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Consumer Purchase Behaviour – Non-

geared Two-Wheelers Motor vehicles

Marketing Management-II
Section B, Group 3
Aseem Garg [0089/55] Vignesh N M [0105/55]
Prince Kumar Singh [0116/55] Rakesh Kumar K R [0119/55]
S Gowri Shankhar [0123/55] Kirtishree Somani [0135/55]
Suryawanshi Bageshree Jalander [0138/55]
Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................... 2
2. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 3
3. Research Methodology .......................................................................................................... 4
1. Qualitative ................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Quantitative ............................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Limitations of the Study ........................................................................................................ 5
5. Findings from the Exploratory Research .............................................................................. 7
1. First Interview: .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Second Interview: ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Third Interview: ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4. Fourth interview:....................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Fifth Interview: ........................................................................................................................................ 10
6. Sixth interview: ........................................................................................................................................ 11
7. Seventh interview: .................................................................................................................................... 11
8. Focus Group Discussion ..........................................................................................................................12
6. Analysis of the exploratory research findings ..................................................................... 14
7. Analysis of the quantitative study.........................................................................................15
1. Factor Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 15
2. Cluster Analysis ........................................................................................................................................16
3. Hypothesis testing ................................................................................................................................... 18
4. Perceptual Map ....................................................................................................................................... 20
8. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 23
References .............................................................................................................................. 24
Appendix ................................................................................................................................ 25
Survey Questionnaire ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Factor Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 46
Conjoint Analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 49
Interview and Focused Group Discussions Scripts ........................................................................................ 51

1 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

1. Executive Summary

This report was commissioned to examine the consumer purchase behavior of consumers for non-geared 2-
wheeler motor vehicles in India and to recommend ways to the Indian Automobile companies on ways to
increase their sales volume by focusing on the key set of parameters in the competitive landscape. We aim
to understand the demographics, motive and the key features that influence the purchase behaviour of our
The research draws attention to the fact that since its launch in 2001, sales unit volume of Honda Activa
stands at 5.6 million till 2017 with an estimate growth of 2-wheeler industry in India at more than 9% CAGR.
Emerging market of 2-wheelers in India provided a playing field to many automobile companies which came
up with their non-geared 2 wheelers in Indian market.
Further exploration revealed that ‘Non Geared Two Wheeler Motor Vehicles’ are the usual mode of transport
when there is just one person. The purchase decision depend on the features of the vehicle such as Fuel
Efficiency, Safety, Weight of Vehicle, Seating and Comfort, Price, Financing options, Availability of Service
Centres, Brand, Storage Compartment, Colour, Aesthetics etc. The major sources of information when the
customer is trying to know the devices are Showroom visits, Test drives, Company Website, Online Review
and Comparisons, Friends, Families and Colleagues, Ads and Promotions, etc. Also, people prefer Non
Geared vehicles over Geared vehicles because easy to learn and drive, safer to ride, easier to park, best in
traffic etc. Family members and friends influence their purchase decision. Brand of the vehicle also
influences the purchase decision.
In order to further understand how each of the above variables affect the purchase decision a questionnaire
was floated and the 178 responses were analyzed. We got the following insights when we analyzed the survey
data using different statistical techniques:
a. All the relevant purchase variables can be clubbed into 5 core factors namely – Price, Performance and
Reliability, Word of Mouth and Media, Hands on Experience and Official company website, Brand and
b. Brand Ambassador, financing options and volume of storage compartment are the least significant
factors in the purchase decision of the consumer.
c. Females prefer light weight vehicles and are less concerned about the price of the vehicle.
d. Young customers are more concerned about the looks and price of the vehicle whereas aged customers
are more concerned about purchasing a trustworthy product.

We recommend companies to:

a. Focus on value for money and performance & reliability of the vehicle.
b. Companies should be least concerned with providing financing options and getting the best brand
ambassadors on board and can divert these resources to more significant parameters of purchase
c. Companies should work on enhancing the test drive and showroom visit experience for the customers
and should keep their official websites updated with the product information.
d. Companies should also focus on creating a positive brand perception for their product in the market as
most of the respondents gave significant weightage to Family, friends and colleagues in their purchase

2 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

2. Introduction

The customer needs form the key component for any company to keep up with their business. This requires
the company to come up with the perfect strategy in place amidst the heavy competition to become customer
centric. The current cut throat competition had made retention of customers a key factor as they are exposed
to a lot of available options to choose from. This availability of many alternatives in the market place has
given the customers the chance to decide rationally taking into consideration every possible parameter for
consideration. Increase in disposable income has attracted more players to tap into the lucrative market.
To retain the customers and achieve customer’s delight, it make more sense to analyse perceptions and
behaviour of the two wheeler owners which will give feedback pertaining to designing marketing strategies.
For our descriptive study we have taken primary data through structured questionnaire and also &
convenient sampling technique has been adopted. The purpose of this study is to analyse and factor out the
key determinants of the consumer purchasing behaviour for non-gear two-wheeler motor vehicles in India.
India’s two-wheeler market has grown during the Financial Years 2013- 2017, with the sales reaching $ 15
billion in 2017. The market is expected to grow with a CAGR of more than 9% over the next five years and
cross $ 25 billion by 2023. The 2-wheeler industry has 13% year on year volume growth during first two
months during FY2019. The higher displacement premium motorcycles (>150cc) have continued to be the
industry leader (though on low base), in line with industry trend towards gradual upgrading and
premiumisation. The motorcycles segment grew by 17.2% year on year in this industry, having a strong rural
demand mostly during the festive and wedding seasons. The growing demand for two-wheelers in the
country is attributed to following reasons like increasing per capita income, high fuel efficiency of two-
wheelers and easy financing options available across the country. [1]
After dominating Indian roads for 40 years, scooters rapidly sank into near-oblivion for the next 10, but in
the past few years have been making a spirited comeback. In October 2017, they comprised 30 % of all two-
wheelers sold - their highest market share since 1998 when motorbikes overtook them. In 2014/15, the
scooter market grew 25 per cent, while motorcycles' sales growth was only two per cent. In the first half of
the current financial year, scooter sales have risen by 10 %, while bikes have reported a 3% drop. We expect
scooters to remain unfazed by sluggish automotive market and outsell bikes with a healthy growth rate. [2]
Easier finance options, newer and more fuel-efficient models, rising incomes have only added to the push
even as new business models, such as e-commerce, also help purchases. Growth of infrastructure in smaller
towns and non-urban areas is helping demand.
At one hand, some segments of people buy two-wheelers to fit their budgeting need but on the other hand
some segments of people are buying two-wheelers for shorter commute and errands, even if they have a car.
It is difficult to move around in congested cities, and even more difficult to get a space to park. So, two-
wheelers are increasingly becoming the second vehicles in the household.
But overall, there is no clear understanding of what each customer segment looks for while buying a non-
gear two-wheeler. This research aims to understand what factors a customer looks for in before buying a
non-gear two-wheeler and how important are these factors in determining if the intent for purchase gets
converted to a sale. We hope to map the though process of a customer during his journey from the thought
process of buying a non-gear two-wheeler to owning one.
Emergence of the automatic scooters in India, started with the launch of the Honda Activa in 2001. In
FY2017, sales of scooters crossed a mark of 5.6 million and scooters sales has been growing at a steady rate
till date. Today, the prospective scooter buyer has choice with almost all major two-wheeler manufacturer
offering not one, but several models in this space. Clearly, automatic scooters are preferred, and will
continue to be favoured by commuters in cities and towns across India.
Scooter Sales Numbers For FY2017
Honda Activa 27,59,835 units*
TVS Jupiter 6,13,817 units
Hero Maestro Edge 3,78,347 units
Suzuki Access 2,65,181 units
Yamaha Fascino 2,13,312 units
TVS Scooty Zest 110 62,462 units
Aprilia SR 150 17,189 units

3 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

3. Research Methodology

1. Qualitative
Research Methodology is a systematic approach that we take to finding relevant data and inputs to aid our
study of the research problem at hand. While studying the consumer buying behavior for non-geared two
wheelers in the Indian market, we decided to start with a basic Exploratory research that involved Literature
Review of some online sources for identifying the key drivers of decision making in this regard, in order to
later incorporate them into our primary research.
As far as our primary research goes, as a part of the exploratory research itself, we conducted eight in-depth
interviews and a focused group discussion to get a better understanding of what drives the consumer
buying behavior in this category of products, and what are the relevant sources of information and
significant features.

2. Quantitative
After collating insights from these interviews, we decided to conduct some descriptive research in the form
of a survey, and a quantitative analysis of the same.
According to, there are three main types of descriptive methods: observational methods,
case-study methods and survey methods.
While experiences of our interviewees and FGD members acted as case studies in our case, our primary
descriptive research dealt with survey response analyses (including factor analysis, cluster analysis,
hypothesis testing and perceptual map).
Variables which came up from the qualitative survey will be clubbed together into few main core factors via
Factor analysis that play a significant role in the purchase decision of the customers.
We plan to group the customers with similar purchase behavior via cluster analysis (Hierarchical and K-
means clustering) and profiling them on the demographic variables.
Based on qualitative research, we made 5 hypothesis on which we plan to do hypothesis testing via survey
data obtained from around 180 respondents.
We also plan to plot perceptual map on 4 main variables of purchase decision for top 4 vehicle brands of
non-geared two wheelers in India.

Having mentioned some of the tools we have used, we do recognize the limitations of our study (mentioned
below) and the scope for causal research in this area.

4 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

4. Limitations of the Study

Research projects due to their very nature have inherent limitations because of the very way they are
conducted. Few of the limitations that would be present with our research project are:

Selection of topic:
Despite our attempt to choose a topic without any inherent bias or expectations of a particular kind of
response from the respondents, the very reason why the topic “Consumer Purchase Behaviour for non-
geared two-wheeler motor vehicle segment in Indian Market” was chosen because we felt that there are
certain factors like gender, price, age of consumer etc. would affect this segment purchase more than other
vehicle purchase. Due to this, some biases if any would have crept in during our analyses of the qualitative
and quantitative surveys result.

Focus Group Discussions:

For exploratory research only 1 FGD was conducted with 7 participants and conducting more wasn’t feasible
due to time constraints. Similarly, all the participants had several similarities in their profile (students, aged
21-26, from a financially stable background, etc.). Due to this the outcome of FGD might not be true
representation of the overall population of country (or any region for that matter).
Moreover, coincidentally, 6 participants out of 7 preferred usage of non-geared two-wheeler over geared
ones. This we believe is an actual deviation from the true Indian population where purchase of geared
vehicle exceeds that of non-geared ones.

In-Depth Interviews:
In-depth Interview was conducted by our team members. Due to slight lack in prior experience, outcome of
interview might not be the best f what it could have been.
Because of our literature review, internal team discussions and witnessing FGD before the interview,
interviewer might have already formed a vague opinion about the brand. Thus direction of the interview,
and even interpretation might be affected from the personal opinions.
Interviewee in few cases, was a known to interviewer on a personal level. As such, interviewee might have
responded while have responded to ensure likeability. For example, and interviewee might deny that ‘price
is an important variable in decision making’ even if it is, to maintain a likeable image. Similarly admitting
that ‘smaller height was a reason why the individual preferred a non-geared vehicle than a geared one’ might
also be “embarrassing” for interviewee.
Follow up interviews or more in-depth interviews might would have given more qualitative information but
wasn’t possible due to several practical constraints.

Quantitative Survey:
Though the survey was circulated to people we know from diverse background (friends, colleagues, school
batchmates, relatives, social media etc.) but still, a significant portion of the respondents are from IIM
Calcutta and as such response might be a bit skewed.
No incentive was provided from our side for respondents to fill the survey. Due to this, there might be a no-
response bias in the result.
Questions relating to popular brands in two-wheelers was restricted to not bombard respondent with a lot
of options during response. This selection of brands was based on our perception of important brands.
Respondents might have preference for any other brand but was forced to choose from one of the options.
Like above, the number of variables measured was reduced from those obtained from exploratory research.
This again might would have led to respondents not being able to convey their most likely option through
The number of responses obtained in survey was 170+ only. Higher no. of responses would usually imply
that data is true representative of the population.

5 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

The research could also be pursued further to deeper understand the level of effect of each factor on
consumer purchase behaviour. In this a causal relationship with the variables could be developed to prove
our hypothesis. Knowledge of appropriate ‘levels of factor’ for consumer purchase could be understood,
which could be of a lot of practical application for businesses.

6 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

5. Findings from the Exploratory Research

To do the exploratory research on this topic, we decided to conduct personal in-depth interviews and a
focussed group discussion. Following are the insights from the same.

1. First Interview:
• The participant of the 1st interview was an MBA student of IIM Calcutta, whose hometown is in Goa
and have been riding geared 2 wheeler from a long time.
• Frequently uses 2 wheeler over car [More convenient]. Only uses car when more than 1 co-
passenger and weather is not suitable, like rains and all.
• The factors that impacted participant’s Dad decision to buy a specific geared two-wheeler were –
o Price (decided on budget beforehand),
o Mileage (fuel efficiency),
o comfort of driving [More of a functional utility]
• The factors that impacted participant’s decision to buy a specific geared two-wheeler were –
o Aesthetics [More of a social status]
o features (Disk brakes)
o Handling
o Suspension
o Weight of the vehicle
• Factors to decide among geared and non-geared –
o City of living (preferred non-geared in traffic congestion cities with less wider roads)
o Need (prefer non-geared vehicle for daily commute, prefer geared for long drives, social
o Ease of drive (A lot of pain in changing gears all the time when you have to stop multiple
o Fuel Efficiency of geared is better than non-geared
• The people involved in purchase decision of two-wheeler–
o Participant,
o his family and friends
• Time between decision to buy a vehicle to actually buying it – 15-20 days
• Participant was indifferent between geared and non-geared vehicle for him.
• Participant was willing to go to showroom after narrowing down his choices to 4-5 after researching
and inquiring from other sources like online, friends, family.
• The main sources of information about the bikes –
o Online research on websites comparing different bikes on technical specs
o Online official websites of products
o Youtube channels, TV shows giving test drive reviews and various insights about the
o Test drives and product descriptions at the showroom
• Influence of family members and friends – Asked them about the vehicle they are driving, their
experiences, probably a test drive with them [products told by ingroup enters into
consideration set while purchasing the vehicle]
• Factors to consider when deciding a non-geared vehicle for his sister or any female friend:
o Weight of the vehicle (she should be able to handle the weight)
o Aesthetics of the vehicle (she should like the design and color of the vehicle)
o Does it have a femine look or a masculine look
o Last thing would be fuel efficiency and price
• Brand would the deciding factor if all parameters of product mix are the same.
• Non-geared are considered to be more safer as geared vehicles have more power and it is difficult
to handle/control those on slippery tracks.

2. Second Interview:
• The participant of the 2nd interview was a Masters student from IIT Bombay, whose hometown is in
Kanpur and have been riding non geared 2 wheeler from a long time.

7 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

• The purchase decisions was made by her father after extensive background check in terms of price,
latest edition.
• Usage of activa for all purposes ranging from daily commute to visiting relatives or shopping
[Preferred 2 wheeler over public transport]
• Sources of information –
o Friends, family members – asking for their experiences
o Online product reviews
o Visiting showrooms and taking test drives
• Factors to consider while deciding on which 2 wheeler to buy:
o Mileage (Fuel efficiency)
o Maintainence policy of that outlet
o Weight of the vehicle
o Smoothness of the drive
o Appearance including the color of the vehicle
• Good braking system and side mirrors are the main and must features for me as they give me
a sense of control and easy handling while driving.
• Some of the must features in the vehicle to buy:
o Good braking system
o Side Mirrors
o Accelerator (How well it responds to my hand reaction)
o For back seat, any support to hold on to
• Influence of family members and friends – Asked them about the vehicle they are driving, their
experiences, probably a test drive with them [products told by ingroup enters into
consideration set while purchasing the vehicle]
• Brand perception or image does not matter to the participant. She will go with less price
or good aesthetics and design with which she feels more intimidated product given all the must
features are satisfied.
• Participant will prefer a geared vehicle for long drives as it reduces the travel time and also tyre size
being large, it is more safe to drive at high speeds.
• Participant does not like products which portray them like feminine products (Pleasures, scooty
pept) and will prefer gender neutral products like activas, access etc.

3. Third Interview:
Family Background: The first thing I identified is family background playing an important role. Parents
allowing their children to ride a two-wheeler. It varies from family to family. The sooner they get exposed,
most of them prefer a light vehicle. With time it is more likely the two-wheeler that suits the person’s
personality and style
Personal Interest: The other thing that I would like to highlight is the interest of the person towards a
locomotive. My respondent was passionate about bikes in her early stages of life. But with time she decided
to switch to comfort more than the adventurous aspects that fascinated her initially.
Power to decide: Regarding the purchase decision, even you are very fond of bikes, unless and until you
cross a certain age (say 10th -12th standard) you don’t have an upper hand in the decision making process. It
is more likely to be influence by your parents, neighbours and relatives. The decision making process of your
parents in this case also depends on the freedom that they are ready to give you. In my respondent’s case,
she was given access to a bike but not allowed to use it for more than 3kms daily. Interestingly, with time
they switched the bike to a car, considering the safety of their daughter when she happened to travel longer
Importance of a Brand: When it comes to brand, in case of bikes people tend to associate closely towards
the brand they use. They were reluctant to try other brands unless persuaded hard. Also when you say a
bike, they always associate it with brands rather than features. My respondent directly relates the engine
quality with the brand. She is confident that a Honda or Suzuki engine is far better and will last long
Features: Some of the features of importance I came across were speed, sturdy body, mileage and the deck
for storage. Girls usually prefer carrying a lot more stuffs than guys when going out and my respondent felt

8 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

it is one of the most important features of a two wheeler. The bike should not be heavy. It should be
convenient and should not wobble when it reaches a certain high speed. Though looks were mentioned it
was mentioned finally just like “Looks do matter”
Impact of time: One major insight I feel is the impact of time. My respondent was passionate about bikes
in her school days. With time she not only switched to a car, but also her buying preference for a bike
changed. When during her college days she likes to take a bike for a bit long trips to enjoy the scenic views
and feel, now she feels bikes are meant for narrow roads and city purposes. She will never prefer a bike now
for highway travels
Personality: My respondent she doesn’t associate the bike she drives with her personality. She feels a
Royal Enfield or a sports bike matches her personality but is reluctant to buy one. She feels Activa is
something everybody has and it has nothing to do with her personality. My respondent knows to drive
geared bikes but not used it that much. She likes adventures. I feel that is the reason she associates herself
with an Enfield or a sports bike. But she sees practicality and goes with a car if its for safety and a gearless
two-wheeler if it is for local commute. She even sees the adventure part with her gearless bikes, when she
mentioned she travelled in the Himalayan range with lots of bends, where she got the feel of adventure
accelerating the two-wheeler she drove
Time of Travel: Time of travel plays a bit of its role because my respondent was happy using it for short
distances say 3 kms in her school days. When she happened to work she need to travel a bit long and she
needs to be fresh when she steps into her office. She prefers a car in this case which provides her this comfort
Information Research: Some of the sources that my respondent feels important is secondary research
on different bikes aspects. The key things searched are price range and features. The second step will be to
test it physically by going to the showroom and having a hand-on experience with the bike. Giving it a look
personally and if possible take it for a test ride
Bikes vs Cars: One key thing my respondent mentioned on two-wheelers is that you can always match
your estimated time of travel with your two-wheeler but it is never assured in case of a car. This seems to be
an important aspect for my respondent because there will be times of urgency and getting stuck in traffic is
the worst case scenario you would think of at that stage
Cost: Cost doesn’t seem to be a big differentiator in case of my respondent. She is ready to go for a bike
with better features for an ungraded price. At the same time she made sure that she won’t pay extra without
any possible value addition
Service: Service facility available for the bike is key for my respondent as she had a negative experience
with her bike because of non-availability of proper service. She associates service mainly with the no. of
service centres the brand has in her locality. This gives her the ease of transport in case of emergency and
Second hand bikes & Resale Value: My respondent has no experience with second hand bikes. But she
is a bit concerned about the resale value of the bike. She feels cost is the only parameter that comes to your
mind when she thinks of a second hand bike. She feels resale and second hand services makes much sense
in cars but not in bikes
Electric Bikes: My respondent has prior experience riding electric bikes. But in order to make her
purchase it again, the features that it provides should be in par with the petrol bikes. She should get better
acceleration and speed compared to the one she used initially.
Word of mouth: My respondent will be influenced by word of mouth but only to some extend. In her case
the major role of word of mouth is to bring her the initial awareness at the starting point and atleast push
her to atleast try the product
Confidence to ride: In highways driving is a bit easy according to my respondent because it is not crowded
and there is not much of a disruption. But her confidence level goes up if she has a better performance
vehicle. This is because it gives her the pick-up and speed, where she can keep the pace of the highway and
not get afraid of the vehicles around her, overtaking her. The sturdiness of the bike also adds to her

4. Fourth interview:
The participant of the 1st interview was a 23 years old male student and a frequent two-wheeler vehicle user
from Pune.

9 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

1. Use of bike – For every day commuting, for trekking nearby city
2. Mode of payment- Cash
3. The factor that mattered to this participant in the decision of buying his geared two-wheeler over
a non-geared two-wheeler was – Power, gives feeling of riding
4. The factors that impacted participants decision to buy a specific geared two-wheeler were –
Looks of the bike, Power, Good Average (Mileage/ fuel efficiency), Price (budget), Brand
5. Some other factors which also were considered – Weight of the vehicle, height of seat, comfort
of seat/ pillion seat.
6. The people involved in purchase decision – Along with participant his family members and
7. The participant would have waited for one to two months for getting the bike of his choice, would
have bought another bike if would have to wait for longer than that.
8. The main sources of information about the bikes was from internet and official websites of the
bikes. Later, finalizing some bikes the participant visited the showroom, in this phase vehicle
dealer and the pamphlets of these bikes were also important source of information.
9. The participant visited showrooms, personally tried and took test drives of around 9 – 10 bikes
before fixing on one bike.
10. The participant preferred buying the vehicle from a genuine showroom nearby to his place and
which had proper service for maintenance of vehicle.
11. The factors preferred while buying two-wheeler for mother/ sister – would choose non-geared
two-wheeler as it would be better to handle in traffic and has lower power
12. The factors the participant would prefer in his future geared two-wheeler purchase – New
technology, looks of the bike, power, average (mileage/ fuel efficiency)
13. What he likes in current bike – Low maintenance cost, performance, power, enjoy the feeling of
riding bike as it gives good speed and good power.

5. Fifth Interview:
The participant of the 5th interview was a 54 years old male Civil engineer and a two-wheeler vehicle user
from Ulhasnagar.
1. Rarely uses it due to age and traffic, finds it difficult to handle in traffic
2. Mode of payment- Down payment
3. The factors that impacted participants decision to buy a specific geared two-wheeler were – Brand,
average, comfort of driving, service centre of the two-wheeler should be nearby
4. The factors that impacted participants decision to buy a specific non-geared two-wheeler were –
Brand, service centre of the two-wheeler should be nearby
5. The factors that impacted participants decision to buy a specific cruiser two-wheeler were – looks
(its attractiveness), its mechanism, its popularity
6. Why did he buy a cruiser bike? – For luxury, for pleasure riding, owning a cruiser bike was his
childhood dream
7. The people involved in purchase decision of two-wheeler– The participant and his family
8. The participant preferred buying the vehicle from a genuine authorized showroom nearby to his
place/ workplace and which had proper service for maintenance of vehicle.
9. The main sources of information about the bikes was from friends
10. The factors the participant would prefer in his future geared two-wheeler purchase – New
technology, looks of the bike, power
Both the participants (from interview 4 and 5) preferred buying a two-wheeler which they felt suited them,
they felt connected to. The experience these participants got while riding the bike was very special for them.
Some factors we can consider which impact the purchase decision of two-wheeler:

10 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

1. Power
2. Average (Mileage/ Fuel efficiency)
3. Looks of bike/ attractiveness of bike
4. Performance
5. Price
6. Brand – Popularity
7. Service centre or showroom nearby
8. Service of the brand
9. Opinions of family and friends
10. Weight & height of two-wheeler (easy to handle)
11. Mechanism of bike
12. Comfort of seat

The main sources of information about the two-wheelers emerged as:

1. Internet – official websites for pictures of bikes
2. Showrooms for feeling/ experiencing the bike
3. Vehicle dealer or showroom sales person
4. Pamphlets from showroom(s)
5. Friends and Family

6. Sixth interview:
The person being interviewed is aged around 50 years, works in her home itself and does not travel much
during the day. She prefers Non geared vehicles over geared vehicles as she feels it is much easier to drive,
Also she is not comfortable with shifting gears. Ease of driving, light weight, place to store things and
mileage are the important features mentioned without prompting. When looking for information she
generally goes to the internet or she goes to the showroom. She values the opinions of her family members
very much. She would like to use two wheelers for nearby distances. But she would prefer car over a to
wheeler as she feels that it is much safer. She is open to buying an electric two wheeler if it is reliable and of
good quality.

7. Seventh interview:
1. Reasons for his family buying the scooty:
1. Mom had to learn driving two wheelers, and didn’t had any prior experience. Because it was for
female, a geared vehicle ‘wasn’t even considered’.
2. Members of joint family could have used the non-geared vehicle even without a lot of experience
in driving wouldn’t have been possible if they bought a geared vehicle.
3. Subject was in 3rd standard when scooty was bought, dad wanted subject to learn scooty in early
age. Wouldn’t have been possible in geared vehicle.
4. It was a second bike in the family, first one being Royal Enfield, regularly used by Dad. So
primary user for second bike was mom.
2. ‘Safety’ and ‘Ease of use’ perceived with scooty was most commonly associated by subject with non-
geared vehicle.
3. Scooty was perceived ‘safe’ because

11 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

1. subject felt that most of the accidents that happened with two wheelers are of sports bikes.
Accidents even if happen with scooty are minor in nature.
2. Scooty has space between legs which gives user the option to jump from scooty in case of accident
as compared to a geared bike which has a body in between legs, so difficult to jump.
4. Scooty was considered ‘easy to use’ by subject because
1. It doesn’t has gear as compared to geared bikes. Geared are complicated to understand.
2. Scooty is light weight and as such easier to handle and balance. Geared bikes are heavy. Difficult
to manage in case geared bikes skid or wobble.
3. Subject felt that while driving geared vehicle, driver needs to be alert all the time. Isn’t the case
with non-geared vehicle. Subject preferred using scooty when he felt ‘tired’ or ‘lazy’.
5. Subject believes that scooty is a girls vehicle. The reason he felt was because it was how portrayed
through advertisement since the time when scooties were launch.
6. In high school time, and in college time, bike was considered as a status symbol for boys. Scooty
were only bought by girls. A reason he felt was that boys used to do small stunts like wheely with
bikes which was not possible with non-geared vehicles.
7. Subject believes that people who properly know how to drive a geared bike never switch to a non-
geared bike. While people not knowing, can switch to geared bike if they learn driving unless they
considered bikes dangerous.
8. Subject felt sports bikes were for people who have a knack for adrenaline pump and would never
consider buying scooty. People who don’t have such a need for adrenaline rush would mostly have
scooty as one of the options.
9. Subject fekt that the transition of a person learning bikes start with a bicycle, then we move to a
gearless vehicle and then geared vehicle. Maybe if person is of age, they can directly jump to geared
bikes and skip gearless vehicle but still they will go and learn on normal geared bikes and not directly
on sports bikes.
10. So, if a person is practical in nature where considers bikes as more of utility thing which serves the
purpose of transportation than for deriving pleasure, then is less likely to go for geared vehicles.
11. Scooty were very easier to navigate through traffic. If user had to live in a city with lot of traffic and
had to go on two wheeler, might buy non-geared two wheeler.
12. Subject used scooty when he felt ‘lazy’ or ‘tired’ or not-well’.
13. Subject very strongly felt that bikes were something that very closely represent your personality and
status. This was to the extent that subject only took bikes to the places where he only had to take it
to garage and park, and he was sure that not many people would see him with the scooty. In
occasions like get-together, party, or going somewhere, subject never took scooty with him.
14. Subject felt that purchasing bike was an important decision (for reason mentioned in point 11) and
due to this takes decision carefully over a longer period of time. He believed impulse purchase is very
rare in such case.
15. Subject associated scooty as small and light vehicle, while considered geared sports bike as
dominant, and had their ‘presence’ felt on road. 16) Subject felt scooty was more suited for people of
older age (like his parents) or girls (mostly) while geared bikes suited more for boys.

8. Focus Group Discussion

1. While some people have owned/purchased a two wheeler and are therefore more well versed with
model names and specifications, others are relatively less aware, and tend to categorise these
vehicles relatively vaguely.
In fact, some participants also spoke of these vehicles in terms of geared and non-geared two
wheelers, indicating it might have been a factor in determining preference or making the purchase
2. While only four of the participants were directly involved in a two-wheeler purchase, all of them
seemed to have a fair idea of some or the other factor that they would deem really important while
making such a decision. For quite a few of them, concerns about safety and traffic (i.e. minimizing

12 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

the time taken to commute, especially in cities with congested roads) remained at the core of the
3. Interestingly, the role played by their family and friends varied within the group. While it was direct
influence in terms of using the product and knowing its merits and eventually purchasing the same
product in case of one participants, there was another participant who didn’t consult with friends
and family at all before making the purchase.
4. While the overall approach of the participants towards two wheeler usage and purchase seemed
quite utilitarian for most part, there were some other aspects that came up as well. For instance, one
of the participants spoke about how bikes in fact are an expression of oneself and one’s personality.
Similarly, one of the respondents spoke about the importance of convenience over the need for a
brand or a certain category of products (cars, in this case)
5. As far as sources of getting information about two-wheelers are concerned, we saw that there were
two pre-dominant ones. One being the sources available online (which enable to explore different
options, provide precise information about specifications, and at times enable comparison between
different options), and the other being information gathered from family and friends (usually based
on personal experience and observational knowledge). In addition, participants also considered test
driving as an important task and a source of experiential knowledge about a specific model or kind
of two-wheeler. Further, a few of them also relied on their own past experiences of riding/using two
wheelers, which in turn became heuristics while they made their purchase decisions or came up with
bike preferences.
6. Finally, when we look at the factors that came out as important ones, which the participants felt
influenced a buyer’s decision about which two-wheeler to buy, we see that safety turns out to be the
most important concern. Safety in terms of not just while riding the vehicle, but also whether the
vehicle itself is strong, heavy and sturdy enough.
The other very important factors that we gauged through the discussion include ease and convenience
of use, fuel efficiency and maintenance cost, attractiveness of design, brand image, strength of the
vehicle. The purpose of purchasing the two-wheeler (and its probable usage) are also important.
Surprisingly, price of the vehicle wasn’t as important as we initially thought, while cost of maintaining
it mattered more to the members of the group per se.

13 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

6. Analysis of the exploratory research findings

After analysing and collating findings from all the interviews and FGDs, we came up with the following as
primary inputs to our quantitative descriptive research through a survey.
Use of two-wheeler – Commuting to the workplace, college, local market, sometimes long drive - trekking
to nearby places.
Time spent from deciding to buy to finally buying two-wheeler – 2-3 months (Can wait longer to
buy the bike of their choice, if not available in the market), In some cases when the subject feels a good deal
is given it is immediately bought.
People involved in the purchase decision – Families, friends, sometimes neighbors
Main sources of collection of information –
1. Friends
2. Online official websites for technical details
3. Showroom visits - pamphlets
4. Test drives

Main factors to choose non-geared over geared vehicle –

1. easy to drive
2. easy to learn how to drive
3. safer than geared vehicle
4. less weight – more control
5. ability to drive geared 2 wheelers
6. traffic congestion in the city
7. Easy to park
8. Ladies can wear Saree and drive non-gear vehicles whereas in geared have to wear Churidar
9. Whether buying for self or buying some other person (Family member)

Main factors to choose among non-geared vehicle:

1. Age (in college days more price sensitive, later on aesthetics, brand come into play)
2. past experiences of family members with two-wheeler non-geared vehicles
3. mileage fuel efficiency
4. brands told by family/friends enter into consideration set when test driving
5. New technologies like disk brakes, charging point
6. Availability of brand showrooms, service stations
7. Post-purchase cost of servicing
8. Height of the seat
9. Safety
10. Reliability
11. Comfort of the seat/pillion seat
12. Average (Mileage/ Fuel efficiency)
13. Second-Hand vehicle is preferred if a vehicle is already present in the house as main mode of
14. Additional non-gear vehicle is bought just for security to go nearby places in case of Emergency
15. Whether buying for self or buying for another family member
16. If buying for self - Brand, Price conscious, Personality extension & Engine performance
17. If buying for another family member - Safety, Reliability, Not so price conscious & Easy to use

14 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

7. Analysis of the quantitative study

1. Factor Analysis
The Factor Analysis is applied to identify the core factors affecting the consumer purchase. This technique
was considered appropriate as it requires no pre-existing of functional relationships and is a well-known for
data reduction. It is used to reduce large number of variables into a few numbers of core factors.
From our survey, we have collected data about 18 purchase variables from around 175 consumers.
After multiple iterations, we removed “Price” and “Financing options” from the analysis as other variables
were not getting mapped appropriately because of this. We have also not considered “Volume of the storage
compartment” as it had significant cross loading over multiple factors.
Following are the results of the Factor Analysis that we did:

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin 0.771
Measure of Sampling

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi- 535.597

df 105
Sig. 0.000

Test hypothesis regarding interrelationship between the variables.

Null Hypothesis H0: There is no statistically significant interrelationship between variables affecting the
consumer purchase.
Alternate Hypothesis H1: There may be a statistically significant interrelationship between variables
affecting the consumer purchase.
KMO = 0.771 which is a bit less than the benchmark figure of 0.8 but still it is close and indicates that the
sample is adequate and we may proceed with the Factor Analysis.
Taking a 95% level of Significance, α = 0.05. The p-value (Sig.) of .000 < 0.05, therefore the Factor
Analysis is valid.
As p < α, we therefore reject the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternate hypothesis (H1)
that there may be statistically significant interrelationship between variable.

15 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Rotated Component Matrix a

1 2 3 4
Test Drives 0.287 0.528 -0.091 0.191
Showroom Visits 0.335 0.515 0.119 0.127
Offical Company Website 0.030 0.853 0.132 -0.109
Online Reviews and 0.112 0.673 0.091 0.314
Friends and Family 0.185 0.083 0.744 -0.067
Brand Ambassador -0.253 0.023 0.537 0.147
Colleagues 0.254 0.018 0.709 0.023
Fuel Efficiency 0.719 -0.006 -0.014 -0.115
Safety 0.671 0.238 -0.078 0.057
Weight of Vehicle 0.478 0.263 0.161 0.001
Seating and Comfort 0.676 0.076 0.254 0.304
Availability of Serice 0.618 0.285 -0.051 0.343
Brand 0.072 0.100 0.199 0.720
Color and Aesthetics 0.093 0.136 0.029 0.804
Ad and Promotions -0.095 0.139 0.673 0.384
Extraction Method:
Principal Component
Rotation Method: Varimax
with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6

Four Core Factors Identified:

Factor Variables Included Factor Name of the Factor Variability
Loading Explained
1 Fuel Efficiency 0.719 Performance and 25.559%
Safety 0.671 Reliability
Weight of the Vehicle 0.478
Seating and Comfort 0.676
Availability of Service Centers 0.618
2 Test Drive(s) 0.528 Hands on Experience 12.635%
Showroom Visits 0.515 & Official Company
Official Company Website 0.853 Information
Online Reviews and Comparisons 0.673
3 Friends and Family 0.744 Word of Mouth and 8.589%
Brand Ambassador 0.537 Media
Colleagues 0.709
Ad and Promotions 0.673
4 Brand 0.720 Brand and Aesthetics 7.423%
Color and Aesthetics 0.804
[Component Transformation Matrix, ‘Total Variance Explained’ table, ‘Communalities’ table & Component Matrix can be
found in the Appendix of the report]

2. Cluster Analysis
As the main aim of the project was to recommend Automobile industries about their marketing programs
for their consumers. Cluster analysis is a technique which allows us to identify similar consumer segments
and according to their preferences for various parameters while purchasing 2-wheelers aid us to develop
marketing programs for them.

16 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Hierarchical Clustering
We applied Hierarchical clustering to plot the dendogram for our data and to come up with a logical number
of clusters for K-means clustering. Following the simple logic of “Minimising Intra-cluster distance
and Maximising Inter-cluster distance”, we came up with 3 as the logical and practical number to
take for K-means clustering. Dendogram diagram for the same can be found in the appendix of the report.

K-means Clustering
Using Average linkage method, we ran K-means clustering on the survey responses and came up with
following three clusters:

Final Cluster Centers

1 2 3
Test Drives 4 4 4
Showroom Visits 5 4 4
Offical Company Website 3 4 4
Online Reviews and Comparisons 4 4 4
Ad and Promotions 4 3 3
Friends and Family 5 4 4
Brand Ambassador 3 3 3
Colleagues 4 4 4
Fuel Efficiency 5 4 5
Safety 5 4 5
Weight of Vehicle 4 3 4
Seating and Comfort 5 4 4
Price 3 5 5
Finance Options 3 3 3
Availability of Serice Centers 3 4 4
Brand 4 4 4
Volume of Storage Compartment 4 4 3
Color and Aesthetics 4 4 4
Easy to Drive 5 4 4
easy to learn for beginners 5 4 3
safer to ride 4 4 3
easy to park 4 4 3
best in case of traffic congestion 4 4 4

Number of Cases in each Cluster

Cluster 1 66.000
2 36.000
3 50.000
Valid 162.000
Missing 0.000

Evaluating and Profiling the clusters:

We attempted to do the profiling of the clusters based on the demographic data that we obtained from the
survey. Also, we tried to evaluate the importance above obtained clustered customers give to the 4 core
factors that we got from the Factor Analysis.
Cluster Number Description
Cluster 1 Female – Both Married and Unmarried
Cluster 2 Male – Married
Cluster 3 Male – Unmarried

17 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Performance Official Word of Color and Price and Preference

and Company Mouth & Aesthetics Financing for non-
Reliability Info Media geared
Cluster 1 4.3 4.1 3.9 4.3 3 4.4
Cluster 2 3.8 3.7 3.4 3.7 4.2 4.1
Cluster 3 4.4 4.2 3.5 4.2 4.2 3.4
[We calculated the value of each factor by multiplying the corresponding cluster values
with the weights obtained from Factor Analysis]
From this we can figure out that Female customers give a lot more importance to Word of Mouth and Media
as compared to Male customers and are less concerned about the price and financing options over Male
One striking conclusion is with respect to male unmarried customers who don’t prefer non-geared vehicles
over geared ones (probably they prefer bikes).

3. Hypothesis testing
We developed 5 hypothesis based on the exploratory research we did and tried to check the validity of these
hypothesis with the survey data that we got from around 175 respondents.

Hypothesis 1
People with lower height prefer non-gear vehicles over geared vehicles due to Easy to use
Result – Negative
In all 4 categories of “Easy to drive”, “Easy to learn for beginners”, “Safer to ride” and “Easy to park”
categories there is no deviation between the average height of subjects who entered the rating of 4 or 5 and
the overall average height of the total participants.
Additional Insight
Out of 10 married subjects all of them gave a 4 or 5 rating for “Volume of Storage Compartment” conveying
the importance placed in utility of the vehicle purchased.

Hypothesis 2
Female subjects prefer non-gear vehicle over geared vehicle because of the lower weight of
non-gear vehicle
Result – Positive
The Female to Male Ratio of subjects who gave a rating of 4 or 5 for Weight is 0.70 which is 30% higher than
the overall Female to Male Ratio participants (i.e 0.57)

Overall 4/5 rating for weight

Female 58 45
Male 102 64
Total 160 109
Ratio 0.568627451 0.703125

Also, in the “Easy to park” category

The Female to Male Ratio of subjects who gave a rating of 4 or 5 for “Easy to park” is 0.72 which is 30%
higher than the overall Female to Male Ratio participants (i.e 0.57)
Overall 4/5 rating for easy to park
Female 58 38

18 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Male 102 53
Total 160 91
Ratio 0.568627451 0.716981132

Hypothesis 3
Financing Options does not play a significant role in the decision making of the consumers
Result – Positive
Financing options has the lowest average among various parameters like Fuel Efficiency, Safety, Weight of
Vehicle, Comfort, Price
But however, the additional insight is that Females prefer Financing options strongly because non-geared 2
wheelers are the preferred mode of transport for workplace commute. Hence non-geared 2 wheelers
becomes a necessary purchase making them opt for the purchase with financial options.

Overall 4/5 rating for Financial options

Female 58 39
Male 102 48
Total 160 87
Ratio 0.568627451 0.8125

Overall Using non-geared 2 wheelers

more than 3 times a week for
workplace travel

Female 58 21
Male 102 20
Total 160 41
Ratio 0.568627451 1.05

Hypothesis 4
Young consumers are more concerned of price & image than Older consumers. Older
consumers are more focused on getting a trust worthy product which is easy to use
Result - Positive
Subjects above 40 years rate the importance of friends, family and colleague much higher than the average
showing the importance of a trusted source
Whereas subjects below 21 show the opposite trend having an average rating lower than the overall average
Even though both the age groups have higher focus on brand ambassadors than the overall average, the
higher age group prefer it for having a trusted person representing the brand whereas the lower age group
prefer it for increase their own image while using the product.
Average rating Average rating Overall Average
among age < 21 among age >40 of Rating
Friends, Family & colleagues 3.75 4.44 4.2
Friends, Family (Influence) 3.9 4.44 4
Brand Ambassador 3.25 3.33 2.8
Showroom 3.9 3.9 4.2

19 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Online reviews 3.5 3.6 4.1

When the same age group is compared in parameters involving the vehicle Price and usage parameters,
lower age group prefer price and fuel efficiency whereas the higher age group prefers convenience which is
in line with our common intuition
Average rating Average rating Overall Average
among age < 21 among age >40 of Rating
Price 4.6 3.88 4.4
Fuel Efficiency 4.6 4.1 4.45
Easy to drive 3.75 4.33 3.96
Easy to learn 3.75 4.33 4
Safer to ride 3.25 4 3.62
Easy to park 3.75 4.11 3.54
Easy to ride in traffic 3.75 4.33 3.83

Hypothesis 5
Brand Ambassador plays a major role in determining the choice of the vehicle
Result- Negative
Overall Brand Ambassador has the lowest average rating in the influencers category among Friends, Family,
Colleagues and Brand Ambassadors.
But among the subjects who gave a 4 or 5 rating the average height is 163 cms compared to the overall height
of 167. When this was further analyzed into different Genders
Average Height comparison (in cms)
Overall average Brand Ambassador 4/5 average
Female 158 158
Male 172 167
Total 167 163

4. Perceptual Map
We attempted to perceive the market perception of 4 popular brands: Honda Activa, Suzuki Access, TVS
Scooty & Hero Pleasure. Respondents were asked to rate (on a scale of 1-4, 1 being the best) these brands
on selected 4 features (Safety, Mileage, Price, Looks and Available Colors) which were felt to be of high
importance from qualitative analysis. Total of around 130 responses were collected for each of these features
of a brand. The result of the survey is shown in table below-
Features Honda Activa Suzuki Access TVS Scooty Hero Pleasure
Safety 2.04(1.23) 2.58(0.88) 2.73(0.95) 2.8(0.96)
Mileage 2.11(1.16) 2.51(0.92) 2.63(0.97) 2.73(1.04)
Price 2.22(1.11) 2.72(0.92) 2.57(1) 2.65(1.08)
Looks and Available Colours 2.09(1.19) 2.5(0.9) 2.73(1.04) 2.55(1.04)
- Mean (standard deviation)

The perceptual maps as obtained from the data is shown below. The first perceptual map is shown for the
feature Price vs Safety. Honda Activa was rated be the best value for money and safest among all the
brands while Suzuki Access and Hero Pleasure were perceived to be costliest and least safe respectively.

20 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Figure: Legends for

Perceptual Maps

Figure: Perceptual Map for brands b/w Price & Safety

The second perceptual map is plotted between aesthetic feature of ‘looks and available colours’ and a utility
feature of ‘mileage’, as shown below. Again, Honda Activa was rated the best in both the fields while TVS
Scooty and Hero Pleasure were worst in ‘Looks and Available Colours’ and Mileage respectively.

Figure: Legends for

Perceptual Maps

Figure: Perceptual Map for brands b/w 'Looks and Available Colours' & Mileage

These ratings obtained are in consistency with the sales data of these model in September’18.[3]
Honda Activa which received the highest perceived in all of parameters was also the best selling scooters in
the period. While hero pleasure which was least rated in two parameters was the worst selling (relatively).
This was just a practical application of the project, but it could be further used to get in-depth idea of the
performance of each brand in each features and the reason behind it, which can then be used by company
to revamp their product or its perception in the market.
Model Sales (in no.)
Honda Activa 284809
Suzuki Access 46931
TVS Scooty 16846
Hero Pleasure 16578

21 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Disclaimer – We have observed that many respondents have not had much experience or knowledge about more than 2
non-geared two-wheeler motor vehicles and most of them had hands-on-experience with “Honda Activa”. So, there can be
biases in this ranking order of various brands but some validation is proved by the sales units of the brands under question.

22 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

8. Recommendations

Factor analysis identified 4 core factors that affect consumer purchase behavior in general.
1. Performance and Reliability
2. Hands on experience and Official company information
3. Word of Mouth and Media
4. Brand and Aesthetics
Apart from these factors, Pricing is also one of the most significant factors that consumers consider while
purchasing non-geared two-wheeler in India.

Factor 1 – Performance and Reliability

The first factor explains 25.559% of the variability on the consumer purchase decision. It suggests that it is
necessary for a non-geared two-wheeler to have a superior Performance and Reliability to be chosen by
consumer. Similarly, this is the core factor, which contributes most in consumer choice. So, Automobile
manufacturers should strive to provide highest level of performance and reliability.

Factor 2 - Hands on experience and Official company information

The second factor is the hands-on experience customers get via test drives, showroom visits and product
information on the official websites of the automobile companies. This factor explains 12.635% of the
variability in the consumer purchase behavior. Companies should work on enhancing the test drive
experiences and showroom visits of the customers.

Factor 3 - Word of Mouth and Media (Public perception of the vehicle)

The third factor characterizes the public perception about the vehicle. This factor explains 8.589% of the
variability on the consumer choice. Manufacturers must maintain good word of mouth in public which can
be done using good PR (Public relations) and performance.

Factor 4 - Brand and Aesthetics

The fourth factor relates to outward appearance and brand. This factor explains 7.423% of the variability on
the consumer purchase decision. Consumer will want his two-wheeler to look good and also care about
brand perception. Thus, Manufacturers must take care of the Aesthetics and their brand perception in the
consumer community.
These above mentioned 4 core factors (excluding price of the vehicle) account for 54.207% of the variability
in consumer purchase behaviour/decision.

Pricing and Financing Options

Customers look for those vehicles which are value for money and they consider Total Purchase Cost instead
of one-time price of the vehicle. Financing options is not at all considered important by the customers and
automobile companies can focus on other relevant parameters leaving this aside.

Brand Ambassador
Except a very small fraction of female respondents, everyone agreed that brand ambassador of the particular
vehicle brand has very less effect on their purchasing decision and automobile companies can think of
focusing their resources to other relevant factors (as mentioned above).

Customer Specific Recommendations

We concluded that young customers are more concerned with the look and price of the vehicle whereas aged
customers (above 28 years) are concerned about purchasing a more trustworthy product. Females prefer
non-geared vehicle with less weight. All these insights can be used by automobile companies to enhance
their product portfolio and develop marketing strategies for different customer segments.

23 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -

24 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Survey Questionnaire
Survey Data link -


This survey is a part of our marketing research project where we are trying to understand the purchase
behaviour of consumers for non geared two wheeler motor vehicles like Honda Activa, TVS Scooty. Suzuki
Access etc,.

Kindly fill the survey with genuine responses.

Q1 How many motor vehicles (two wheelers and four wheelers) does your family possess?

o 0 (1)

o 1 (2)

o 2 (3)

o >2 (4)

Q2 How many two wheelers(motor vehicles) does your family possess?

o 0 (1)

o 1 (2)

o 2 (3)

o >2 (4)

25 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Q3 How many non geared motor two wheelers (which is automatic like Activa, Scooty etc) does your family

o 0 (1)

o 1 (2)

o 2 (3)

o >2 (4)

Q4 Rate your agreement on the importance of following sources of information while purchasing your non
geared two wheeler(s)

Strongly Strongly
Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4)
Disagree (1) Agree (5)

Test Drive(s)
(1) o o o o o
Visit(s) (2) o o o o o
Website (3) o o o o o
Online reviews
o o o o o
Families and
Colleagues (5) o o o o o
Promotions (6) o o o o o

Did you know: On an average gear-less two wheelers in India have a waiting period of 10-14

26 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Q5 Rate the influence of the following personalities in your purchase decision for non geared two wheeler(s)

Strongly Strongly
Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4)
Disagree (1) Agree (5)

Family (1) o o o o o
(2) o o o o o
(3) o o o o o

Q6 Rate the importance of the following parameters while purchasing non geared two wheeler(s)

Strongly Strongly
Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4)
Disagree (1) Agree (5)

Efficiency (1) o o o o o
Safety (2)
o o o o o
Weight of
vehicle (3) o o o o o
Seating and
Comfort (4) o o o o o
Price (5)
o o o o o
Options (6) o o o o o
Availability of
Centres (7) o o o o o
Brand (8)
o o o o o
Volume of
o o o o o
Colour and
(10) o o o o o
27 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)
Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Q7 I will prefer non geared two wheeler over geared two wheeler because they

Strongly Strongly
Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4)
Disagree (1) Agree (5)

easy to drive
(1) o o o o o
easy to learn
for beginners
(2) o o o o o
safer to ride
(3) o o o o o
easy to park
(4) o o o o o
best in case of
o o o o o

Q20 Did you know: Around 20 million two wheelers were sold to Indian domestic customers in
the year 2017-18

Q8 Weekly Frequency of usage of non geared two wheeler for the following activities

1-3 times a week 4-6 times a week

Never (1) Daily (4)
(2) (3)

Commute (1) o o o o
Leisure trips (2)
o o o o
Pick up family
members (3) o o o o
Market visits (4) o o o o

28 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Q9 Rank the following vehicle brands from 1 to 4 (1 being the best) on "Safety" of the product.

1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4)

Honda Activa (1)

o o o o
Suzuki Access
(2) o o o o
TVS Scooty (3)
o o o o
Hero Pleasure
(4) o o o o

Q10 Rank the following vehicle brands from 1 to 4 (1 being the best) on "Mileage" of the product.

1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4)

Honda Activa (1)

o o o o
Suzuki Access
(2) o o o o
TVS Scooty (3)
o o o o
Hero Pleasure
(4) o o o o

29 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Q11 Rank the following vehicle brands from 1 to 4 (1 being the best) on "Price" of the product.

1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4)

Honda Activa (1)

o o o o
Suzuki Access
(2) o o o o
TVS Scooty (3)
o o o o
Hero Pleasure
(4) o o o o

Q12 Rank the following vehicle brands from 1 to 4 (1 being the best) on "Looks and Available colors" of the

1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4)

Honda Activa (1)

o o o o
Suzuki Access
(2) o o o o
TVS Scooty (3)
o o o o
Hero Pleasure
(4) o o o o

End of Block: Default Question Block

Start of Block: Block 1

Q13 Gender

o Female (1)

o Male (2)

o Prefer not to say (3)

30 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Q14 Please specify your Age

16 24 33 41 50 58 66 75 83 92 100

Age ()

Q15 Marital Status

o Single (1)

o Married (2)

o Prefer not to say (3)

Q16 Please specify your height (in cms)

100 111 122 133 144 155 166 177 188 199 210

Height (in cms) ()

Q17 Please tick all the relevant information related to your place of living (You can select multiple relevant

▢ Metro City (1)

▢ City (2)

▢ Town (3)

▢ Village (4)

▢ Hills/ Mountains (5)

▢ Desert (6)

31 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Q18 Which of the following public transports are available in your living place (You can select multiple relevant

▢ Metro Trains (1)

▢ Local Trains (2)

▢ Bus Services (3)

▢ Autos/ Rickshaws (4)

▢ Taxis/ Cabs (5)

▢ Shared taxis/ Autos (6)

Survey Responses

1. No of Vehicles the family possess

32 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

2. No of two wheelers the family possess

3. No of non-geared two wheeler users

33 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

4. Importance of different sources on purchase decision

34 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

5. Influence of personalities on purchase decision

35 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

6. Importance of parameters on making a purchase decision

36 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

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37 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

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7. Why I prefer non-geared over geared?

38 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

8. Weekly frequency usage for different activities

39 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

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9. Ranking vehicle brands based on “Safety”

40 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

10. Ranking vehicle brands based on “Mileage”

41 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

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11. Ranking vehicle brands based on “Price”

42 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

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12. Ranking vehicle brands based on “Looks & Available colours”

13. Gender

43 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

14. Age Distribution

15. Height Distribution

44 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

16. Relevance of place of living of the surveyed audience

17. Public Transports available in the surveyed locations of the audience

45 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Factor Analysis
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin 0.771
Measure of
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi- 535.597
Sphericity Square
df 105
Sig. 0.000

Total Variance Explained

Extraction Rotation
Sums of Sums of
Squared Squared
Component Initial Eigenvalues Loadings Loadings
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Variance % Total Variance % Total Variance %
1 3.834 25.559 25.559 3.834 25.559 25.559 2.426 16.176 16.176
2 1.895 12.635 38.194 1.895 12.635 38.194 1.993 13.288 29.464
3 1.288 8.589 46.784 1.288 8.589 46.784 1.984 13.229 42.693
4 1.114 7.423 54.207 1.114 7.423 54.207 1.727 11.514 54.207
5 0.983 6.551 60.758
6 0.974 6.490 67.248
7 0.779 5.194 72.442
8 0.715 4.768 77.209
9 0.658 4.385 81.594
10 0.533 3.551 85.146
11 0.505 3.367 88.512
12 0.488 3.252 91.765
13 0.456 3.041 94.806
14 0.410 2.730 97.536
15 0.370 2.464 100.000
Extraction Method:

Component Transformation Matrix

Component 1 2 3 4
1 0.621 0.554 0.356 0.425
2 -0.529 -0.132 0.789 0.284
3 0.504 -0.425 0.476 -0.582
4 -0.284 0.704 0.155 -0.632
Extraction Method:
Principal Component
Rotation Method: Varimax
with Kaiser Normalization.

46 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Initial Extraction
Test Drives 1.000 0.406
Showroom Visits 1.000 0.408
Offical Company Website 1.000 0.758
Online Reviews and 1.000 0.573
Friends and Family 1.000 0.598

Brand Ambassador 1.000 0.374

Colleagues 1.000 0.569
Fuel Efficiency 1.000 0.530
Safety 1.000 0.516
Weight of Vehicle 1.000 0.323
Seating and Comfort 1.000 0.619
Availability of Serice 1.000 0.583
Brand 1.000 0.573
Color and Aesthetics 1.000 0.674
Ad and Promotions 1.000 0.628
Extraction Method:
Principal Component

Rotated Component Matrix a

1 2 3 4
Test Drives 0.287 0.528 -0.091 0.191
Showroom Visits 0.335 0.515 0.119 0.127
Offical Company Website 0.030 0.853 0.132 -0.109
Online Reviews and 0.112 0.673 0.091 0.314
Friends and Family 0.185 0.083 0.744 -0.067
Brand Ambassador -0.253 0.023 0.537 0.147
Colleagues 0.254 0.018 0.709 0.023
Fuel Efficiency 0.719 -0.006 -0.014 -0.115
Safety 0.671 0.238 -0.078 0.057
Weight of Vehicle 0.478 0.263 0.161 0.001
Seating and Comfort 0.676 0.076 0.254 0.304
Availability of Serice 0.618 0.285 -0.051 0.343
Brand 0.072 0.100 0.199 0.720
Color and Aesthetics 0.093 0.136 0.029 0.804
Ad and Promotions -0.095 0.139 0.673 0.384
Extraction Method:
Principal Component
Rotation Method: Varimax
with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6

47 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Component Matrix a
1 2 3 4
Test Drives 0.520 -0.239 -0.234 0.155
Showroom Visits 0.590 -0.115 -0.068 0.206
Offical Company Website 0.492 -0.055 -0.221 0.681
Online Reviews and 0.608 0.013 -0.369 0.257
Friends and Family 0.397 0.459 0.451 0.163
Brand Ambassador 0.109 0.596 0.033 0.079
Colleagues 0.430 0.430 0.445 0.036
Fuel Efficiency 0.389 -0.422 0.425 -0.138
Safety 0.545 -0.431 0.167 -0.071
Weight of Vehicle 0.500 -0.160 0.205 0.074
Seating and Comfort 0.681 -0.081 0.252 -0.291
Availability of Serice 0.669 -0.307 -0.034 -0.200
Brand 0.477 0.310 -0.330 -0.374
Color and Aesthetics 0.485 0.184 -0.465 -0.434
Ad and Promotions 0.421 0.671 -0.009 -0.013
Extraction Method:
Principal Component

a. 4 components

48 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Conjoint Analysis

49 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Iteration History a
Iteration Change in Cluster Centers
1 2 3
1 4.836 4.602 4.026
2 0.199 0.228 0.298
3 0.160 0.063 0.168
4 0.096 0.092 0.117
5 0.048 0.065 0.090
6 0.096 0.106 0.079
7 0.000 0.051 0.046
8 0.052 0.000 0.067
9 0.051 0.000 0.068
10 0.000 0.000 0.000
a. Convergence achieved due to
no or small change in cluster
centers. The maximum absolute
coordinate change for any
center is .000. The current
iteration is 10. The minimum
distance between initial centers
is 9.434.

Final Cluster Centers

1 2 3
Test Drives 4 4 4
Showroom Visits 5 4 4
Offical Company Website 3 4 4
Online Reviews and Comparisons 4 4 4
Ad and Promotions 4 3 3
Friends and Family 5 4 4
Brand Ambassador 3 3 3
Colleagues 4 4 4
Fuel Efficiency 5 4 5
Safety 5 4 5
Weight of Vehicle 4 3 4
Seating and Comfort 5 4 4
Price 3 5 5
Finance Options 3 3 3
Availability of Serice Centers 3 4 4
Brand 4 4 4
Volume of Storage Compartment 4 4 3
Color and Aesthetics 4 4 4
Easy to Drive 5 4 4
easy to learn for beginners 5 4 3
safer to ride 4 4 3
easy to park 4 4 3
best in case of traffic congestion 4 4 4

Number of Cases in each Cluster

Cluster 1 66.000
2 36.000
3 50.000
Valid 162.000
Missing 0.000

50 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interview and Focused Group Discussions Scripts

Interviewer: Bageshree Suryawanshi
Interviewee: Pradeep Jadhav
(Occupation: Student
Age: 23yrs old
Location: Pune
Two-wheeler User: Yes)

Interviewer: Hi Pradeep, thank you for this interview. This will be recorded as this is part of our Marketing
research project. So, let’s start.
Interviewee: Yeah, No problem.
Interviewer: Can I get a brief about you? Something like, where do you live? What do you do?
Interviewee: Yeah, I live in Pune and currently I am preparing for engineering services exam.
Interviewer: Ok. So, you are an engineering student… as in are you in your Final year or something like
Interviewee: Ummmm… No, I did my graduation… I graduated in 2016. After that I did job for two years
and then I decided to give a shot for engineering services... So, I left my job and currently preparing for the
Interviewer: Ok. Who all are there in your family?
Interviewee: Uhh… My father, mother and my elder brother.
Interviewer: Ok. Uhh... Do you guys stay together, all of you? Your elder brother?
Interviewee: Actually, he does his job... he is in another city otherwise uhh... we live together only.
Interviewer: Ok, So, what are your hobbies? What do you like to do on your off days or something like
Interviewee: Yeah. Actually, I like reading books and playing different games. And this is my… Actually,
playing different games is my favorite time pass. So, I like to do that.
Interviewer: Ok. Can you quickly tell me how is your typical day? How does it look like?
Interviewee: Yeah. Actually, currently I have joined some classes for preparations so I get up in the
morning then I go to class and then come back and otherwise whatever time I get... I uhhh... utilize that in
my studies. So not fancy. This is my typical day currently.
Interviewer: Ok. So how do you go to your classes? How do you commute every day?
Interviewee: I use my vehicle. Uhh… I use my bike.
Interviewer: Ok. So, how many vehicles do you own?
Interviewee: Uhh... Yeah. Ok. So, I have... we have two bikes and car. But I usually prefer my own bike,
that’s my favorite so I use that only.
Interviewer: Ok. So which bike is this?
Interviewee: Uhh…My Honda Unicorn.
Interviewer: Ok. So Why did you prefer buying a geared bike over a non-geared bike?

51 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewee: Uhh… Actually, to compare geared and non-geared bikes, geared bikes have more power and
it gives you the feeling of biking which the non-geared bikes does not have. So, that’s why I prefer geared
bike compared to non-geared bike.
Interviewer: Ok. And how often do you use it... your bike?
Interviewee: Every day. Because I have to commute to my class so every day, I have to use it.
Interviewer: So, apart from your class do you use it anywhere or it’s just for classes?
Interviewee: Yeah. Sometimes if I go on a trek or some outing near Pune then uhh…. I prefer my bike
because with the bike you can enjoy the scenery and I like to spend my time with the bike. So, in that case I
use my bike.
Interviewer: Ok. So, when did you buy this... bike?
Interviewee: Around 4 years ago.
Interviewer: Ok. So, from where did you buy it?
Interviewee: From Pune.
Interviewer: Yeah... From where?
Interviewee: Ok. I went to a Honda showroom nearby my house.
Interviewer: Ok… Yeah... Ok... so what all accessories did you get along with it?
Interviewee: Accessories. Uhh... Actually, I dint... dint take any accessories as such... there were some
add-ons like… which were like plating on some parts of body. So that only we chose... no other accessories
as such. There were lot of other accessories uhhh…. what we can say... for carrying the luggage and things...
but I dint choose... I dint feel that need.
Interviewer: Ok. How much extra did you have to pay for the add-ons you were referring to?
Interviewee: Umm... Not so much… I think maybe around thousand to two thousand, not more than that.
Because there was nothing to pay more.
Interviewer: Ok...ok... cool... in all how much you had to pay for the bike and other add-ons?
Interviewee: I think… uhh… I remember correctly then it was around seventy to seventy-eight thousand.
Interviewer: Ok. So, why did you feel a need of buying a bike four years ago?
Interviewee: Yea, actually before that I used to go to college by bus, using public transport can be very
cumbersome, the crowd and the timings … so because of that... after completing my 12th… because I was
taking admission in engineering college…so for commuting only I decided to take a bike... So, I could use it
for going to college and come back from college. So, that’s why... that was the main reason to buy the bike.
Interviewer: Ok. And how did you pay for the bike? As in, what was the mode of payment?
Interviewee: Uhm. We used cash.
Interviewer: Ok. So, you did not have to take a loan or something like that for the vehicle?
Interviewee: uhh… Sorry?
Interviewer: You did not have to take any loan or something like that for the vehicle?
Interviewee: No.
Interviewer: Ok. How did you decide to buy it? The vehicle... the two-wheeler?
Interviewee: Sorry? I dint get you.
Interviewer: What factors impacted your decision to buy it?
Interviewee: What factors…The important one is... how does the bike look, then its power and then
whether it is giving good average or not, because that is important as you can see what are the petrol prices
and all.

52 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewer: Ok. And How many bikes did you see or maybe you know tried before choosing a specific
Interviewee: Ok... I don’t remember exactly... but I think... I went to different nine to ten bikes maybe that
were there at that time. I went, So, I went through specifications of each and every bike, and then I compared
and then I visited showrooms and took a test drive and then I decided.
Interviewer: Ok. Where did you get this information of the two wheelers before choosing it?
Interviewee: Actually, I searched on the net… there from the official website you get lot of information...
there you can see the bike from different angles… So that was the main source, other than that I visited some
of the showrooms and there I got pamphlets… so they had a lot of pamphlets at that time, then I asked some
of my friends also who were using bikes… which bike to buy and which not to.
Interviewer: Ok. So, how important do you feel was the vehicle dealer you went to uhh... in the process
of your purchase decision?
Interviewee: Uhh… Sorry?
Interviewer: How important do you feel the vehicle dealer you went to was important in the process of
your purchase decision?
Interviewee: Vehicle dealer. Uhh… I think to certain extent yes...because... on the net... on the internet
you don’t get the complete information about the bike… when you go to the showroom, when you talk to the
dealer then he might... sometimes he tells some good features... sometimes he tells about some drawbacks
also. So, he can guide personally… So, at personal level if I have to say then I think around 20% the vehicle
dealer was important in decision making.
Interviewer: So, you feel that uhh… personally visiting a showroom and viewing the vehicle and
experiencing it ... according to you would be better than you know just viewing it on internet and checking
it on internet and then just directly buying it. You would you prefer that over this? Or physically going and
buying it?
Interviewee: Ok... I think yes... In case of bike... bike, cars or anything like that … when you go there you
can get the feel of the bike... feel of the vehicle. Otherwise by seeing on the net... you don’t get exact feel of...
exact feel of the bike… when you go there you can have test drive... you can take... he can allow you to take
a test drive. So, while driving you get to know it suits you or not. I think personally going in the showroom
and taking the test drive is a... is the most important thing while taking decision. Just by surfing on the
internet I don’t think I can take the final decision for buying any type of vehicle.
Interviewer: Ok. So, when you said that uh…. you can see if the bike suits you or not? What did you exactly
mean by that? Can you just elaborate it?
Interviewee: Sorry. I dint get your question.
Interviewer: When you said that you. Uhh you visited the showroom and you. Uhh... you saw to it that a
particular bike would suit you, by suiting you what exactly you would mean?
Interviewee: Ok. I think uhh… see sometimes what happens... as per your height or as per physique of
your body… some bikes can be taller or some bikes can be shorter... on internet you can’t get that judgement.
When you actually visit a showroom, you sit on that bike then you get the feel … whether your feet are
reaching the ground or whether you can... you can control the bike properly or you can handle the bike
properly or you can... if say bike falls down you can lift it or not. So, all these things can be… all that
judgement you can get when you visit the showroom. So, I think that is the main, all these things are
important while buying it.
Interviewer: Ok. So, how many tests drives you had before... you know before fixing on one bike?
Interviewee: Uhm... Sorry?
Interviewer: How many test drives did you... how many bikes did you actually try before fixing on one
Interviewee: Ok… Ok... yeah... I think... I went to almost five to six different showrooms... I remember.
There were lot of... Bajaj, Honda, Yamaha, lot of different companies. I went to these showrooms and took
a test drive.

53 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewer: Ok. So, what did you like about your bike compared to other bikes?
Interviewee: Umm... Ok... Four years ago, I think Unicorn was the …uhh… leading bike in the market... I
think Honda just launched the bike so it was doing quite well... it was popular in the market at that time.
And the main thing about the bike was, it was giving good power and good average and it was in my budget.
So, because all these things... all these three things came together... because of that I chose Unicorn.
Otherwise there were some other bikes, but they were costly or they were… mainly they were costly... they
had higher power but they were out of my budget. Honda was... in my budget and it was fulfilling my other
requirements also that is average, so that is the best thing Honda Unicorn had at that time. That’s why I
preferred that.
Interviewer: Ok. So, if... If other bikes or maybe the bikes of other brands apart from Honda at that time…
if you would get those bikes in a comparatively same range or may be in your budget. Would you prefer
buying them over Honda or you would still choose to buy Honda or maybe you would still choose to buy the
choice... the bike of your choice?
Interviewee: Ok. Yeah… See if other bikes having higher power if they were in the range of my budget then
I maybe would have chosen those bikes... as budget is important. So, if you are getting higher power, better
technology in the same budget then rather than Honda I would prefer those bikes... Also, if that company’s
service is reliable or not, there are some companies... you have to maintain that bike... A lot of money goes
in maintenance those bikes so from that point of view also its important whether the company is providing
good service. So, if the company is providing good quality product and, in my budget, then I would prefer
that. So, not Honda... at that time Honda was the best so I preferred Honda.
Interviewer: Ok. So, if... If you would be getting uhh... the bike of your choice... maybe you would have to
wait for say 1 month or 2 months... would you still buy the bike of your choice or would you go for a maybe
the similar kind of bike... similar specifications a bit cheaper than the bike of your choice. Would you wait
and buy it later or would you buy... straightway buy any other bike with a similar specification, maybe at a
higher rate or maybe at a cheaper rate? What would you do?
Interviewee: Uhh… See from my point of view... I think I would have waited because I was not in hurry
that I want bike in 10 days or so I had time at that time. I would have waited for the bike to arrive. One to
two months waiting period is ok… more than that I think, if that would have been the condition then uh… I
would gone to some other bike having similar specifications and similar budget, then I would have chosen
that bike.
Interviewer: Ok. So, so... How long did it take to you to decide and you know finally get to the decision of
buying the bike of your choice? How long did it take? 1 month? 2 months?
Interviewee: I think around 1 month it took.
Interviewer: So, in that period you visited multiple showrooms as you mentioned.
Interviewee: Yeah
Interviewer: So along with the bike or maybe the product as you were saying, you were looking in the
specifications part of the product. Did you actually also look at the service uhhh… or maybe the maintenance
part of the product, the kind of maintenance or the service, the company would be providing to you, or may
be the brand of the bike you were buying. Did that affect your decision?
Interviewee: Uhh... Yes, surely. Because… uhh… when you buy a bike if any problem comes up then it is
important that the service provider is around… nearby your place... or is easily available or the parts that
bike needs are easily available. So, I think that is important as sometimes if your vehicle breaks down and
you are not getting the required parts then there is no use of bike... the bike will be idle for that time. So,
whether that brand has a good service provider outlet... chain of service provider, so obviously these things
were also important from that perspective also I thought at that time.
Interviewer: Ok. So, who all were involved in this decision of purchase?
Interviewee: All of my family and some of my friends also.
Interviewer: Ok. And..uhh. how would you rate your current bike? On what parameters? Maybe best four
or may be best five... Best five would be preferable.
Interviewee: As best bike from my point of view?

54 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewer: Yeah... Yeah... Your current bike.

Interviewee: My current bike… I think… the maintenance cost has been minimum for my current bike.
Interviewer: So, the first thing would be maintenance cost.
Interviewee: Yeah… And the next thing is its performance has not yet deteriorated… to some extent, when
the machine gets older, I think it is still up to the mark. It is giving still good performance and the
maintenance cost is minimum. I don’t have to go to service center… only in 5 to 6 months there is some
minor problem and then I have to visit the shop otherwise it performs quite well.
Interviewer: Ok. The second parameter?
Interviewee: Uhh… performance wise... the performance… it is still giving up to the mark performance, it
hasn’t been deteriorated. The same mileage and same power.
Interviewer: Ok. And the third one?
Interviewee: Third... Third one... I don’t think so... these things are important for me. Maintenance cost
and power.
Interviewer: Hello?
Interviewee: Yeah. I think maintenance and performance are important factors.
Interviewer: Ok. So, you just … Yeah ok... so you just have two parameters to rate your current bike?
Interviewee: Yeah. After using, I can say that. Now, obviously looks wise there are other bikes in the
market which are better than my current bike but at that time it was the best.
Interviewer: Ok... So, yeah... You were saying?
Interviewee: So, that’s why looks wise I can say it is not good now but performance and maintenance these
are the two factors that are really important.
Interviewer: Ok. So, when you said maintenance, how much do you prefer spending on your maintenance
of two-wheeler and how often do you spend? How often do you have to spend on your two-wheeler’s
Interviewee: See, I think two three months I have to do servicing of my bike. The oil change, liner changes
or minor other changes, so in that around five hundred to six hundred I have to pay. Other than that, in five
to six months if something big or a big work comes like tire changing or some bigger component gets
damaged then in that case… maybe around one thousand to two thousand I have to pay. So, in shorter period
for minor changes around five to six hundred and in longer period two to three thousand I incur on my
bike… maintaining the bike.
Interviewer: Ok, So, where do you give your bike for maintenance, or maybe servicing?
Interviewee: There is a Honda showroom nearby my house… so I go there and give my bike for servicing.
Interviewer: Ok. So, why do you go to that specific showroom only?
Interviewee: Uh… I think… It is a genuine Honda showroom, Honda dealer. So, if any part gets damaged
or something like that happens then they can fix… they have the genuine parts… genuine Honda parts. If
you go to some local vendor or some local service provider then uh… it is possible that they may fix a
duplicate part or a part from some other bike so… and that affects the performance of the bike. If you have
a genuine part in your bike then the bike maintains… bike maintains its performance, if you put any
duplicate part in that then it will not give you good performance. I think that’s why I only choose a genuine
dealer, which is authorized by the company.
Interviewer: Ok. So, do you find the authorized company showroom service center a bit higher than the
other showrooms or maybe the other service centers or normal service centers… a bit higher in price?
Interviewee: Yes, they are higher in price. But obviously if you are getting a good quality service then I
don’t think so there is any problem on spending some more money on that. Because if you go to some local
service center and if something goes wrong then maybe rather than solving the problem it may increase the
problem. So, it is better to go to authorized service center and do the servicing there only. Because there rea

55 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

people who are trained by the company for their product, so they know your bike inside out, so they are
expert people in your bike. So, I prefer that though it is costly.
Interviewer: Ok. So, when do you plan to buy another two-wheeler maybe in future? When do you plan
to buy?
Interviewee: I think I will use this bike for more two to three years… After that maybe I will take decision
to buy a new bike.
Interviewer: Ok. So, what would be your deciding factor at that time for the purchase? What factors would
you focus on during your decision that time, while choosing a bike?
Interviewee: I think, it has to be in my budget the most important factor. I think… it should be
technologically advanced… let’s say after two to three years the companies are launching new products with
newer technology so the bike should have all the newer technologies that will increase its performance like
average, like other things. Like Yamaha bike has it, it should have all these newer accessories and should be
in budget and should give good average and good power. So, these factors are important.
Interviewer: Ok. So… Do you find any other factors which are equally important in choosing a bike? Are
there any other factors which you would like to look at? Maybe not that important but if you would get those
factors along with the bike of your choice, maybe those can be some add-ons, maybe looks or something like
Interviewee: I think sitting position of pillion rider... I think that is also important… Every time you are
not going to ride a bike alone. If you are going on trek or something… somewhere else its ok… but sometimes
you have to take your brother or your family members with you, so the family member should also be
comfortable while sitting on the bike. So other than the mentioned factors this is also I think important,
whether the pillion rider also, there are some bikes currently in the market which are good for biking, they
have good performance but from pillion rider’s point of view the seating arrangement is very bad. So, I think
that factor will also matter in my decision.
Interviewer: Ok. So, if you would want to buy a two-wheeler for your mother or maybe your sister which
one would you choose?
Interviewee: Sorry. I dint hear your question.
Interviewer: If you would want to buy a two-wheeler for your mother or maybe your sister or maybe a
friend of yours which one would you choose? A female friend of yours?
Interviewee: For mother or sister, I think from their point of view, non-geared bike is the best. Because it
has less power and from traffic point of view it is easily maneuverable. So… But if I am suggesting to any of
my male friend then I would suggest him a good bike for… currently leading bike in the market. For my
mother and sister, I would prefer non-geared bike only.
Interviewer: Ok. So, when you said you would prefer non-geared bike what factors you would look in it?
Interviewee: In non-geared bike I think… Uhh… power wise they are less… so power will not be any issue.
The most important thing would be average and whether... because... also the storing capacity, should be
able to keep luggage in your bike so it should have that also. So, in choosing a non-geared two-wheeler this
is very important, average and luggage capacity.
Interviewer: Ok. So, while maybe helping your male friend choosing a bike what factors would you suggest
Interviewee: Yeah. In that case, I think I would… If a person is a rider and he often like to go for a ride
then in that case I think power is important, mileage, so both these are important. And, yeah… it has to be
good in looks, it has to look very nice while riding on the road. So, I think if a bike has all these three features
then I would definitely suggest that bike to my friend.
Interviewer: Ok. So, why do you feel that, this the fourth factor which you are focusing on the looks, so
why do you feel that looks of a bike is also equally important along with the power and the mileage you were
speaking of?
Interviewee: I think… aesthetic feature of any vehicle or any object is important. When you look at a bike
it should appeal you. Let’s say, a bike has high power and mileage, but its ugly in looks then obviously no

56 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

one will prefer that bike. So, from that point looks are also important, you will always choose aesthetically
good product, in bikes also that thing matters.
Interviewer: Ok. So, when you say that aesthetically it should be appealing to you, so what factors do you
look into it, that you feel are aesthetically appealing for you when you look at a bike? What factors do you
consider, as in the shape or maybe… what would you consider?
Interviewee: I think, shape of the bike, then uhh… whether … sitting posture of the rider, that is also
important. Or the color of the bike. The headlight, their arrangements. The silencer, their arrangements. So,
all these things add to the looks of the bike. So, these are the different things I will look for.
Interviewer: Ok. So, what kind of silencer would you prefer in your bike?
Interviewee: Ok. Silencer. See, silencer… normal. From point of view of silencer, I think if it is adding to
the looks of the bike then it is ok. There are different types of silencers in the market which are not basically
silencers, they do not … they do not dilute the sound of the exhaust coming out of the engine. So, I will prefer
the normal silencer that way it will help the bike to improve its performance, that will be given by the
company only, so I will not modify in case of silencer.
Interviewer: Ok. So, would you like to modify your bike, your current bike?
Interviewee: Yeah, if it is enhancing its power or enhancing its performance then definitely. For enhancing
its look then I would definitely prefer modifying my bike.
Interviewer: Ok. So, when you said you would prefer modifying your bike, how would you imagine your
bike to be, with this newer version?
Interviewee: Uh… From modifying point of view may be, I can modify the handle bar length or its position
or maybe I can add some extra feature over the headlight or tail light or may be remove the pillion seat or
maybe use some better-quality products in the engine or maybe sparkplug. I think these are the things I
will, I will like to modify in my bike. I think I will, I will then enjoy the bike more… enjoy riding my bike
Interviewer: Ok. So, so what do you like the most about your bike? What do you enjoy about your bike?
When you said you would enjoy the ride, you would enjoy your bike, what would that be?
Interviewee: I think…uhh… ok… I will have to think for this… I think the feel… the power you feel when
you sit on the bike, when you ride the bike… the power of the bike is important… the speed it can achieve or
when you are climbing a steep road then the power that bike is giving, I think that are the important points
while riding the bike. Also, the comfort, obviously you should not get tired while riding the bike so if you are
going for long ride then you should be able to ride the bike continuously for more than four to five hours.
So, from this point of view the comfort in riding is important.
Interviewer: Ok. So, when you said you enjoy your ride with your bike, so what kind of feeling does it give
to? How do you feel exactly?
Interviewee: It is very difficult to… it is very difficult to say it in words. It is a feeling I cannot… I cannot
get it in words… It is just you have that feeling… when you are on the bike. So, I cannot tell you specifically
that this is the feeling that I enjoy or this is the feeling that I like. It is just the feeling that you have while
you are riding the bike. So, sorry, I really can’t tell you.
Interviewer: Yeah, but then when you say you have that feeling what do you exactly feel? Are you happy
or are you sad?
Interviewee: Obviously happy.
Interviewer: Yeah. Why do you feel happy? Yeah you were saying something?
Interviewee: I think when you ride the bike, it should give you good power and good speed so that you can
enjoy the environment around you. If you have any problem with your bike then rather than enjoying your
ride, you will have to pay attention to your bike. So, it can break down or something like that can happen.
So, if it is giving good performance then I think you can enjoy the environment, you can enjoy the whole
process of riding the bike.
Interviewer: Ok. So, thank you so much for this interview.
Interviewee: I think I was helpful.

57 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewer: Yeah.
Interviewee: Thank you so much.

Interviewer: Bageshree Suryawanshi
Interviewee: Mr. Pradeep Kemble
(Occupation: Civil engineer
Age: 54 yrs. Old
Location: Ulhasnagar
Two-wheeler User: Yes)

Interviewer: So, Hi Mr. Pradeep, this will be recorded as this is part of our Marketing research project.
So, let’s start.
Interviewee: Yeah.
Interviewer: Can you give me a brief about you? As in, what do you do? And where do you live?
Interviewee: Basically, I am civil engineer. I am structural consultant and I am in construction field. And
I am looking after construction of buildings, building managements, structural designing and then project
Interviewer: Ok. So, and where do you live?
Interviewee: I live in Ulhasnagar.
Interviewer: And, how does your typical day look like?
Interviewee: Generally, I live my home by 9- 9:30 then all around… sites which are going on… which are
under construction… I have to visit these sites…Uhh... then look at the day to day progress of the work, then
quality of the work, quality of the material used and then after that I have…. Then my office from 3.30 to
around late at… late night sometimes.
Interviewer: Ok. Who all are there in your family?
Interviewee: My wife, my son.
Interviewer: Ok, And, what are your hobbies? What do you like to do on your off days or something like
Interviewee: Generally, because of my hectic schedule I don’t have much of free time but whenever we go
out… I like travelling, reading book, listening to… like music.
Interviewer: Yeah. So, do you own any vehicle?
Interviewee: Yeah.
Interviewer: So, how many vehicles do you own? And what are those?
Interviewee: Basically, I am a driver (rider)… I like to… I like going on long drives… I have a Jeep Compass,
a high-end vehicle and other small vehicle its Mahindra KUV to move around in a city. Whenever I go long…
on a long drive, I go in my Jeep Compass.
Interviewer: And do you own any two-wheelers?
Interviewee: Yeah.
Interviewer: So, what are those?

58 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewee: One is Hero Honda and one is Maestro. I was having one cruiser bike unfortunately it met
with an accident and it is damaged and now it is not with me.
Interviewer: Ok. So, you have one geared and one non-geared vehicle in two-wheeler?
Interviewee: Yeah… Yeah
Interviewer: So, why did you choose to buy a geared and a non-geared two-wheeler?
Interviewee: Non-geared vehicle I basically bought for my son, who was in his tenth standard when geared
vehicles are not allowed but non-geared vehicles are allowed to drive. So, I bought that.
Interviewer: So, and when did you buy the geared one?
Interviewee: Geared one… uhh… the first geared vehicle…. when I was around 26 – 27 years old…yes…
during the first tenure of my business.
Interviewer: So, why did you buy it?
Interviewee: Yeah, because it was necessary, to go on sites to visit sites.
Interviewer: So, how often do you commute with your two-wheeler now?
Interviewee: Two-wheeler is very rarely now I am using… because of my age factor and because of traffic
conditions. It becomes very difficult to drive a two-wheeler.
Interviewer: And you son uses two-wheeler?
Interviewee: Yeah. Yeah… he uses two-wheeler.
Interviewer: So, when you decided to buy a two-wheeler for yourself first, so what were the parameters
on which you judged a two-wheeler before buying it?
Interviewee: You mean first… first two-wheeler. Initially, Hero Honda was launched during that time and
there was only one another alternative in Suzuki. In Suzuki, was not looking quite impressive but Hero
Honda, its average, its look and its new concept and Japanese technology. So, I got attracted and we decided
to buy Hero Honda.
Interviewer: So, for you as you said brand was also important for you?
Interviewee: Yeah, brand was also important.
Interviewer: So, if this vehicle which you bought if it would have been taking time, so would you still prefer
buying it over Suzuki?
Interviewee: Not Suzuki… Hero Honda… Now Hero Honda became… they are separated… Hero is
separate and Honda is separate… Now the latest two-wheeler which I am having is a Honda Neo.
Interviewer: So, when you bought a two-wheeler for your son what were the parameters which you
focused on at that time?
Interviewee: It was basically, it should be non-geared and service center should be near to my work place
or my home. So, all the things… Uhm… matched with Maestro… Hero Maestro. So, I bought it.
Interviewer: So, as in for you, you would say for non-geared service center was actually… equally
Interviewee: Yeah… Because son is driving so it may be… Yeah, we might need it for let’s say small
accidents or any emergency we need a service center near our home.
Interviewer: So, uh… in this also for non-geared vehicle how much time do you spend or maybe in what
intervals do you visit a service center or maybe how much do you prefer spending on service center?
Interviewee: Basically, my son is a good rider so, he didn’t meet with any accident or he handles it very
nicely. Only one unfortunate situation happened with the cruiser bike, uhh… that was not totally his mistake
but uhh… we need not have to often go to the service center but for the particular period say first five
thousand kilometers we generally go to this authorized service center and we get it serviced.

59 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewer: So, what would be the top three factors you would judge a two-wheeler on, maybe a geared
one for that matter?
Interviewee: Geared one… its average, comfort of driving, its wheelbase is good, you don’t get body ache
or back ache during driving.
Interviewer: Ok… Ok… Yeah. So, when you said you bought a cruiser bike as well so what was the thought
process behind buying it?
Interviewee: It was just luxury and amusement. There was no need or uh… no way connected to my
business or uh… this thing. It was just for the pleasure driving, we bought it.
Interviewer: Why did you feel like buying that? Just for pleasure?
Interviewee: It was my childhood dream.
Interviewer: Ok. Yeah. So, yeah, while buying your first vehicle… who all were involved in this decision?
Interviewee: My dad and myself.
Interviewer: Anyone else?
Interviewee: No, No one else.
Interviewer: So, what were your dad’s input in this decision?
Interviewee: Basically, finance.
Interviewer: Ok. And while buying it now for your son, who all were involved in this decision?
Interviewee: My wife. My son. Even my mom she was there. We all were involved. My mom was very
scared… the kid is very small… why you should give a vehicle and all that thing. But finally, we bought it.
Interviewer: So, when you bought the vehicle as in the two-wheeler which you bought now, what was the
mode of payment?
Interviewee: I prefer generally paying… uh… paying down payment without any loan facility. At least for
two wheelers.
Interviewer: So, if you plan to buy a two-wheeler for maybe your wife, so which one would you prefer?
Geared one or non-geared?
Interviewee: My wife doesn’t drive at all. So, there is no question of buying a two-wheeler. She says if
handicapped vehicle is allowed, with three wheels or extra wheel then only she will be able to drive, we are
not rather, I am not confident about her driving. So, I refuse. She should not drive.
Interviewer: So, and yes. How important do you feel the vehicle dealer which you are engaging your
conversation with while buying… before buying the two-wheeler is important in your decision?
Interviewee: There are… There is a lot of confusion in the market. Because there are a lot of brands, a lot
of vehicles, a lot of models, a lot of schemes are there. So, it becomes difficult for anybody to concentrate on
a particular product or even matter of fact dealer also is not able to convince you and there are number of
people buying it, so they don’t have to bother whether the customer is coming or is buying, no feedback
nothing. I don’t get any feedback (follow up) from any two-wheeler dealer instead of that if you go enquire
for four-wheeler, they continuously follow you but for two-wheeler there is no follow up with any dealer,
any dealer for that matter.
Interviewer: So, when you chose, when you decided to buy a two-wheeler for your son, where did you buy
it from?
Interviewee: It was very near to my home. A Honda dealer. Viz Honda. I bought it from there because it
was very near to me and one of my friends suggested me that the service is also good. So, we preferred it.
Interviewer: So, good service is one of the factors.
Interviewee: For any vehicle you need service center.
Interviewer: So, when you said… when you said you preferred buying it nearby to your home, from the
showroom nearby to your home. Did you try any other showrooms near to you?

60 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewee: There was no authorized showroom, there were just agents. In Ulhasnagar, there are lot of
agents who have all sorts of brands, all sorts of models and they give you, whatever you want to you can pick
up, pay and take it home. So, we preferred who is registered and authorized dealer and he was the only
authorized dealer for Honda. Other dealers were there but they were for other models like Kinetic and so
when we thought that we will go for Honda Neo or Hero Maestro, he was the only authorized dealer and we
opted for him.
Interviewer: Initially also, when you bought your first bike, what was your thought process behind it?
Interviewee: It was very novice. My dad also never had any vehicle and that was my first time and uhh…
with authorized dealer it took around six to eight months to get the delivery and I was very excited to have
bike for my business and for myself. So, we opted for the agent who has got his vehicles and he took some
additional money and he delivered us immediately. So, there was no concept of service center or authorized
dealer, we were not knowing all these things.
Interviewer: So, did you try any vehicle before fixing on one vehicle?
Interviewee: I used to ride many vehicles which my friends had.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Interviewee: My friends, my relatives, their vehicles I used to drive.
Interviewer: So, how did your… Did your friends or family or other relatives have any impact on your
decision while buying the vehicle?
Interviewee: No. It was not like that. My relatives at that time were using old model either Yezdi or then
Jawa. And it was new launch in India, so it was fascinating to look at those bright colors and attractive look,
kick start no trouble, then average. So, there was no… uh… I was fascinated by their vehicles but I liked this
vehicle and so I bought this Hero Honda.
Interviewer: So, if you plan to buy a two-wheeler in future, maybe a cruiser bike again, so what factors
would you prefer before buying it?
Interviewee: In cruiser bike there is no concept of having a service center near about because we stay away
from main city center, so there was no service center for fancy bikes so I preferred the nearest location is
Thane, where I can get nice sports bike or cruiser bike over there. So, basically first my thought whenever I
buy anything that the service center should be near to my home because of traffic conditions you can’t go,
or you can’t travel for servicing purpose, it should be near to your home and it should be approachable to
Interviewer: So, what would be other factors you would be looking for before buying any two-wheeler?
For that matter just say cruiser bike for now?
Interviewee: Its mechanism. Its attractiveness. Its popularity. These are the basic factors. Cost is… cost
doesn’t matter. Basically, the cruiser bike should look fancy.
Interviewer: So, why do you think it should look fancy? Or maybe why that factor is important for you?
Interviewee: That instrument itself is fancy. Because you can’t use it for any purpose, it should be used as
for pleasure driving. It doesn’t have a carrier. You can’t have a pillion rider along with it. You just have to be
you with your vehicle and that’s why it should be fancy looking. It should look beautiful rather.
Interviewer: So, when you say you have to be yourself with the vehicle you are driving, or maybe the
cruiser vehicle which you are talking about, why do you need, why do you feel that you need something like
Interviewee: Because, it’s a relation between man and machine. If you ask any driver or any… rather rider
not a driver I must say a rider… who loves his vehicle, the vehicle talks to him, it communicates with him
and as soon as you sit, as soon as you ride on the vehicle it gets attached to you. So, that is the bond between
the machine and man. So that is very important for the cruiser bikes or for that matter any high-end vehicles
like Jeep Compass and thing. As soon as you get into the vehicle, you feel like you are safe, you are cozy and
your vehicle is in touch with you, your vehicle talks to you. Literally speaking, it talks to you what it needs.
Interviewer: So, you kind of get an emotion with your vehicle which you drive.

61 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewee: Yeah, you can say its emotion or bonding. Rather bonding not only emotion, it’s bonding
between the vehicle, machine and man.
Interviewer: So, if you think of buying a cruiser vehicle, cruiser two-wheeler in future, how much time
would you take before taking a proper decision of fixing upon a two-wheeler?
Interviewee: At present also, I had two bikes in my mind. So, whenever financial conditions are favorable
because now-a-days my market is very down, so I can buy immediately. So, within one month or two months
also, if the market flourishes immediately I will buy.
Interviewer: What features you would be looking in it?
Interviewee: It should have great power like say uhh… twin cylinder minimum with 600cc … minimum
600 cc engine and with a great look.
Interviewer: So, moving towards a normal two-wheeler a geared one now. So, when you decided to buy a
two-wheeler, the first time so how long did it take to you decide upon one thing?
Interviewee: At that time, finance was very much painful, very much constraint was there for finance. So,
I had to wait for almost six months to collect some money, I borrowed from my father, my dad, and then
only we were able to buy it. And, it was fantastic and it was great experience which you can’t get right now,
you just go have money and buy a vehicle. That was something different aspect.
Interviewer: So, did you try any bikes or had any test drives before fixing on one?
Interviewee: No. At that time, the concept of test drive was not there, you just had to go and buy it… if you
like it you buy it, because no one would allow you to touch the vehicle during that period, the concept was
not there, this concept was I think last five to ten years ago not more than that.
Interviewer: So, when you bought a two-wheeler for your son, what were the factors you were looking for
apart from service center?
Interviewee: It should be gearless and nothing more than that.
Interviewer: So, how long did it take to decide?
Interviewee: My son took a lot of time, he has fancy ideas about other brands, other vehicles then other
looks. But then he decided that he will go for Maestro.
Interviewer: That’s it. Thank you so much.
Interviewee: Welcome


Interviewer: Gowri Shankhar

Interviewee: R Suresh
(Occupation: Government Service Employee
Age: 58yrs old
Location: Chennai
Two-wheeler User: Yes)

Interviewer: I am going to record this interview.

Interviewee: Okay.
Interviewer: Can you tell me a brief about yourself.

62 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewee: Hi, my name is Suresh. You can tell that I was retired from electricity board as executive
Interviewer: Your marital status?
Interviewee: I am married and got a daughter and a son.
Interviewer: Your age?
Interviewee: My age is 58.
Interviewer: Your hobbies?
Interviewee: Gardening, driving, watching YouTube and all.
Interviewer: okay, can you tell me your height?
Interviewee: my height is 5.6.
Interviewer: Okay, and your now retired know? Your native place?
Interviewee: My native place is Chennai only.
Interviewer: Your education level?
Interviewee: I am graduated in engineering, electrical engineering-electrical and electronics and then i
did my management in Bharathiar University, MBA.
Interviewer: So, what is your typical day like? Like from morning to evening or night.
Interviewee: morning to evening, first of all when I get up from the bed, I have to do my routine taking
coffee, reading newspaper like that. Then I am getting ready for my breakfast and ready for the office.
Interviewer: What mode of transportation you use frequently?
Interviewee: Usually when I go to some office work, they provide some vehicle. When I go personally, i go
by train or bus.
Interviewer: Why train? Do you have any vehicles?
Interviewee: I got one vehicle, it is Maruti 800 but, parking is a big problem in Chennai city, that is why i
prefer going by train or by bus and cost of transport is also less.
Interviewer: Okay, any two-wheeler you own?
Interviewee: I just now I bought a second hand activa, Honda activa 100cc.
Interviewer: If I say two-wheeler, what brand will come to your mind?
Interviewee: when you say two-wheeler, usually I, when I was young, I bought Yamaha RX 100. Then I
like Bullet, Royal Enfield.
Interviewer: okay, non-gear two-wheeler?
Interviewee: non-gear two-wheeler kinetic Honda then present Honda Activa then Suzuki.
Interviewer: okay some model name do you remember?
Interviewee: model name, which model? vehicle or car?
Interviewer: Vehicle, two-wheeler.
Interviewee: model, Yamaha RX100, Royale Enfield 350cc, bullet 350cc, then jawa then in Suzuki.
Previously it was TVS joint venture, now it became separate Suzuki and also hero Honda was once upon a
time was a very successful vehicle but they are separated. Now Honda is separately manufacturing two wheel
and hero is separately manufacturing two-wheeler.
Interviewer: How do you decide to buy two-wheeler? Like gear or non-gear?

63 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewee: non-gear vehicle is multipurpose, ladies can also use it. for gear vehicle means if I buy bike
only then only jean can use it. ladies can use it only if they wear churidar. they cannot drive with saree and
all. that is why I preferred scooter.
Interviewer: so, this scooter your buying for yourself? For whom are you buying?
Interviewee: I bought it for my family. everybody can use it.
Interviewer: so, did you think of Honda before buying?
Interviewee: no, I didn’t think of because I got it just like that.
Interviewer: like second hand?
Interviewee: I wanted to buy second hand. I came to know through my friend that’s why I got it.
Interviewer: Okay which features attracting you the most towards that vehicle?
Interviewee: Actually, nowadays everybody is going for electrical vehicle so I thought of going for second
hand vehicle which is very old so that even if it becomes crap, it is not a problem. In another 5 years also,
everything will become electrical vehicle, so I can scarp it off without any problem.
Interviewer: Okay How did you come to know about this vehicle?
Interviewee: I came to know when I went to Pondicherry.
Interviewer: Okay Through some of your friends and family?
Interviewee: Yeah. Through my friends only I came to know.
Interviewer: Any broker did you engage in the process.
Interviewee: No since it is from a known source, I dint engage any broker.
Interviewer: Do you prefer heavy vehicle or light vehicle?
Interviewee: I prefer light vehicle because putting stand and all is very easy in a light vehicle, when are
becoming old. When we are young, we can go for heavy vehicle.
Interviewer: How long you are driving two wheelers?
Interviewee: I am driving two wheelers from 22 years inwards.
Interviewer: Okay and now you are 58!
Interviewee: Yeah.
Interviewer: And when do you prefer car and when do you prefer two-wheeler for travelling?
Interviewee: I prefer car when there is lot of pollution. And for short durations and when there is a parking
problem and all I prefer two-wheeler.
Interviewer: And any other occasion like say some occasion you prefer car and some occasions you prefer
Interviewee: For family it’s better to go by car and scooters are only for own use because when we want to
buy something in a market, it’s better to take a two-wheeler and buy something without parking problem,
so that we can reach easily to our destination.
Interviewer: Okay I will tell a few occasions and you can tell me whether you prefer two-wheeler or car or
some other public transport or say it some taxis like ola or uber. So, you have four options. If you go for
Interviewee: I will prefer uber or ola.
Interviewer: If you are going for office?
Interviewee: If I’m going for office; my office vehicle is better.
Interviewer: Okay. And when you are going to picking up someone, your family member or some friends?

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Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewee: It is better to go by car.

Interviewer: If you are going for some function like friend's marriage?
Interviewee: it is better to go by car.
Interviewer: for parties or like get together?
Interviewee: go by uber or ola, because parking is not a problem.
Interviewer: how important is these factors in a two-wheeler brand from 1-5 you can rate. 1 means not at
all important and 5 means it’s very important.
Interviewee: I feel it is a 4.
Interviewer: brand okay. price wise?
Interviewee: I feel 3.
Interviewer: safety?
Interviewee: safety wise I prefer 5.
Interviewer: speed and mileage?
Interviewee: speed and mileage, better to go average 4.
Interviewer: fuel efficiency; that is mileage.
Interviewee: 4 only, because if it is more fuel-efficient means engine will have problems because we are
putting less oil and by that way, you’re trying to get most of the efficiency of the engine. in long run it will
get damaged.
Interviewer: okay, engine power?
Interviewee: engine, power, medium is kay for me. Because am not going for any race.
Interviewer: medium means 2\3\4 which?
Interviewee: medium means 4or 3. that is enough and sufficient.
Interviewer: colour?
Interviewee: colour, maybe light colour i prefer.
Interviewer: look wise?
Interviewee: look wise it should look nice and attractive.
Interviewer: like from 1-5?
Interviewee: look wise 4 I prefer.
Interviewer: okay, resale value?
Interviewee: because as I have bought a second-hand vehicle, I prefer 3.for resale we cannot expect much.
Interviewer: what will be the height of your family members?
Interviewee: mostly between 5 and 5.7.
Interviewer: what do you think about servicing? how important is servicing?
Interviewee: if it is a brand-new vehicle, we have to go for a branded service centre. if it is a second-hand
vehicle, we can go for a local service centre.
Interviewer: can you recall any add of two-wheeler? non-gear two-wheeler brand recently? or old add
Interviewee: I came to only about Suzuki and Honda. These both only I have seen.
Interviewer: can you recall the ad that you have seen? what happened in the ad?

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Interviewee: I couldn’t recall.

Interviewer: normally when you buy, what kind of payment offer do you prefer? Cash or credit card or
EMI? Like various options are there.
Interviewee: I prefer cheque only.
Interviewer: no loans or EMI is required because, that will stretch my earning.
Interviewer: when there are electrical bikes that are being launched. Will you prefer buying electrical bikes
or this bike only?
Interviewee: if electric vehicle is launched and if I go for new vehicle, I’ll go for electrical vehicle. but the
problem is charging is required. Just like petrol station, everywhere there should be a charging station so
that we can move freely without any battery charging problem.
Interviewer: how much importance is noise for you?
Interviewee: noise is very important because of noise we are getting a lot of neurological problems and air
problem we are getting, so better to have less noise vehicle.
Interviewer: can we say that you know within how many distance will you travel by non-gear vehicle like
say 1-5km or 10 kms.
Interviewee: 5 km only for non-gear vehicles. And for other I go by car only.
Interviewer: thank you so much for the interview.
Interviewee: thank you very much.

Interviewer: Aseem Garg
Interviewee: Mr. Tanishq Mehra (MBA Student, IIM Calcutta)

Interviewee – Hi Tanishq, I am Aseem Garg. I want to take your interview for my marketing project titled
“Determination of the consumer purchasing behavior for non-geared two-wheeler motor vehicle in India”.
Why don’t you tell me something about yourself?
Interviewer – Okay, so I am Tanishq Mehra, I currently study at IIM Calcutta. I am from Goa and I have
done my BTech from NIT Goa.
Interviewee – Okay, sure. So, can you let me know what kind of vehicles you have at your home place and
what kind of vehicles you drive typically?
Interviewer – Okay, so, we have 2 vehicles. We have a car, Toyota Etios and a geared bike, Honda Dream
Interviewee – So the bike we are talking about here, did you go and bought it or did your parents bought it
for you?
Interviewer – My father bought it but I was also involved during the purchase.
Interviewee – Okay, Okay, sure definitely. So, can you typically tell me for what kind of activities do you use
your car and geared bike?
Interviewer – So, typically I use my 4-wheeler when there are more than 2 people or when it is raining.
Otherwise, I always prefer using 2-wheeler only. Because it is more convenient.
Interviewee – So when you decided to buy a 2-wheeler, did you consider buying non-geared 2-wheeler as
well or you were decided that you want to buy geared vehicle only?

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Interviewer – Okay, so point is that my Dad always had a geared vehicle and he was very much comfortable
with using geared vehicle only. So, when we were purchasing this vehicle, we were replacing this old geared
vehicle. So, we did not look at other non-geared vehicles at that time.
Interviewee – So as you mentioned your father had a geared vehicle and you wanted to replace it, so can you
walk me through the whole purchasing journey. How did you go about it? Did you research on internet or
what else?
Interviewer – So initially we searched on internet. First, we fixed a budget. Our budget was not very high, it
was around 50-60k, this was back three years ago. We narrowed down to three bikes, there was one Bajaj
bike, Honda bike and hero bike. We went to the showroom for test drive and got whatever bike was priced
less and was most comfortable for my Dad. And we decided to buy it.
Interviewee – So do you have a rough estimate about the time between when you decided to buy a geared
vehicle to the time when you actually bought it?
Interviewer – There would be around 15-20 days.
Interviewee – As you mentioned, you pin pointed on three types of bikes from the online research. Did you
or your father also consulted your other family members or friends before purchasing the bike?
Interviewer – So ya we talked to friends who had similar bikes or have purchased similar bikes in the recent
past. And they told us about how the bike is working and all. Is it doing well or giving any problems.
Interviewee – So did you just contacted only those who had the three bikes that you pointed out or in general
you asked them what kind of bikes they are driving.
Interviewer – No, so I asked in general. Not specifically those three.
Interviewee – So suppose you got to know about a bike which is not among the three which you shortlisted,
so, did you consider that bike as well which your friend or family member told or you did not consider that?
Interviewer – Ya, we would consider that. If somebody would have told us that there is another bike which
is much better than these three, then we would have considered that also.
Interviewee – So when you and your father went to the showroom to test drive the bikes and decide on
which one to purchase, so what were the parameters you and your father had in mind on basis on which you
decided which one to buy. One is the price definitely. Apart from that?
Interviewer – Apart from that one was handling. Then there will be the wait of the bike and third thing
would be the suspension. Gears generally work similar for all the bikes.
Interviewee – Did fuel efficiency also played a role when choosing the bike?
Interviewer – Yes, yes, fuel efficiency also played a role.
Interviewee – So if in current scenario you plan to buy a bike, will the criteria or features you look for change
in today’s scenario?
Interviewer – Basic criteria would remain the same.
Interviewee – So as you mentioned this time you wanted to replace a bike for your father. So now suppose
you go to a showroom and decide on buying a bike for you, so what will be the criteria for you? Like will you
consider price again, or aesthetics?
Interviewee – So ya, definitely my Dad did not bother about the looks and everything. His was more of a
functional approach. He just wanted a bike to get from point A to point B. I will definitely look at the looks,
my budget will be typically higher and yes, I will look at the aesthetics and I will also look at the type of
brakes it has, disk brakes. And again, geared and non-geared is not a big deal for me. So, I will keep my set
a bit bigger.
Interviewer – So as you mentioned, geared and non-geared won’t be a criterion for you today. So, what will
your first task in buying. Will you go to the showroom and see the models available or you will ask your
friends, what kind of bikes they are driving currently.
Interviewee – So ya first I will ask my friends. If they have any, I will ask them to give me a test ride on those.
Then I will look online, reviews of particular bikes. There are many shows which show proper test drive and

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Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

proper in and out of the vehicles, and I can go through that. And when I can narrow down when I have some
choices of mine then I will go to the showroom.
Interviewer – So as you mentioned if you will go today to buy a bike, you will be indifferent between geared
and non-geared. But when we talk about geared and non-geared bikes, there is a lot difference in the bike
per say. So, what will through your mind that time. Because what my hunch says is people buy a geared bike
because it is more of a social status sort of thing, which won’t be a case for non-geared vehicles but may be
utility wise it is much more convenient to drive? So, what will be your factors or parameters on which you
will decide whether to buy a geared or non-geared vehicle.
Interviewee – So it would be my need. If I want to use this bike in a city with a lot traffic, where I have to on
and off it again and again, I will go with a non-geared as you don’t have to go through the tension of changing
gears again and again. Generally, it is easier to handle a non-geared bike. But if I am living in a place like
say Goa, where there is not much of a traffic and roads are wider and geared bikes are much easier to handle
over here, then I will look for aesthetics and fuel efficiency of the geared bike.
Interviewer – Now I would like to ask you your opinion from a different prospective. Suppose you have to
buy a non-geared 2-wheeler for your sister or any of your female friend, then what will the criteria on which
you will evaluate the vehicle?
Interviewee – One thing I will see is the weight because I have to ensure whether my sister will be able to
handle it or not. Second would be aesthetics, whether she likes the look and all. Does it have a feminine look
or a masculine look to it. Then will see the fuel efficiency and finally would be the price.
Interviewer – When we talk about non-geared two wheelers in India. What brands can you recall probably?
Interviewee – Honda Duo, Access, TVS Jupitar, Kinetic, Activa, Wego,
Interviewer - As you mentioned 4-5 brands over here, suppose there are two brands and both their products
are meeting your criteria as you mentioned earlier, so post that will the brand matter to you while purchasing
the two-wheeler.
Interviewee – If all the criteria are met and all the features are roughly the same, then ya brand would
matter. Then brand would be the deciding factor.
Interviewer – So when we compare geared vs non-geared vehicle, do you think any of these is more safer to
drive than the other.
Interviewee – Not much. I would say non-geared are much safer as geared vehicles are more power, so it is
difficult to handle in places where you can slip and it is difficult to gain the control of the bike. It is much
easier in non-geared vehicles.
Interviewer – So, thanks a lot for the interview. We will let you know the results of our marketing research
Interviewee - Thank you.

Interviewer: Aseem Garg
Interviewee: Ms. Anamika Sharma (Masters Student, IIT Bombay)

Interviewer – Hi Anamika, I am Aseem Garg. I want to take your interview for my marketing project titled
“Determination of the consumer purchasing behavior for non-geared two-wheeler motor vehicle in
India”. Why don’t we start with getting to know about you? Can you tell me something about yourself?
Interviewee – Hi Aseem, I am Anamika. I am currently pursuing my masters from IIT Bombay, 2nd year.
Interviewer – Can you tell me something about your family, like, how many members are there in your

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Interviewee – Ya, sure. We are a family of 4. I have a younger sister and my father and mom. Mom is a
housewife and father works in defense in Nasik.
Interviewer – Okay sure, can you let me know what kind of vehicles you have at your home?
Interviewee – I have a bicycle and an activa 3g scooty.
Interviewer – So, apart from it your father owns any vehicle or this is it?
Interviewee – No, no, that’s it. My father owns a cycle where he works and my sister uses the scooty at
Interviewer – So as you mentioned you have an active at home, so can you let me know for what kind of
activities or purposes you or any of your family members use activa?
Interviewee – Yes, yes, yes. My sister uses it to travel to her college from house. And mom uses it to buy
groceries and stuff. And whenever we have to go to relative’s house and all that. We don’t generally
prefer public transport at Kanpur.
Interviewer – So do you have a fair idea, when your family bought this activa, what was the whole
purchasing journey, do you have an idea about that?
Interviewee – So honestly speaking, I was at my hostel when family bought the activa so I don’t have any
idea. But I know when my father buys any stuff, he takes rigorous background study of which vehicle
to buy and all. Price factor, recent edition and all these factors.
Interviewer – So let’s talk about a particular scenario, suppose in the current scenario you have to buy a
non-geared two-wheeler vehicle for you, so how will you start your purchasing journey, like, will you
search on the internet or you will ask your friends? How will you go about it?
Interviewee – I think first thing would be going around and asking my family members/friends who owns
one, because they will be the best ones to tell me which one is good and how it feels to ride it and
then I probably I will go on internet and check its features and price range and then I will go to the
shop where they are being sold and then inquire there.
Interviewer – So suppose like from the online research and asking your friends, you came up with a list
4-5 products, so when you will go to the showroom, so how will you evaluate those 4-5 products in
the showroom, which one to buy?
Interviewee – umm, so I think I will go with the mileage, like for 1 liter of petrol how much long will it
travel and how much is the maintenance policy of that outlet or something. Also weight also matters,
how smooth does the scooty runs, appearance wise. Then probably I will go with the color of my
Interviewer – So, as you have used activa for a long time and probably your sister and mother are also
using it from a long time, what according to you are the features that stand out for you in a non-geared
vehicle. As you have already mentioned the mileage and weight of the vehicle and the maintenance
cost. But for you what are the must features that should be there in the non-geared vehicle that you
will buy?

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Interviewee – Features!!!
Interviewer – Ya, so like for some of the people it is the height of the seat, so that probably your feet can
reach the ground while seating on the activa.
Interviewee – So I believe, personally for me will the braking system, how well that works. And then the
accelerator, how do I say, how well it responds to your hand reaction and how comfortable I am to
stop my vehicle when I am going at a high speed. Mainly the braking system I will look for. Plus, the
back seat also matters, suppose a person is sitting in the back, does the person has a support to hold
something or not, if I am sitting at the back. And mirrors I prefer, as it becomes very comfortable to
drive when you can see the people around you, especially in a city like Kanpur which is crowded and
traffic rules are followed like bare minimum level and people can enter and exit from any direction.
So those are some of the points I look for.
Interviewer – sure, did you ever tried a geared vehicle or you never tried those.
Interviewee – Actually I have never tried a geared vehicle.
Interviewer – okay, okay sure.
Interviewee – I just know how to ride a scooty.
Interviewer – I just want to know how much will be the effect of your family/friends in your final decision.
Suppose you have 3-4 products in mind and your family/friends tell you about a product which is not
there in your consideration set. So, will you consider that particular product also when you will go to
the showroom or you will constraint yourself to your research only?
Interviewee – No, so definitely, family members will have an influence on my decision probably because
I ride with them or because I would have tried their scooty before buying my own. Even I would also
try to get a test drive or something, whether it runs smooth or not, whichever options I have.
Interviewer – So like you mentioned you have these features in mind when deciding upon buying a
2-wheeler, suppose there are 2 brands which provide all the features you desire. So that point of time,
will the brand perception or brand image will matter in deciding which vehicle to buy? So, suppose all
the features you desire are satisfied by both honda and TVS?
Interviewee – Then I will go with the cost.
Interviewer – And if the cost is also approximately the same.
Interviewee – In that case, I will go with the design may be. So, if everything is same, I will go
with the design may be. Because I have ridden the bikes like Jupiter which I feel, they are, the handle
and those, I feel a bit intimidated with those where they are sleek in design in comparison to activa.
So probably I will go for that.
Interviewer – So suppose you want to go for a long ride somewhere, so that time, will you prefer a geared
or non-geared vehicle. Suppose you know how to drive a geared vehicle as well.
Interviewee – I think geared would be preferred. I have not ridden one but what I have heard is for long
destinations to speed up my travel, I have heard that geared vehicles are safer because of their tire
size and something. While as my family members ask me not to drive scooty at a high speed because

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of their tire size. I don’t exactly know the relation but going with the perspective of what my elders
have told me.
Interviewer – Okay, okay. Sure. So, as you have ridden the activa for a long time and your family members
have also done so. Can you recall any incident related to your activa which is very dear to you or any
incident which you recall every time we talk about activa. May be some accident or any good incident
which you can recall?
Interviewee – Okay, hmmm... I believe I am scared of riding the scooties at a very high speed but I have
travelled with my mom for 60-70 km in one go and with maximum speed of 75kmph. And I remember
that incident as my mom did not scared of me but got scared of my sister. And when you ask me about
my worst incident, ya, I have fallen off it twice, so that is why I prefer the braking system first in a non
geared two-wheeler.
Interviewer – So probably one last question, as you have used activa extensively, and there are other
products like Pleasure and scooty pept and all. So, would you prefer to buy those or you feel you are
capable to drive activa. So as pleasure and pept have a very feminine look as well, but activa is probably
a gender-neutral sort of a product.
Interviewee – In my personal perspective I will go with activa, ya I don’t like gender specific things for
girls. I don’t like the image like girls hai to ye chalana hai types.
Interviewer– Thanks for your time. We can close the interview now. And will let you know the results of
the project, whatever is there.
Interviewee – Thank you.

Interviewer: Rakesh Kumar K R
Interviewee: Mahima Patel (Student, 24, from Vadodara)

Interviewer: Hello Mahima. Can you hear me.

Interviewee: Yeah
Interviewer: I am Rakesh and I am calling you on behalf of a project that we are doing on consumer
purchasing behavior of Non-geared two-wheeler motor vehicles in India
Interviewee: Can you repeat the problem statement again please
Interviewer: It is the determination of consumer purchasing behavior for non-geared two-wheeler motor
vehicles in India
Interviewee: Ok. Non-geared two-wheeler motor vehicles
Interviewer: It is an interview and it will last for around 30-45 minutes
Interviewee: Ok
Interviewer: Can you start by giving a brief about yourself

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Interviewee: Brief. Ok. I was born and brought up in Gujarat in a town called Vadodara. Then I did my
Engineering in Thiruvempani Institute. I worked in family business for a year and then I came to IIM
Interviewer: Can I get to know with any experience you have with two wheelers in general. Maybe in your
childhood days/working. Some experience with a two-wheeler
Interviewee: I am very fond of riding. My first two-wheeler was in 8th class and that was a battery operated
one and not a diesel one. It is a bike from TVS which I rode for around two years, post which I was given an
Activa. So basically, I have experience with an Activa and TVS, which is a battery-operated scooter
Interviewer: So, it is like you started riding from your 8th standard itself
Interviewee: Yeah
Interviewer: So, do you remember anything about the purchase decision of the electric motor that the
family got. Did you have any part about the decision that is made? Do you have any idea on how your parents
decided on the bike?
Interviewee: Ok. So Initially my parents were reluctant because I was young enough and they did not want
to give a scooter which was of very high speed. So, they choose a vehicle which has a speed limit. Basically,
that is why I was given an electric scooter, beginning to ride in traffic and all. Then the second thing that
they looked for was a good brand. TVS had a good reputation into various aspects and my neighbors also
had a similar two-wheeler. I had a basic experience riding it and I was comfortable riding it. Then my parents
agreed to buy me that.
Interviewer: Yeah. That’s great. Can I know like how much time you spend with your bike? Typically, like
the Kms that you used to cover during those days with that bike
Interviewee: So, initially it was maybe around one kilometer a day, just in the vicinity. I was never allowed
to go far. Post which, I will used to cover nearly around 3, max 3 kilometres. I was not allowed to go very far
Interviewer: Ok. When was the time you actually got your Activa after this bike
Interviewee: Sorry. Can you repeat
Interviewer: You actually got an Activa after this bike, right? When did you get your Activa?
Interviewee: I got an Activa during my 11th and 12th
Interviewer: Is it for the same purpose that you had the electric bike OR is there some new requirements
to be met?
Interviewee: So basically, it was I wanted a good two-wheeler that had a good speed and a sturdy body.
So, when we went on to decide, Activa was the then most desired two-wheeler. So, we decided to get an
Interviewer: Yeah. So, after joining college do you have/recollect any experience with a two-wheeler bike
Interviewee: Yeah. Actually, I have. It was one of the two wheelers in my college. I used to drive my friend’s
two-wheeler. It was an Access. I used to go to Ahmedabad from Gandhinagar which was around 20-22 kms
frequently. Twice or thrice in a month I used to travel that way back and forth
Interviewer: Do you have any preference on brands or two-wheelers in general. Something like preference
on brands
Interviewee: I do have. Basically, my first preference would be, If I don’t have any knowledge about a good
bike and I need to get a review from people who own a good bike then my preference, most of the times it
was the brand that I was aware about. First, I would be aware about some bikes and I would feel like buying
that. Then I would go for reviews and then decide on going forward
Interviewer: Can I clarify something. The Activa you got during 11th and 12th. Is it the decision you made
or is it more of your parents?
Interviewee: It was of my parents. Because my elder brothers have used it. They know that Activa could
be one of the additional extra vehicles that they could buy

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Interviewer: As a frequent rider can you elaborate me on some of the features that a bike should have,
that attracts you. Some of the features that you feel more important in a two-wheeler
Interviewee: Ok. So, one of the features that I find most important is what is the mileage of it and secondly
the deck which we get for storage. It should have a good space. Because I used to store a lot of things inside
my bike. Secondly, weight wise, it should not be too heavy. I find it not convenient if I have a very heavy
bike. Also, when I ride it on a highway it should not be wobbling. These are the basic parameters that I look
for. Apart from this, looks matter.
Interviewer: Ok. You have highlighted your preferences. Can you give me any incidence that you remember
with a bike? May a ride that you went. Anything that comes to your mind when you hear the word two-
Interviewee: Ok. I find two wheelers more convenient than four wheelers. In cities where I live in, because
of the traffic and the narrow roads that it has. Secondly one of the experiences, that is negative with a two-
wheeler. After four to five years of using the same bike I got fed up with the bike
Interviewer: So, it is like with time your preferences changed with the bike. Can I get to know, if the bike
that you drive or the bike that you choose to buy, it has something relevant with your personality. So how
will you associate a two-wheeler with your personality
Interviewee: Two-wheeler with their personality?...
Interviewer: So actually people, if it is with guys, guys usually get bikes that reflect their personality. It
can be a sort’s bike or a Royal Enfield. Can you relate something on the two-wheeler that you ride or like the
most with something related to your personality?
Interviewee: For me, Activa was a very good bike. But it was an ordinary that everyone has. There was
nothing new where people will think. Given a chance I always wish to own like a bullet which is an older
bike, but it is very sturdy and gives you a stronger and adventurous feel. So, I am a person who would wish
to go on a road trip on a bike. So that is why a bike which has a very sturdy look that appeals to me. The bike
which I had, Activa was not stylish or good looking. But it was very appropriate for my usage. If given a
chance I would go for a bike which has more of an adventurous look
Interviewer: That’s nice. So, do you know to ride a geared bike
Interviewee: Yeah, I have tried. Not a frequent ride. But I have
Interviewer: So, can you give something like the differences that you see between a geared and a non-
geared bike. Some of the key features. Something like a comparative look of a geared and a non-geared bike
Interviewee: Ok. For non-geared bike, since I had ridden it like N no. of times, I find it very easy. For
geared bikes I had not tried it more no. of times. I feel it a bit inconvenient. At the same time, once you get
familiarized with the gear and clutch, I think it is smoother than a non-geared bike
Interviewer: We discussed about the features like mileage and all. So, can I get to know something like
emotional aspects of the bike. Many people prefer safety over adventure. I heard that you are an adventurous
person. So how do you decide and can you give me a comparison between the different emotions that comes
in deciding a bike
Interviewee: So, my answer would be, as an adventurous person I always look after my safety first. If I
want to drive something, my bike should be something that should hold on through what I am trying. I
haven’t tried anything adventurous. SO first of all, safety comes first, when it comes to choosing a bike and
secondly, if it is safer and at the same time it should have that pick-up that gives the thrill
Interviewer: Do you have any adventure experience with the bike. Not needed that you drove it. Can I get
to know something about the thrill that attracts you to the bike
Interviewee: For an adventure experience, I have drove an Access for around 100 kms back and forth each
in the Gharwal range in the Himalayas. I have ridden a bike back and forth. Not a geared one. It was having
a lot of bends. The pick-up of the scooter was very nice for those roads. So, it was a very thrilling experience
for me.
Interviewer: Can I get to know what is your typical day like. So mostly the things that we discussed is
something related to the past, your college days. So how do you think, your mentality has evolved regarding
bikes. What is the mode of transportation that you regularly use just before coming to IIM Calcutta

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Interviewee: Before IIM Calcutta, I began driving a four-wheeler. We got rid of a two-wheeler. We don’t
have a two-wheeler as of now. I started using a four-wheeler. Basically, after seeing so many accidents, and
my workplace was in the outskirts, where I want to go through highways. My parents were reluctant to give
me a two-wheeler for such long distances. So, if given a chance, or just roam about the places we go to visit
I may use a two-wheeler, but for regular use it is going to be a four- wheeler
Interviewer: So, can I get to know the average time you spend with your four-wheeler now. You mentioned
about the safety aspects and your parent’s perspective. So, can I get to know about how my time you spend
travelling in a typical day
Interviewee: So, I used to travel around 30 minutes. There is not that much of traffic as compared to the
city. So, you can cover a lot of distance. I used to drive 30 minutes while going and coming back in the four-
Interviewer: So, in the conversation I remember like you prefer buying a two-wheeler if given a chance
Interviewee: Yeah, if given a chance I would riding it. The open feeling and all I prefer that over a four-
Interviewer: Can I get something on your purchase decision if you are to choose a two-wheeler now. Any
brand that comes to your mind if I say a two-wheeler now. Any brand that you can recall
Interviewee: Honda... Honda
Interviewer: Can I get to know any specific reasons you like Honda that much. Is it just the experience
with the Activa or is there something new that you came up with the recent times
Interviewee: Basically, it is the experience may be. And I have not tried many two-wheelers may be and I
do not have any basic reviews on how good they are. That’s why I have been loyal to the brand for now.
Secondly, there are better versions that keeps the bike updated
Interviewer: So, Can I get to know some of the sources you will check before buying a two-wheeler. You
have Activa in your mind. You will of course do some research right? You will try to get more information
about it. Can I get to know some sources?
Interviewee: People review it. They have more knowledge about the bikes. So, I would like to search and
get to know about different two wheelers which are there around the like price, range and features. Secondly,
I would like to go and visit the showrooms and look at the bike. After considering this I will take my decision.
Firstly, getting aware by looking a various option online and then going to the retail stores like showrooms
and trying it
Interviewer: So, can you recall something about the purchase decision you are a part of. Maybe a friend
in college. Maybe any know known person in your life. Can you recall something like what you suggested
regarding a bike? Can you recall any such occasions?
Interviewee: For a friend, I don’t have any such experiences as such. I don’t have any such experiences
Interviewer: As you mentioned you know to drive a car and you occasionally like using a two-wheeler. Can
you give me one or two occasions where you feel a two-wheeler is better than a car?
Interviewee: First I mentioned here also, the convenience part in a crowded city. You need to navigate
easily. Secondly, whenever there is a lot of traffic, it is easier to estimate whether you can pass a particular
distance in a bike. But in a car, it is tough to estimate if you can pass the distance. These two are for a city
person. Now going on a highway, I would prefer a four-wheeler. Inside a city I would prefer a two-wheeler
Interviewer: Can I get to know something on how cost plays a role in your purchase decision. What is its
Interviewee: Cost does play a role, but I would rather keep a margin plus minus something. I prefer getting
better and would not compromise on safety part of it. If it is expensive than what I have thought of but it
gives me new features I would escalate my budget. Else I will stick to the budget. If there is no value addition,
I would stick to my budget
Interviewer: So, the same thing I just want to confirm. We see brands which demand a particular cost. It
is the cost we pay for a particular brand. Maybe there can be two bikes that give the same feature. But we
pay the extra money for the brand name that it provides. So, if you are a person rating between these two

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Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

bikes, will you go for the bike that provides the features for a lower price or the presence of the brand matters
for you. What is the take of the brand playing a role in the purchase decision
Interviewee: In my case, brand does play a role, because we tend to associate them with the impression.
It is the quality issues that matters. I had such an impression that according to the brand the engine quality
depends. If it is a Honda or Suzuki engine, so the engine is expected to survive for longer years and runs
smoothly for longer years. If you remove the brand component and not much aware of what type of engine
has used, if there is no brand association you don’t know the quality. That is why I will go for a branded one
Interviewer: So, one more thing I would like to clarify. So, do you go for a bike that is available frequently,
something like more service stations. Just take the example of a phone, if you are buying a One plus it doesn’t
have that much of a service availability but Samsung has more service available. How can you relate the
importance of service when it comes to a bike and what is your take on the purchase decision that you make?
How much impact does the service provider has on your purchase decision
Interviewee: So, I would definitely go for a brand which has quality and secondly has post buying services
that they provide and the cost associated with those part. Because the cost is almost same for all brands. I
would like to have a bike that has service centers that are available and multiple locations. Because if I were
stuck somewhere, I can get service from that area as well. Secondly, my sister had an experience of being in
an accident with an Activa. There was no service center available nearby, she had to give it to a local garage
person although her Activa was in warranty period and the parts were replaced without it. That was one of
the negative experiences we had. Now we are particular that when we buy a vehicle the service center should
be accessible
Interviewer: Ok. That’s great. So, can I get to know something on your preferences on second hand bikes
we used to speak. What are your takes on second hand vehicles
Interviewee: Second hand vehicles… I had not bought any. If I had it, it will be mainly budget constraint.
Then I would look at the no. of years it had been used before and the reason why it was going to be sold. So,
no. of years it had been used is key. If possible, I would test it and then I would buy
Interviewer: So that is what even I felt. And it is like the main reason the people prefer a second-hand
vehicle is firstly the cost. People prefer a second-hand vehicle to learn driving. Can you relate something
that happens with a car where people usually get a second-hand car to start learning in their initial stage
and then go for a new one. So is that something you wish to add on to
Interviewee: According to me, people would not go for a second-hand bike just for learning. Because
anyhow the newer bikes would be a big investment but it would not cost you that much. Two wheelers people
usually have experiences with a bicycle. So, I don’t think it will take time for them to buy a two-wheeler. So,
I think people don’t go for a two- wheeler just for learning. Car is something totally different because that
will be your first time riding a car. But if it is a non-geared two-wheeler, you would easily learn to ride it
Interviewer: As we discussed, I got to know that you are an adventurous person and you would preferably
go for an adventurous bike. But if you are going to decide for someone else, will you go with the same option
of adventure or your way of rating changes
Interviewee: Ok. If it were for a family member, firstly I would be aware of what purpose they would
require that two-wheeler for. The criteria would be first their requirement. Second is the age. And the build
they have. The two-wheeler they will be able to carry. I try to suggest whatever they are expecting and I
would give options that will match their expectations
Interviewer: So, can I get to know the impact of word of mouth. If it comes to bike everyone will have
some sort of suggestion on a bike. Can I get to know, what is its role and how important is it. As a person
how, much impact it will have on you if you are buying a new vehicle
Interviewee: For example, if I am buying a two-wheeler at this point and I have no prior experience buying
it. I would surely be influenced by word of mouth to the point that I would go and try the bike and find out
if it suits my requirement. Word of mouth will be a starting point and push me to at least try that product
Interviewer: So, you had a previous electric bike, right? After getting your activa what is the state of the
previous bike. Is it with you still or you did something with the bike
Interviewee: We used to use it and we gave it to some office employee who needed a two-wheeler. It was
still with the family. It was not discarded then. It was discarded very lately; the battery life went off. And the
battery was not functioning very fine. After some years we discarded it.

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Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewer: So, if you are making a decision now. What is the impact of the resale value of the vehicle
Interviewee: Sorry I didn’t get you
Interviewer: Resale value of the bike. If you are buying a car people give a lot of preference to resale value.
What is your take on resale value for bikes
Interviewee: For two wheelers, majorly if it is a very high investment obviously, I will look on the resale
value. If it is a premium bike, I will be looking for a resale value. For some reason, if I decide to sell, what I
price I will be getting if it is a premium bike. But for an electric bike, I know it is going to dry and it is not
worth for reselling. I would not look for the resale value. Even for the Activa I will think for resale value
Interviewer: Perfect. Now with the trend, people are moving towards electric vehicles and you being a
user of electric bikes. So, what is your take on electric bikes. What do you feel about electric bikes being
launched in the future?
Interviewee: The electric bike that I had used earlier, it had a speed constraint and it would not cross 40
kmph. In comparison with the requirements I have currently, if the new bikes are launched with increased
performances and there is very less difference between a petrol and electric bike, I would not mind going
for an electric bike
Interviewer: Can I know if you had ever rid your bike in the highway?
Interviewee: Sorry
Interviewer: Have you ever travelled in the highway?
Interviewee: Haan…. Yeah, I have. Highway
Interviewer: So how confident do you feel while travelling in highways with your non-geared two-wheeler
bike. Is there like any difference between the confidence level you have while driving in your locality vs
Interviewee: In highways, there is not much of disruptions in between. Apart from more no. of stoppages
in the locality I did not find any difference between the confidence level in highways and locality
Interviewer: You have driven an Activa in a highway. Do you feel more comfortable if you use some other
bike, maybe a Royal Enfield or a sports bike? What is the difference between the confidence level. Does the
bike directly attribute to your confidence? That is what I wish to clarify
Interviewee: Confidence level. Ok. If I have a bike which has a higher performance as we mentioned like
a bullet or a geared bike which gives you a better speed and pick-up than an Activa, I will feel more confident
because I will like to keep the pace and not afraid of the people around me. In that way I would feel confident
if I have a higher performance than an Activa or a non-geared one. Apart from that, the sturdiness of the
bike. These are the things that give me more confidence
Interviewer: Just one last question. What do you feel about the marketing strategies the companies that
they do with a bike. Can you recollect anything related let it be a magazine, let it be a TV ad. What do you
feel about that?
Interviewee: One TV ad that I clearly remember is it was of Pleasure. “Why should boys have all the fun?”
Used to ride bikes on some river banks, bridges and Himalayas. Alia Bhatt going somewhere. It is not
portraying the bike as such. It is just trying to show that even a girl can have a good bike and she can ride it
along and the bike would not create a problem for you. You can go anywhere you wish to go. That is what
something that appeals to a person especially the girl population. Majorly Scooty has more convenience. I
think they are targeting a good mass no. of people. I don’t
remember any such brand or ad other than this
Interviewer: Ok, Mahima. Thanks a lot for your time. If we come up with new insights, I will surely share
with you. Thank you
Interviewee: Thank you. Bye
Interviewer: Bye

76 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewer: Prince Kumar Singh (referred in Interview as P)
Interviewee: Abhijit (referred in transcript as A)

Interviewee Profile:
Age: 24 yrs
Occupation: Student
Current City: Kolkata
Hometown: Tamil Nadu
Family: Dad (in Police force), Mom (Govt School teacher), younger brother (studying)

P: Hi Abhijeet, we are conducting this interview for marketing research for one of our projects. For this, we
will be asking few questions to you regarding you and your experience. Would be very thankful if you can
answer those?
A: Hi Prince, that is okay.
P: So, the first of all, can you tell me a bit about you, what you do and your family background?
A: So, yeah. My name is Abhijeet, I am a student currently. My dad is a police officer, my mom is a
government school teacher. I have a younger brother who is studying. I am based out of Tamil Nadu. I did
my college and schooling everything from Tamil Nadu only. After graduating and then working, I came to
Calcutta, and this is my first-time outside Tamil Nadu.
P: Also, can you tell me your age, marital status, education and work-ex that you had?
A: My age is 24 as of now, unmarried. I graduated, B. Tech in 2016. And then, I worked in Mu-Sigma, as an
analyst. 2 years now. After that I joined the college.
P: You mentioned about Dad working as Police Officer and your mom as school teacher. So you must be
having vehicles at your home. Can you tell me what all vehicles do you have?
A: Yeah, I am a bit more familiar with vehicles because I started driving from 6th standard itself. So, I used
to go for my typewriting classes, which is some 1km away from my house. In initial days, I just used to walk
or take a bicycle. But my dad wanted me to learn driving in the early stages. So, he used to give me a scooty-
TVS Scooty which we got it at second hand for my mom to learn driving. So, I started using that in my 6th
standard. So, that’s my first experience with the bike.
P: So, you mentioned that you had TVS Scooty. What all cars or bikes you or your family had?
A: So, my journey with bikes, It started with TVS Scooty. I used TVS Scooty from 6th to 8th, I think.
P: When did you buy the Scooty?
A: We got the scooty when I was in 3rdstandard, for my mom to learn driving. So, we had a TVS Scooty and
then we bought an Aviator for my mom. But I didn’t get a chance to ride the Aviator because my mom and
dad felt that It was too early for me to drive a... Even if it’s a driverless bike, it is a power vehicle. So they
didn’t allow me to use the aviator. But the TVS Scooty is just like a beta version of bicycle according to me.
Even I felt the same as it doesn’t have the pickup. It’s just a two-wheeler and very safe in the eyes.
P: So, one of the reasons you mentioned for why your family bought scooty instead of another vehicle was
because of its safety. What other factors also impacted your decision?
A: One thig it can be safety, and the other thing I noticed there is, that they got the scooty specially for my
mom to learn driving. So, they would have felt the ease of use there. And they felt that scooty is better for
someone to start learning and because also, we can consider the fact that she is a female. So, they didn’t
want to give a power vehicle to her. Those two are the main reasons, I think. Rather than cost or brand

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Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

coming in picture, it’s the safety & reliability of the bike and the ease of use that made them get TVS Scooty
in the first place.
P: The main purpose that you mentioned for buying scooty was that your mom wanted to learn how to drive.
But, why did she wanted to learn? Why not before, but why now?
A: Actually, during my early days my mom didn’t wanted to go out that much. And she actually got in a job
with the seniority thing, which she got only in later stages. So, when she started going to job, she used to go
by bus. But my dad felt that it would be good if she knows driving in case of any emergency or any other
purpose. And my dad usually used to stay outside because he didn’t had posting normally in our hometown.
So, he used to roam a lot. So, he wanted my mom to learn mainly for safety purposes, and not as if it was a
demand or a very crucial thing to be done, but it’s like a backup in case of emergency.
P: Can you tell me a bit more about your mom, like what was her age at the time? And also, you said that
you were in 3rd standard at the time, so do you have any elder brother or sister at the time or anyone else
senior at the time?
A: So, I can relate that time like, that’s the time my brother was young and around 3 or 4 years old, and he
started going to LKG. At the time everything was settled up. My mom was gaining good health and she was
ready to get back to work. And also, we are a.. we don’t live alone. It’s, like a community where my neighbors
were my relatives. (P suggests joint family). Not just a joint family, even in the community there will be 5-6
joint family. So, I think those might also be the reason like I can start working even in the age of 35. She
didn’t have no experience with the bicycle, and still she was able to learn driving with TVS. It was easier to
P: Can you tell me something about the job your mom was doing, her education level, how far was the job
location? Everything about her job?
A: My mom had an M.Sc. in Zoology and the main reason she didn’t work was because of the family. After
I was born, she was taking care of me and concentrating on my education and studies. Then after that, my
brother was born when I was in UKG or something. So, 3 years after that, when she felt like it was okay to
go for a job. And she liked to go for job and my dad also felt that it’s not an issue, as there is family to take
care of the kids and kids can also grow on their own. There’s not too much of need to be around them always.
So that’s when she got the idea of working and she got into a government job. We have a seniority thing. So,
it was the time when she got the perfect seniority. So, she got in school teaching 7th, 8th standard kids in
the beginning, and now she teaches 11th, 12th standard kids.
P: How much time did it took for your mom to learn riding TVS?
A: It took more than a month.
P: Initially your mom was going to office via bus, but after she learned driving, did she switched to going
via TVS or continued with the bus?
A: That’s the thing. She never preferred using TVS. I think she was afraid using TVS. My dad used to
encourage her to use TVS for going to office, but I remember that she never used TVS. Even after getting
Aviator, it was more like more than my mom, my dad used to take TVS. Even my relatives used to take TVS
but not her.
P: Did your mom used to take TVS for some other purposes if not using it for going to work?
A: She learnt driving. She used very occasionally like if she got late for school i.e. in very rare occasion. And
in initial stages she used bike to visit friends, but they used to live very close, less than a km. But with time,
I don’t know what happened but she completely stopped using bike, and preferred using bus. Over time
what happened was she got a gang of friends and they started using a common auto to go to school. So, It
will be like a common auto, every day. I can say that of the two scooty, one of my relative would take one of
them with him. So, my dad was like start using one of the scooty. That’s how I started learning scooty.
P: At that time, you started learning scooty. So, can you tell me your story, how you started you using it,
what purposes did you use it for?
A: I can say that I learned driving bicycle by my 2nd standard. And in initial stages I never found it difficult
to balance the bike. The only thing that happened was that if I was taking a left or right turn and I had to
stop suddenly, for a person or a car, I found it a little bit difficult to balance because of my age. But I am able
to control because I knew how to ride a bicycle. And it doesn’t give you that much of pickup. The maximum

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Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

speed it gives was 40. And that I only experimented one time. My dad also made sure that I never cross 25-
30. It was because my dad was in police and almost everyone in locality knew me. Si, if anyone sees me
driving fast, they will tell my dad that I was driving a bit fast. So, I never experimented driving fast in my
early stages. So, to get familiarized it took around one or two months for me also. So,
familiarized means that I am in full control of the bike. With one or two months, I got confident with the
bike. I never met with an accident but yeah, I will say after 2-3 months I am comfortable with the bikes.
Also, I used the bike only for going to type writing classes and nothing else. I was not allowed for that.
P: Though, you mentioned that you were in 3rd standard at the time when bike was purchased, so obviously
it would be a bit difficult for you to recall how purchase decision was made. But still do you remember some
of the factors. Because you said your mom wanted to learn driving and so you said the bike was easy to use
etc, but what other factors were considered at the time.
A: I can say that I have exact idea of what happened while getting TVS. My dad already had a Royal Enfield,
and he used to take it to place where he used to get the appointment. And the main thing was, that he wanted
a bike in the house, a permanent one that would be there. And also, it’s not like my dad will always be in the
house. So, if we get another power vehicle in the house, it won’t be of any use. So, he was like, okay, let me
get a light vehicle. So she can learn, and maybe he would see that maybe in 2-3 years I would also make my
son learn the bike. And he also had relative around. So, if among those if someone who doesn’t have
experience with bike can use it for small purposes.
P: After all of you have learnt how to drive, your dad, your mom & you yourself, did you guys buy any other
A: No, my dad still has his Royal Enfield. He bought it I think when I was in LKG. He is still passionate
about his bike. As I mentioned, when my mom learned, we actually bought an Aviator. Though it is also a
gearless bike but it is a power bike because it has a very good pickup. One more decision which happened is
during my college. When I got to make a decision to get a bike. As you know I am not fully independent to
make a decision. So, for that I set my specific set of requirements, and my dad he had his specific set of
requirements. So finally, the bike that matched the both of our requirements was Honda Unicorn, a geared
P: Why did you buy that vehicle, and not any other vehicle?
A: the first thing I would say is with time after reaching 11th standard is, everyone considered gearless
vehicle as a girl’s vehicle. So, in my school it would be more like all the girl used to have a scooty. And boys
who had a scooty, we won’t wow the factor that he has a bike. But if he has even a Hero 100, (a geared bike),
people will be like give me a round, I’ll do a round, and you’ll just do a vrrrrr (make noise from vehicle). This
is because you can’t do those things in a non-geared vehicle. And people will used to things with bike, not
superb stunts and all, but just wheeling, stopping. Those things you cannot do in on-geared bike. That’s the
first impression that I got while growing up. So, my purchase decision was like if I am going to get a bike, it
will never be a non-geared bike, but always a geared bike. So, my requirements were like this, and my dad
also felt the same. He never asked me that get a scooty or something, it will be safer for you. He was okay
with me getting a geared bike, but he didn’t want me to have an extreme sports model like pulsur, or avenger,
or apache. I preferred getting a Apache, but he is not interested. So somehow, I managed to get a unicorn.
P: So, you mentioned that despite this, some of your male friends still had a scooty. Why do you think they
bought the scooty, and why they didn’t go for bikes?
A: Even in my friend’s circle that I consider like boys in my class. The scooty they purchased was not because
of the purchase decision that they made. It’s like they had a scooty in the house and they were given
permission to use the scooty. So, if most of them had to make a decision, I am sure they would buy a scooty.
Also, people who didn’t knew how to drive a bike then were comfortable using a scooty. So, if you give them
a geared bike to ride, they were like no, I don’t want to ride the bike. So, I am saying that if a person knows
how to ride a geared vehicle properly, he would never go to using a non-geared vehicle. But one of my friends
doesn’t know how to drive geared vehicle because he sees it as dangerous. So, he never preferred to even
learn to drive. So, he would always prefer a non-geared vehicle.
P: So, according to you, if a person drives a geared vehicle, he will never switch to non-geared one. But if a
person drives a non-geared vehicle and then learns geared vehicle, would switch to geared vehicle unless he
perceives it as dangerous, in which case he will stick to non-geared vehicle.

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Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

A: Yeah, right. Also, I feel this is mostly the perception of that age. So, during college, its same. But if you
ask me now, because of the traffic I faced in Chennai during work-ex. I used unicorn to go to office. In
college, I never felt the rush of traffic. There, (in college) We would mostly use the bike to go far away, or
would use it to roam in the night. So, It won’t be like you will be you would be stuck in the morning and the
evening traffic of the city. So, after joining office, I had to face the situation of traffic and with time, i.e. 1, 1.5
years down the line, I felt like okay, it would have been better to have a non-geared vehicle. And even I did
the same. I stayed with my friends, we have a house in Oama. So, my friends had a non-geared vehicle. So,
if I am not feeling well, or I am tired, I would just say them that I am taking the scooty and I’ll just go. So,
that one change I have to agree or accept. Also, the geared vehicle seemed to show my macho/masculinity.
So, if we have get-together, or if we have a party, or we are going somewhere, I will never get that scooty. So,
If I am just going to office, and parking the vehicle to the parking lot, where no one knows what I am driving,
I used to take the scooty, and park it there.
P: But still, on normal days, you used to take a scooty?
A: Yeah, If I am feeling tired or dull or lazy or something and I am not in the mood to drive, I prefer Scooty.
P: Now, after knowing everything that you know, if you have to buy a bike now, what kind of bike would you
A: Still, I will go mostly with the geared bike. Because I don’t know the purpose that it is going to serve. I
am now studying, first decision of buying a bike is ambiguous for me, I don’t know where I would be getting
posted. If I go back to Chennai, I’ll consider buying a bike. And even there, if I see the traffic as an issue, I
wouldn’t change my decision to go with a non-geared bike. Because, this may be a factor, but I feel it can be
manageable. You have friends there so, you can get non-geared bike when you want. So, If I am going to
spend money, and going to buy something that would reflect my status, it would be a geared bike. And to be
particular, I like Yamaha bikes. I have an affinity towards Yamaha, don’t know
why. I don’t have that much attraction towards Royal Enfield. I love sports bike, so that’s the reason. So, I
may get the latest version of Yamaha if I buy now.
P: Okay, imagine if you have to suggest a bike to your parents, which one would you suggest and why?
A: For that, first thing that comes to my mind is safety. So, perfect bike that gives safety like features like
Shock Absorber should be great, and yeah, It would be a gearless bike for sure. I am okay with Activa models,
because I have used them from my friends. The thing I don’t suggest Scooty Pep models is because I don’t
want to go to extremes. If it’s like Scooty Pep, it doesn’t have weight. You might not even consider it a bike.
Just take a scenario, you are driving a bike on the road, and if bullet horns you just make way for bullet. If
it’s a scooty, you won’t even bother making way. I have experienced this. So, say, If I am driving a car, the
bigger the size gets, more dominant you get on road. So, if you are driving a kwid, compared to a Scorpio,
Scorpio would have more weightage on the road. So, if scorpio horns, you make way. This is because you
would be on looser side if it hits you. Same with the lorry, compared to a bicycle. So, that is also an important
factor, It shouldn’t be very light. If you also consider the case of how accidents happen in bike, it would be
like small scratches in back and person falls if he is in scooty. So, I don’t want a light vehicle, but I also don’t
want a power vehicle. So, I would go with Activa for my parents, because it has body muscles.
P: Suppose, now if you to suggest a bike to your friend, who is of same age and doing the same thing as you,
what would you suggest, and why?
A: If he has the same mindset as mine, and likes to ride bikes, I would suggest the same. Also, this also
needs to be considered, whether you like to ride bikes or not, because even in my friend’s circle, it’s a 50-50
% split that people love driving. If you are going out at night, there will be 2-3 people who will be like you
drive while I take the back seat. So, people don’t love driving also. So, if he loves driving, I’ll recommend the
same bike as me. I might just ask him if he likes Royal Enfield, then he might go with that, or else other
sports bikes.
P: In several of your answer you said, that my bike should match my status, or my personality, so what
aspects of one person’s personality would lead you to suggest him some particular bike? So, what his
personality he should have for you to recommend him a scooty, what personality for a normal geared vehicle
and what kind of personality he should have for referring him a sports bike?
A: What I have observed is that if you are afraid, or if you are not a risk-taking person, you won’t even prefer
crossing a 60 km/h in your bike. So, if that gives you a warning signal, as in why am I going so fast, or if you
are practical in your life, that What is it going to give me, just adrenaline rush. Etc. So if you don’t fancy such

80 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

stuff and if you are not that much into extreme sports as in bike races, car races, adventure sports maybe
it’s not for you. Maybe you can say that a person who willingly goes to a theme park, amusement park, and
likes going to rides. So, all these kinds of person who are not adrenaline seeking people, I will suggest them
scooty, or mostly they will be having scooty as their option. Because I
have argued with my friend that if you are going to spend INR 40k, then why are you even considering
buying a scooty. I even told him that if you are going to your office, you won’t even get the feel that if there
are girls in your office. You can show off if you have big bikes. So, if you don’t care much of what other think
about you, and are more into personal feelings and development, etc. then you might prefer scooty. And it’s
not bad to have a scooty.
P: But why do you associate these kinds of personality with scooty? A person who doesn’t love adventure
etc. can also want to buy a sports kind of bike or vice-versa.
A: I think that’s how it has been portrayed through time. A scooty has always been considered safe. And it
is something that people start things with. You never see a person start learning with Royal Enfield. It is
always that we start with a bicycle, then we move to a gearless vehicle and then geared vehicle. Maybe if you
are of age, you directly jump to geared bikes and skip gearless vehicle but still you go and learn on normal
geared bikes and not directly on sports bikes. I feel that is how the transition works. After a point of time, if
you still prefer a scooty it’s as if, you are comfortable with what you had in the previous stage, and not
experimenting with something new. So, the reason for this is that the additional
benefit that new feature, new product will give me is not of that much importance to me. It serves me the
purpose of transportation and takes me from one place to another, and it also gives me safety. And what I
mean here by safety is that when you ride a geared vehicle, you always have to be in your senses. This is
because both your hands do different jobs, both legs do different jobs. Another difference that one of my
friends pointed out is that there won’t be anything in the middle of you in scooty. So, if anything happens to
the scooty, you can still jump and dodge if your bike is falling and get away from it. But if you are riding the
geared bike, the only way to keep yourself safe is to keep perfect control of your bikes. So, even if your bike
skids, if you have control of your bikes, you won’t have that much of issue. Because if you see the accidents
in a geared bike, it will not fall smoothly but rather it will be like if you release the gear without clutch. So,
at that time, what happens is it makes sound as if you have just hit a dog. So, if your bike starts wobbling, if
you can’t have the control of your bike, you will be thrown out of the bike. But this is my personal experience,
that even if your bike is wobbling but you have the control of your bike, it comes back to place. It’s just a
gear and clutch handling thing. So, you have to get expertise in driving a geared bike more than driving a
gearless bike. And, if you have seen the accident videos, mostly they would be accident on sports bike. There
won’t be big accidents on scooty, and even if there are, it would be started by something very small. It won’t
ever be that you came at lightning speed and thrashed someone. It would be like someone hit you from back
or you are on side, and someone cornered you, and the scooty went under the bus or fell or something. So
those are the images that comes to your mind when you see a scooty and when you see a bike. So, this overall
gives me a perception that people consider scooty as something safer, relatively to
geared bike. So, this happened when you asked me that what am I going to buy for my parents, it just came
to my mind that it’s going to be a scooty, I am not going to evaluate other options there, because it would
never be a geared bike. So, if you start thinking that you can drive a geared bike safely too, this might not
make sense, but it’s the perception that scooty has. And it’s a bit true also, I think.
P: Now, in your answers, you mentioned, that scooty are light weighted and sports bike are heavy and bigger
in size due to which they have more presence on the road. But what if suppose you have a combination of
them, i.e. a bike which is gearless but bigger in size, almost comparable to sports bike.
A: I think that still here what matters is perception. So first you should be able to accept a gearless that kind
of vehicle as macho kind of thing. So, I can take this example. If you take the current scenario of Yamaha
bikes, Yamaha Ray model, its designed for boys, like they have military cut addition. So, it advertises as if
it’s a boy thing. And people buy Yamaha things, because I feel like even 10th standard students want a bike.
So, the parents would have safety thing in mind, and they would ask children not to buy geared bike. This is
the space that these guys are trying to tap in. So, when a kid talks about this with his friends, they feel that
this something that is good to have, and it is also an option available to you because parents would not allow
you to buy a sports bike. So, in that scenario, this seems like an option that shows the feel that I want to
portray in front of public, because I don’t want to go to school in scooty pep, but still I have a gearless vehicle
that is masculine. So due to this, I have seen boys have started using the Yamaha Ray now. So, it’s all about

81 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

P: Also, tell me that if you want to buy a bike, what will be your sources of information? How will you find
out which bike to buy?
A: For me, bike is something that is very big. So, for sources of information, there will be something in your
mind, because you have travelled and driven bikes. So, you would have noticing bikes that you like and are
of your interest. So, you just go back to what are their status now, if there is any latest version of it, if there
is 2018 version that is coming out. Or if there is something new. For all of these, first source for me is Google.
From googling, you get to know about different bikes that are there in the market. And then I will try to
consult people who have knowledge in bikes. This is because I have friends who are more passionate about
bikes then me. So, of course I will consider current scenario and trend. Also, another thing that I do is feature
specific thing. It’s not as if I go blatantly for just the looks or masculinity thing. I am also concerned with
features also. So, my dad is also expert in bikes. He knows a lot about the engines, internal system of bikes.
So, if I want to get advice on features also, I will definitely consult my dad. I also know a mechanic in my
area, so I would also consult him for bikes. And it won’t be just like a simple decision. It won’t be like just
go to a show room with a bike in my mind. But see another bike and buy that. No, it would be pre planned.
P: About different sources of information that you mentioned, you said about getting info from people in
your knowledge like your dad, mechanics etc, and then you also mentioned sources outside from you control
like advertisement, showroom salesman, etc. So, suppose if you have a conflict in what knowledge you get
from both the sources, that is showroom salesman said something different, and your dad, mechanics etc
are recommending a different bike. Then what will you do? What will your thought process be?
A: In that case, it would be like I would put all the information into place like my dad or mechanics would
suggest a bike that they would have used, or mechanics would suggest something that he has worked with.
So, their info will mostly tell me about what I should look when I look at the engine, or features behind
braking system. i.e. the technology behind that. And when I go to showroom and there are three different
models lined up, I may evaluate the features that they have told me. If it’s a match or if it is updated version
of the features that they told me. And if these three bikes fancy me, then I will definitely take the bike on
test drive, i.e. It should match the way I want it to be. Like, I don’t want the
bike to be too smooth, I want it to have a sporty noise that comes with a bike and the feel of sportiness.
Recently a bike which attracted me was Suzuki Gixxer. So, when I ride the bike, it gave me the sports feel.
So, it is about the feel it gives, the sound it makes, the seating thing, the position and posture that you sit in
on the bike. How much you lean forward. Some people like leaning forward, while some people don’t. So, if
you take Gixxar, it won’t be like you have to lean that much. Even if it has a big tank, it can match your style
and composure. Being tall, I don’t like leaning forward that much. And, the seat for driver would be a bit
lower compared to person on back. It is common thing, but still these are the
thing that comes to my mind. How will it look if I get someone behind me, if I am taking my girlfriend out.
You will surely consider those things. So, I’ll test drive almost every bike that I get. And then I used to fix
those features, the feel I had with particular bike. So, yeah, I will get input of features from people who are
expert in the field, and I’ll also take in
consideration the recommendation of sales guy, because he knows the best feature of each bike. So, if best
feature matches with what I want in that bike, I’ll buy that bike.
P: So, thanks Abhijeet for all the input. Thanks a lot, Have a good day.


Interviewer: Vignesh

Interviewer: Hello
Interviewee: Hello
Interviewer: So, I am taking this interview as a part of doing market research about two-wheeler consumer
segment in India. This call is being recorded for research purposes. So why don’t you start by introducing

82 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewee: Sure. I live in Chennai. I am 48 years old and am a mother of two. I am a doctor and do my
practice in my home. I like to watch TV and read during my free time.
Interviewer: Great, so what is your typical day like?
Interviewee: I wake up at around 6.30AM in the morning. After my morning exercise, I go about cooking
breakfast and lunch. After that I generally listen to news. During the day I tend to patients when they visit.
When done with patients I generally go for a walk in the evening. I then proceed to cooking dinner and
watch TV and news till I go to sleep.
Interviewer: Where do you see the patients? Is it away from your home?
Interviewee: No, I consult my patients in my home itself.
Interviewer: Ok, have you driven any Two-wheeler? Do you own one now?
Interviewee: Yes, I did drive a two-wheeler in my college days. No, I don’t own any two-wheeler now.
Interviewer: Can you name a few two-wheeler companies that come to your mind?
Interviewee: Honda Activa, Scooty Pep.
Interviewer: Do you prefer Non- Gear vehicles or geared vehicles?
Interviewee: I prefer Non-geared vehicles as I don’t like changing gears constantly. Also, non-geared
vehicles are comfortable and easy to drive.
Interviewer: What are the main features that you look in a two-wheeler?
Interviewee: Ease of driving, Mileage, Light weight, Durable quality and a place to store things.
Interviewer: Are you willing to buy a two-wheeler in the future?
Interviewee: I don’t think so. We have our car currently. I feel it is much safer to drive around in a car than
to drive in a two-wheeler.
Interviewer: In case you want to buy a two-wheeler, where would you go to look for information?
Interviewee: I generally get information from the internet, from their website. Also, I am looking to buy I
will directly go to the showroom and look at the vehicle and get information.
Interviewer: How much importance do you attach to opinions of your family members?
Interviewee: Whenever I buy something, I always ask the opinions of my family members. If they don’t like
it then I don’t buy.
Interviewer: Are there any instances where you would like a two-wheeler?
Interviewee: Yes, two wheelers would be nice to go for nearby trips like going to the ATM, shopping
vegetables etc. I usually walk now.
Interviewer: Rate the following features on a scale of 1-5, that you look for when owning a two-wheeler. 1 is
least important and 5 is very important.
Brand: 4
Price: 4
Safety: 5
Speed: 2
Fuel efficiency: 4
Engine Power: 3
Color: 4
Resale value: 1
Weight: 4
Interviewer: How important is maintenance or service when having a two-wheeler?
Interviewee: Very much important. It has to be done at least once in 6 months.

83 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Interviewer: How do you intend to finance your vehicle?

Interviewee: If I buy, I will do it with my savings.
Interviewer: Would you prefer electronic bikes if it gets launched in India?
Interviewee: Yes, If the quality of the bike is good then I would buy it. I would prefer it over petrol vehicles.
Interviewer: Describe a perfect Non-geared 2-wheeler motor vehicle in your sense.
Interviewee: Yes, If the quality of the bike is good then I would buy it. I would prefer it over
petrol vehicles.
Interviewer: Describe a perfect Non-geared 2-wheeler motor vehicle in your sense.
Interviewee: It should be reliable, light weight, efficient.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time. It has been great interviewing you.
Interviewee: You are welcome

Focused Group Discussion I: Two-Wheeler Purchase Decision: Factors and

Considerations based on Personal Experiences of members of the group

Note: The group consisted of seven members and one moderator (who posed questions to the group), apart
from two co-moderators (who took notes and recorded the discussion while keeping time). The names and
initials used for each individual (in brackets) are indicated below.

Moderator: Somani Kirtishree Radhey (K)

Co-Moderators: Aseem Garg, Rakesh Kumar
Members of the Group Discussing: Varun Palacharla (V), Adithya S. Bhat (A), Ashwin K. Pandian (As),
Vipin Sagar (Vi), Sanjana Shinde (S), T. Brunda Chandrika (B), Radhika S. (R)

(K): Good evening guys, and thank you for joining us for this group discussion. So, we are going to talk
about two wheelers today, and among two-wheelers also, maybe a specific category of two wheelers. But
before we get there, I’d like to ask you all about a few pieces of information about yourselves. So, it would
be nice of you guys could tell us in brief about yourself, your family background and whether you own any
vehicles (any two wheelers in specific).
(V): Hi, I’m Varun. I am from Hyderabad and I used to live in Panipat for the last two years. I owned a TVS
Apache RTR 160 when I was in Panipat. Earlier I used to ride a Splendor CT 100 and Activa.
(A): Okay, so I am Aditya Bhatt. I am from Bangalore and I used to. I mean. I know how to ride a bike but
I haven’t really ridden a bike. I have an Activa at home and so I use that quite a bit and yeah, I sometimes
use that to get through the Bangalore traffic on my way to work.
(As): Good evening, my name is Ashwin, and I am from Bangalore as well. I don’t know how to ride a bike,
but I know how to ride a gearless two-wheeler, which is basically a scooter. And, I don’t own a vehicle as
such, but my dad has an age-old Kinetic Honda, which has been retained at home because of some
sentimental purposes. Apart from that, I usually borrow my friend’s Pleasure and I ride it for short distances.
(Vi): Hi, I am Vipin Sagar. So, I actually have never actually ever used a two-wheeler and I don’t think
anyone in my house has either. But I opinion on it is, I think, as we are moving into something
(especially like Bangalore, since I am from Bangalore), as we are moving into a place where you have a lot
of traffic, and travel to work everyday would take

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Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

around two hours, I always wished I had a two-wheeler to navigate through the traffic.
(S): Hi, I’m Sanjana Shinde and I am from Pune. And, I have used a two-wheeler since the age of sixteen. I
basically ride an Access 125, which is a non-geared scooty.
(B): Hi, I’m Brunda and I’m from Hyderabad. So, I don’t know to ride any of the two wheelers. I only learnt
how to ride a cycle once I got into my college because we were supposed to use cycles there. So, my dad has
a bike, I don’t know what bike it is and we have an Activa. So, my parents tried teaching me, but I didn’t
want to learn because I think it
wasn’t safe. So, that’s all.
(R): Hi, I’m Radhika, from Chennai. So, I ride two wheelers. I own a Scooty Pep, and I also know to ride a
bike, a Splendor...any geared bike.
(K): Okay, so since we have established that, now I’d like to know about the decision-making process which
went into the buying of the two wheelers which you guys have. So, some of you don’t have it, but have
borrowed from your friends etc. and the others have it (either in terms of their own vehicle or their father’s
vehicle... in the family)
So, what was the decision-making how much time did it take to get to buy that two-wheeler
and what was your role in it?
(V): When I wanted to buy a two-wheeler, I initially went to the showrooms which were there in my city. I
test drove most of them which were in a price range, then I finalized on one particular bike. It took me about
two months to do it. And then, when I finally went to the showroom, I just saw another bike over there and
I bought it. I just saw it, I liked the bike, and I bought it.
(A): So, the first two-wheeler which was there in my house was a Kinetic Honda, which my dad bought
before he was married. Then it was just there in the house and no one used to use it. So, I don’t know how
the decision-making process for that was. But then, when my dad bought an Activa later, that was when I.
It was last year actually... so that time I was the guy who went around and test drove some few of them and
finally said yeah, this one looks good and is smooth and... yeah, smooth and easy to ride, and doesn’t cause
much stress to the back. And, that was the main reason why we looked at that. Plus, it had some sort of a
disk break or something, which doesn’t skid. It ensures that the wheels don’t skid So, that was also one factor
that led me to recommend my dad to buy that particular two-wheeler.
(As): So, the age-old Kinetic Honda sits at my house as well, and I have no idea why it’s there. Uh, coming
to my purchase behavior behind a two-wheeler, uhh, I split into categories: it will start with need, followed
by my likeability towards the vehicle, and I will finally look at my intent. So, the likeability aspect is, I do see
the potential for whether the two-wheeler is good or not, but then the issue with what I see is regardless of
the comfort and the ease of navigating the vehicle through traffic, the reason why I haven’t purchased a two-
wheeler or moved towards that intent aspect is because of the lack of safety. So, it leaves your body
vulnerable to a lot of possible injury, and I would rather take the risk of travelling in a cab or in a car than
purchasing a two-wheeler and put myself at risk.
(Vi): So, as I mentioned, I haven’t bought one myself, but when I look back and try and analyze what my
friends’ decision-making process was...I think, when I was in college, I think a big factor behind it was price
sensitivity. They were initially looking to buy something which was slightly on the cheaper side as well as
which gave a low variable cost, which is mileage was good, and stuff like that. So, I think that was the
decision-making process back when they were sixteen to twenty. But when I look at what they are doing
now, post twenty, is more of the aesthetics of the vehicle, and how it looks, how it appears...the brand of that
vehicle.. I think those are the factors which drive this decision.
(S): I think one of the main reasons why I bought Access 125 was because my mother also owned one, and
I had learnt to ride it on that only. So, because I knew that it was sturdy also, and it was powerful, so that I
thought it would be better to go with Access so that I know that it’s not going to break down anywhere. So
that was my decision behind buying Access.
(B): So, in college I never felt... wasn’t allowed to ride bikes, it wasn’t allowed in our college. So, after my
college, when I was working, a lot of my friends were, you know, speculating whether to buy a two-wheeler,
but I never considered it because the safety issue, and also because you could just take an Uber Pool or an
Ola to office every day. My office

85 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

was three kilometers away. Although many people were saying, you know, it’s good to take a bike because
you just have to travel short kilometers, but I think safety was a factor for me and also because, I mean, it is
hot and it could rain, and why would you want to put yourself trough it when you could just take an Uber or
an Ola at the same cost.
(R): I think my story us slightly interesting and probably not a very conventional one as to why in general
people buy bikes. So, why I bought one was because my dad insisted that when I turned eighteen, I’ll get a
scooty. When I went to the showroom, I didn’t know how to ride a scooty, so the first thing I looked at was
big, given that it was very heavy. I looked at the lighter scooty there and I looked at the most basic model,
just because I could satisfy my dad. So, then I got that, and then I realized it is pretty easy to ride and looking
back I realized that I could probably have gone for a better model... that I could handle that. And, I used it
extensively, as soon as I turned eighteen, I learnt how to ride this, I also learnt how to drive a car, but another
aspect that I would like to tell is how my friends probably buy two wheelers... it’s a lot about the status aspect
as well, I would say. It really defines what they are. So, I’ve seen people buying Avenger because they want
to feel in a certain way. I’ve seen people buying NS 200 because they feel it’s’s very sleek, it’s what
they need, so yeah.
(K): Okay, so, for those of you who were directly involved in purchasing two wheelers, what is the role that
your friends and family played in your purchase decision? Did you consult with them, what are the kind of
opinions they gave, and eventually what was that one factor which became most important in your purchase
(V): I actually didn’t consult much with my friends or family, I was mostly searching online for the technical
specs comparison... initially I did a lot of that, comparing technical specs..uhh.. with optimizing kind of
algorithm to find which one is the best suited. I test drove. And finally, I realized that it doesn’t really matter.
What really matters is, I’m not
buying..umm, buying a bike and riding it for hundred kilometers every day is not a rational decision anybody
would take. I was doing that because I like riding bikes. So, I wanted to take a bike which I would enjoy
riding. So, I looked at an Apache, it looked very different from any other bike that was there in the market
at that time. That’s the reason I bought it.
(A): Yeah, so, for me I bought the that point of time, the reason I was actually buying it was for
short distances, and maybe one day if I need to go office really quickly..uh..that sort of...uh...that was the
utility. And, one more thing was that my parents also should be able to use it for, like, small small distances
if possible. So, that was what I was looking at, and so I consulted (with) people given that I need this, so
what do I need to buy? And, from that they told me a few models, and then I went to the showroom and
tested out those and then I finally I finalized an Activa based on those parameters which I expressed over
here. And, I don’t think friends and family play a huge role because my options itself
were very limited, was Auto gear and...I think...uh...Suzuki. Those were the only two brands. So,
my options were very limited, and I eventually chose one. So I can’t really depend so much..and yeah, that’s
what. Yeah.
(As): Uhh, so, I have quite a few friends who have bikes as well and at one point when I was considering
bikes out there that I would particularly like, a few factors that I took into consideration were...uh..primarily
the fuel efficiency was one of them because for me it was like ease of how you use a bike to transport, and if
I was going to take it to college everyday (which was an hour away from home), I would ideally want to
spend the least. I wouldn’t want something like a KPM 390 that was going to guzzle up a lot of fuel. So, I
was looking at fuel efficiency, and I was looking a little bit along the lines of acceleration, because I knew
that a top speed in a bike doesn’t matter in a city, it is the acceleration of the bike that gives you...if at all you
have that thrill, it comes from the acceleration and not top speed, because you never hit the top speed
anyway. So, these were the two factors I was looking into when I thought I was really interested in looking
at a bike and deciding what my favorite bike might be.
(Vi): As I mentioned, when I see my friends who purchase bikes, I think they did get... the point of
whether they got influenced by friends and family, yeah I think...I think age really matters here a lot. I think
so.. pre-teens, or in your teens, I think you are influenced a little bit by what your friends are kind-of buying
at that point of time, or uhh, to some extent even what your parents would recommend for some
cases. So, I think those affect you in that age.

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Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

(S): My mother also owned Access 125 cc so I thought I will buy some other scooty but the main reason I
ended up buying access 125 cc was both my parents had experience with it and they said it hardly breaks
down and since I had to go a long distance for college and it was very reliable. So, I would say that my parents
largely influenced my decision as initially I decided on buying a different one but ended up owning the same
Access 125cc.
(B): I was not involved directly in the purchasing decisions but what I have observed in 11-12 standard is
that people bought bikes based on what their groups thought was cool. Saw girls buying pept plus or
something like that :P For my dad, buying activa 3-4 years back, comfort was the major issue.
(R): Before I used to buy a bike, I used to look at other bikes, I used to get impressed by their spikes. When
came to my purchasing, my parents wanted me to have a sense of independence. When I went to buy, I
didn’t wanted Pleasure as it was very girl centric. I wanted a normal bike which was gender neutral. I wanted
something very easy to use. I also
looked at the price, what features I was getting and all that. Now if I will buy a bike, I will look at the comfort,
smoothness and how easy it is to travel.
(V): Now, after listening to them I feel that maybe my father has influenced my decision making but not
directly as he used to not tell us before buying any vehicle. He will call us downstairs and show us the vehicle
he bought. So, maybe that way, since I did the same, maybe he influenced it.
(K): We all spoke about safety being an important concern along with fuel efficiency and other things, so
did your decision, your friends or your family’s decision get affected by the fact whether it was a geared or
non-geared vehicle. If yes, what were the factors taken into consideration.
(V): In young age my father bought geared motor vehicle because it gave better control, greater efficiency
and technically geared vehicles are superior than non-geared vehicles, but as he grew older, he thought that
it is better to buy a non-geared one because it will be easier to ride. That is one criterion, why someone will
prefer a non-geared vehicle. I think it also depends on how able you are to use a geared motor vehicle as my
landlord used to drive a geared one, but after he met with an accident, he moved to non-geared.
(A): I always preferred a non-gear one in Bangalore because in traffic it is painful to keep changing gears
all the time. I bought 2-wheeler to navigate through small lanes. So, for me because of the area I was staying
in I preferred non geared 2 wheeler, if I was in some place with lesser traffic and all, I might have bought
geared vehicle.
(As): So, I did not own any of the two types but I have ridden both the kinds. Learnt to ride bike in parking
lot after borrowing it from my friends. Post that I preferred to ride my friend’s two wheelers which were not
geared (Pleasures and activas basically) because learning curve for non-geared is much shorter and just for
travelling to and fro to college, it does not make sense to learn double geared 2 wheelers and do the brake
with your left foot. I was comfortable using just my hands to drive in a scooty. Easy to maneuver, easy to
learn. Felt a little safer for me as well as I felt I can hop off a non-geared vehicle easily as compared to a bike
in which there will be machinery between your body and if you skid and
all, difficult to hop of.
(Vi): Similar to Varun’s point. Ability and personal preference.
(S): I have tried riding a geared 2-wheeler as well but it was not very convenient and was heavy for me. So,
I found it easier to ride an access, it was easy to navigate them.
(R): So, I was in Chennai, what I realized was that it was easier to ride a non-geared vehicle there but, on a
highway, or near IT hub, where traffic is less, it makes more sense to ride a geared vehicle. In Bangalore, I
realized it was really difficult to change gears and all. I had 2 accidents in Bangalore on non-geared vehicle
and lost a tooth. It was very painful... Safety depends on the kind and level of accidents you had with a
particular type of vehicle per say.
(K): Could you all share one incident very close to you related to 2-wheeler in your life, and a one-line
summary of experience of owning/driving a bike?

87 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

(V): So, one day after my office hours, I was standing outside the office and was checking cabs to my home
place and because of traffic it was showing a travel time of 3-4 hours. I saw a friend of mine going on a 2-
wheeler towards my home place, I asked for his help and he dropped me at my home place in 1-1.5 hours.
So, I realized that sometimes we can think of convenient mode of travel over the luxury of a car.
(A): So, basically when I was working, there was a meeting at 9.30 in the morning. I woke up at 8.30 or so
and it takes around an hour or so to reach that meeting place but since I had a 2-wheeler, I zoomed and
reached the meeting place on time. So, it is reaching some place on time and really quickly, 2-wheeler makes
(S): I think I have one incidence to share. Like during college, we just came to know one fine day that we
don’t have any lecture. So, we thought that we would go somewhere. So now since all of us had bikes, we
decided that we will go out. So, I think what the bike gives you the feeling of this freedom, you don’t have to
depend on anybody, it is extremely convenient also. In case of this situation, it is an impromptu plan but it
was only successful because we had a bike which was very convenient to use. So, I think that would be one
of the feelings I would share.
(V): Initially, the thing is when I was in childhood, the people around you take decisions. You have to handle
the on sequences and deal with it because other people are taking it. The only control I have was in my
imagination. So most of the stuff I used to play, I used to play with myself. There is a blanket. I used to
imagine it as a crocodile and I used to fight with it. I used to sit in front of a mirror and imagine myself in
the cockpit of an airplane and drive it. When I grew a little older, my father took me on his scooter and gave
me the controls. Told me to drive it. The first time felt in control. From that time started liking riding bikes,
riding cars.
(B): So what I have seen is, usually the teenagers that is first steps of becoming an adult. When you start to
ride, when you are getting a license, the first step where people move towards the two wheelers, so that is
what I have seen, that excitement of being closer to being an adult, the independence where you can travel
whenever on your own.
(R): For me, yes, convenience of course. Going from one place to another. Especially when you have a lot of
plans, you go here and there, especially when you don’t have buses because they travel in main roads. And
one more thing is, it is not just bikes, back in college we were not allowed to use bikes, we used to have
cycles. So, what is interesting is, I was probably one of the only girls who used to make guys sit behind me,
it gave me a sense of, I don’t know. It felt good. I will never sit behind a guy because it is uncomfortable.
And people used to like sitting behind me and I would take them around. I didn’t want that gender gap
(As): The experience I had was not within the city. It was actually when I took a scooter and drove slightly
to the outskirts. There is a place called Wonderla in the outskirts of Bangalore. It is a slightly empty road to
travel at. When you take the journey in a car, it just feels like a regular travel type of journey, you just getting
from one point to another, in the scooter it is rather scenic, it gives you a lot of time to think as well, So I
found myself thinking a lot on the scooter and I found the trip to be more enjoyable compared to a car. But
in the end if I have to summarize like what a scooter is in a sentence, it is probably along the lines of how
you look at it. Is it the pollution in the air or the wind in the hair. And I am more of the guy who would look
at the safety aspect, I am not in for it because the control I get, like fighting with crocodiles, the excitement
I get out of the vehicle. For me it is along the lines of am I safety the end of the day, is it comfortable to travel
by the scooter, get roasted by the sun, sweat all the way to work or just sit in an air-conditioned cab and
reach safely for work. That is what I am the type of person and that is what a scooter is to me
(K): Any other experiences......
(K): So, my last question to you all is that, if you would recommend your friend/family member for any
matter to buy a bike, what are the top three important factor that you would have them consider and how
important are brands while talking about this context
(R): So for me, If I would want to recommend, one thing I would definitely recommend is does the bike suit
you, as I mentioned, as you grow old, its just that the bike suit your personality is something that is really
important. Second thing is what is the utility of the bike. Are you using it for daily purposes, or rather thrill
seeking and probably the third one
would be more specific of the characteristic
(K): How important is brand according to you

88 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

(R): Well I think, when I talked about how does your personality suit you, therefore brand plays an
important role. It seems that brand differentiate a lot. If you look at an Avengers bike, you look at a Royal
Enfield and you look at a Yamaha and you look at a pulsar. All of it is different and it caters to different
needs of the customer. I see the personality, different types of people, they strongly say, my friends got this.
I also want it and went to the showroom and you feel it is not for me. It doesn’t suit my style. It happened
with a friend of mine, who said he wanted to own a Royal Enfield, He switched to an Avenger. And he is
happy with his decision. Bike is something people are proud of owning. It is with you all day
(B): So, I think, If I had to suggest, safety is what is the most important factor. But apart from that
everything you buy, is a way of expressing yourself with an image you want to associate with yourself. So, I
think you would want to see, the brand values and the brand image that is propagated matches with your
own. And apart from that probably also the comfort with your ride
(V): I feel like reliability and safety are hygiene factors. Without this there is no point of buying a bike. And
after that, depending on the kind of person he is, there are different segments to look into. Keeping the
reliability and safety as a blanket, you should look at which segment you want
(S): I would suggest the ease of riding it, as well as how reliable it is as Varun pointed out. I think brand
plays a very important role because in my decision also we got a second bike which is the Access 125 and
whenever I told my friends, the look I got from them is like it is one of the best bikes in comparison to a
Scooty Pep, it is a better bike. It gives you the feeling that, yes you made a better choice and hence brand
definitely matters.
(As): So, if I have to recommend a bike to someone, it will be related to the image that they want to project.
If you talk about friends in college there are people who want the feel of a sports bike and there were guys
who want a Royal Enfield. Guys who want to project a manly image and those who wore jackets, they want
a Royal Enfield. Finally depending on the style, you choose, cost plays a major role. If the features the bike
is offering is not up to the mark with the features the competitor’s offer you are not going to pick that bike
because you have better options in that segment. This is where the brand plays a picture. If the brand itself
plays too much of a price to the bike, it is not something that is worth it. Otherwise brand plays a role, I
would say it as reliability. If you know a brand, and bikes generally have a lot of servicing. Hence a brand
easily available everywhere is something you would go to.
(R): One more thing I would like to add is that when you buy a bike, you are putting in a lot of investment.
People take two months to buy a bike. It is probably because he is thinking, is this what I actually want. I
am putting my money and effort. Does it suit me, does it serve the purpose, so that is something that should
be considered.
(A): So basically, everyone has different requirements or wants for a particular bike. I just wanted to add
that, how a person wants to use a bike is what I wish to add. If he is using occasionally or for longer rides.
For example, if it is like he is using it occasionally, you would consider safety as a factor. It is like a part of
themselves. They have been associating
themselves to the brand of the bike. Obviously brand would play a role and also on top of that, bikes need
constant servicing. I won’t paying a premium getting an established brand over getting an unknown brand,
especially in bikes because it is a long-term investment
(K): Thank you so much for being a part of this discussion. We got some really good insights from you all.
If we have any updates on this, we will let you know at the end of our research
All – Thank you

89 Customer Purchase Behavior- Non-geared 2-wheeler vehicle (India)

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