕ ⋅ P ≥ 0.2
 c n  b n b n  c n Check of Force Interactions
(AISC 360-05 Eq H1-1)
 Pu  Mux M uy  Pu
 ⋅ ⋅P  ϕ ⋅ M
+ +  if < 0.2
 2 ϕc n  b n ϕb⋅ Mn  ϕc⋅ Pn

Checki = 0.933

Checki Check if Member is Adequate in Com bined Forces

Check := = 93.3⋅ %
1.00 Must Not Exceed 100%

Final Results

Member = "HSS12X12X1/4" Final Mem ber Selection

Results = "Selected Member is Adequate for Given Parameters"

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