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Control Systems II

Laboratory Exercise I

[Muhammad Masood] 7361786 Date: 15th March 2011

Submitted to: Prof. Zhengtao Ding

EEEN 30041
Control systems II Lab Exercise 1



The performance can be enhanced considerably by watchfully controlling the state variables hence State Space models are a vital part of controller design. The laboratory highlights the techniques such as full state feedback controller design, observer design and compensator design for improving system performance. The tools used to carry out this study were MATLAB and SIMULINK.



 Familiarize with the basics of the full state controller design, observer design and compensator design in MATLAB using an example.

 Simulate open loop response of the System.  To apply knowledge gained from the example to the implementation of a dynamic output compensator. 3. SYSTEM

The aircraft system is depicted by state space equations as below.


Where, Longitudinal velocity, = Angle of attack, (elevator angle) and = Output (pitch angle).

= Pitch angle,

= Pitch rate,

= control input



The compensator was designed by keeping the initial conditions as specified and the use MATLAB (Ackermanns formula) but with poles set at [-3, -1+j, -1-j, -2] and observer poles set at [-2, -1.5+1.5j, -1.5-1.5j, -1]. The results are shown below.

The compensator design uses the state estimate given by the observer to replace the state variable in the full state control design. The final compensator design equations are given below.      



Figure 1 shows the closed loop output response for the system. The output is oscillatory but get stable in about 9 seconds.

Muhammad Masood

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Figure 1. Closed loop output response of the system The response of the state variables and the error dynamics of the observer are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively.

Figure 2. State Variables

Figure 3. Error Dynamics

The figures key thing to observeb in figure is that they are coherent with the poles that means as the real poles are non-oscillatory while imaginary poles are the oscillatory the system should be stable but should take time to reach stability due oscillatory imaginary part (damped oscillations). This is the reason for the 9 sec required by the system to achieve stability. Figure 3 is best explained the use of estimation for deducing the state variables and setting initial conditions to zero. This gives rise to an intial error but the error settles to zero after 7secs, so the observer can have an accurate estimate after 7 secs. .



The lab clearly showed the effectiveness and accuracy of the Matlab and Simulink to solve such problems. It was also learnt that a good compensator leads to faster and less oscillatory system response. Furthermore the design can safely be used on the aircraft as it very stable(as oscillations have magnitude 10-5 ) and fast.

Muhammad Masood

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