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A. Profitability ratios
(1) Return on ordinary shareholders’ funds
Profit for the year (net profit) less any preference dividend x 100
Ordinary share capital + Reserves

(2) Return on capital employed

Operating profit x 100
Share capital + Reserves + Non-current liabilities*
*Total Assets-Current liabilities

(3) Operating profit margin

Operating profit x 100
Sales revenue

(4) Gross profit margin

Gross profit x 100
Sales revenue

B. Efficiency ratios

(1) Average inventories turnover trade period

Average inventories held x 365
Cost of sales

(2) Average settlement period for trade receivables

Average trade receivables x 365
Credit sales revenue

(3) Average settlement period for trade payables

Average trade payables x 365
Credit purchases

(4) Sales revenue to capital employed

Sales revenue
Share capital + Reserves + Non-current liabilities

(5) Sales revenue per employee

Sales revenue
Number of employees

C. Liquidity ratios

(1) Current ratio

Current assets
Current liabilities


(2) Acid test ratio

Current assets (excluding inventories)
Current liabilities

D. Gearing ratios

(1) Gearing ratio

Long-term (non-current) liabilities
Share capital + Reserves + Long-term (non-current) liabilities

(2) Interest cover ratio

Operating profit
Interest payable

E. Investment ratios:

(1) Dividend payout/cover ratio

Dividends announced for the year x 100
Profit for the year

(2) Dividend yield ratio

Dividend per share/(1 - t) x 100
Market value per share

(3) Earnings per share

Profit for the year
Number of ordinary shares in issue

(4) Price/earnings ratio (P/E)

Market value per share
Earnings per share

(5) Dividend per share

Dividend payable to ordinary shareholders
Number of issued shares

The working capital cycle - compares/relates working capital efficiency:

Inventory Turnover days X

Add Debtor Collection/AR Days X
Less creditor payment/AP days (X)
Working Capital Cycle X

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