Cours 3

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‫الجمهوريــــــــة الجزائريــــــة الديمقراطيـــــة الشعبيـــــة‬

République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire

Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur ‫وزارة التعليــم العالــي والبحــث العلمــي‬
et de la Recherche Scientifique
et de la Recherche cientifique ‫جامعــة بجايــة‬
Université de Bejaia
Université de Bejaia
Faculté des Lettres et des
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues
‫كليـــــة اآلداب واللغـــــات‬
Aboudaou ‫أبـــوداو‬
Département de Langue et Littérature
Le Doyen ‫قســم اللغــة واألدب االنجليزى‬
Level: Master
Specialty: DLE + Linguistics
Module: Langue and Culture

The Role of the Teacher in Teaching Culture

1-The role of the teacher:

Teacher is asked to present the native and the target cultures in an equal manner. That is; none of
them is better.
Teacher is asked to create a positive atmosphere when introducing the cultural aspects mainly
the target ones.
Teacher has to develop a positive attitude towards the target culture to help learners to do so.
Otherwise, there will be a risk of rejection and refusal (cultural shock, bewilderment...).
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Teacher: has
FaxFax : the duty
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: 034 034never diminish, in any way, the students’ culture(s).
Teacher should be aware of students’ different cultures.
Teacher should possess knowledge about the target culture.
Teacher should be responsible for understanding and transmitting knowledge to students about
the target culture.
Teacher should possess knowledge about any variations that may exist in the target culture.
Teacher needs to know how to teach each of the cultural aspects included in the syllabus.
In order to achieve these roles, teachers need to be trained to not only develop language proficiency but
also cultural sensitivity since language and culture are interrelated.
And more importantly, teachers need to be familiar with “how native speakers think and react”
(Kramsch, 1983, p. 445) in order to successfully teach and help students understand the intended
cultural aspects.

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues. Campus Aboudaou – Bejaia

Téléphone : 034 22 15 42 / Fax : 034 22 15 47
‫الجمهوريــــــــة الجزائريــــــة الديمقراطيـــــة الشعبيـــــة‬
République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur ‫وزارة التعليــم العالــي والبحــث العلمــي‬
et de la Recherche Scientifique
et de la Recherche cientifique ‫جامعــة بجايــة‬
Université de Bejaia
Université de Bejaia
Faculté des Lettres et des
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues
‫كليـــــة اآلداب واللغـــــات‬
Aboudaou ‫أبـــوداو‬
Département de Langue et Littérature
Le Doyen ‫قســم اللغــة واألدب االنجليزى‬
2-Problems in teaching culture:
Teachers face overcrowded curriculum. The study of culture requires time. Therefore, teachers
prefer teaching language aspects.
Teachers feel afraid of lack of sufficient knowledge on the target culture.
Students’ negative attitudes lead their understanding and interpretation of the target culture
within their own culture.
Lack of training in teaching culture. Teachers are not adequately trained to teach cultural facts in
class. Consequently, they do not only lack sufficient cultural knowledge but they do not also
have suitable strategies and clear goals that would direct and create a framework for organising
instructions around cultural themes as well.
Teachers do not know to measure cross-cultural competence and changes in students’ attitudes
as a result of culture teaching (how to evaluate students’ understanding, interpretation and use of
both cultures).
Tears fear
Tél. :stereotypes related to the target culture.
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3-Strategies for teaching: 034
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culture: there various strategies a teacher can adopt in order to succeed in the
teaching of culture:
3-1-the use of various materials: tactile, visual and audio based materials such as newspapers,
songs, videos, and stories help not only to learn language in context but also to touch on many of
the various learning styles of students and to put learners in a real cultural situation. Accordingly,
the input is real, enjoyable and practical at the same time.
3-2-the internet as a resource: the internet helps the teacher to bring current and authentic
cultural elements from around the world and into the hands of students within a matter of
minutes. Internet provides “a direct, immediate link to the target culture”. Internet allows
communication with native speakers of the target culture (authentic input). Internet helps
learners develop a cultural awareness about the target culture. Moreover, it helps them develop
an intercultural awareness as they are exposed to the similarities and differences existing
between the two-cultures and even other cultures all over the world.

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues. Campus Aboudaou – Bejaia

Téléphone : 034 22 15 42 / Fax : 034 22 15 47
‫الجمهوريــــــــة الجزائريــــــة الديمقراطيـــــة الشعبيـــــة‬
République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur ‫وزارة التعليــم العالــي والبحــث العلمــي‬
et de la Recherche Scientifique
et de la Recherche cientifique ‫جامعــة بجايــة‬
Université de Bejaia
Université de Bejaia
Faculté des Lettres et des
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues
‫كليـــــة اآلداب واللغـــــات‬
Aboudaou ‫أبـــوداو‬
Département de Langue et Littérature
Le Doyen ‫قســم اللغــة واألدب االنجليزى‬
3-3-reformulation: is a strategy that engages learners to repeat what native speakers have said
in their own words; that is showing an understanding of what the natives have said. This is useful
to learn both language and culture.
3-4-research: is a means that engages students in long term interest in the target culture,
motivates them and helps them develop discovery skills.
3-5-personalising cultural content: is a strategy that gives the opportunity to learners to talk
about themselves and thus develop a better cultural understanding.
3-6-cultural presentations: is a strategy that involves students in a group assignment to portray
one aspect of either the native or the target culture or both of them. The students are required to
think critically, to be creative, select important information to share with the class, and mainly to
get a better understanding of the cultural aspect chosen.
Making a map of a specific region.
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Sewing a traditional costume.
Learning to play a (an English) folk song.
Play regional piece of theatre.
Role playing:
Political debate
Family conversation
News presentation….
→ These activities can enhance learners to develop their language, cultural understanding, research
skills and non-verbal cultural components such as gestures and facial expressions.
→ This results in a complete and appropriate understanding, therefore intercultural competence.

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues. Campus Aboudaou – Bejaia

Téléphone : 034 22 15 42 / Fax : 034 22 15 47

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