Music Speech

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There’s something universal about the creative arts that’s good for health, and mental health in

particular. Music is an art of expressing ideas and emotions in beautiful forms like rhythm, melody,
tones, harmony, humming, etc. Music is a feeling which is loved by everyone. There is always music
present relating to your mood. Music needs not be worldly to affect your mind but instrumental
music can heal you wonderfully as well. The influential reach of Music is surprising considering that
researchers think that music may have healing capacity, especially during stressful and weak
situations. Whenever an emotion overcomes you, music comes to your rescue and makes you feel
better. Music Therapy is underrated, it can help you heal in a continuous process. Music seems to
influence our health and wellbeing hence healing us in the process.

1. Music reduces stress and anxiety:

Research has shown that listening to music with a slow tempo or instrumentation can put people at
ease and calm them down even during highly stressful or painful events. Music can prevent anxiety,
increase heart rate and blood pressure.

2.Music decreases pain:

Music has a unique ability to contribute to pain management. In a study by The National Center for
Biotechnology Information, patients undergoing spine surgery were instructed to listen to desired
music a few hours before their surgery and until the next day after their surgery. When measured on
post-surgery pain levels, the group had significantly less pain than a group that didn’t listen to music.

3. Music may improve immunity:

Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is an important antibody for our first line of defense immune system.
According to research, a group of people was exposed to different kinds of music for some time.
People who were exposed to the calming music had a natural rise in IgA than others. Hence
exposure to soothing music might improve immunity.

4. Music helps us to exercise:

Many of us like to listen to different kinds of music while working out. Music helps us to concentrate
on exercise hence distracting us from looking at the watch again and again. Upbeat music is
recommended while exercising to increase oxygen intake.

5.Music helps us sleep peacefully:

Listening to music can also contribute to relaxation by soothing the autonomic nervous system
responsible for controlling automatic or unconscious processes. Music improves sleep through
calming parts of the autonomic nervous system, leading to slower breathing, stable heart rate, and
reduced blood pressure- Sleep Foundation

6. listen to music while driving – makes us feel calm . especially when stuck in traffic jammed. when
we stuck at traffic jammed, we tend to be stress and angry.. but when we listen to music, it can
reduces our stress. / sing a long

-sometimes the best therapy is a long drive and a good music.

There are different kinds of music available on YouTube which will keep you at ease, making you
sleep peacefully. Ocean waves, flutes sound, cascading waterfalls, falling leaves, and chirping birds
are few examples of the same

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