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College of Social Work

Course: Computer Application
Duration: Two Weeks
Class: 3B
Assignment Requirements:
Pages: 10 Pages minimum – 15 pages maximum
Table of Contents,
Cover Page and
Page Numbering
Content of the paper
I Cover page I
Ii Table of contents Ii
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Body 2
3.0 Types of Body 3
4.0 Conclusion 4
5.0 Reference 5
In the Paper use this format
1. Table of content: This table is all about your work details
2. Line space: 1.5 or 1.15
3. Font Type: Times New Roman
4. Font size: 12 in the body text or normal text
5. Font Size: 18 in the Titles
6. Font Size: Subtitle 14 or 16 based on your choice
7. Bold: use Bold in the Titles and subtitles in your text
8. Italic: some of the areas which needed to emphases
9. Insert note or End note: use this if need some explanations in
10. Deadline: 5 December 2021 (Insha Allah)

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Group One Assignment Questions
1. Social Networking
a) What is a Social networking
b) Discuss the different types of Social Media
c) Compare and contrast Face book and Twitter
d) Discuss the advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media or social
e) What bad habits you need to stop right now using in social media.
f) Compare and contrast Social media and Telecommunication system

Group Two Assignment Questions

2. Email Services
a) What is an Email Service?
b) What are the top ten free Email Service providers around the world?
c) Discuss the different web providers.
d) Discuss the difference between Emails and Social media Networking
e) How does Gmail works. Discuss its features and how to send and receive
and email.
f) Compare and contrast Gmail and Outlook  platforms and their
manufacturing Companies

Group Three Assignment Questions

3. Search Engine
a) What is a search engine?
b) The Top ten Search Engines
c) Discuss the different types of search engines and
how they are different from each other.
d) Discuss how to search files from the search engines.
Find out the best way of searching what you want.
e) Discus advantages and disadvantages of search
f) Discuss the Importance of searching education in
online search engines and the advantage to the

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Group Four Assignment Questions
4. Web Browsers
a) What is browser?
b) Top ten Web Browsers
c) Discuss the different types of browser (only five).
d) Explain the features of edge browser and Opera Browsers
e) Discus advantages and disadvantages of web browsers
f) Compare and contrast Edge and Chrome browsers

Group Five Assignment Questions

5. Internet service
a) What is internet?
b) Explain the history of internet?
c) How does the internet work?
d) Discuss the Computer Network and Types of Computer Networking.
e) Discuss the advantage and Disadvantage of using internet
f) Classify the components of Computer networking.

Group Six Assignment Questions

6. Computer
a) State and explain the generations of Computer?
b) Discuss Computer, data and information?
c) Discuss the Computer Processors’ and its parts.
d) Discuss the components of Computer?
e) Discuss advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers
f) Discuss Components and Characteristics of using Computers
g) Explain the parts and Classifications of computers

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