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BS Zoology
Registration No. 2019-GU-0510

Submitted to
Visting Faculty
Department of Zoology, GU, D. G. Khan

Place of Work

Sustainable Ecosystem
Ecosystems are the foundation for survival
and the survival of the earth. Hidden in plain
sight, ecosystems exist all around us.

What Does It Mean for an

Ecosystem To Be
In order to understand what a sustainable ecosystem is, it is important to know
what makes an ecosystem. An ecosystem is a community of living things like plants,
animals, and organisms that work together to transport and create resources for each
other to survive.
 What makes an ecosystem sustainable is its ability to support itself without the
need for outside influence.
 An ecosystem becomes unsustainable when crucial elements are taken away —
which usually happens because of human influence.

Sustainable ecosystems provide resources for their own inhabitants and
resources for humans, like water and food. Below are some examples of sustainable

Wetlands are areas of land that are covered with water, and hydrophytes are
the main characteristic of wetland ecosystems. Hydrophytes are plants that grow in
low-oxygen areas, serving as a food source for other organisms. Wetland ecosystems
are sustainable partly because they house and
sustain many different species of animals.
For example, moose are able to thrive in
wetland ecosystems because they eat
hydrophyte plants as a significant source of
nutrition. For humans, wetlands are
important because they provide a means of treating sewage. Naturally occurring
bacteria cleanses this water, making these areas safe places for plants and wildlife.


Rainforest ecosystems are known for their

warm temperatures and humid air.
Rainforests are home to over 30 million
species of plants and animals, not to
mention indigenous populations.
Rainforests are also a significant oxygen
source since their trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen in return.
Rainforests are homes to a diverse range of plants and animals, and this diversity in
species is what allows rainforests to be self-sufficient and sustainable. However,
stressors like deforestation can impact a rainforest’s sustainability.


In contrast to wet
and humid rainforests, deserts are areas that receive very little rain every year.
Though many species of animals that live in these ecosystems are warm-blooded, they
have adapted to scorching temperatures and dry air. There are also plants like cacti
that can easily store water, which is beneficial when precipitation is rare. Deserts
provide essential resources like mineral deposits. One example is borate, a salt used to
create glass and some ceramics. Deserts are also hotspots for mining because they
naturally produce oil, precious metals, and gems. What makes desert ecosystems
sustainable, despite having a very limited water source, is the way that plants and
animals have adapted to the dry heat and lack of precipitation.

Coral Reefs

Corals are organisms that

build together to form coral reefs. Coral reefs provide shelter, food, and areas to
reproduce for countless species of sea life. Coral reefs sustain themselves by
providing a healthy living environment for zooxanthellae, a type of algae. These algae
perform photosynthesis and produce carbohydrates that the coral can then use as food.
Coral reefs are important ecosystems because they protect coastlines from storms and
erosion, and they are also a source of food and even medicine.

Characteristics of a Sustainable Ecosystem

In order to be considered sustainable, ecosystems must have characteristics
that allow them to exist and thrive without outside influence or resources.

Availability of Energy
Energy is one of the most important elements that fuels sustainable
ecosystems. Organisms need energy to complete tasks that involve transferring
resources or elements that other organisms in the ecosystem need to survive.
For an ecosystem to be sustainable, energy must be available for the plants, animals,
and other organisms that exist in these systems. Energy can take the form of sunlight
for plants or food sources for organisms.
Room for Growth and Expansion
An environment that is suitable for habitation is extremely important for an
ecosystem to exist, but an environment that allows for expansion and growth is also
essential. Unfortunately, human activities like deforestation and pollution cause
difficulties for crucial ecosystems to survive and expand. Deforestation, for example,
dwindles the number of trees in ecosystems like rainforests, thus reducing habitats for
the animals in those ecosystems.

Water Source
Because most animals and organisms rely on water to survive, having access
to water in an ecosystem is vital to its survival. Many sustainable ecosystems have
systems that filter and replenish water. With constant stressors like water pollution
and droughts caused by climate change, water sources for ecosystems are becoming
more scarce.

Nutrient Availability
Sustainable ecosystems must have sufficient nutrient availability, meaning that
each element of the sustainable ecosystem needs the proper amount of nutrition to
function properly. Nutrient availability for plants means that they have enough
sunlight and nutrient-dense soil to thrive. Animals and organisms must have enough
food, whether it be plants, other animals, or smaller organisms, to carry out their
functions and tasks to sustain the ecosystem.

Importance of sustainable ecosystem

Sustainable ecosystems are crucial because they provide life-giving resources
and conditions like purified air and water, food, and climate regulation. Biodiversity
refers to the variety of life in an ecosystem, and this is also important because it
allows ecosystems to adapt better to outside stressors in order to survive.

Can a Non-Sustainable Ecosystem Become Sustainable?

Non-sustainability refers to the way an ecosystem is affected by human
consumption and activities to the point that it can no longer replenish resources and
recover. Ecosystems can become unsustainable when they are constantly affected by
pollution, deforestation, and overconsumption of resources. That said, it is possible
for a non-sustainable ecosystem to become sustainable.
How Can Ecosystems Become More Sustainable?
Ecological sustainability is one of the most beneficial ways to help ecosystems
become more sustainable after suffering damage. Ecological sustainability involves
restoring the structure and processes of ecosystems by first learning about how those
ecosystems operate. We can also reduce the impact of human consumption on
ecosystems by making changes that help us reduce waste and air pollution. The truth
is that we only have one earth to live on — and while this can be frightening, it can
also be motivating. We want to help you clean up your daily routine so that you can
take care of your health and the health of the earth. That is why we have created a line
of sustainable personal care products in refillable glass jars. By using less plastic, we
can help cut down on the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and, eventually,
oceans where ecosystems like coral reefs reside.

Are There More Sustainable or Non-Sustainable Ecosystems

Acccording to a study, only 3% of all of the earth’s habitats are undisturbed
today. This devastating number results from years of human consumption and harmful
means of obtaining natural resources. By studying how ecosystems work, practicing
sustainability, and learning about sustainable ecology, we can restore our earth and
ecosystems back to health. Simple steps to build sustainable habits can include using
recycled toilet paper, cutting down on plastic use, and even meal prepping to reduce
food waste. Any small steps to reduce your consumption and waste can add up to
something bigger.e There More Sustainable or Non-Sustainable Ecosystems Today?

The Bottom Line

Sustainable ecosystems have the ability to exist and thrive independently.
However, because of human consumption, overuse of resources from ecosystems, and
other harmful activities, more and more are being damaged every day. It is imperative
that we study how ecosystems work and how we can be more sustainable to help
reverse the damage. With Bite, cleaning up your personal care routine also means
cleaning up your sustainability habits — habits that will ultimately help our
ecosystems and heal our earth.

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