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ewer Guide Specifications ‘AUDIO POWER SPECIFICATIONS, ‘POWER OUTPUT AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION: |With 8 ohm loads both channels den, ftom 20 27.000 Hz rated 128 watts per ‘char! minimum 44S power, with no ‘more than 0.9% toll harmonic distortion ftom 250 mativatts to rated output SONY Integrated Stereo Amplifier TA-AX401 — Instructions eam ec ma ogy Smabierkarwicose ‘Owner's Record ett an strana wate! uly Ehowmnewsr caemarsonaes sneposer onan = Ser ny on 20 Ac ee esa Tas ——— 2p reso nse, ‘raha afro ome pose To provent fre oF shock hazard, do not ex: ‘pose the unit te rain or moisture. ‘Sipe eaten sor camo: ome menor utcme cc [Pon caning Epes Srearneens, Trine re by sae a necting Ap PESOS ree cnt tee omy rr rina ety me sree Connections Adjusting the Audi COI Og} i = SI Si ID a ha adi att yl Weaorwones este poe) q panic a Fnac anne eAANee 6 ig pe ce Listening to a Program Source

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