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| Sold all over the World: Manufacturers: KAPP & PETERSON Lid. seer LE ° & iaicc - 2 IN presenting “this Catalogue to our friends and patrons, it affords us pleasure to acknowledge the-many—Hattering testimonials we~have received from the press, and from smokers generally, who have enjoyed especial comfort and good cheer in the use of our Patent Pipe. ne we-think how aniversally the-Pipe haseeffected modern thought, in art, scieiice, literature, politics, and even the pulpit ; how it has contributed to the best wit of our time ; has given relief and solace to-overworked-brains; how-it-has drawn men together everywhere in many-a jovial social smoke, and’ added comfort to countless chimney comers, the importance of supplying as perfect a Pipe as possible is at once recognised. To habitual smokers the Pipe becomes so indispensable a companion thatvthey dre naturally interested in all improvements, and we are glad to be able, after many years of experiments, during which our Patent Pipe has constaatly gained greater popularity, to offer a Pipe which is undoubtedly the best that has ever been introduced. Ourlatest improvement isan upright bore on the upper part of th lip ofthe mouthpiece; whch| causes the smoke to\pass over the tongue. We are BG YO. state that the medical faculty and smokers all over the world have signified their approval of this latest’ device. Of the various points and merits of the Pipe it is not necessary here to go into detail. They are fully explained and shewn by diagrams in the follow- ing pages. We also offer some hints and special information for smokers, which we feel confident will prove of interest, and if followed, contribute much to the delight of smoking. The appreciation-which has been everywhere~mianifested in our efforts is particularly gratifying tous, As is the-case-with most inventions ‘that meet with wide popular favour, we have met with imitations the intention of which was to deceive the public. We regard it axa-amark of flattery, and a valuable testimonial that these imitators should so thoroughly recognise the merits of our Patent Pipe as to seek to take advantage of its great popularity by offering inferior articles, but we have promptly taken action in’ some-eases, with the result that our Patents have been strictly protected. = In-conclusion, we may.state that we have applied “our Patent to Cigar and. Cigarette Tubes, which are giving great satisfaction to sensitive smokers. ‘We will. continue our efforts as in the past, to produce the very best Pipe obtainable, and we beg to thank all our patrons and friends for their many past favours. We are, yours faithfully, KAPP & PETERSON Linen. PETERSON'S PATENT PIPES. 5 This Improved Principle of PETERSON’S PATENT supersedes all Patent Pipes in the World. No. 9059% Patent Pipes in the World. No. 9059% THE COOLEST AND DRYEST SMOKING PIPE IN THE WORLD. TP Er ule any alpine otter bain Smoke teiking, die ‘As shown by above diagrams, drawn ftom the pipes as they ate made, the construction i simple and effective, “The. smoke is conducted by the bore

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