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[Names of Controller Pars Game Controls Summary Playing Shadowrun Staqus Screen Using Weapons and Armor Combat and Shadowrunners Using Your Magle Skits Resting and Regalning Strength Spending Karma Dialogue Windows Keywords Using the Vidphone The Matrix How to Play the Matrix Game rainment System by sliding the POWER bar away from the Game Pak slot. ug a game contoller Into your system Insert the Shadowrun Game Pa abel facing front. in the Tuan on the system by sling the POWER bar toward the Game Pak sioe ‘When the title screen appeats, you may elther walt for the background story to appear, Or press START to access the MAIN GAME MENU, NAMES OF CONTROLLER PARTS CONTROL PAD ‘Moves your chuactern eight rections Positions the ACTION GLOVE, the MAGIC GLOVE and the CROSS-HAIR, Positions selection arrow beside options on all game menus, X BUTTON > Brings up the SPELL GLOVE while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN. * Caste the curently selected spell where SPELL GLOVE is pointed, Directly bings up the ITEMS INVENTORY sub-menu on the STATUS SCREEN, + brings up the weapon CROSS-HAIR while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN, Fires the currently selected weapon atthe target in the CROSS HAIR B BUTTON * Brings up the ACTION GLOVE while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN, + Actes currently selected aeton fom the MEM ACTION window: LEFT BUTTON Directly activates EXAMINE action where the ACTION GLOVE is pointed. + SHORTCUT: Rips tothe previous page of KEYWORDS wile viewing the VOCABULARY INVENTORY sub-ment, RIGHT BUTTON Directly activates OPEN on the door the ACTION GLOVE i pointing to + SHORTCUT, lips to the next page of KEYWORDS while ewing the VOCABULARY INVENTORY sub-menu START BUTTON Press fo bring up the STATUS SCREEN while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN, Seleets options while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN and OPTIONS screens ‘SELECT BUTTON ‘Begs up the PARTY STATUS SCREEN while on the MAIN GAME SCREEN. ¥y 4 START NEW GAME To start anew game, use the CONTROL PAD to choose START NEW ‘GAME (rom the THLE SCREEN and press the START BUTTON, START SAVED GAME ‘Shadowrun has a batery back-up allowing you to save up fo two games atone time. To star from a saved game, ‘choose START SAVED GAME and press the START BUTTON to bring up the RESUME SAVED GAME. SCREEN. Now choose your saved game using the Control Pac and press the B BUTTON to begin pay on that game, Ii there no SAVED GAME store in a save gain slo; the text wil appear dim. If there Is a SAVED GAME stored inthe slots, that game will appear highlighted ‘OPTIONS Under OPTIONS, you can program your contol pd Settings and back sround sound effects, and choose 6 play in stereo oF monophonic sound. CONTROL TYPE: A/B Use this option to select your contr type: ‘CONTROL TYPE A : Left, Right, Up, Down on the CONTROL PAD moves your character clagonally onthe screen, ‘CONTROL TYPE B : Diagonal on the CONTROL PAD moves your character diagonally on the screen STEREOPHONIC /MONOPHONIC Use this option to select STEREO ot MONO sound output. You only need toselect MONOPHONIC f your Super Nintendo Entertainment System has a stereo video connector and your TV or menitor only has a mono B.G. MUSIC ; FULL / EVENT / OFF ‘The following i lst ofthe avalable background music settings you have tochoose fom, “FULL: Background musle plays at al mes. + EVENT: Background music only plays during important events, oF when you talk to certain people. OFF: No background muste plays “EXIT: EXITS back to the TILE SCREEN Wednesday, 8:45 am. Officially you don't exist: You awake—head throbbing—in a body drawer atthe cty morgue, Disorented and ‘confused... you've got to pul it together and unravel a deadly puzzle of mystery, murder and mayhem. You alone can shatter the Mexoplexes with the data locked Insice your brain, Survival depends on your wits and Yyour wayward companions. But only high-callberfrepower can help you avoid a retum tp tthe morgue. MAIN GAME SCREEN The MAIN GAME SCREEN ls where ll the action takes place. Moving Use the CONTROL PAD to move along streets, through doorways, down sts, and into buildings and rooms, Tags Tie TAG BOX appears in the lower right comer ofthe screen to ikentify the item or character your ACTION GLOVE, SPELL GLOVE or CROSS HAIR | positioned on. In order for an action or spel to have any effect. the TAG ‘BOX for the iter or character must appees ‘Action Glove TTEM ACTION WINDOW The ITEM ACTION WINDOW contains varlous verb commands you can use with speciic characters or items. This yellow glove is used to identity the specie chatacters and tems you wish t© ‘examine, talk to, pick-Up or manipulate In some way. To being up the ACTION GLOVE, press the B BUTTON. To cancel the ACTION GLOVE, press the 8 BUTTON again Doors ‘Masry ofthe people anit in Shadowrun ‘an be found behind closed doors, To open 4 door, press the B BUTTON to bring up the [ACTION GLOVE, position It over the door Lunt the tag box appears. then press the B BUTTON again to bring Up the ITEM ACTION WINDOW. Now select OPEN fom the ITEM ACTION WINDOW to open the door Spell Glove This gray glove Is used to target the character of area you want 10 cast a spell ‘on. To bing up the SPELL GLOVE, press the X BUTTON. To cast the currently selected spell, press the X BUTTON again. LOCKED DOORS requite that you ind the conect key £0 open them. Once you have a key, you can bring up your ITEMS INVENTORY, choose the key In order to complete your quest successful, you will need to pick up and tse the various items you iid along your way you de nat have magic ordo not have a spell selected, the message 'NO SPELL SELECTED’ wil Appear. Press the X BUTTON again to remove this message and continue. See page 23 fer more information on how to use magi) To EXAMINE and PICKUP an item, call up the ACTION GLOVE and position itover the item, press the 8 BUTTON to bing up the ITEM ACTION win dow, choose the appropriate action word, then press the B BUTTON to CrossHalr The CROSS-HAIRis used to target enemies when fing a weapon. To bring up the CROSS:HAIR, press the ABUTTON, (See page 16 for more Information on how to use weapons) Money (Nuy To buy the vatious weapons and items, and fo hire the necessary people to Complete you quest you wil ned to gather alot of cash. Nuyen, the cu rency of the day, can be found in many places, or example when an enemy is defeated. n mary cases they will leave behind nuyen which you can pick up using the ACTON GLOVE BUYING & SELLING ITEMS In order to improve your chances of survival, you will ned to take ‘advantage of any Items that ave for sal. ‘Should you find interest nan tem, you can EXAMINE It from the ITEM [ACTION window to leam more about I before buying. To buy an item, you will have to ASK ABOUT... something in you sale. When someone offers you an item, they will sk you whether you ‘want t0 buy it. To buy the item, choose YES ftom the YES/NO requester box ancl press the B BUTTON ‘To sell an Item to a buyer, bring up the TEN. ACTION window, choose ‘GIVE fromthe ITEM ACTION window and then move the ACTION GLOVE ‘over the character you wish to sell he item 0, I the character agrees to buy it from you. he/she wil ofer you money for it, This amount isnot negotable. To sell the tem choose YES fom the YES/NO requester box and press the B BUTTON, People There are many characters inthe game you should talk to. Some won't give you the time of day, while others will provide you with very important clues (see TALKING TO PEOPLE on page 30), Life Meter Located inthe top right comer ofthe screen is your LIFE METER. The length of this meter is equal 0 your BODY level. The BODY level dictates the manimum STAMINA polnts the player can have. The LIFE METER shows the amount of STAMINA POINTS you have remaining. Each time you suier ahi rom an enemy. you lose STAMINA POINTS. ‘When your STAMINA POINTS fal to'0, you will lose your fe. Foran exact talk to another character, point to them with the ACTION GLOVE and hen press the B BUTTON, Now choose ‘TALK’ from the ITEM ACTION window and you will be resented with DIALOGUE WINDOWS, The screen divides into 160 areas. The top half contains a plcture ofthe person you are taking to anc Wialogue lines. The bottom half ofthe screen conta a your pleture an your avallable dlalogue options. ‘As you progress through the game, you wil collect many KEYWORDS, KEYWORDS ae specific words you will ned to ask characters about in ‘order to gain insight tao various puzzles in the game. \Wmen you collect more than the VOCABULARY INVENTORY can splay at ‘one ime, an arow will appeat to indicate tha there are more woes than ‘an be dsplayed in the window. Instead of seroling through the window with the pointer, you are able to fip between pages of KEYWORDS by using the LEFT and RIGHT BUTTONS, The RIGHT BUTTON displays the next window of KEYWORDS, while the LEFT BUTTON alsplays the previous window. TALKING TO PEOPLE \When you fist TALK to a person and the DIALOGUE WINDOW appears, the chaacter will greet you with an opening remark. You may then choose TALK from the avaiable options. This provides you with further tlalogue lines which are usually general in natu. You should study both ofthese as they may provide KEYWORDS that you can ask this or other characters about To.ask the charter about something speciNe: ou should choose a word from your VOCABULARY INVENTORY. To choowe a KEYWORD to ask a havacter about. choose ASK ABOUT...ftom your avalable options. Your VOCABULARY INVENTORY sub-menu wil then appear. Use UP ane DOWN on the CONTROL PAD to move through the alphabetically sorted KEYWORDS. When you are pointing at the KEYWORD you want fo ASK ABOUT... ress the B BUTTON, aly inthe game you will need to find a eredstiek. You must use the CCREDSTICK on the VIDPHONE in order to operate i When using the credtick onthe VIDPHONES found In vaious locations, You ae also able to use the DIALOGUE WINDOWS to talk tothe charac fr. These work In exactly the same way as when talking f someone ancing cose to your character, o use the VIDPHONE, move your ACTION GLOVE over it and press the B BUTTON. Then choose USE from the ACTION WINDOW. 1f you have any phone numbers in Your dling rectory, these wit appear in a DIALLING DIRECTORY wncdow. Choose the number you want to dlal by using UP 0 DOWN on the CONTROL PAD ind press the B BUTTON to begi ‘ing. lt he person you are calling snsners, the DIALOGUE INDOWS wil astomatically In order to successfuly complete your quest. ou must master the vast slobal communications grid known asthe Mattx. Cyberspace, ast i called by those who have been there, allows the user to walk around the ‘vast communications lines without ever leaving thelr bodes. Todo this they must cin’ to an appropriate point using the right ‘equipment. person who Jackin to the Matic fs known asa ‘decker Jacking in tthe Mati allows you to open locked electronic doors, down load valuable information and ransfer money onto your own ciedsick, THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT To Jackin. you must fst be fited with a DATAJACK. This thin wire Unked to the users bean, i used to send sensory information to and rors the Matix. Although Its always dangerous jacking Into the Matrix, cis especially so done directly with a DATAJACK. The user will therefore need a cyberdeck, A Cyberdeck (Matric Imaging Cybernetic Interface Device) sts between your DATAJACK and the Matix. Although similar to a 20th century key’ Domi, a cyberdeck Is much more complex. It profects the users persona Into the Max, allowing tem to take on a certain form. When you jacks to the Matic, you appear as a miniature version of yourself oD The Cyberdeck also caries the programs used to attack and defend against ICE Intrusion Countermeasure Electonics). and has storage capacity hold any information downloaded from the gia JACK-IN POINTS To jcksin tothe Matix, you wil need a sultable entry point. In Shadowrun, this is any computer terminal tha Is linked to the GRID. LAYOUT OF THE MATRIX Wien you hve successful jacked in, your persona (a smaller representa ion of your characte’) will appear standing next a representation of the ‘eninal they jacked in rom. The Matix wll appear as one oF more areas Gf thes joined by DATALINES. Your persona sable to travel along these DATALINES to get to other ares, The bottom left comer ofthe screen contains two status bars. The top bar iicates your cure STAMINA level. If his level drops fo nothing wile Inthe Matix, you wil be ‘dumped fom the Matix and immedlately lose Your fe. The bottom status bar indicates your STORAGE CAPACITY. When this bat reaches ful, you wil not beable to download aay more data ‘om a DATASTORE, although you wil sil be able to attack IC's and CPU's Any attempt to download further data when your storage Is fll wl result inthe message ERROR: OUT OF STORAGE NODES To get to the ares containing the DATASTORES and CPU's which you are ster, you must travel along the DATALINES. [At various points along a DATALINE, and especialy at Junctions. you wil ‘ross a NODE. In most cases. you wil be able to just pass through a NODE \tnout any problem. Sometimes, however, a NODE may be locked requiring a password to let you tough. In order to be allowed trough, ‘You wil need to fn the passwords for these NODES, These canbe found by jecking in through other terminals and fom other characters. Once you hhave a PASSWORD, iti stored in your FTEMS INVENTORY as an tem. Next time you passthrough lacked NODE. you have the right PASSWORD in your MEMS INVENTORY, you can pass ight through, When you ative on a tlc area, you should move carefully. Although these areas contain the DATASTORES and CPU's which You ae ater. they also contain hidden ICs (Inrusion Countereasute Electronics). These IC's are implemented by the owners ofthe area you have accessed! 0 Protect ther valuable daa and computer systems from theft and sabotage. ATTACKING IC’S “To successfily cross these areas, you wil have to avOld these IC's oF destroy them. In some cases, you will ive no choice but to estoy an {Cin order to proceed. Fortunately your cyberdeck i running a trace program for narrowing down the locaton ofthese. When you stan on a tle, the program scans the surrounding eight tes | focthese progiams. fay Ks are detected, a message appears Inthe top left comer waming you ofthe number thas found. As you move | through the area, by monitoring these messages. you can deduce the Possible locations ofan IC and elther avoid them or atack them, To atack an IC. face the tile you think the ICs on and press the & BUTTON. II there i no KC present on that te, omnbat wil al, You will lose STAMINA points and the message ‘COMBAT FAILED" will appear in the top left comer. ‘The amount of STAMINA points you wil ose depends ‘on your COMPUTER SKILL level. Is therefore not good strategy to regularly attack tes which do not contain IC, Wan ICs present and COMBAT succeeds, the IC will explade and the message ‘COMBAT SUCCESSFUL’ will appear. You wil then be able (0 ‘walt over the te without suffering damage, you walk onto 8 te containing an IC without destroying I frst, you wll Jose STAMINA and be thrown beck onto te til you came from, the game since the I's you wil encounter ater inthe game wil be of & higher strength. Attacking an IC of greater strength may take more com- bat attempts to defeat and wil cause you to lose more STAMINA POINTS You should impfove your COMPUTER SKILL level s you progress through | | for exch unsuceessul attempt | DOWNLOADING INFORMATION FROM DATASTORES To gain valuable information and money f0 help you on your quest, you should try to download information from DATASTORES, DATASTORES are ‘represented as WHITE. BLOCKS in the Maui. Once you have fought your \way next to a DATASTORE, tur your persona to face It and press the A BUTTON. The information will be downloaded to your storage and the DATASTORE will change in appearance ta wansparent block When you JACK-OUT ofthe Matix, windows will appear to tell you what you downloaded otal DATASTORES contain valuable data and information. The following are the types of things you can ii in DATASTORES. Passwords In certain areas ofthe Matix, you wil il areas locked off by password, protected NODES. To get pst these NODES, you will need PASSWORDS Which can elther be found on people oF within the Matrix Datafiles Datafles containing Valuable information are stored In your ITEMS. INVENTORY so that you can examine them whenever youwant. All, DDATAFILES have a DF prefix and include te Slename as well Accounts Sine money is held purely as data, nancial accounts contaning Nuyen ‘canbe transfered to your credstick. Any Nuyen you download Is ‘automatically reflected in your character's STATUS SCREEN. a Trash Data This i data of no meaning or valve to you. Therefore, when you JACK-OUT of the Matix tls automatically discarded. COMBATING cru’s (CPU's control certaln systems and ae vital t9 your character's pro- {ression through the game—attack Ing @ CPU can open electronic doors and elevators and tum off alarm systems and other security devices Some CPU's are linked tothe I's protecting them. Therefore, suc ‘cesstly stacking them causes ll hidden ICs onthe area to be detonated. The area Is therefore ‘made safe Attacking a CPU is done by turning ‘your persona to face therm ane presing the B BUTTON, JACKING OUT OF THE MATRIX Jacking 00: of the Matrix can be done at any mer locaton while In the grid. To ack out pres the X BUTTON. Your programs will be terminated and you wil reappear standing nex the teeinal you Jacked In fom.

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