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Welcome to HR Era


HREra Team
(Published in HR Era, Issue # 66, December, 2009)

Members, Hi Dear Members,

HR ERA newsletter has long been regarded for its IR articles. As an effort to revive this practice, the HR ERA team would publish a case with each issue. Please mail your views and study of the case with your name, contact number and full mailing address to The best entry will be published in the next issue and the winner would be acknowledged with an attractive prize. Here is some good news. The long awaited result of the last months case study is here. The Winners for the Industrial Relations Case Study published in Issue 65 Dated November 2009 are: November

Raghunath, Madhu Raghunath,

ER Strategy and Transformation Manager Hindustan Unilever Limited, 6th Floor, East Wing, 165/166 Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400020. Direct: 022-39832622

Mobile: 9381154500 And

Allan, Les Allan, Director Business Performance Pty Ltd Web: Tel:+61 (0)408 314941 34 Greenways Rd, Glen Waverley Melbourne, Australia, 3150

Our hearty congratulations to the winners and to all those who have sent in their views! The panelists for this case were Mr. G.D. Sharma President, HR, BGR Energy systems and Ms. Jayanthi Peter, Head of Human resource Management Department, Madras School of Social Work. We thank all the participants the sincere efforts and encouragement provided to this initiative by your participation. A Special Mention of Mr. Astha Sharma and Mr. Yuvaraj whose entries were found to be highly apt.

issue The case for this issue is as follows:

The last week of the year has been tough for Ranjith, an IR personnel in a coil production (for automobile) factory. There has been an accident last Saturday at the factory premises, with the victim being a contract employee working as an operator on the shop floor. He was hit by a lorry that was carrying goods in the night from the factory premises to the goods wagon which was scheduled to reach the Consumers factory premise at a site 30 kms away from this factory. The victim Surendars shift time is from 8.00am to 5.00pm. But the accident occurred

at 11.45 pm. The reason for his stay at that time has not yet been figured out. At any case, the site of accident is half a km away from the back side of the factory where employees are generally not sent for any task. There have been reports in the past of verbal quarrels between the lorry driver and Surendar. There have been no proper eye witnesses other than the Security of the back door. Even this witness had reached the site only on getting the information from the helper in the lorry. However he claims that there was a power shutdown at that time so it was dark and hence Surendar might have lost his way. Meanwhile employees belonging to the labor union have already decided to go on a strike at this crucial time when nearly one lakh coils have to be supplied to an automobile major by two three weeks time. The reason they state is the accident of Surendar causing a permanent loss of his left limb. The management was unable to pay its bonus too in the last few quarters owing to economic turmoil faced by the organization. Currently a quality certification audit is also on the pipeline with the inspectors from the ISO expected at any moment next week. At this crucial juncture what course of action would you suggest to Ranjith


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