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Max. Marks 30

1. Physical Fitness Test: SAI Khelo India test, Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT)*
6 Marks
2. Proficiency in Games and Sports (Skill of any one IOA recognised Sport/Game of Choice)**
7 Marks
3. Yogic Practices** 7 Marks
4. Record File *** 5 Marks
5. Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) 5 Marks

o * Test for CWSN (any 4 items out of 27items but 1 item from each component: Aerobic
function, BodyComposition, Muscular strength & endurance, range of motion or flexibility)
o ** Basketball, Football, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Handball, Hockey, Cricket.
o ** CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang): Bocce/Boccia , Sitting Volleyball,
Wheel Chair Basketball, Unified Badminton, Unified Basketball, Unified Football, Blind
Cricket, Goalball, Floorball, Wheel chair races and throws, or any other sport/games of
o ** Children With Special Needs may opt any one sport/game from the list as alternative
for Yogic Practices. However, the sport/game must be different for skill of Game and
alternate to yogic practices.

***Record File shall include:

 Practical - 1: Fitness tests administration.

 Practical - 2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas for
each lifestyle disease.
 Practical - 3: Anyone one IOA recognized Sport/Game of choice. Labelled diagram of Field &
Equipment. Also mention its Rules, Terminologies & Skills.

Note: The Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT) is a test use for the people with disabilities.

Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school

(i) Age group 5-8yrs / class 1-3
At Primary class 1-3, children should acquire Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) leaving the
learning of specific physical activities to later stages. FMS provide the building blocks for many
physical activities, such as playing games, dance, and sport. Abilities of children in class 1-3 which
need to be measured and tracked are:
B. Flamingo Balance Test
C. Plate Tapping Test

(ii) Age group 9-18yrs / class 4-12

For Class 4 to 12, it is important for students to have an overall physical fitness. The following
Components are to be considered in Physical Health and Fitness Profile:
B. 50mt Speed test
C. 600mt Run/Walk
D. Sit & Reach flexibility test
E. Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups for boys, Modified Push-Ups for

BMI (Body Mass Index)

Body mass index (BMI) is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of a person. The BMI is
defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is expressed in units of kg/m2,
resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres.

BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people. It is used to screen for weight categories
that may lead to health problems. This calculator provides BMI and the corresponding weight

Infrastructure/Equipment Required
Flat surface, Weighing Machine, metric stadiometer /Measuring Tape pasted
on a wall

Measuring Height Accurately
Remove the participant’s shoes and hair ornaments. The participant stands
with feet flat, together, and back against the wall. Make sure legs are straight,
arms are at sides, and shoulders are level. Make sure the participant is looking
straight ahead and that the line of sight is parallel with the floor. Take the
measurement while the participant stands with head, shoulders, buttocks, and
heels touching the flat surface (wall). Lightly mark where the bottom of the
headpiece meets the wall. Then, use a metal tape to measure from the base on
the floor to the marked measurement on the wall to get the height
measurement. Accurately record the height to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.
Measuring Weight Accurately
Use a digital scale. The participant removes shoes and heavy clothing, such as
sweaters. The participant stands with both feet in the center of the scale. Record the
weight to the nearest decimal fraction (e.g., 25.1 kilograms).

The BMI may be determined using a table which displays BMI as a function of mass and height using
contour lines or colours for different BMI categories, and which may use other units of measurement
The following formula is used to calculate BMI:

Body Mass Index (BMI) =

Where W = body weight in kilograms
And H = height in meters.

Category BMI
Underweight <18.5
Normal weight 18.5-24.9
Overweight 25 – 29.9
Obesity Class I 30 – 34.9
Obesity Class II 35 – 39.9
Obesity Class III > 40

Flamingo Balance Test

The test is used to check the ability to balance successfully on a single leg. This single leg balance test
assesses the strength of the leg, pelvic, and trunk muscle as well as static balance.

Equipment Required
Stopwatch, metal beam 50cm long, 5cm high and 3cm wide (the beam is stabilized by two supports at
each end, and should have a non-slip surface)

Stand on the beam. While balancing on the preferred leg, the free leg is flexed at
the knee and the foot of this leg held close to the buttocks. Stand just like a
“flamingo”. The participant keeps balance by holding the instructor’s hand then
the watch should be started as the instructor lets go.
The stopwatch must be stopped each time when the person loses balance, either
by falling off the beam or letting go the foot behind being held.

The total number of falls or loss of balance in 60 seconds of balancing is
If there are more than 15 falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated.
Plate Tapping Test

The objective of the test is to measure the student’s speed and coordination of limb movement.

Equipment Required
Table (Adjustable height), Yellow discs (20 cm), Rectangle (30x20cm), Whistle and Stop watch

If possible, the table height should be adjusted so that the subject is
standing comfortably in front of the discs. The two yellow discs are placed
with their centers 60 cm apart on the table. The rectangle is placed
equidistant between both discs. The non-preferred hand is placed on the
rectangle. The subject moves the preferred hand back and forth between
the discs over the hand in the middle as quickly as possible. This action is
repeated for 25 full cycles (50 taps).

The time taken to complete 25 cycles is recorded. Performed the test twice and the best result is

50mt Speed test

To determines acceleration and speed

Infrastructure/Equipment Required:
Measuring tape, marked track, stopwatch, cone markers, flat and clear surface of at least 60 meters.

Before start, warm up should be given, including some practice starts. Start from a stationary position,
with one foot in front of the other. The front foot must be on or behind the starting line. This starting
position should be static. The starter commands ‘Ready” and “Go” and encouraged to continue running
hard through the finish line.

Time taken for completion, time is noted in seconds up to the 10th of a second.

600mt Run/Walk

To measure Cardiovascular Fitness/Cardiovascular Endurance

Equipment Required
Stopwatch, whistle, marker cone, lime powder, measuring tape, 200 or 400mts flat and even
playground with a marking of starting and finish line.

In this test item a subject runs a distance of 600mts. The subject takes a standing start from the start
line. Walking is permitted but the objective is to cover the distance in the shortest possible time.
The time taken to run the distance is recorded in minutes and seconds.

Sit & Reach flexibility test

The sit and reach test was first propounded by Wells and Dillon in 1952. This test is widely used as
normal test of flexibility and specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring

Equipment Required
Sit and Reach box with the following dimensions: 12" x 12" (sides) 12" x 10" (front and back) 12" x
21" (top) Inscribe the top panel with centimeter/mm gradations. It is crucial that the vertical plane
against which the subject's feet will be placed is exactly at the 23 cm mark. Flat clean cushioned
surface/Gym Mats

First of all, shoes and socks should be removed. Then sit
down on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead.
The soles of the feet should be kept flat against the box.
Both the knees should be locked and pressed flat to the
floor. An assistant may hold the knees down. Palms
should be facing downwards. Hands should be on the top
of each other or side by side. The individual, whose
flexibility is to be measured, tries to extend his both hands
forward along the measuring line on the box as far as he
can extend. His finger tips of both hands should remain
equal and at the same level. He should not jerk or bounce
to reach at maximum distance. He should hold the full reach position for one-two seconds and the
score should be recorded. Generally in such test warm up is not allowed, however, the results can be
attained after suitable warm up.

The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter or half inch as the distance reached by the fingertips of
both hands.

Strength Test

i. Abdominal Partial Curl Up

ii. Push-Ups for boys & Modified Push-Ups for girls)

Abdominal Partial Curl Up

The curl up test measures abdominal muscular strength and endurance and core stability.

Equipment Required
Flat clean cushioned surface with two parallel strips (6 inches apart), Stopwatch, Recording sheets, Pen
The subject lies on a cushioned, flat, clean surface with knees flexed, usually at 90 degrees, with hands
straight on the sides (palms facing downwards) closer to the
ground, parallel to the body. The subject raises the trunk in a
smooth motion, keeping the arms in position, curling up the
desired amount (at least 6 inches above the ground towards the
parallel strip). The trunk is lowered back to the floor so that the
shoulder blades or upper back touch the floor.

Record the maximum number of Curl ups in a certain time period 30 seconds.

Push Ups (Boys)/Modified Push Ups (Girls)

To measure upper body strength, endurance and trunk stability

Equipment Required
Flat clean cushioned surface/Gym mat

A standard push up begins with the hands and toes touching the floor, the body and legs in a straight
line, feet slightly apart, the arms at shoulder width apart, extended and at a right angles to the body.
Keeping the back and knees straight, They bring themselves downward so that the chest nearly touches
the floor, then they push back to the starting position by straightening the arms and repeat the
procedures as many times as possible. The arms must be completely extended with each push-up; the
body must be held straight throughout.
For Girls: push-up technique is with the knees resting on the ground.

Scoring consists of the number of correctly completed push- ups.

Obesity Diabetes Asthma Hypertension

Tadasana Shalabhasana Kapalabhati Vakrasana
Pavanmuktasana Bhujangasana Anuloma-Viloma Shavasana


Procedure: Stand up in attention position. Lift your arms upwards. Stretch your hands upwards. Raise
your heels, and come on your toes. Also pull up your body upwards. After some time breathe out
slowly and come to the previous position. Repeat the same exercise 10/15 times.


1. It is helpful in developing physical and mental balance.

2. It reduces obesity.
3. It cures constipation.
4. It cures digestive problems.
5. It improves body posture.
6. It alleviates sciatica.
7. It is an excellent asana for those who want to enhance their height.
8. It is beneficial in treating hypertension.


1. If you have low blood pressure you should not practise this asana.
2. In case of headache or insomnia you should avoid the practise of this asana.
3. Individuals, who suffer from blood circulation problems such as faulty valves, should not
perform this asana.
Pavan Muktasana

Procedure: Lie down on your back on a plain surface. Keep your feet together and place your arms
beside your body. Take a deep breath. When you exhale bring your knees towards your chest. At the
same time press your thighs on your abdomen. Clasp your hands around your legs. Hold the asana
when you breathe normally. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release
the pose after you rock and roll from side to side about three times.


1. It eases the tension in lower back.

2. It enhances the blood circulation in pelvic area.
3. It stimulates the reproductive organs. It also helps to cure menstrual disorders.
4. It helps in reducing the fats of thighs, buttocks and abdominal area.
5. It strengthens the abdominal muscles. It also massages the intestines and organs of the digestive
system which helps in releasing the gas and thus improves digestion.
6. It relieves constipation.


1. If you are suffering from heart problems, hyper acidity, high blood pressure, slip disc and
hernia, you should avoid practising this asana.
2. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.
3. If you have had an abdominal surgery recently, you should avoid performing this asana.
4. Individuals suffering from piles should avoid this asana.


Procedure: In order to perform shalbhasana, lie down in prostrate position. Spread the thigh
backwards. Hold your fists and extend arms. Keep your fists under the thigh and then raise your legs
slowly as high as you can. For best results hold this position for two or three minutes and then lower
your legs slowly. Repeat the same action for three to five times.

1. It alleviates lower back pain.

2. It helps in removing constipation.
3. It improves posture.
4. It stimulates abdominal organs.
5. It helps in relieving stress.
6. It provides relief to persons who have mild sciatica and slip disc problem.
7. It strengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks and back of the arms and legs.


1. People with a weak spine should avoid the practice of this asana.
2. The individuals with a weak heart, high blood pressure and coronary problems should avoid
practising this asana.


Procedure: in this asana, the shape of the body remains like a snake that is why it is called
bhujangasana. In order to perform this asana, lie down on the belly on the ground. Keep your hands
near the shoulders. Keep your legs close together. Now, straighten up your arms slowly, raise the
chest. Your head should turn backwards. Keep this position for some time. Then get back to the former
position. For good result, perform this asana 3 to 5 times.


1. It alleviates obesity.
2. It provides strength and agility.
3. It cures the disorders of urinary bladder.
4. It cures the diseases of liver.
5. It improves blood circulation.
6. It makes the vertebral column flexible and thin.
7. It cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion.
8. It strengthens the muscles of hands.


1. This asana should be avoided by individuals who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headaches
and recent abdominal surgeries.
2. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.

Kapalabhati is an important part of Shat karma (sometimes known as Shatkriya), the yogic system of
body cleansing techniques. The word kapalabhatiis made up of two words: kapal meaning “skull”
(here skull includes all the organs under the skull too) and bhati meaning “shining, illuminating.” Due
to the process, the organs under the skull mainly the brain and the small brain are influenced in a
positive manner. Hence the word is used in that way. It is intended mainly to the cleaning of the cranial
sinuses but has many other effects, according to the Gherand Samhita and other sources


1. Sit comfortably in an upright posture and rest your hands on your lower belly.
2. Draw your navel to your spine in a quick motion, forcefully expelling all the air from your
lungs. The primary movement is from your diaphragm.
3. Allow your lungs to fill naturally, with no effort.
4. Perform this cycle ten times, and then allow your breathing to return to normal and observe the
sensations in your body. Repeat these cycles of ten movements three to four times.


1. Effective in reducing weight by increasing the metabolic rate.

2. Clears the nadis (subtle energy channels).
3. Stimulates abdominal organs and thus is extremely useful for those suffering from diabetes.
4. Improves blood circulation and adds radiance to the face.
5. Improves digestive tract functioning, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.
6. Calms and uplifts the mind.


1. Kapalabhati should not be practised by pregnant women.


1. Sit in any comfortable meditative asana.
2. Keep the head and spine straight and close your eyes.
3. Place right hand in jnana mudra and close the right nostril with the right thumb.
4. Inhale through the left nostril for 5 counts.
5. After 5 counts of breath release the pressure of thumb from the right nostril and close the left
nostril with the ring finger and exhale through the right nostril for 10 counts, keeping the
respiration rate slow, deep and silent.
6. Then, inhale through the right nostril for 5 counts. E xhale. Practise 5 rounds or for 3 to 5
minutes, making sure that no sound is produced as the air passes through the nostrils.


1. Calms and steadies the mind, improves focus and concentration. Balances left and right
hemispheres of the brain.
2. Strengthens the immune system and manages hypertension.
3. Provides sufficient oxygen for the functioning of every cell in the body.
4. Removes waste products such as carbon dioxide and other toxic gases from the body, so that
they do not remain in the blood stream.


1. It should not be practised by those students who are under medication for blood pressure.
2. Beginners should practice with breaks in between and should avoid holding their breath.
3. This is an excellent practice for pregnant ladies but the length of inhalation and exhalation
should be appropriate and manageable.
4. If sitting down is a challenge since students are suffering from arthritis, then they should sit on
a chair and continue the practice.
5. Avoid the practice when in full stomach, since it could impact the digestive system.


Procedure: Lie down in supine position. Legs should be straight. Keep the arms away from the body.
Leave all the limbs loose as well as relaxed. Generally, breathe in deeply. Close your eyes and think
that your whole body is becoming loose. Feel a complete relaxation in your body; remain in this
position for 10 to 12 times.


1. It strengthens the nervous system.

2. It controls high blood pressure.
3. It relieves mental tension.
4. It gives new vigour to both mind and body simultaneously.
5. It cures many psychosomatic problems.
6. It regulates blood circulation and gives relief in various aches and pains.
7. It helps to cure many cardiac problems.
8. It relaxes and calms the complete body.
9. It improves concentration and memory.
10. It increases energy levels.
11. The body relaxes and goes into a deep meditative state, which in turn repairs the cells and
tissues and releases stress.


1. A very distracted mind is going to find it difficult to relax and by pushing the body, it will
cause more irritation and bring a headache.
2. Someone with severe acidity may find lying on the back very uncomfortable as the food
pipe may cause irritation.


Procedure: Sit down and stretch your legs straight. Fold the right leg and keep the right leg’s heel
touching the left leg’s knee. Place your right hand behind your back and left arm over the right knee;
hold your right ankle. Push your right knee as far as possible and while exhaling, twist your trunk to
the right side. Take sufficient support of left arm. Now repeat the same procedure with the left side.

1. It improves the function of both spinal cord and nervous system.

2. It prevents and controls diabetes.
3. It strengthens kidneys.
4. It helps in reducing chronic back pain and shoulder pain.
5. It gives relief in stiffness of vertebrae.
6. It reduces belly fat.


1. Avoid this asana in case of high blood pressure.

2. Individuals who suffer from peptic ulcer should not practise this asana.
3. This asana should not be performed who suffer from serious back injury.

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