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What is Numerology ?

Numerology is a science of numbers in method of character analysis which

uses the number of names and birth date solve the question who am I?

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is when we feel we are soul not body and mind. Second thing when
we believe in humanity. Actually we say we are spiritual, when we do mantra,
pooja and regularly visiting temple but this is not spirituality.

Spiritual connection with Numerology

Number 1,2,3,7,8 and 9 are spiritual number

because sun,moon, Jupiter, ketu, Saturn and mars
are spiritual

Spiritual duty of each number

Threeoneniine Numerology & Counseling 9173420403

1 Helps others without any selfishness

2 Support your dear one like mother do, don’t do drama

3 Share knowledge

4 Do innovation and revolution

5 Do Adventure and don’t be so materialistic.

6 Use knowledge for spirituality not for materiality.

7 Live life, be spiritual without leaving everything

8 Do service

9 Do noble cause

Threeoneniine Numerology & Counseling 9173420403

Spiritual remedies of each

1 Do secret donation

2 Use emotion in good ways

3 Give knowledge but don’t give without asking

4 Avoid negativity

5 Be spiritual

6 Relate everyone

7 Do introspection. (Chintan karo)

8 Do karma without any expectation

9 Keep patience.

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Where you reach in your spiritual journey.?

Threeoneniine Numerology & Counseling 9173420403

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