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Aerospace Engineering

Fisica en secundaria

Entender cosas

Understanding the world around us helps us mold how we perceive things and events

Open mind vs objective

The physical realm is different from the metaphysical (or is it?)

The deep

Fear vs understanding

The universe

Interaction with the world


Relativity vs Quantum Physics

Feria de fisica

Richard Feynman


Stuff that we don't know yet





Universal truth

Conflict between subjective and objective

What is beauty

Change of ideas during eras, art, science, and beauty


Método Científico

Human Potential

How art reflects the human potential

Science as a way to understand reality



Youtube videos about science

Pensar en cómo percibimos las cosas

Meditación como otro estado de la conciencia


Calcular todo


Caos, entropia

Dudas sobre hasta dónde puede llegar la ciencia


Certainty of physics in our physical realm

Music as a physical medium (objectivity)

Music as a metaphysical medium (subjectivity)

Middle point between both


If music is physical and it alters our mind, there must be a way to better it.

But taste changes through time

The more info or tools we have to do a task the easier it is.

My journey through physics and spirituality makes me who I am and how I perceive the world
and especially how I make music.

We live in a weird but awesome time. We can view the world in so many ways and perspectives
from very small scales: cells, molecules, particles, atoms, subatomic particles, fundamental
particles, and huge scales that we never imagined before like planetary scales, we understand
our solar system, our galaxy, the visible universe and we are studying the possibility of living in
a multiverse. We are being able to make stuff only nature could do before. Current and future
scientists work as alchemists in old times, but now mixing atoms, bits, and genes. We have
almost masterd what some people would have called magic or witchcraft (lol). \

In nature we have materials and physical laws that form these complex processes, often in the
most efficient wa (like how the brain) and in my personal belief, we are extremely lucky to be
witness of these phenomena.

Picaso and Einstein met in 1904, Picasso started the cubist movement and einstein came up
with the general theory of relativity. Both trie to explain or express the world around them, they
both studied space and time only that picasso did it with painting sculpture and Einstain with

Usually art is for expression, science is for exploration, engineering is for innovation or
invention. What if we make these fundamentals of humanity and make them work for each other
or put them in a loop. Science converts information and data into knowledge, engineering
converts this knowledge into utility, this utility is turned into part of our culture, our everyday life,
and art takes this cultural behavior and questions our perception of the world. A child might
become intrigued by science with a movie such as interstellar that centers it’s premise around
the theory of relativity, someone might get inspired to become an astronomer by contemplating
the starry night by Van Gogh, or a child might become interested in nature by reading a poem
by robert frost or listening to beethoven’s 6th and end up being a botanist. It can also go the
other way from science to art, the creator of spongebob was a marine biologist. Or me, I am
very very into physics and ended up in music, because I find that magical feeling in both of
them, except that with music I am able to express that magic and wonder of the unknown. There
is a clear flow or relationship between what we constitute as art and what science is to us. They
are both integral to the human experience and development.

Changes in our perception affect the way we capture data.

Magic: Making or having your intention impact the physical world or your experience in it.

Science can really be magical depending on the point of view. Davinci’s flying models could be
compared to the myth of Icarus, Zeus is the god of thunder, we understand thunder more than
ever, Prometheus and the liver being devoured basically talks about organ regeneration, which
might be done today with mother cells, Jesus resurrection is a matter of reversed entropy and
the second law of thermodynamics, who knows when we will develop science capable of that if
it happens. In a way, through all these mythologies, humans put events or matters of real
scientific problems or interests (maybe a little to advance for their time in most cases).

The MIT’s media lab is heavily driven by art and artistic purposes. They have a very cool
documentary on netflix, in an episode of Abstract in which they talk about the relationship of art
and science. They invented or pioneered the glass printing technology. No one in the history of
humanity has printed glass, it has been molded, blown, but never printed. They in the MIT
invented a technology fully based on artistic purposes. They used science as a vehicle or tool to
project their artistic view, and obviously impact manufacture. This makes me think of how there
are many technologies to invent or discover that could help us express our human experience in
ways that we have never imagined before, take electronic music for example or film, our
ancestors would have never even dreamed of technology like that. There is 8D music that
affects the way you experience.
We have always been trying to project ideas, stories, and the human experience through art.
We write books, compose songs, music, create coreographies to pass on our experiences or
make an audience experience a situation or feeling. Stories are put into movies, emotions into
music, and I think video games are the news form of art, they exemplify a genre of story telling
that incorporates music, graphic design, animation, film (if you will), story telling, and everything
controlled by you. You are totally immersed in the experience by getting in the skin of a fictional
character and controlling it to experience a story. This form of art would have never existed
without the scientific invention of the transistor that led to computers that evolved to a whole
empire of modernity that we live in today. Science really paints the way for art and
viceversa,they are highly related with one another.

Scientists very often try to find or accidentaly find solutions to problems that don’t yet exist,
rather than problem solving (which is what engineers do) scientists seek for problems and the
pay off is or are things that affect our lives day to day.

“You dont win awards by doing stuff you are told to do, you win them by questioning and
thinking for yourself”

The source of the phrase I wonder can be said to be doubt. You cant have mak progress
without doubt, you cant create witout doubt and asking yourself I wonder. Wonder is the engine
of science and art. That wonder is what keeps me going. It is what makes me want to become a
better musician, wondering what this life is and how the universe works and what
consciousness does within the universe is are questions that are fundamental and the core of
artistic and scientific work. They are the why we do science and art. If we knew how to express
everything and new everything already, life would be way more easy, but way more boring, that
is why wonder is imperative and vital for our understanding of the world and what we make out
of it.

There is always the question of what is it good for? does it bring financial value? Why is this
experiment worth it? Why is art worth it? I think we all know the answer for those questions insid
of us, but we are afraid of the answer being to cheesy or dumb for others, but the reality is that
art and sciences are necessary for humans. Today’s world tries to put price on everything, and
transcendental matters like these are not worthy of peoples’ time, but there are imperative for
our species’ culture. Maybe we have almost everything at our disposal, we master almost
anything, we can build anything, make anything, know almost anything, but the sense of wonder
will always be there as a part of our human experience. And in 10, 20, 50 years we will see the
outcomes and we will be doing or using things that will have affected our lives and culture
because of this way of thinking.

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