Pro Poor and Poverity

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Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

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Cure-all or curse? A meta-regression on the effect of tourism development

on poverty alleviation
Dapeng Zhang a, Qiaoqiao Wang a, Yang Yang b, *
Department of Tourism Management, School of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA


Keywords: The purpose of this study is to synthesize the overall effect size of tourism on poverty alleviation and to unveil
Tourism development underlying factors explaining the heterogeneity of this effect size across estimates. Using a rigorous meta-analysis
Poverty alleviation based on 298 estimates extracted from 33 studies, we calibrate a combined effect size of − 0.14 with a 95%
Publication bias
confidence interval of [-0.23, − 0.05], indicating that tourism moderately reduces poverty. A meta-regression
Gini coefficient
demonstrates that the effect size of the tourism–poverty nexus is susceptible to several factors, such as
poverty and tourism measures, focal countries’ development level, and endogeneity treatment. In particular, the
results show that use of the Gini coefficient, a popular proxy for the poverty gap, can unexpectedly underestimate
the negative effect size. Moreover, funnel plot and Galbraith plot demonstrate that researchers are apt to report a
positive tourism–poverty nexus in the literature. Lastly, research and policy implications are provided.

1. Introduction however, results remain largely inconclusive. Some scholars have

noticed a positive effect of tourism to reduce poverty (Artal-Tur, Brio­
Eradication of poverty, the first agenda in the United Nation’s Sus­ nes-PeÃalver, Bernal-Conesa, & MartÃnez-Salgado, 2019; Garidzirai &
tainable Development Goals (SDGs), represents one of the most critical Matiza, 2020). Others have discerned a negative impact of tourism on
global challenges people face. Achieving greater human development poverty alleviation (Alam & Paramati, 2016; Rakotondramaro &
requires lessening extreme poverty along with persistent action to Andriamasy, 2016). Empirical studies have also identified a
alleviate socio-economic inequality in all respects. Through unremitting non-significant tourism–poverty relationship (Triani, 2019; Zeng &
efforts, global poverty reduction has seen significant progress—but Wang, 2021). Medina-Muñoz, Medina-Muñoz, and Gutiérrez-Pérez
poverty is far from being eliminated. Notably, the COVID-19 pandemic (2016) proposed an integrated framework regarding tourism’s effect on
has taken a heavy toll on international initiatives around poverty poverty and discussed several factors contributing to heterogeneous
eradication. Tourism development has long been considered a potential results, such as the geographical scope, level of analysis, study methods,
tool to shrink socio-economic inequity and alleviate poverty. Many and poverty measures. Against this backdrop, it remains difficult to
countries, especially underdeveloped ones, have therefore expressed conduct cross-study comparisons or to determine where the definite
enthusiasm about fostering the tourism industry given its relatively low points of heterogeneity lie. More sophisticated models are thus needed
pressure on infrastructure and technology compared with industries (Jamieson, Goodwin, & Edmunds, 2004) to better understand the
such as manufacturing. However, many tourism projects related to tourism–poverty link; they will ideally include an array of factors as
poverty alleviation have failed to meet economic expectations. Counter- mentioned above. In response to scholars’ calls (Frenzel & Koens, 2012;
effects have been observed in social, economic, cultural, and environ­ Mitchell & Ashley, 2010; Winters, Corral, & Mora, 2013), the present
mental aspects within local communities, casting doubt on the feasi­ study introduces meta-regression analysis (MRA) to investigate the
bility of tourism to tackle poverty. tourism–poverty relationship in a synthesized manner. MRA offers an
The tourism–poverty nexus has inspired extensive work to uncover empirical framework and is capable of integrating disparate economic
the theoretical underpinnings of this relationship. Empirical analyses results, filtering out potential publication selection bias, and explaining
have investigated the impact of tourism growth on local poverty levels; effect-size variation using socio-economic and econometric explanatory

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Zhang), (Q. Wang), (Y. Yang).
Received 7 January 2022; Received in revised form 18 August 2022; Accepted 20 August 2022
Available online 5 September 2022
0261-5177/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Zhang et al. Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

variables (Stanley et al., 2013). These advantages allow us to provide an opportunities (Calero-Lemes & García-Almeida, 2021), particularly
overall effect size for the tourism-poverty nexus. We can also illuminate benefit low-income residents in local communities (Njoya & Seetaram,
the magnitude and direction of numerous factors explaining the varia­ 2018). Tourism development also offers local residents additional job
tion in effect sizes across studies and models. MRA has been applied to opportunities, especially for workers who might be less competitive in
synchronize empirical results for several topics in tourism economics, other industries (e.g., manufacturing) (Mxunyelwa & Henama, 2019).
such as tourism and inequality (Zhang, 2021), tourism and economic Multiple indirect channels for tourism-driven poverty reduction can
growth (Nunkoo, Seetanah, Jaffur, Moraghen, & Sannassee, 2020), and become available once economic and social factors are considered.
tourism and World Heritage Site status (Yang, Xue, & Jones, 2019). Providing a promising option for benefiting the poor, the theory of
This research aims to answer the research question on what is the pro-poor tourism has gained wide attention. Pro-poor tourism is useful
overall effect size of the tourism-poverty nexus and what factors explain in generating net benefits for the poor, and the benefits of income
the heterogeneity of this effect size. Our study contributes to theoretical redistribution are helpful in shrinking income inequality across income
and practical aspects of tourism management in many ways. First and classes. This industry can also attract investment—Banerjee et al. (2015)
foremost, this work represents a pioneering and comprehensive effort to pointed out that tourism investment reduced unemployment from 26%
synthesize empirical econometric findings related to the tour­ to 23% and the poverty rate by 1.6% in Haiti. Tourism aids low-income
ism–poverty nexus. The estimated overall effect size of this relationship individuals through social benefits as well; not only does it improve the
provides generalizable empirical insights on tourism’s effectiveness as a education system, but it also enhances road infrastructure to make the
policy tool to alleviate poverty. Second, we acknowledge the presence of resources required for economic growth more accessible to
publication bias in econometric studies of the tourism–poverty nexus. It poverty-stricken areas (Njoya & Seetaram, 2018). Tourism jobs are
is therefore advised that researchers should keep the research method rarely physically demanding. Women have hence tended to favor these
and data collection as transparent as possible. Reviewers and journal positions; as such, the tourism industry can promote gender equality
editors should be more receptive to the null findings, which may also (Genç, 2018). Echoing the alleviation of multidimensional poverty, the
present theoretical and methodological contributions to the knowledge. merits of the education system and gender equality help improve the
Third, by linking meta-analysis with econometric analysis, we shed light earning capacity of the poor rather than solely on economic deprivation.
on factors explaining effect-size heterogeneity across studies, thereby Overall, several empirical studies have confirmed tourism’s effective­
informing the best practice of data collection and model specification/ ness in reducing poverty (Folarin & Adeniyi, 2019; Llorca-Rodríguez,
estimation in future research. Furthermore, the study provides practical García-Fernández, & Casas-Jurado, 2020; Zhao & Xia, 2019).
implications for practitioners based on research results. Specific mea­ At the same time, scholars have questioned the validity and reli­
sures for developing tourism should be strategically addressed in various ability of tourism impacts on poverty reduction. The industry’s vulner­
master planning efforts to alleviate poverty. The results provide ability to crises can impede the efficacy of poverty alleviation. For
actionable insights on contextualized factors that may maximize the instance, the sudden onset of COVID-19 has returned the global pro­
potential effect of tourism in combating the local poverty issue. cessing of poverty reduction to its baseline. Tourism also faces ongoing
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The ensuing two challenges of seasonality and concomitant cash flow instability (Bala­
sections present a theoretical background and an introduction to critical subramanian & Aanchal, 2017), which may lead to seasonal unem­
factors explaining the heterogeneity in effect sizes. Section 4 provides an ployment that compromises the industry’s role in combating poverty. In
overview of the MRA method along with our literature selection pro­ addition, the leakage of tourism’s economic impact may temper tour­
cedure and estimation strategies. Results and explanations are discussed ism’s effectiveness in poverty alleviation. Empowering residents has
in Section 5, as are the robustness checks. Lastly, Section 6 outlines our increasingly become a prerequisite to sustainable community-based
conclusions and implications. tourism (Choi & Murray, 2010; Sofield, 2003). Otherwise, institutions
and organizations originating outside a given region can readily over­
2. Literature review take industry presence in that area (Taylor, 2001, pp. 70–81); this
phenomenon can produce serious economic leakages and detract from
Initially proposed and tested by Balaguer and Cantavella-Jordá the benefits local residents derive from tourism development (Manwa
(2002), the tourism-led growth (TLG) hypothesis provides the theoret­ et al., 2017). Non-wage costs are the largest source of leakage (Chidakel,
ical and empirical foundation for the positive effect of tourism growth Child, & Muyengwa, 2021) and are higher when an economy relies on
on economic development. Since then, an influx of literature has pro­ imports to supply the tourism sector (Rylance & Spenceley, 2017).
vided empirical support to TLG (Gunduz & Hatemi-J, 2005; Lee & Additionally, some scholars believe that the elite capture theory can be
Chang, 2008; Tang & Tan, 2015). With the heightened overall economic used to explain the phenomenon of unevenly distributed income in
level in the region, the livelihood of the poverty population may communities (Platteau, 2004). Elites with a higher socio-economic sta­
improve as a result (Croes & Vanegas, 2008). As part of the economic tus possess stronger social capital that may lead to specifical advantages
and social development agenda, tourism development has been recom­ in receiving the benefits of tourism growth. The existing socio-economic
mended as a policy tool to boost the economy and alleviate poverty in hierarchy has caused tourism-associated economic benefits to be un­
regions and areas, especially those with unique tourism resources. evenly distributed across regional social classes. The industry thus has a
Despite its popularity, a heated debate persists around tourism’s actual minimal impact on low-income residents and leaves the poor even
effectiveness in combating poverty and other forms of socio-economic poorer (Winter & Kim, 2020). Moreover, tourism faces unsustainable
inequity. challenges as it plays a short-term role in poverty reduction rather than a
Some scholars have supported the positive impacts of tourism long-run effect. An intrinsic reason is that residents’ fundamental life
growth on poverty reduction: tourism development is thought to alle­ quality has not changed radically. Likewise, as tourism has a minor
viate poverty in direct, indirect, and induced ways. It is commonly position in facilitating technology advancement, tourism growth may
assumed that tourism development can help relieve poverty through not help a region accumulate technological know-how that is transfer­
several means. Examples include job access for the economically able to broader economic sectors. Slight contributions to overall pro­
disadvantaged, low (technological) barriers to workforce entry, and ductivity lead tourism’s long-term impact on poverty alleviation to be
enhanced infrastructure among other qualities (Banerjee, Cicowiez, & moderate. Lastly, externalities stemming from tourism may deteriorate
Gachot, 2015; Croes, 2014; Vanegas, Gartner, & Senauer, 2015). The the socio-economic and natural environment. These externalities consist
local tourism industry’s prosperity contributes directly to the local of tourism-induced crimes and pollution (Montolio & Planells-Struse,
community via increased income stemming from the redistribution of 2016) as well as rising housing prices and reduced affordability
tourism revenue. Corresponding livelihood changes, such as job (Fedyk, Sołtysik, Olearnik, Barwicka, & Mucha, 2020), all of which can

D. Zhang et al. Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

jeopardize tourism’s ability to reduce poverty. Econometric analysis inequality. Common proxies include the poverty headcount ratio, Gini
results have further confirmed that tourism can exacerbate poverty in a coefficient, poverty gap, and poverty severity. The poverty headcount
destination (Oviedo-García, González-Rodríguez, & Vega-Vázquez, ratio, as a popular poverty measure, captures the proportion of people
2019). living below the poverty line to the total population (Croes & Vanegas,
2008; Tung, 2020). The Gini coefficient indicates inequality among
3. Conceptual framework values of an income distribution, considering the income level across
economic classes (Kronenberg & Fuchs, 2021). The poverty gap and
Fig. 1 displays the conceptual framework guiding our meta-analysis, severity each reflect the intensity of poverty in a nation (Njoya & See­
showcasing the moderators that determine the effect size of tourism on taram, 2018). Studies have shown that tourism’s effect differs with the
poverty alleviation. Many studies included different measures of tourism applied poverty measure (Xu, 2016). As such, we aimed to discern
development and poverty reduction, covered distinct research periods, whether this variance would influence effect-size estimation.
used various regions/countries for empirical analysis, and employed H1. Poverty measurement influences the effect size of tourism on
unique econometric models for model estimation. To what extent these poverty alleviation.
differences are responsible for results reported in the literature remains
unknown (Hong, Reed, Tian, Wu, & Chen, 2021). By building a frame­
work that accounts for these assorted characteristics, we performed a 3.2. Tourism measurement
meta-analysis to present rigorous empirical evidence of the overall effect
size of the tourism–poverty nexus along with factors contributing to the Different measures have been used to specify a region’s level of
heterogeneity of this relationship across studies. We referred to the tourism development. Popular metrics include (1) relative measures,
extant literature to extract several factors via three research stages, such as the ratio of tourism receipts to GDP (Badulescu, Badulescu,
namely preparation, processing, and publication. We also integrated Simut, & Dzitac, 2020; Zuo & Huang, 2017) and the ratio of tourists to
several moderators in our framework to address different aspects of the general population (Shahbaz, Solarin, Azam, & Tiwari, 2020); and
studies and the estimates used to generate effect sizes (Fonseca & (2) absolute measures, such as the number of tourist arrivals (Lv, 2019;
Sánchez Rivero, 2019; Yang et al., 2019). Details appear in Fig. 1. Odhiambo & Zyl, 2012) and the number of total tourism receipts (Croes
& Vanegas, 2008; Kim, Song, & Pyun, 2016). Relative measures have
often been used to capture the degree of tourism specialization after
3.1. Poverty measurement standardization, while absolute measures reveal the scale economies or
dis-economies of tourism. Revenue and arrival measures also differ in
Although poverty is a multidimensional concept, most researchers their capability to determine the intensity of tourism consumption. For
have evaluated it from two perspectives: poverty occurrence and income example, Scarlett (2021) reported a 50% higher effect on poverty

Fig. 1. Conceptual framework of meta-regression.

D. Zhang et al. Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

reduction if tourism receipts relative to GDP were used instead of tourist sizes for the tourism–poverty relationship.
arrivals per capita. We hence hypothesize that the tourism measures
H6. Endogeneity treatment influences the effect size of tourism on
chosen in tourism–poverty analysis influence the estimated effect size.
poverty alleviation.
H2. Tourism measurement influences the effect size of tourism on
Fixed effects. Panel data are typically used in econometric analysis of
poverty alleviation.
the tourism–poverty relationship. Different panel data estimation
methods exist, such as pooled regression, random-effects, and fixed-
3.3. Research settings
effects. Pooled regression fails to control unit-specific effects, and
random-effects models impose a strong and unrealistic assumption on
Tourism type. The effect size of the tourism–poverty nexus may vary
the error structure. Therefore, the fixed-effects model has been recom­
by tourism type: domestic and international tourism both impart distinct
mended for use with panel data. Many studies have revealed that
effects on poverty alleviation (Nguyen, Schinckus, Su, & Chong, 2020).
distinct estimation methods lead to divergent results when testing the
International tourism can bring a country additional income exchange,
tourism–poverty nexus (Fang, Gozgor, Paramati, & Wu, 2021; Fayissa,
then contributing more to income distribution in a nation based on
Nsaih & Tadesee, 2011).
relevant tax and transfer policies (Nguyen et al., 2020). On the contrary,
domestic tourism may feature more tourism–resident interaction and H7. Fixed-effects estimation influences the effect size of tourism on
greater expenditure on local small and medium-sized businesses; these poverty alleviation.
actions can be more economically beneficial to the local low-income
Long-run vs. short-run effects. Many scholars have conducted unit root
class. As a result, many scholars have applauded the pro-poor effec­
and cointegration tests on data from a time-series perspective. For
tiveness of domestic tourism (Llorca-Rodrígueza, García-Fernández &
example, an unrestricted error correction model that combines short-run
Casas-Juradoa, 2020). Our study examines whether the effect size of
dynamics with the long-run equilibrium is frequently applied to rela­
poverty differs between international and domestic tourism.
tively small samples (Zhang & Zhang, 2021). Whether the general
H3. International tourism exerts a different effect size of tourism on tourism industry produces a timely or delayed impact (corresponding to
poverty alleviation compared to domestic tourism. a short- or long-run influence) in helping people escape poverty also
remains uncertain. We are thus especially interested in determining
Development level. The United Nations classifies countries as either
whether significant differences exist between long- and short-run effect
developing or developed largely based on per capita income and the
sizes of the tourism–poverty relationship.
human development index. Developing and developed areas differ
substantially in their infrastructure and institutional environment, each H8. Effect size of tourism on poverty alleviation is different between
of which transfers economic benefits to the local community (Lin, Yang, long-run and short-run estimates.
& Li, 2019). Rahnama, Astaneh, and Hajian (2019) found that interna­
tional tourism income negatively affects the poverty index in developed 3.5. Publication outlets
and developing countries. Additionally, tourism apparently cannot
make a dent in poverty in India as in other developing countries (Roy, Publication bias, resulting from the non-reporting of null or negative
2010, pp. 1–13). We, therefore, argue that tourism more effectively re­ findings, is antithetical to science. Compared with studies yielding
duces poverty in developed countries than developing ones. insignificant results, scholars have suggested that studies revealing
statistically significant findings are more inclined to be published in
H4. Effect size of tourism on poverty alleviation is different between
academic journals (Dalton, Aguinis, Dalton, Bosco, & Pierce, 2012).
developed and developing countries.
Publication bias represents an obstacle to unearthing genuine effect
Research period. The tourism–poverty nexus may evolve over time. sizes. We hypothesize that the estimated effect size will differ across
First, as more governments and organizations become aware of tourism publication outlets.
as a potential poverty alleviation tool, greater effort is being devoted to
H9. Effect size of tourism on poverty alleviation is different in journal
social justice and economic equality in destination management.
articles compared with other publication outlets.
Related initiatives may magnify tourism’s impact on poverty reduction.
Second, along with the penetration of information and communication
4. Meta-regression analysis
technologies, a growing number of residents—especially those who are
socially or economically disadvantaged—can enter the tourism market
4.1. Data collection and coding
and provide services to travelers with help from these innovations. For
example, the emergence of social media marketing has created a high-
A meta-analysis takes advantage of statistical techniques to syn­
value and reasonably low-cost tourism marketing channel. The preva­
chronize, evaluate, and explain study-to-study variations in the empir­
lence of the sharing economy has also altered the tourism supply land­
ical literature (Stanley, 2001). Per Stanley and Jarrell (2005), the
scape to engage more residents in tourism economies (Dogru, Mody,
premise of meta-analysis is to retrieve and identify empirical studies
Suess, McGinley, & Line, 2020).
relevant to a specific topic. We first conducted an exhaustive search of
H5. Research period influences the effect size of tourism on poverty the academic literature on the tourism–poverty relationship through
alleviation. several major academic databases, such as Google Scholar, Web of Sci­
ence, Emerald, Taylor & Francis, EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, Wiley On­
3.4. Estimation specification line Library, and ProQuest Theses and Dissertations. Keywords included
“tourism”, “tourism development”, “poverty”, “poverty alleviation”,
Endogeneity treatment. Endogeneity is a term used in econometrics to “poverty reduction”, “poverty eradication”, and “inequality” as well as
describe the presence of an endogenous explanatory variable associated their permutations and combinations. Based on these steps, 107 studies
with the error term (Wooldridge, 2009). Endogeneity treatment is were collected, with the most recent published in July 2021. In the next
needed to provide unbiased estimates of interest in econometric models. step, we screened sources based on the following criteria (Card, 2012;
Quasi-experimental methods and instrumental variable estimation are Nunkoo et al., 2020): (1) the study must include a dependent variable
commonly used to address these issues in applied economics (Macie­ describing poverty alleviation or a related notion (we discarded many
jewski, 2018; Zhang, Ren, Zhang, & Zhang, 2020). Consequently, we papers using per capita income as the dependent variable, which is not a
hypothesized whether instrumental variables could yield different effect typical poverty measure); (2) tourism is embraced as an independent

D. Zhang et al. Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

variable and is explicitly measured (we discarded models with quadratic 4.2. Empirical model and data description
terms and interaction terms with a tourism measure); (3) the effect of
tourism on poverty alleviation is provided, and relevant information (t To reveal the variance derived from potential factors among studies,
statistics or standard error and so forth) are well reported (if key in­ we applied the following meta-regression model:
formation was missing, we strove to acquire it directly from the au­ ∑
thors); (4) conceptual papers and those written in a language other than rij = β0 + β1 serij + αk Xik + εij (2)
English were excluded. We ultimately identified 33 research papers,
consisting of 27 journal articles, one conference paper, two working where serij denotes the standard error of the corresponding rij; X is a set of
papers, and three dissertations. The sample with 33 studies is the potential explanatory variables; and εij is the disturbance term. Without
maximum possible number we can achieve based on the general coding the explanatory variables X, a statistically insignificant β0 covers the true
standards used in meta-regression from applied economists. Fig. 2 effect beyond bias; β1 evaluates an absence of publication bias.
demonstrates the process of data collection in literature search. Weighted least squares (WLS) with a cluster-robust standard error
The coding process was completed by three authors to guarantee was applied to estimate the model. In WLS, the inverse variance of each
coding accuracy. First, a preliminary coding scheme including effect size estimated effect size was treated as a weight. This method better corrects
and paper- and model-specific information was developed. Second, two for heteroscedasticity and treats each individual study as a cluster free
authors coded all studies independently and then compared dissimilar from correlation problems in meta-regression. In particular, WLS esti­
results. To resolve inconsistent codes, another scholar was invited to mation outperforms random- and mixed-effects meta-regression in the
jointly discuss all discrepancies until a consensus was reached. presence of publication bias and is superior to fixed-effects meta-
The partial correlation coefficient (r) is used in this meta-analysis to regression in most cases (Stanley & Doucouliagos, 2016). We also esti­
reflect the impact of tourism on poverty alleviation. This coefficient has mated the model using the generalized estimated equation (GEE) and
frequently been adopted in econometric meta-analyses (Hong, Reed, hierarchical linear model (HLM) as robustness checks. GEE places less
Tian & Chen, 2021). The correlation rij is calculated based on reported emphasis on correlated observations from the same study, thereby
regression t statistics and degrees of freedom as follows: avoiding overdependence on dominant data points.
Based on the research hypotheses presented previously, we oper­
rij = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (1) ationalized all variables as listed in Table 1. We classified variables into
t2ij + dfij five categories: tourism measurement, poverty measurement, research
setting, estimation specification, and publication outlet. Specific in­
where rij denotes the partial correlation coefficient from the effect size i terpretations of each variable are shown below.
in study j; tij indicates associated t statistics; and dfij is the corresponding Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics for variables. Among 298
degree of freedom of tij. The associated standard error is (1 − rij 2 )/dfij observations, the average ser for effect sizes was 0.0758. The mean of
(Yuan, Wang, Zhu, Huang, & Xiong, 2020). As recommended by Schulze mid_year was around 1998. All other variables were categorical. In terms
(2004), we did not transform r into Fisher’s Z due to the slight bias of poverty measures, the Gini coefficient (poverty_measure = 2) and
associated with this transformation. Specifically, estimates of the poverty headcount ratio (poverty_measure = 1) were most popular,
interaction terms and square terms within a tourism measurement were respectively accounting for 36.24% and 33.22% of our sample.
dropped in our coding process to minimize potential coding bias (Yang, Regarding tourism measures, 31.54% of estimates were based on tour­
García, Viglia, & Nicolau, 2021). These procedures reduced our coding ism’s contribution to GDP (tourism_measure = 1), representing the most
sample to 298 estimates across 33 studies. common measure in the sample; this metric was followed by tourism
receipts (tourism_measure = 4). In other words, only a small proportion of
estimates were based on tourist arrival measures (tourism_measure = 2
and 3). More estimates were based on international tourism (tour­
ism_type = 2) than domestic tourism (tourism_type = 3). Only a small

Table 1
Explanations of variables.
Variables Definition

poverty_measure Poverty measure in the empirical tourism–poverty model: 1 =

poverty headcount ratio, 2 = Gini coefficient, 3 = poverty gap, 4
= poverty severity, 5 = other
tourism_measure Tourism measure in the empirical tourism–poverty model: 1 =
tourism receipts to GDP ratio, 2 = tourist arrivals per capita; 3 =
tourist arrivals; 4 = tourism receipts, 5 = other
tourism_type Type of tourism: 1 = both international and domestic tourism, 2
= international tourism only; 3 = domestic tourism only
development_level Development level of the country in the data: 1 = both
developing and developed countries, 2 = developing countries
only; 3 = developed countries only
mid_year Middle point of research period (in year)
endogeneity A dummy variable indicating whether the endogeneity issue of
tourism was treated in the econometric model: 1 = endogeneity
was treated, 0 = otherwise
fixed_effects A dummy variable indicating whether fixed-effects estimation
was used in the econometric model: 1 = fixed-effects estimation
was used, 0 = otherwise
dynamic An indicator of whether the estimate was obtained from a static
or dynamic model: 1 = static model; 2 = long-run effect from a
dynamic model; 3 = short-run effect from a dynamic model
journal A dummy variable indicating whether the estimate was from a
journal publication: 1 = journal publication estimate, 0 =
Fig. 2. Data collection process.

D. Zhang et al. Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

Table 2 odds of being fully reported” (p. 31). Publication bias arises from two
Descriptive statistics of variables. sources. In Type I publication bias, researchers tend to report a partic­
Continuous variables Obs Mean Std. Dev. ular direction result of the effect size. We introduced a funnel plot to
detect this type of bias, which may distort the true effect, as recom­
ser 298 0.0758 0.0599
mid_year 298 1997.6750 82.1512 mended by Stanley and Doucouliagos (2010). Fig. 3 depicts a slightly
asymmetrical distribution of coded effect sizes (taking the dashed ver­
Categorical variables Obs Frequency Percentage
tical line as the benchmark). Type II publication bias occurs when re­
poverty_measure = 1 298 99 33.22% searchers focus on reporting significant results (Stanley, 2005). We
poverty_measure = 2 298 108 36.24%
applied a Galbraith plot scattered by the standardized effect size and its
poverty_measure = 3 298 53 17.79%
poverty_measure = 4 298 19 6.38% precision (1/ser) to assess this form of bias where large t statistics (ab­
poverty_measure = 5 298 19 6.38% solute values) were reported. As illustrated in Fig. 3, more than 10% of
tourism_measure = 1 298 94 31.54% observations fell outside the 95% confidence level, indicating selection
tourism_measure = 2 298 56 18.79% bias. We further used a FAT-MRA model to jointly provide statistical
tourism_measure = 3 298 32 10.74%
tourism_measure = 4 298 88 29.53%
proof of publication bias assessment (Stanley, 2010). The model of type
tourism_measure = 5 298 28 9.40% II publication bias, considering effect-size magnitude, underwent a
tourism_type = 1 298 166 55.70% minor modification by taking an absolute value of r (Stanley, 2005).
tourism_type = 2 298 120 40.27% Model 1–2 in Table 3 shows the results of the FAT-MRA test. In line with
tourism_type = 3 298 12 4.03%
our previous judgment of plots, publication bias was a key issue in
development_level = 1 298 73 24.50%
development_level = 2 298 199 66.78% tourism-based poverty alleviation studies. Given these findings, it was
development_level = 3 298 26 8.72% essential to check whether publication bias posed a threat to subsequent
endogeneity = 0 298 250 83.89% meta-analyses. Following Rosenthal (1991) and Jayaraj et al. (2020), we
endogeneity = 1 298 48 16.11% carried out the Fail-Safe N test accordingly. This method produces a
fixed_effects = 0 298 189 63.42%
fixed_effects = 1 298 109 36.58%
direct assessment of the threat posed by sampling bias in a literature
dynamic = 1 298 270 90.60% search (Orwin, 1983). We calculated the minimum number of unpub­
dynamic = 2 298 18 6.04% lished studies required to reverse the results of the meta-analysis to
dynamic = 3 298 10 3.36% exclude possible publication bias. The higher the Fail-Safe N value, the
journal = 0 298 71 23.83%
more stable (and persuasive) our results would be. The Fail-Safe N value
journal = 1 298 227 76.17%
was 586, suggesting only a slight possibility that we missed a large
number of articles.
number of estimates were provided in dynamic models indicating long- We next drew a forest plot (Fig. 4) to synthesize the overall effect size
run (dynamic = 2) or short-run (dynamic = 3) effects. Our sample was of the tourism–poverty alleviation nexus. The calibration weight was
dominated by estimates from developing countries (66.78%, devel­ relatively balanced across studies in our sample, ranging from a low of
opment_level = 2). In terms of model estimation, only 16.11% of esti­ 1.61% to a high of 3.69%. The center of the plot is a graphical expression
mates handled endogeneity (endogeneity = 1), and 36.58% were of each study to indicate the individual effect size affiliated with its
conducted using a fixed-effects model (fixed_effects = 1). Lastly, 76.17% confidence level. The solid line perpendicular to the X-axis represents
of the estimates came from journal articles (journal = 1). the invalid line, and the red dotted line denotes the overall effect size. In
calibrating from a random-effects method, the forest plot generated an
5. Results overall weighted effect size of − 0.14 with a 95% confidence interval
[− 0.23, − 0.05]. Lipsey and Wilson (2001) stated that an r value of
5.1. Publication bias and overall effect size − 0.14 represents a moderate effect size. Our data therefore imply that
tourism does exert curative effects on poverty alleviation. Notably, most
Publication bias represents a major threat to the validity of social horizontal lines are short, indicating a highly reliable result. The I2 value
science. As Dwan, Gamble, Williamson, and Kirkham (2013) argued, was estimated to be 94.4, suggesting that 94.4% of the variation in effect
“Studies that report positive or significant results are more likely to be sizes was due to heterogeneity. We therefore added potential modera­
published and outcomes that are statistically significant have higher tors of meta-regression to detect the source of variation.

Fig. 3. Funnel plot and Galbraith plot for publication bias analysis.

D. Zhang et al. Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

Table 3
Estimation results from WLS meta-regression based on all effect sizes.
(1) (2)† (3) (4) (5)

All All All Gini coefficient sample Sample without Gini coefficient
ser − 2.3499** (1.0457) 1.2261 (0.7553) − 0.3743 (0.7636) − 1.7471 (1.8982) 1.3232 (0.8192)
poverty_measure = 2 0.4934*** (0.1226)
poverty_measure = 3 − 0.0135 (0.0263) − 0.0083 (0.0240)
poverty_measure = 4 0.0797 (0.0595) 0.1265** (0.0511)
poverty_measure = 5 − 0.0504 (0.0849) − 0.0206 (0.0423)
tourism_measure = 2 − 0.0330 (0.0543) − 0.0813 (0.1472) − 0.0581 (0.0568)
tourism_measure = 3 0.1806*** (0.0558) − 0.1377 (0.0953) 0.1494** (0.0649)
tourism_measure = 4 0.2130*** (0.0475) 0.0695 (0.1029) 0.1841*** (0.0544)
tourism_measure = 5 0.0995 (0.0691) 0.0697 (0.1130) − 0.1246 (0.0950)
tourism_type = 2 − 0.0784 (0.0704) − 0.0396 (0.0693) − 0.0191 (0.1110)
tourism_type = 3 0.1182** (0.0472) 0.1588*** (0.0399) − 0.0612 (0.0745)
development_level = 2 0.2570** (0.1121) 0.2535** (0.0898) − 0.1981* (0.1089)
development_level = 3 − 0.0020 (0.0478) 0.3020 (0.2920) − 0.5638*** (0.1357)
mid_year − 0.0002 (0.0002) 0.0231 (0.0350) 0.0004* (0.0002)
endogeneity 0.2341** (0.0906) 0.5309* (0.2856) 0.0323 (0.0797)
fixed_effects − 0.0148 (0.0282) − 0.0190 (0.1525) 0.0150 (0.0375)
dynamic = 2 0.0396 (0.0821) 0.0171 (0.1327) 0.1976** (0.0927)
dynamic = 3 0.2334*** (0.0712) 0.3850* (0.2093) 0.1728 (0.1213)
journal − 0.1096 (0.0692) 0.1619 (0.2265) − 0.0909 (0.0964)
constant 0.0072 (0.0706) 0.1145** (0.0485) − 0.0044 (0.3143) − 46.5328 (70.0882) − 0.8166** (0.3078)
N 298 298 298 109 189
N (studies) 33 33 33 11 26
R square 0.0464 0.0201 0.5730 0.8005 0.3729
Adjusted R square 0.0432 0.0168 0.5438 0.7680 0.3070

Note: Clustered standard errors in parentheses; † indicates the model using the absolute value as dependent variable; *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.

Fig. 4. Forest plot.

5.2 Meta-regression resultsTable 3 reports the meta-regression publication bias. The significant coefficient of ser reflected type I pub­
estimation results using 298 observations from 33 studies. As the over­ lication bias in Model 1 but an empirical absence of type II bias. Model 3
all effect size was negative, a positive coefficient indicated that the was based on the WLS method with cluster-robust standard errors.
corresponding variable lowered the negative impact; a negative coeffi­ Generally, most of our hypotheses have been successfully tested, except
cient suggested that the variable strengthened the negative impact. H5, H7, H9. The chosen poverty measures influenced the reported effect
Model 1–2 included only ser, the standard error of effect size, to test for size in this model, supporting H1. With the poverty headcount ratio as

D. Zhang et al. Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

the benchmark, the application of the Gini coefficient (poverty_measure international tourism (tourism_type = 2). Furthermore, for estimates
= 2) reduced the effect size substantially. The estimated regression of generated in dynamic models, short-run estimates (dynamic = 3) pro­
poverty measures such as gap (poverty_measure = 3), severity (pover­ duced a smaller negative effect size than long-run estimates (dynamic =
ty_measure = 4), and other proxies (poverty_measure = 5) were statisti­ 2); no significant difference was observed between estimates from long-
cally insignificant. These results show that inequality-based effect sizes run and static models (dynamic = 1). Our H8 is therefore supported. A
differed substantially from poverty-based effect sizes in terms of potential explanation is that it takes time to fully internalize the effects
magnitude. A possible explanation is that the Gini coefficient accounts of tourism growth on local poverty reduction, hence why the short-term
for people of all income groups, whereas poverty-based indicators (e.g., effect appears less nuanced than the long-term effects. In addition, H4 is
the poverty headcount ratio) exclusively include people below the accepted. Countries’ development level matters—the estimated coeffi­
poverty line. cient of development_level = 2 was statistically positive. Research in
Model 3 further demonstrated the importance of tourism measure­ developing countries yielded a smaller effect size of tourism and poverty
ment in determining the tourism–poverty effect size, lending support to reduction. Another variable, mid_year, was estimated to be insignificant,
H2. The coefficients of tourism_measure = 3 and tourism_measure = 4 revealing consistency in effect sizes over time. This result highlights the
were estimated to be positive and significant, indicating that unstan­ importance of addressing the endogeneity of tourism development in
dardized measures such as total tourism arrivals and tourism revenue econometric modeling. Endogeneity was also estimated to be statistically
will underestimate the tourism–poverty effect size compared with the significant and positive, supporting H6 and showing that this issue tends
benchmark of tourism receipts to GDP ratio (tourism_measure = 1). to overestimate the negative effect of tourism on poverty. Lastly, the H7
Therefore, without standardized tourism measures, a large-scale tourism and H9 were rejected. Both fixed_effects and journal were estimated to be
economy may dilute the impact of tourism on alleviating poverty. statistically insignificant, implying that these two moderators did not
Moreover, tourism type influenced the effect size, and H3 was accepted: influence the effect size of the tourism–poverty nexus.
the coefficient of tourism_type = 3 was positive and significant, indi­ As shown in Model 3, the use of the Gini coefficient lowered the
cating a smaller effect of tourism on combating poverty compared with effect size versus other proxies for poverty; therefore, we split the

Table 4
Robustness check with data and model treatments.
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

Re-weighted WLS Trimmed sample Journal article OLS estimation Random-effects GEE estimation HLM estimation
sample estimation
ser − 0.9910 − 0.2958 − 0.2741 (1.0431) − 0.2977 (0.5291) − 0.5161* (0.3012) − 0.2977 (0.5119) − 0.8597**
(0.7585) (0.6484) (0.3860)
poverty_measure = 2 0.4314*** 0.2441*** 0.5169*** 0.2236** 0.2616*** (0.0421) 0.2236** 0.2372***
(0.0597) (0.0640) (0.1304) (0.1004) (0.0972) (0.0751)
poverty_measure = 3 − 0.0846 − 0.0147 − 0.0668 (0.0730) 0.0285 (0.0323) 0.0100 (0.0315) 0.0285 (0.0313) 0.0371 (0.0246)
(0.0560) (0.0222)
poverty_measure = 4 − 0.0211 0.0710** 0.0408 (0.0952) 0.0783** 0.0796 (0.0488) 0.0783** 0.1281***
(0.0530) (0.0307) (0.0371) (0.0359) (0.0317)
poverty_measure = 5 − 0.0376 − 0.0298 − 0.0642 (0.1011) − 0.0226 (0.0802) − 0.0145 (0.0519) − 0.0226 (0.0776) − 0.0056 (0.0194)
(0.1097) (0.0477)
tourism_measure = 2 0.0002 (0.0497) − 0.0323 − 0.0297 (0.0703) − 0.0856 (0.0586) − 0.0459 (0.0374) − 0.0856 (0.0567) − 0.0948**
(0.0443) (0.0396)
tourism_measure = 3 0.1633*** 0.1042*** 0.1288 (0.0801) 0.1179* (0.0688) 0.1446*** (0.0502) 0.1179* (0.0666) − 0.0507 (0.0722)
(0.0557) (0.0354)
tourism_measure = 4 0.2176*** 0.1461*** 0.2165*** 0.2009** 0.2036*** (0.0368) 0.2009** − 0.0098 (0.0759)
(0.0461) (0.0257) (0.0468) (0.0809) (0.0783)
tourism_measure = 5 0.0484 (0.0711) 0.0938** 0.1103 (0.0701) − 0.1187 (0.1161) − 0.0367 (0.0505) − 0.1187 (0.1123) − 0.1511**
(0.0374) (0.0733)
tourism_type = 2 − 0.1065 − 0.0389 − 0.0564 (0.0736) − 0.1482** − 0.1270*** (0.0333) − 0.1482** − 0.1016*
(0.0716) (0.0544) (0.0687) (0.0665) (0.0600)
tourism_type = 3 0.0293 (0.0659) 0.1284*** 0.1345*** − 0.0220 (0.1006) 0.0087 (0.0627) − 0.0220 (0.0973) − 0.0337 (0.0939)
(0.0450) (0.0478)
development_level = 0.2576*** 0.0831 (0.0641) 0.2854** (0.1167) 0.0620 (0.1067) 0.0699 (0.0449) 0.0620 (0.1032) 0.1342 (0.1085)
2 (0.0661)
development_level = − 0.0035 0.0489 (0.0293) 0.0134 (0.0502) 0.0005 (0.0800) − 0.0084 (0.0562) 0.0005 (0.0774) 0.0001 (0.1032)
3 (0.0313)
mid_year − 0.0002 − 0.0001 − 0.0003 (0.0002) 0.0001 (0.0002) 0.0000 (0.0002) 0.0001 (0.0002) − 0.0000 (0.0001)
(0.0001) (0.0001)
endogeneity 0.3406*** 0.0697 (0.0502) 0.2523*** 0.1028 (0.0800) 0.1155*** (0.0366) 0.1028 (0.0774) − 0.0653 (0.0830)
(0.0755) (0.0852)
fixed_effects − 0.0499 0.0060 (0.0261) 0.0058 (0.0437) − 0.0685 (0.0513) − 0.0516* (0.0292) − 0.0685 (0.0496) − 0.0243 (0.0558)
dynamic = 2 − 0.0315 0.1369** 0.0455 (0.0781) 0.0886 (0.1554) 0.1029* (0.0536) 0.0886 (0.1503) − 0.0330 (0.0920)
(0.0514) (0.0566)
dynamic = 3 0.2877** 0.2139** 0.2136*** 0.4028*** 0.3516*** (0.0870) 0.4028*** 0.2572 (0.1738)
(0.1056) (0.0992) (0.0669) (0.0921) (0.0891)
journal − 0.0877* − 0.0845 − 0.0793 (0.0680) − 0.0832** (0.0377) − 0.0793 (0.0658) 0.0062 (0.0878)
(0.0515) (0.0660)
constant 0.0312 (0.2827) − 0.1328 0.0087 (0.4105) − 0.3409 (0.2399) − 0.2832 (0.3264) − 0.3409 (0.2321) − 0.0562 (0.2580)
N 298 293 227 298 298 298 298
N (studies) 33 33 27 33 33 33 33
R square 0.7708 0.3993 0.6109 0.4064
Adjusted R square 0.7551 0.3575 0.5772 0.3659 0.4522

Note: Clustered Standard errors in parentheses; *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.

D. Zhang et al. Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

sample into two groups (with and without the Gini coefficient) to better estimates extracted from 33 studies. This analysis yielded a moderate
understand between-group differences. Models 4–5 provide estimation effect size of − 0.14 (p < 0.001) with a 95% confidence interval ranging
results of these meta-regression models with 109 and 189 observations, from − 0.23 to − 0.05. Our combined effect size was numerically large
respectively. Generally, the estimation of effect size in Model 4 was among available poverty-related meta-analyses. For example, Zhang
nearly identical to that in Model 3. The negative effect of tourism on (2021) reported that tourism increased inequality with an overall esti­
poverty was estimated to be smaller for domestic tourism (tourism_type mation of 0.046 and a comparatively weak correlation. Our synthesized
= 2), short-run estimates (dynamic = 3), and research conducted in outcomes provide evidence that tourism could be harnessed as a means
developing countries (development_level = 2). Consistent with the results of curing poverty: tourism, as a labor-intensive industry, can substan­
of Model 3, dealing with endogeneity was predicted to partly reveal the tially boost the employment of impoverished people to address core is­
overall effect size of tourism on poverty reduction. Model 5 presents sues in poverty to some extent (Manzoor, Wei, Asif, Haq, & Rehman,
estimation results based on the sub-sample using non-Gini measures for 2019) and inspire poverty alleviation. Tourism has been deemed
poverty. Findings underscore that the negative effect of tourism was appropriate for poverty-stricken areas owing to its environmental
smaller for non-standardized tourism measures (tourism_measure = 3 and friendliness and relatively low reliance on technology (Hall & Lew,
4), developing countries (development_level = 2), recent years (mid_year), 2009). Echoing the suggestions of several major organizations, including
and short-run estimates (dynamic = 3). the World Bank and the World Tourism Organization, tourism repre­
sents an effective pathway to help people shake off poverty. Put simply,
5.3. Robustness checks tourism is well positioned to help eradicate poverty (Scheyvens, 2007;
Torabi, Rezvani, & Badri, 2020).
We conducted a series of robustness checks using different model Moreover, our framework unearthed intriguing findings about the
estimation methods in Table 4. First, we re-weighted the model by heterogeneity of the tourism–poverty nexus, explaining why empirical
further considering the number of estimates in each study; the re- analyses can reach distinct conclusions. Several factors can explain this
weighted results appear in Model 6. Findings were mostly similar to heterogeneity—tourism and poverty measurement, research settings,
those of Model 3 in terms of explanatory variables’ signs and signifi­ estimation specifications, and publication outlets. Our MRA results
cance levels. For example, across poverty measures, the Gini coefficient showed that applying the Gini coefficient for poverty generated a
led to a significantly different effect size. The only difference came from smaller effect size versus other poverty-based measures. As noted,
the variable journal, which was estimated to be statistically significant at calculation of the Gini coefficient is based on all income groups, whereas
the 0.10 level with a positive sign. Research published in journals is the poverty headcount ratio focuses on the underprivileged. The iden­
therefore more likely to document a larger negative effect. Second, due tified difference was therefore likely due to the wider population based
to some outliers on two extreme sides of our dataset, we retained 98% of on which the corresponding Gini coefficient was computed. Similarly,
the sample to re-estimate the model in Model 7. The major discrepancy the measurement of tourism matters: non-standardized measures (e.g.,
between Models 7 and 3 lies in development_level and endogeneity. The total tourism revenue and tourist arrivals) led to smaller effect sizes
magnitude of these two coefficients became smaller in Model 7 and, compared with standardized measures (e.g., tourism revenue to GDP
more importantly, was statistically insignificant. In Model 8, we ran WLS and per capita tourist arrivals). Standardized values could minimize
based on estimates published in journals only (journal = 1). We did not fluctuations in data and models, making the estimated effect size more
notice a significant change in estimation results compared with Model 3. accurate. When considering different tourism types, our results suggest
Additionally, we excluded outliers by calculating the DFBETA value; its that the overall effect size is more salient in international tourism than
absolute value was smaller than 1, verifying the accuracy of our results. domestic tourism. International tourism contributes more to a nation’s
DFBETA values appear in the Appendix. income distribution, while domestic tourism revenue only circulates
We further applied different estimation methods for the meta- within a country without additional foreign currency exchange. Find­
regression for a robustness check. More specifically, we used OLS in ings also reveal tourism-driven poverty alleviation to be more pro­
Model 9, random-effects estimation in Model 10, GEE estimation in nounced in developed countries, which are equipped with more
Model 11, and HLM estimation in Model 12. Across these models, our equitable distribution systems that favor lower-income groups. When
results remain robust in general. For example, the estimated coefficient analyses account for endogeneity by using instrumental variables or
of poverty_measure = 2 remains positive and significant across different including causality inferences, the effect size of tourism becomes more
models, highlighting different effect sizes when poverty was measured accurate. Endogeneity treatments—whether because of omitted vari­
using Gini coefficients in empirical research. Likewise, findings ables, measurement error, or simultaneity—are therefore effective in
confirmed the significant impacts of non-standardized tourism measures addressing deviated estimation. Lastly, our findings confirm that
(tourism_measure = 3 and 4), domestic versus international tourism tourism imparts a larger long-run effect on poverty reduction than short-
(tourism_type), and short-versus long-run estimates (dynamic) in run impacts. In terms of hysteretic features, such as multiplier effects
explaining the effect size of the tourism–poverty nexus. and trickle-down effects, tourism can only gradually realize its full po­
tential in poverty alleviation in the long run.
6. Conclusion Some research hypotheses were not accepted based on the results.
The variable, mid_year, was estimated to be insignificant, indicating that
6.1. Discussion the tourism-poverty relationship does not evolve over time. The effect
size of studies focusing on more recent periods is consistent with those
Past decades have witnessed fierce debate over the effectiveness of focusing on earlier times. One possible reason is that although techno­
tourism on poverty alleviation, and many scholars have empirically logical advancement over time boosts tourism demand and revolution­
investigated this relationship. We conducted a systematic meta-analysis izes tourism supply, it fails to fundamentally change the redistribution of
based on estimation results from these studies. In the first step, we wealth created by tourism. Furthermore, our result shows that fixed-
detected two types of publication bias using a funnel plot and Galbraith effects estimation did not generate a significantly different effect size
plot; results demonstrated that researchers are apt to report a positive of the tourism–poverty nexus. This can be explained by the fact that
tourism–poverty nexus in econometric modeling. In line with our find­ most empirical studies include a large number of control variables,
ings, pro-poor tourism has been accused of overestimating tourism which can partly alleviate the omitted variable biases that fixed effects
sector growth (Gascón, 2015; Scheyvens & Russell, 2012). After estimation can overcome.
excluding the potential influence of publication bias through Rosen­
thal’s Fail-Safe N test, we calibrated the effect size based on 298

D. Zhang et al. Tourism Management 94 (2023) 104650

6.2. Implications research can serve as a reference for subsequent investigation of the
tourism–poverty nexus. Colleagues’ input is welcome to inspire further
Three major theoretical implications arise from this work. First of all, theoretical and practical consideration of this matter. Last but not least,
our empirical and systematic evidence supports the overall “curative” only English empirical works were included in the sample, disregarding
role of tourism in combating poverty worldwide. Second, our meta- many empirical results in other languages, such as Spanish, French, and
analysis adds value to research design. Although various methods and Chinese. Future studies can consider and evaluate a more comprehen­
estimation settings were included in our sample, we extracted a series of sive data sample with international collaborative efforts.
factors that are critical in determining effect sizes. Lastly, we identified
type I and type II publication bias in tourism–poverty research. Publi­ Impact statement
cation bias hampers the progress and development of disciplines and
policy; as such, such bias merits vigilance. This form of bias may also We synchronized the overall effect size of tourism on poverty alle­
give rise to pseudo-policymaking in practice. In light of these consid­ viation based on 298 estimates extracted from 33 studies. Results show
erations, policy formulation could become more feasible by breaking that tourism moderately reduces poverty. Therefore, it supports the
free from the shackles of reporting “good news.” This shift is also ex­ overall “curative” role of tourism in combating poverty worldwide.
pected to accelerate theoretical advancement. Moreover, the pre- However, the effect size of the tourism–poverty nexus is susceptible to
registration practice of empirical research can be helpful in improving several factors, such as poverty and tourism measures as well as focal
the transparency of the research. Essentially, the empirical research can countries’ development level. Specific policies should be better
be pre-registered before the final result is obtained, making the results contextualized due to the heterogeneity of this effect; for instance, we
less influenced by publication biases. In addition to a heavy reliance on discovered that the effectiveness of tourism was more noticeable in
the reviewers and editors in manuscript quality control, a website served developed countries. This trend implies that a developed revenue
for tourism research pre-registration is expected to alleviate the publi­ redistribution system, as is common in developed countries, is needed to
cation bias. guarantee benefits for low-income classes. The effect of tourism on
Our study additionally provides several major implications for inequality measures was found to be limited; governments should hence
tourism and economics researchers interested in the tourism–poverty be particularly cautious when proposing tourism as a policy tool to
relationship. We strongly advocate for the use of “tourism specializa­ shrink regional income inequality.
tion” measures to identify the effects of tourism in tourism–poverty
analysis; non-standardized tourism measures can dilute tourism’s Credit author statement
demonstrated effectiveness. The endogeneity of tourism measures
should be treated carefully in empirical analysis. Dapeng Zhang (Conceptualization, methodology, project adminis­
Our findings yield practical implications for practitioners and poli­ tration, writing - Review & Editing). Qiaoqiao Wang (Software, formal
cymakers as well. The overall effect size identified herein reveals tour­ analysis, writing - Original Draft). Yang Yang (Conceptualization, formal
ism’s moderate effectiveness in helping the poor climb out of poverty. analysis, data curation, validation, writing - Review & Editing).
Governments should strategically embrace tourism as a meaningful and
sustainable economic activity to combat poverty. Moreover, addressing Funding information
the social and cultural well-being of the most disadvantaged populations
is of great consequence to achieving SDGs. Importantly, though, specific This research was supported by the National Social Science Fund,
policies should be better contextualized due to the heterogeneity of this PRC, NO.20BJY207,and the Research project on the construction of
effect; for instance, we discovered that the effectiveness of tourism was Hubei Yangtze River National Cultural Park in 2022(NO.HCY­
more noticeable in developed countries. This trend implies that a K2022Y04)“Research on the integration and innovative utilization of
developed revenue redistribution system, as is common in developed Hubei red cultural resources in the perspective of the integration of
countries, is needed to guarantee benefits for low-income classes. cultural and tourism”
Additionally, international tourism generally exerts a more significant
impact than domestic tourism products. Lastly, the effect of tourism on Declaration of competing interest
inequality measures (e.g., the Gini coefficient) is limited; governments
should hence be particularly cautious when proposing tourism as a None.
policy tool to shrink regional income inequality.
Appendix A. Supplementary material
6.3. Limitations and future research agenda
Supplementary material to this article can be found online at https://
This research is susceptible to some limitations. First, although a
large number of studies have emerged in recent years, our coded set
consisting of 33 studies following rigorous screening criteria for meta- References
analysis remains small. This limited sample size further prevented us
from conducting additional subgroup analyses to uncover other inter­ Alam, M. S., & Paramati, S. R. (2016). The impact of tourism on income inequality in
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Second, tourism and poverty measurements are not limited to our coded Artal-Tur, A., Briones-PeÃalver, A. J., Bernal-Conesa, J. A., & MartÃnez-Salgado, O.
four variables; there are many other proxies, such as the Engel coeffi­ (2019). Rural community tourism and sustainable advantages in Nicaragua.
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(6), 2232–2252.
cient, household consumption, GDP per capita, and so on. For instance, Badulescu, A., Badulescu, D., Simut, R., & Dzitac, S. (2020). Tourism-Economic growth
scholars have adopted a Bayesian model based on priors to identify more nexus. The case of Romania. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26
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Balaguer, J., & Cantavella-Jordá, M. (2002). Tourism as a long-run economic growth
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extensive set of variables rather than simply the most popular ones. Balasubramanian, P., & Aanchal. (2017). Financial challenges faced by homestay owners
Third, nonlinear relationships deserve further exploration. We noticed in heritage tourism destination with special reference to Cochin City. International
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and Law. His research focuses on tourism economics.


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