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The following text is for number 1 – 3

Mr. Yuda : Bram, here is for you, please. I hope it suits you. Not only blue is your favorite
color, but the design is so elegant. Do I say the truth?

Bram : Oh, my my my… Thank you, Dad. You’re right, it’s my size. Where can you find it

Mr. Yuda : The shop near the food stall

1. What thing does Mr, Yuda give to Bram seemly?

a. Beverage c. Medicine
b. Clothes d. Cookies

2. Which of the following is the shop where Mr. Yuda buys the thing most likely?
a. Beauty Centre c. Fasty Garment
b. Naga Sport d. Imelda Bakery

3. “... but the design is so elegant.”

The underlined words means ...
a. Fantastic c. gracefully and attractive
b. Excellent d. amazing and interesting

The following text is for number 4 – 6

Danar : Do you have something to share? You look great today

Dion : Absolutely, the headmaster is chatting me. It’s about our success in the Olympiad this
morning. He promises to give us surprise.

Danar : Really? Great! You, as the captain of the team, have driven us to be what we are.
Congratulation! You’re the best captain!

Dion : Thank you. It’s all about us.

4. When do you think the conversation takes place?

a. Before the competition
b. During the competition
c. After the compettition
d. During preparation

5. “He promise to give us surprise.”

The underlined words mean ...
a. Danar c. The headmaster
b. Dion d. The captain

6. What is the social function of the underlined expression found in the text?
a. The headmaster congratulates Danar because the team has won olympiad
b. Dion congratulates Danar because the team has won olympiad
c. The headmaster congratulates Danar because of his position
d. Danar congratulates Dion because of his position
Windy : What’s your plan for the weekend?

Nadir : I will try the new recipes I’ve found in the magazine

Windy : Sound great! Happy cooking then!

7. Why do you think Windy says “Happy cooking”? Because ...

a. She wishes her friend happy
b. She hopes she can cook
c. She wants to be happy
d. She will try cooking

8. Maura : The temperatures is hotter and hotter. What a dry season.

Merry : You are right. I wish there is no area affected by drought

The underlined word has the same meaning as ...

a. think c. imagine
b. hope d. assume

The following text is for number 9 - 11

Mrs. Yuni : Have you fried the meat?

Sania : Not yet, Mom. I’m sorry

Mrs. Yuni : How so?

Sania : I’ve watched the movie

9. How is Sania based on the text? He is….

a. diligent c. generous
b. attractive d. irresponsible

10. Which of the following is true based on the text?

a. Mrs. Yuni didn’t ask Sania to fry the meat
b. Sania didn’t watch the movie
c. Sania didn’t fry the meat
d. Sania fried the meat

11. Which of the following may come appear in our mind after reading the conversation?
a. Mrs. Yuni should throw the meat away
b. Sania should be trained more about responsibility
c. Mrs. Yuni should give physical punishment to Sania
d. Mrs. Yuni should be trained more about responsibility

Mr. Joe: I want buy Susi a new bag.

Mrs. Joe : Why not give her a pair of shoes? She needs it more, I think.

12. From the dialogue, we can determine that ...

a. Mr. Joe doesn’t agree to give Susi a new bag
b. Mr. Joe disagrees agree to give Susi a bag
c. Mrs. Joe wants to give Susi a new bag
d. Mrs. Joe disagrees to give a new bag

Amin : Do you think playing a kite is a good idea?

Iman : I’m not in line with you ... the bad weather

13. The most appropriate word to fill the blanks is ...

a. Therefore c. because
b. Although d. because of

The text is for number 14 – 16

Dina : It’s very cold here. How about having some coffee while enjoying the stars?

Dino : Your idea is exactly same as mine. The stars indeed brighten the sky.

14. When does the dialogue take place?

a. At night c. in the evening
b. In the morning d. in the afternoon
15. Which of the following does have the meaning “any large ball in the outer space that is
composed of gasses and produces light?
a. Sky c. Cold
b. Star d. Moon

16. The underlined sentence expresses …

a. agreement c. asking for opinion
b. disagreement d. giving compliment

Dini : Mom, Mr. Tutun will come next month. What menu will we prepare? How about grilled

Mother : I’m not sure it’s a good idea. He always gets his meal raw.

17. What menu would Dini serve for Mr. Tutun most likely?
a. Boiled banana c. steamed pineapple
b. Fried jackfruit d. fresh jackfruit

Zico : Why don’t we hang out in the school canteen now?

Zira : Are you crazy? The break time is over and you are talking about hanging out?

18. What can we conclude from the text?

a. Zira disagrees to Zico’s ideac. Zira has the same idea
b. Zira agrees to Zico’s idea d. Zira has no idea

The following text is for number 19 and 20

Mr. Duta : Here is the frame of the shelter we will construct, Sir!
Mr. Dira : Excellent! Your work is beyond me.

19. Mr. Dira might also say…..

a. Amazing! The shelter is a frame c. Good luck! It’s frame of the shelter
b. Good job! It’s more than I expect d. Well done! The shelter is constructed

20. What can we infer from the text?

a. Mr. Duta is Mr. Dira’s supervisor
b. Mr. Dira is Mr. Duta’s supervisor
c. Mr. Duta and Mr. Dira are framing the shelter
d. Mr. Duta and Mr. Dira are constructing the shelter

Dian : Listen! Someone … the door

Dani : Let me open it

21. Which of the following is suitable to fill the blank?

a. Knocks c. is knocking
b. Will knock d. has knocked
Ardila : What are you doing?

Arsita : I am applying this

Ardila : What for?

Arsita : To have base layer before having complex cosmetic

22. What thing does Amira have most probably?

a. A face powder c. face cleanser
b. Face tonic d. face foundation

The following text is for number 23 – 25

1. First, prepare the mangoes. Peel and dice.
2. Then, measure them and pour into a kettle.
3. Add equal amount of sugar.
4. Next, add about 1/3 cup of water to keep from sticking
5. After that, cook until smooth in medium heat.

23. The text may be useful for the following, except ...
a. A bricklayer c. a canteen owner
b. A caterer d. a chef

24. What can be made based on the steps?

a. Mango jam c. Fruity jam
b. Mango cake d. Fruity cake

25. What word in the text does mean unable to move?

a. Dice c. Sticking
b. Equal d. Medium
The following text is for number 26 - 28
Tito : May I tell you something? Rido is sending me a message

Dino : Is there something important?

Tito : He was waiting for me yesterday afternoon because I promised to give his laptop back

26. Seemly, what is Rido’s message about?

a. Asking Tito why he was waiting for him
b. Asking Dino about something important
c. Asking Dino why he was sending a message
d. Asking Tito why he wasn’t coming to his house

27. Which of the following is true based on the text conversation?

a. Tito was waiting for me yesterday afternoon
b. Rido was waiting for Dino yesterday afternoon
c. Tito had borrowed a laptop before Rido sent a message
d. Rido had borrowed a laptop before Tito told something important

28. My mother … about new recipes when someone called her

The appropriate verb tense to fill in the blank is…
a. is practicing c. will practice
b. practices d. was practicing

The following text is for number 29 - 31

Dono : Don’t forget to come at three for making a kite

Joni : Don, may I come a little bit late? I have to take my father to the optician

Dono : What time will you come? I will begin to do the process at three sharp

Joni : How about three and a quarter

Dono : OK, I (…31…) kite when you come

29. What Joni’s reason for being late?

a. He will make a kite
b. His father is an optician
c. He has make a kite at three
d. His father needs new glasses

30. Where will they do the assignment?

a. At the dentist’s house
b. At Dono’s House
c. At Joni’s house
d. Anywhere

31. What verb tense is appropriate to fill the blank?

a. have make c. will be making
b. Is making d. was making

The following text is for number 32 – 34


Raw krupuk and more easily fried

We can enjoy this krupuk as snack or as condiment for rice entrée, gado-gado and many
other kind of food. Fry in deep hot oil, it will expand and form the crunchy of crackers.

The ingrediens are (rice,salt,garlic and flavoring)

You can store them in airtight container for a pretty long time.

Rp. 18.000 ( 500 g ) / 30 crackers

No preservative

Produced by ARYANA

Kebon agung Magetan

East Java

Expired date 25 June 2020

32. What do you think the taste of the product?

a. Salty c. Bitter
b. Sweet d. Tasteless

33. How many pieces of kerupuk puli if you buy 1kg?

a. 30 crackers c. 60 crackers
b. 15 crackers d. 90 crackers

34. What word in the text does have the meaning “to collect and keep something for future use”
a. Raw c. store
b. Condiment d. airthight
35. “Sania comes to the place in order to get health service”
Which of the following is suitable for description?
a. c.
b. d.

Mrs. Yana : My recipe always comes to failure. Any suggestion?

Mrs. Dora : Is it? Why don’t you just come to my house? My kitchen is available

Mrs. Yana : What a friend! I should be thankful having you

Mrs. Dora : As what you want

36. What would Mrs. Yana do coming to Mrs. Dora’s house?

a. In order that check the kitchen c. In order that practise cooking
b. In order to check the kitchen d. In order to practise cooking

37. What night make us cancel buying the product?

a. There is no information about expired date
b. There is no information about content
c. The price is expensive
d. The taste is sweet
38. Which of the following is true based on the text?
a. The taste is sweet c. It could be a kind of beverage
b. It could be a kind of cracker d. It is good for the new born baby

39. The word found in the text which has the meaning “ a substance found in most tissue of the
body and in blood, where too much can cause damage to the arteries” is ….
a. cholesterol c. carbohydrate
b. vitamin d. protein

Dodik : Mom, I need some flowers to decorate the classrooms. My friends ask me for that

Mother : Yes, you may take them in the garden. Please ask your brothers in order to help you

40. The word “them” in the text refers to….

a. the friends c. the classrooms
b. the flowers d. the brothers

For number 41 – 45, answer the questions correctly!

41. What are they doing ?

Diki : Where is your father ? I need to see him.

Dirga : He is going to Mr. Yuda’s house.
Diki : Which one ? There are many Mr. Yuda in our village.
Dirga : Who is making and repairing wooden objects. My father is asking him to repair our

42. What is Mr. Yuda most likely ?

Text for number 43 – 44


Follow the ways below :

a. Put the fruits into the jar and close the lid
b. Press the power button and adjust its speed
c. After the ingredients are mixed, press the power button to turn it off
d. Unplug the cable from the power socket
e. Detach the jar and pour the content
f. Keep in dry place and away from children after using

43. According to you, what is the first step in operating the tool ?
44. According to you, what is the instruction in step f for ?

45. Danu : I will have a party for celebrating my son’s achievement. Have you got the
invitation ?

Jono : Yes I’ve received it, but I’m afraid, I’ve had a plan of a family gathering. In
Rudi’s house. You know him, right ?
Danu : Rudi ? You mean Frank’s father ? How do you know him ?
Jono : Yes, he’s Frank’s father. He is my younger brother in law.

What is the relationship between Jono and Frank ?

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