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Crit Care Nurs Q

Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 22-40

© 2005 Uppincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Thoracic Trauma
The Deadly Dozen
Linda Yamamoto, MBA/HCA, BSN, RN, PHN;
Crissy Schroeder, ADN, RN; Derek Morley, BSN, RN;
Cathie Beliveau, ADN, BA, RN, CCRN
Deadly Dozen ... Lethal Six ... Hidden Six ... Major thoracic injuries are known as the Deadly
Dozen. The Lethal Six (airway obstruction, tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, open pneu-
mothorax, massive hemothorax, andflailchest) are immediate, life-threatening injuries that require
evaluation and treatment during primary survey. The Hidden Six (thoracic aortic disruption, tra-
cheobronchial disniption, myocardial contusion, traumatic diaphragmatic tear, esophageal disrup-
tion, and pulmonary contusion) are potentially life-threatening injuries that should be detected
during secondary survey. Each of these may present as immediately life-threatening or potentially
life-threatening events. This article provides an overview of these 12 injuries and appropriate man-
agement for each. Case studies are included. Key words: airway obstruction, aortic disruption,
cardiac tamponade, flail chest, esophageal disruption, massive hemothorax, myocardial con-
tusion, open pneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, tension pneumothorax, tracheobronchial
disruption, traumatic diaphragmatic hernia

T HORACIC INJURIES account for approx-

imately 25% of trauma-related deaths.
They contribute to an additional 25% of
A rapid initial assessment should be com-
pleted upon arrival at the trauma center. As-
sessment is based on a series of diagnostic
deaths in the United States annually. Great ves- clues obtained from directed data collection.
sels injuries, or disruption of the heart, usu- Index of suspicion is the initial data collected
ally result in immediate death. Early deaths, to form this diagnostic set. Orderly evalua-
those that occur within 30 minutes to 3 hours, tion will identify injuries that are life threat-
are due to cardiac tamponade, tension pneu- ening, for example, tension pneumothorax,
mothorax, aspiration, or airway obstruction.' open pneumothorax, and massive hemo-
Although some of these injuries (most of them thorax. The secondary assessment will iden-
cardiac) require emergent surgical interven- tify the majority of lung and pleural injuries,
tion, most injuries to the lungs and pleura can which include pulmonary contusions, pneu-
be treated nonoperatively by applying certain mothorax, and hemothoraces.
fundamental principles of initial trauma man-
agement, which can substantially reduce mor-
bidity and mortality related to these injuries. A AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION
thorough knowledge of the pathophysiology
of cardiac and pleuropuknonary injuries is of The first priority in treating trauma patients
utmost importance for optimal treatment. is airway management. The cornerstones of
airway management are adequate oxygena-
tion, ventilation, and protection from aspira-
tion. Immediate airway control can prevent
From the Critical Care Services, Scripps Mercy death. Airway obstruction can be a primary
Hospital, San Diego, Calif.
problem or the result of other injury. Al-
Corresponding author: Linda Yamamoto, MBA/HCA, though the source of, and approach to, an ob-
BSN, RN, PHN, Critical Care Services, Scripps Mercy Hos-
pital, 4077 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103 (e-mail; struction may be slightly different, the prin-
yamamoto. linda@scrippshealth. org). ciples of basic and advanced life support are
Thoracic Trauma 23
fundamental to managing obstructions. Initial 3. providing an airway if partially ob-
priorities with all trauma patients are evalu- structed or totally obstructed.
ation and management of the airway, breath- Basic, advanced, and surgical airway inter-
ing, and circulation, cervical spine with stabi- vention techniques must be performed, even
lization, and level of consciousness. though the patient may have a cervical spine
The most common causes of airway ob- injury. Indications for surgical cricothyroido-
struction are the tongue, avulsed teeth, den- tomy are edema of the glottis, fracture of the
tures, secretions, and blood. But, expanding larynx, or severe hemorrhage obstructing the
hematomas that cause compression ofthe tra- airway. Remember, when in doubt, intubate;
chea, and thyroid cartilage or cricoid frac- protect the cervical spine, and intubate early,
tures resulting in hemorrhage and edema may especially in cases of neck hematomas or pos-
also be sources of obstruction. Airway com- sible airway edema. Airway edema can be in-
promise can be acute, insidious, progressive, sidious and progressive, and may make de-
and/or recurrent. The single most frequent layed intubation more difficult, if not impos-
indication for intubation is an unconscious sible.
patient suffering compromised ventilatory ef- Three young men, all aged 22 years, were in-
fort. Key issues in managing airway difficulty volved in a motor vehicle crash (MVC) while driv-
include the follow^ing: ing in a sports utility vehicle. The restrained driver
1. Delivering adequate oxygen to vital or- lost control at approximately 45 mph and hit a
car parked on the side of the road. No one was
ejected, but the 2 passengers were not restrained
2. Maintaining a patent airway and sustained significant injuries. The 3 victims
3. Ensuring adequate ventilation were transported to the emergency department
4. Protecting the cervical spine (ED) for treatment.
5. Recognizing the need for endotracheal The driver was awake upon arrival. He had
intubation abrasions over his chest and face, was complain-
6. Knowing how to utilize rapid sequence ing of some chest pain, and was breathing at a
intubation rate of 28 breaths per minute (bpm). He stated
7. Being proficient in surgical airway that upon impact, he hit the steering wheel with
techniques^ his chest. An arterial blood gas on room air re-
8. Preventing hypercarbia is critical! flected a pH of 7.44, PCO2 of 32, Pao2 of 53,
and HCO3 of 24. Auscultation revealed decreased
Upon clinical evaluation, patients present
breath sounds and rales on the right side. A chest
with signs of anxiety, hoarseness, stridor, x-ray (CXR) was performed and showed mild pul-
air hunger, hypoventilation, use of accessory monary infiltration in the right lower lobe, consis-
muscles, sternal and supraclavictilar retrac- tent with pulmonary contusion.
tions, diaphragmatic breathing, altered men-
tal status, apnea, and cyanosis (sign of preter-
minal hypoxia). • Cyanosis is a very late sign PULMONARY CONTUSION
of preterminal hypoxia, since it requires at
least 5 g of reduced hemoglobin to be clini- Pulmonary contusion is the most common,
cally detectable. Trauma patients may be ane- potentially lethal, chest injtiry. The resulting
mic to such a degree that they do not have respiratory failure develops over time rather
enough hemoglobin to appear cyanotic. In- than immediately. Puimonary contusion is
dications for airway interventions are divided the bruising of lung tissue resulting from a
into 3 broad categories outlined in Table 1.' shock wave of force through the parenchyma.
Basic management for airway compromise Diffuse hemorrhage follows, as well as in-
includes terstitial and alveolar edema,'* causing im-
1. securing an intact airway, pairment of gas exchange at the gas tissue
2. protecting the airway if jeopardized, interface. The most common mechanism of
and injury causing pulmonary contusion is MVC.

Table 1. Indications for invasive airway management*

Absolute indications
Expanding neck hematomas
Strong relative indications
Significant craniocerebra! injury (coma, increased intracranial pressure, central nervous system
trauma, etc)
Ventilatory compromise (disruption of the thoracic bellows mechanism)
Massive retroperitoneal hemorrhage/hematomas (causing displacement of the intraperitoneal
viscera and upward pressure on the diaphragm)
Combative patient with life-threatening injuries
Relative indications
Severe maxillofaeial trauma
Extensive pulmonary contusion

'Adapted from Phillips.'

Up to 87% of patients with pulmonary con- these signs, or symptoms, are specific for pul-
tusions have at least one other associated monary contusion, but hemoptysis has been
chest injury.'' The greater the degree of pul- reported in up to 50% of patients.'' Chest
monary contusion, the greater the degree x-ray reveals consolidation and pulmonary in-
of ventilatory impairment. Pulmonary contu- filtration at the area of injury, but these find-
sion is usually the result of a high-velocity- ings may lag 12 to 24 hours. If abnormal-
deceleration injury such as an impact with ities are seen on the admission x-ray, the
a steering wheel. The initial force of the in- pulmonary contusion is severe. For this rea-
jury causes tissue rupture. Additional damage son, the cornerstone of diagnosis is clinical
occurs as the tissue "springs back." For this suspicion based on the history and mecha-
reason, it is more cotnmon to see pulmonary nism of injury.''
contusion injuries in younger patients, be- Some patients can be treated without in-
cause their chest walls are more flexible and tubation and mechanical ventilatory support.
stretch due to the external forces, whereas The management of patients who sustain pul-
the elderly w^ith stiffer, thinner chest walls monary contusions is based on 3 factors^:
are more prone to rib fractures.^ Greater overall stability of the patient, adequacy of
contusions are sustained in those individuals oxygenation, and pulmonary mechanics. For
w^ith thin-wall chests, because there is less patients who do not need ventilatory support,
protection provided by muscle and adipose the following criteria^ should be met:
tissue. 1. Pao2 more than 60 on 50% inspired oxy-
Clinically, patients present to the ED with gen,
signs of respiratory distress, including dysp- 2. respiratory rate less than 24 bpm,
nea, and PaO2 less than 60 on rootn air. Ausctil- 3. spontaneous tidal volume more than 5
tation of breath sounds may reveal decreased tnL/kg, and
breath sotinds, rales, and wheezing over the 4. vital capacity exceeding 10 mL/kg.
next 24 hotirs. Upon assessment, the patient The driver was piaced on 100% Oj by face
may complain of chest pain or have abrasions mask and given morphine suiphate (MS04),
on the chest or back. Patients may also exhibit 4 mg, intravenous (IV), for pain. On reassess-
ineffective cough with hemoptysis. None of ment an hour iater, he continued to exhibit
Thoracic Traum.a 25
dyspnea with weak cough. He had difficulty it is important for the RN to motiitor arterial
clearing bioody sputum from his airway. blood gas results, peak inspiratory pressures,
The pijysician decided to intubate the pa- and lung compliance. Rising peak inspiratory
tient and piaced him on mechanical venti- pressures with decreased compliance may in-
lation. dicate the need for pressure-control ventila-
Progressively, the patient may show de- tion to avoid barotrauma.
creased lung compliance and increased work Barotrauma results from overdistention and
of breathing, with a stiff, wet lung picture re- rupture of the alveoli. Secretions trapped
quiring endotracheal intubation and mechan- in the lower airways may cause obstruc-
ical ventilation. Intubation should be under- tion. On inspiration, the ventilator cycles gas
taken if a PaO2 of 60 mm Hg with an FiO2 past the partial obstruction into the alveoli.
of 50% cannot be maintained. When using Consequently, when the expiration of gas is
the PaO2/FiO2 ratio to determine whether to blocked, the lung remains inflated. When the
intubate, the normal ratio is 500, with in- cycle repeats itself, the alveolus ruptures.^
tubation being indicated for patients with Barotrauma can be reduced by maintaining
ratios below 300.'^ While on ventilatory sup- adequate analgesia and sedation levels. If
port, the ideal inspired oxygen should not ex- the patient is not responsive to conventional
ceed 50% while maintaining a PaO2 of more ventilation therapy, and has a catastrophic pul-
than 60 mm Hg. If the level of oxygen cannot monary contusion, then pressure-limiting ven-
be maintained, positive end-expiratory pres- tilatory modes, such as jet ventilation, are
sure or continuous positive airway pressure is considered. Adult extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation is also an option. Pneumonia is
Initial treatment of pulmonary contusion the most common complication of pulmonary
includes supplemental oxygen therapy, mon- contusion and, when present, worsens the
itoring oxygen saturations, aggressive pul- prognosis.''
monary toilet to help clear bloody secretions Fluid management remains controversial.
from the airway, and administration of anal- However, if the patient has a significant pul-
gesics. Because ptilmonary contusion leads to monary contusion, placement of a pulmonary
capillary membrane leak, judicious fltiid man- artery catheter may facilitate the monitoring
agement is essential to minimize the forma- of fluid resuscitation.
tion of edema in the injured region of the The front passenger was second to ar-
lung.'' rive at the ED. He was ciearly in respi-
Hemoptysis, or blood in the endotracheal ratory distress with a respiratory rate of
tube, is a sign of pulmonary contusion. Intu- 34 bpm, and using accessory muscles. He
bated patients require frequent suctioning to exhibited asymmetric chest wali movement,
clear blood, tissue, and mucus from the air- with ieft expansion greater than right. Ex-
w^ay. For patients with moderate to severe con- amination showed shaiiow depth of breath-
tusion, intubation and intermittent mandatory ing; lung sounds were diminished bilater-
ventilation, as w^ell as positive end-expiratory aliy. He presented with 100% O2 by nonre-
pressure, provides better results if ventilatory breatherface mask. Heart rate was 120 bpm.
assistance is needed.'' It is the nurse's respon- The nurse palpated crepitus on his right
sibility to monitor secretions. They should be- chest wali. As the patient's respiratory status
come thinner and contain less blood over the worsened, a significant paradoxicai move-
first few days posttrauma. Intubation and me- ment of a segment of rib was noticed on
chanical ventilation are not always indicated, his right iateral chest Recognizing this as a
especially if the patient is able to maintain fiail segment, the nurse anticipated the need
spontaneous ventilation with adequate PaO2, for endotracheal intubation for ventiiatory
and is able to clear secretions w^ith coughing. support, and pain controi via epidurai
For patients who are mechanically ventilated. catheter.

FLAIL CHEST movement and signs of respiratory distress, in-

cluding increased respiratory rate and work of
Flail chest is a common major injury to the breathing, and decreased tidal volumes. Crepi-
chest wall, occurring in approximately 20% of tus may be palpated around the flail segment,
admitted trauma patients. There is an associ- and patients will complain of chest pain. Over
ated mortality rate, as high as 50% in some se- time, the patient fatigues and requires me-
ries. It can be even higher in patients older chanical ventilation to maintain adequate oxy-
than 60 years. The diagnosis of flail chest in- genation and minute ventilation.
jury is made on the basis of fractures of 2 or Treatment of flail chest includes appropri-
more ribs, in 2 or more separate locations, ate airway management, supplemental oxy-
causing an unstable segment. The flail seg- gen therapy to maintain the PaO2 at levels of
ment classically involves anterior (sternal sep- 80 to 100 mm Hg, and pain control. Stabilizing
aration) or lateral rib fractures. Posterior rib the flail segment to reestablish the thoracic
fractures rarely produce a flail segment be- bellows effect, and promoting air exchange is
cause of the heavy musculature that provides essential. Positioning the patient with the in-
stability.' These fractures create a free-floating jured side down, as well as IV pain medica-
segment of rib or sterntim, resulting in a para- tions, may be temporarily beneficial. Splint-
doxical movement relative to the rest of the ing the flail segment with rolled towels or
chest wall during inspiration and expiration. tape may be beneficial if it increases the pa-
The segment follows pleural pressure instead tient's tidal volumes. Sandbags should not be
of respiratory muscle activity, which is sucked used, as they add unnecessary resistance to
in during inspiration and protrudes out dur- respiratory efforts. Contrary to the standard
ing expiration. This movement may not be treatment for trauma patients, fluids shotild
evident on initial assessment because inter- be used cautiously in the setting of flail chest
costal muscles in spasm act as a splint for the because of the high probability of underly-
flail segment. This may be a contributing fac- ing pulmonary contusion. Excessive IV flu-
tor in the failure to identify flail chest within ids w^Ul contribute to edema of the injured
the first 6 hours in up to 30% of patients area ofthe lung.^ Although the primary indica-
with this injury.^ As the patient's pulmonary tion for endotracheal intubation and mechani-
status worsens, the paradoxical movement cal ventilation is respiratory decompensation,
of the flail segment will increase. Although ventilatory therapy in patients with significant
the paradoxical motion of the unstable flail flail chest injuries should be individualized
can greatly increase the work of breathing, (Table 2).^
the main cause of hypoxetnia of flail chest is Intubation/tracheostomy and mechatiical
the underlying pulmonary contusion, which ventilation are indicated if the respiratory rate
invariably occurs with flail chest.'* Nonethe- is faster than 35 bpm, or less than 8 bpm,
less, paradoxical movement prevents full ex- if PaO2 is below 60 mm Hg on supplemen-
pansion of the underlying lung, decreasing tal oxygen at 50%, if PaC02 is acutely above
minute ventilation. I*ain is a contributing fac- 55 mm Hg, or if vital capacity is less than
tor, preventing the patient from taking full 15 mL/kg.''^'^ For segments larger than 4
breaths.'' to 6 in, or multiple flail segments, positive-
As mentioned previously, the diagnosis of pressure ventilation is the optimal solution.
flail chest injury is made on the basis of frac- Internal splinting through positive-pressure
tures of 2 or more ribs, in 2 or more sepa- ventilation not only corrects paradoxical
rate locations, with resultant paradoxical mo- chest movement but it also decreases the
tion of that segment of the chest wall. The work of breathing and pain. It is not uncom-
chest wall must be observed for several res- mon for patients to be mechatiically ventilated
piratory cycles and dtiring coughing. Patients for up to 3 weeks as the fracture heals. Surgi-
with flail chest present with asymmetric chest cal internal stabilization is a quicker treatment
Thoracic Trauma 27

Table 2. Ventilatory therapy* Permanent ventilatory impairment may re-

quire long-term management. Supplemental
Choice of therapy depends on: oxygen therapy and vigilant pulmonary toilet-
ing, including postural drainage, chest phys-
Size of the flail iotherapy, and use of the incentive spirome-
Degree of pulmonary dysfunction ter, are used to prevent pulmonary infection,
Effort of breathing and fatigue strengthen respiratory muscles, and to main-
Presence of concomitant thoracic injuries tain a clear airway. Some patients continue
Pulmonary contusions to experience intractable intercostal pain af-
Need for general anesthesia
ter the flail chest has healed. Nonpharmaco-
Surgical procedures related to associated
traumatic injuries
logic treatments such as transcutaneous elec-
Risk of posttraumatic respiratory trical nerve stimulators may also be helpful
insufficiency for pain control when pain medicines are no
longer effective or the patient catinot tolerate
its side effects. Other adjunctive therapies in-
•From Sherwood and Hartsock.' clude massage and positioning.^
The patient was intubated, sedated, and
to repair the flail segment. It is sometimes rec- piaced on mechanical ventilation to man-
ommended, particularly when a thoracotomy age his flail chest. As the nurse contin-
is required for some other reason.^ Internal ued to monitor the patient, he noticed that
fixation has been shown to significantly im- the patient's blood pressure (BP) dropped
prove patient outcomes, as well as avoid the to 40/20 and heart rate increased to 135
complications associated with prolonged ven- bpm. Puises, upon palpation, were weak
tilatory support.^ and thready. Breath sounds, on auscuita-
Pain management is an important part of tion, were significantly diminished on the
the treatment for flail chest. Continuous FV left side. The ieft chest was duli to percus-
narcotics or patient-controlled anesthesia, for sion. The patient's oxyhemoglobin satura-
those patients who are candidates, are benefi- tion measured 85%. Upon examination, the
cial therapies in minitnizing pain. Other treat- trachea was deviated to the right Knowing
ments modalities include intercostal nerve this is a life-threatening change in the pa-
blocks, intrapleural administration of nar- tient's status, the nurses suspected a mas-
cotics, epidural patient-controlled anesthesia, sive hemothorax and notified the physician
and continuous epidural fentanyl analgesia. while immediately setting up for chest tube
Continuous epidural fentanyl analgesia signif- insertion.
icantly improves both mean inspiratory pres-
sure and vital capacity.^ It is the nurse's re- HEMOTHORAX/MASSIVE HEMOTHORAX
sponsibility to monitor the effectiveness of
pain-control measures by assessing the pa- Hemothorax is the accumulation of blood
tient's level of pain, respiratory status, and in the pleural space caused by bleeding from
level of consciousness. the chest wall, lung parenchyma, or major
Long-term complications of flail chest in- thoracic vessels. It occurs in roughly 25%
clude deformities in the chest wall from the of patients w^ith chest trauma.'' Patients with
healed or impaired healing of the flail seg- hemothorax typically present with decreased
ment. These deformities may be difficult to breath sounds unilaterally or bilaterally with
conceal and for the patient to accept. Recov- dyspnea, tachypnea, and dullness to percus-
ery may include surgeries to minimize the ap- sion over the affected side. The primary cause
pearance of deformities or to remove hyper- of hemothorax is either a laceration to the
trophic callus, w^hich can rub on surround- lung, an intercostal vessel, or an internal mam-
ing tissue and cause more damage or pain. mary artery because of blunt or penetrating

trauma. Bleeding in these types of cases is usu- Table 3. Indications for exploratory thora-
ally self-Umiting and does not require surgical cotomy*
intervention. Radiographic films may not re-
veal a fluid collection of less than 300 mL. > 1500 mL of blood evacuated after initial
Bleeding from parenchymal lacerations often chest tube insertion
stops on its own because of the low pul- >200 mL/hour for > 4 consecutive hours
monary pressures and high concentrations > 150 mL/hour for 3 hours for the elderly
of tissue thromboplastin in the lung.^ Small Hemodynamicaily instability systolic
hemothoraces usually seal themselves within blood pressure < 80 mm Hg despite
a few days. aggressive blood/volume resuscitation
Accumulation of greater than 1500 mL of At least 2 functioning chest tubes are in
blood is considered a massive hemothorax place and signs of exsanguination
that can have disastrous results. A left-sided occurs
massive hemothorax is more common than
the right-sided one, and is typically associated 'From Powell et al' and Sherwood and Hartsock.'
with aortic rupture.^ A massive hemothorax
is commonly due to penetrating trauma with In the case of a massive hemothorax, intu-
hilar or systemic vessel disruption. bate the patient. Shock is a compelling indica-
Because the chest cavity can hold most of tion for intubation. A chest tube is also placed,
a patient's circulatory volume, it is possible and urgent thoracotomy is performed. There
for the patient to become hemodynamicaily are 5 indications''^ for performing an tirgent
unstable emergently in the case of a mas- thoracotomy (Table 3)'"' when there are signs
sive hemothorax. Signs of shock, like hypoten- of exsanguination. However, if it is greater
sion, decreased venous return, and cyanosis than 1500 to 2000 mL, or continues to bleed
are common because of hypovolemia and in- more than 100 to 200 mL per hour, then an ex-
creased pressure in the thorax. Neck veins ploratory thoracotomy must be performed to
may be flat, secondary to hypovoletnia, or find the source of hemorrhage and to remove
distended because of the mechanical effects clots from the mediastinum. Surgery is emer-
of intrathoracic pressure. A mediastinal shift gent in these patients because insertion of a
and/or tracheal deviation is a classic sign chest tube drainage system prevents any tam-
caused when the contents of the chest cav- ponade of the hemorrhage and rapid exsan-
ity are shifted aw^ay from the blood accu- guination is possible.
mtilation because of increased intrathoracic A chest tube was inserted at the fourth
pressure.^ intercostal space with the immediate evac-
Treatment of acute hemothorax includes uation of 1600 mL of blood. The patient
supplemental oxygen therapy and, in most regained symmetric expansion of his chest
cases, the insertion of a large (36-38 French) wail and his tidal volumes doubled on
chest tube (tube thoracostomy) just anterior the ventilator. His BP increased to 70/50
to the midaxillary line at the fourth or fifth mm Hg. Transfusion therapy was initiated
intercostal space to allow for chest decom- according to hospitalprotocol. The nurse as-
pression. A moderate-size hemothorax (500- sisted in transporting the patient to the op-
1500 mL) that stops bleeding after a thoracos- erating room (OR) for an emergency thora-
tomy is usually treated with a closed drainage cotomy.
system. It is the responsibility of the RN to Almost simultaneously, the third pas-
maintain and monitor the chest tube drainage senger arrived in the ED. He too was
system, and the color and amount of the unrestrained in the sports utility vehicie
drainage. The RN should have blood available and arrived in respiratory distress. Pre-
before decompression and be prepared to au- hospital providers initiated 100% O2 by
totransfiise the blood. nonrebreather facemask. Oxyhemogiobin
Thoracic Trauma 29

saturation measured 89%, respiratory rate mal site for tratima patients whose injuries are
was 38 bpm, heart rate was 120 bpm, typically a combination of pneumothorax and
and BP was 80/60 mm Hg. Examination hemothorax and require a more distal site.
also revealed asymmetrical chest wall move- As the x-ray technician removed the film
ment, labored breathing, and absent breath from under the patient's back, she noticed
sounds on the right side. He was immedi- an approximately 3-cm-small wound on his
ately intubated and bag ventilated. Chest x- right posterolateral chest wall with bubbles
ray showed a rightpneumothorax with near around the site and an apparent "sucking
complete collapse of the right iung. sound." Suspecting this was the cause of his
pneumothorax, the nurse prepared an oc-
PNEUMOTHORAX clusive dressing and prepared for chest tube
Pneumothoraces in blunt thoracic trauma
are most frequently caused when a fractured OPEN PNEUMOTHORAX
rib penetrates lung parenchyma. But it can
also be caused by deceleration or barotrauma Open pneumothorax is caused when a pen-
without associated rib fractures.^ The loss of etrating chest trauma opens the pleural space
negative intrapleural pressure results in the to the atmosphere, leading to a collapsed
partial, or total, collapse of the lung, with a lung and a sucking chest wound. Historically
resulting accumulation of air in the pleural described as early as the 13th century, open
space. Typically, a loss of more than 40% lung pneumothorax is a common combat injury,
volume because of a pneumothorax precip- but in civilian life, it is most likely caused by
itates respiratory distress in the patient un- penetrating injury or impalement.^ In injuries
less there is preexisting lung disease, in which where the wound is greater than two third
case an even smaller loss in lung volume may of the diameter of the trachea, the air will
not be tolerated. Most often, intrapleural air preferentially enter the wound during respi-
leak is self-limiting because the progressive ration, thereby, inhibiting normal ventilation,
collapse and decreasing ventilation of the af- and lead to profound hypoventilation and
fected lung seal the leak. In other cases, the hypoxia. The increased intrathoracic pressure
lung may collapse completely.^ can also cause the mediastinum to shift to
Patients will present with respiratory dis- the opposite side. This, in combination with
tress, including dyspnea, tachypnea, and reduced venous return, can lead to decreased
tachycardia. Decreased, or absent, breath cardiac performance and hemodynamic
sounds can be heard over the affected area instability.
with hyper resonance to percussion if the Signs and symptoms are proportional to the
pneumothorax is large.^ Patients may often size of the defect. Signs and symptoms in-
complain of chest pain, but it may not de- clude, but are not limited to, visible defects,
velop for hours. Chest x-ray demonstrates a restlessness, dyspnea, tachypnea, cyanosis,
pleural stripe fallen away from the chest wall, asymmetrical chest expansion, hypoxia, and
with absence of lung markings beyond the reduced venous return.'" Respiratory distress
stripe. Small pneumothoraces may not be vis- is a common finding with these patients, as
ible with x-ray. A small pneumothorax (less is decreased breath sounds on the side of the
than 1-2 cm) can be observed with follow-up injury. The presence of a thoracic injury with
x-rays, taken within 6 to 8 hours, and by mon- apparent sucking action and possibly gas bub-
itoring the patient's respiratory status, and of- bles at the wound site is most obvious. It
ten, needs no further treatment. Larger pneu- is important to note that wound appearance
mothoraces require the insertion of a chest can be deceiving. A large, menacing-looking
tube. The classic chest tube insertion site at w^ound may prove superficial, whereas a
the second intercostals space is a less opti- small, otherwise unassuming w^ound may
actually be responsible for the patient's and treatment. It is the accumulation of air,
injuries. or blood, in the pletiral space without an
Treatment is aimed at returning normal ven- exit, causing an increase of intrathoracic pres-
tilation and closing the wotmd. The first step sure, and compression of the great vessels,
is to assure an adequate airway, and intu- lung, heart, and trachea. The results of this
bate, if necessary. Then, locate the wound compression are a failure to ventilate and de-
and place a sterile occlusive dressing over creased cardiac output. This injury may be
it to promote normal ventilation. A stan- an immediate restilt of the primary trauma,
dard method involves placing a nonporous a delayed complication from an tmdetected
dressing (eg, petroleum-impregnated dress- injury, or an undesirable result from treat-
ing) over the wound and taping it on 3 sides. ment such as mechanical ventilation or an in-
This acts as a 1-w^ay valve, allow^ing air to es- advertently clamped chest tube. Patients will
cape during expiration but becomes occlu- exhibit signs of shock, including hypoten-
sive during inspiration. The RN must monitor sion and decreased cardiac output, and se-
the patient carefully for signs of a developing vere respiratory distress due to compression
pneumothorax, such as hypotension, respira- of the heart and lungs.'*'^ Asymmetric chest
tory difficulty, decreased pulse pressure, hy- wall movement may be visible, as well as dis-
poxia, and jugular venous distention (JVD). tended neck veins. Tracheal deviation is a
To help prevent this, a chest tube is inserted classic sign due to increased intrathoracic
at another site to treat the pneumothorax af- pressure causing mediastinal shift, but may be
ter the dressing is applied.^ These patients are difficult to detect in intubated patients. Pa-
often intubated, and mechanically ventilated, tients may also become cyanotic from pro-
to ensure control over ventilation. The wound longed hypoxia.''
should be cleaned and debrided prior to sim- Treatment is aimed at decompressing the
ple closure. Surgical exploration and closure chest to release the trapped air or blood. Sup-
may be required for larger wounds. plemental oxygen is provided, and immediate
The patient was placed slightly on his left decompression is accomplished by inserting a
side and supported with pillows to visual- 12- or l4-gauge angiocatheter into the second
ize the wound better and to facilitate the intercostal space in the midciavicular line of
insertion of a chest tube. The nurse placed the affected hemithorax.* As air or blood is
a dressing over the site and taped it on 3 released, ventilation should improve, and the
sides while waiting for the physician to re- cause of injury should then be investigated
turn to insert the chest tube. Inadvertently, and treated appropriately. A chest tube is in-
the patient rolled onto his back again while serted in the fourth intercostal space in the
the nurse documented his assessment Sud- midaxillary line, to allow lung re-expansion,
denly, the high-pressure alarm sounded on and to prevent further episodes. Pain manage-
the ventilator. The RN noticed that the pa- ment and pulmonary toileting are also initi-
tient's BP dropped to 60/45 mm Hg. Eur- ated at this point. It is imperative for the RN
ther assessment revealed distended neck to closely monitor patients w^ho are at high
veins. The dressing had become occlusive be- risk for tension pneumothorax (Table 4)^ to
cause the surrounding pillows prevented air quickly recognize and treat the patient if the
from escaping. The nurse suspected that his situation arises.
patient had developed a tension pneumo- The dressing was released on one side
thorax. to relieve the pressure in his chest cavity
and the patient's BP retumed to baseline.
TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX A chest tube was inserted at a more iat-
erai site and the patient was transported
Tension pnetimothorax is a life-threatening to the OR for wound debridement and
situation that reqtiires immediate recognition closure.
Thoracic Trauma 31
Table 4. At risk for developing a tension the left ventricle (33%), followed by the right
pneumothorax* atrium (15%), and then the left atrium (6%).''
Clinical presentation of cardiac tamponade
Inadequately resolved pneumothorax can be hidden by, or misdiagnosed as car-
Bronchial tear diogenic shock (tachycardia and hypotension
Lung contusion with cold extremities due to vasoconstric-
Pulmonary cyst tion), and the diagnosis may initially be sub-
Use of moderate to high levels of positive tle. Classic signs of tamponade include JVD
end-expiratory pressure due to increased venous pressure or lack of
cardiacfilling.Although classic to tamponade,
JVD still may not be noted because of pro-
•From Sherwood and Hartsock.'
found hypotension. Especially in rapid tam-
ponade, JVD is not present because of insuffi-
CARDIAC TAMPONADE cient time for blood volume to increase, once
again attributable to hypotension.
Cardiac tamponade is a life-threatening, Other, more common, signs are known as
slow, or rapid, compression of the heart, Beck's triad. Beck's triad is a complex of 3
which eventually prevents the heart from associated symptoms that are classic to the
beating. It is caused by the accumulation of diagnosis of cardiac tamponade. These signs
blood and blood clots, compressing and pre- include increased central venous pressures,
venting the heart from filling with blood with widening pulse pressure, and muffled heart
each contraction. Constriction of the heart tones. These could be hard to recognize, or
leads to a decrease in cardiac output, per- may be completely absent, because of hy-
ftision, and eventually venous return. With- potension. Since tamponade can be masked
out intervention, the heart is unable to fill by other symptoms or injuries, it should be
and/or pump effectively, and cardiac arrest oc- ruled out in any patient who has obvious pen-
curs. The leading cause (80%-90%) of cardiac etrating trauma to the chest and abdomen, or
tamponade in trauma patients is penetrating if blunt trauma is suspected.
injuries such as stab wounds, bullets, or rib Other, less specific, signs that are common
fractures, which produce lacerations of the in tamponade include chest discomfort, pleu-
pericardium that seal from fatty tissues or by ritic pain, tachypnea, and dyspnea on exer-
the formation of clots.'* Once the pericardium tion. Another key sign is called pulsus para-
is sealed, blood continues to collect in the doxus, an inspiratory systolic fall in arterial
pericardium, setting the stage for tamponade. pressure of 10 mm Hg or more during nor-
The size of the perforation, and the amount mal breathing. Pulsus paradoxus is caused
of blood collecting in the pericardium, di- by a fall in cardiac output, resulting from in-
rectly affects the mortality and morbidity of creased negative intrathoracic pressure dur-
the patient. Because the pericardium is inflex- ing inhalation. If the patient has an arterial
ible, small changes in volume can have con- line, pulsus paradoxus is very well noted, and
siderable effects on the pressure within the is also called pulsus alternans, where every
pericardium; as little as 50 mL of blood can other arterial pulsation is weak. Kussmaul's
decrease cardiac output.^ Tamponade also oc- sign is a rise in venous pressure with inspira-
curs in about 2% of patients with penetrat- tion when breathing spontaneously, and is a
ing trauma to the chest and lower abdomen, true paradoxical venous pressure abnormality
and occurs in 10% of blunt chest trauma in- associated with tamponade. This classic sign
juries. In a recent review, the most common is rarely seen.
site of cardiac penetration was the right ven- Diagnosis of tamponade is not easy. An
tricle (43%) because of its maximal anterior echocardiogram is most useful in the diag-
exposure. The second most common site is nosis of tamponade, and is considered the

most readily available and efficient tool, if tim- electrical activity caused by tamponade in
ing permits. Echocardiogram may characteris- trauma patients carries a poor prognosis and
tically demonstrate right atrium or ventricle requires critical thinking for recognition and
chamber collapse. itnmediate life-saving interventions.
Treatment of cardiac tamponade hinges on
aggressive airway control, oxygenation, cir- AORTIC DISRUPTION
culatory support, and rapid transport to a
trauma center for definitive treatment.'' Rapid Aortic disruption, resulting from blunt
itifusion of IV fluids will increase venous trauma, is the leading cause of immediate
pressure and improve cardiac output. It also death. Disrupting the blood flow in the aorta
allows time for needed interventions. The ul- impedes perfusion to vital organs and to ex-
timate treatment of tamponade is drainage tremities. Depending upon w^here the disrup-
or removal of blood and clots from the peri- tion is in the aorta, the size, or entirety, of the
cardial sac, preferably by needle paracente- disruption determines the significance of the
sis guided by echocardiography, fluoroscopy, prognosis. Disruption of the aorta is any in-
or computerized tomography (CT). The nee- terference within the aorta, such as a small
dle tip w^ould be evident on imaging, which tear, laceration, occlusion, or complete rup-
helps ensure safety when penetrating the peri- ture. An occlusion of the aorta carries a good
cardium. Surgical drainage is desirable in pa- prognosis if it is diagnosed quickly and inter-
tients w^ith intrapericardial bleeding, and in ventions are immediate. Each year, 5000 to
those with clotted hemopericardium. Trauma 8000 people in the United States die as a re-
patients who undergo a pericardiocentesis sult of aortic or great vessel rupture.'^
will usually require surgical inspection, and The most common mechanism is rapid de-
possible repair, of the heart. Medical treat- celeration from a high-speed impact such as
ment of tamponade remains controversial, that experienced by the patients whose case
but should include inotropic support, as well study is described in this article. Rapid decel-
as supporting the body's compensatory mech- eration can cause shearing forces on the aorta
anisms to reduce the elevated vascular resis- and other great vessels. Depending on the de-
tance. Cardiac tamponade is a life-threatetiing gree of force, it can cause either partial or
emergency, and removal of blood from the complete tears. If the tear is complete, it is
pericardium is the only intervention that w^iU usually fatal at the scene. Patients who survive
sustain life. the initial injury have a high likelihood of sur-
Nursing management of a patient with car- vival if the disruption is identified and treated
diac tamponade would include ventilatory rapidly. If the injury is not identified, one third
support/airway protection, assistance with of the patients die within the first 6 hours.^
emergent pericardiocentesis, if indicated, and The most common site of tears or rupture
hemodynamic support, including fluid resus- in the aorta is in the descending portion dis-
citation. The patient would most likely be re- tal to the left subclavian artery at the liga-
covered and monitored in the intensive care mentum arteriosum. The descending aorta,
utiit (ICU) for several days, and then trans- which is fixed to the vertebrae, decelerates at
ferred to a telemetry floor for further motii- the same rate as the body would decelerate
toring before discharge. Patients would be dis- in a high-speed accident. The heart and the
charged home with individualized foUow-up aortic arch often continue to move laterally
instructions if they are without complications and itiferiorly into the left hemithorax. The
dtiring hospitalization. resultant force is a combination of shearing,
Prognosis of tamponade is excellent as long torsion, and bending that produces maximal
as the trauma patient is treated promptly, be- stress. There are also 2 other sites in the as-
fore hypovolemic or cardiogenic shock oc- cending aorta where rupttire occurs: •where
curs, or ptilseless electrical activity. Pulseless the aorta leaves the pericardial sac and at the
Thoracic Trauma 33
entry to the diaphragm. Other less common Nursing management includes airway pro-
mechanisms include falls from a great height tection, intubation, oxygen delivery, and care-
or sport-related impacts (ie, football, hockey). ftil administration of fluids. Hypotension is ac-
The clinical presentation of a disrupted ceptable as long as the patient can tolerate it.
aorta can be very specific, but some patients Stimulation is reduced; pain control is a top
remain symptom free. In those cases, criti- priority to aid in keeping BP low. Continu-
cal thinking doctors and nurses are required ous monitoring for hemodynamic stability is
to recognize it before too much time has key.
elapsed. Up to 50% of patients will have no Prognosis completely depends on early
external signs of chest trauma, so the single recognition and prompt treatment, but many
most important factor in establishing the di- patients who survive the operative period still
agnosis is a high index of suspicion based on die within thefirstweek after injury.'' Postin-
mechanism of injury.'* jury complications that require monitoring
Possible signs include a pulse deficit in any include hypertension, paraplegia, bowel is-
area, particularly lower extremities or the left chemia, renal failure, graft leaks, and infec-
arm, hypotension, unexplained by other in- tion. It is important for the nurse to remem-
juries, or hypertension of the upper extremi- ber that any organ system below the level of
ties compared with the lower extremities. The disruption may be damaged during the period
patient may experience sternal or posterior of hypoperfusion. Renal and bowel function
interscapular pain and may have dyspnea or need to be monitored. Blood pressure needs
respiratory distress. Auscultation of a precor- to be kept low to aid in healing of new grafts
dial or interscapular systolic murmur is also and to prevent rebleeding. The patient's reha-
very specific. Depending on the location of bilitative plan will need to be tailored to his
the disruption, the patient may have hoarse- or her particular disabilities, whether perma-
ness, attributable to a hematoma causing pres- nent or temporary.
sure around the aortic arch or complete lower Two young men were involved in a
extremity paralysis.' high-speed MVC during which their vehicie
Diagnostics include plain film x-ray, w^hich plunged off an interstate freeway, down a
would show^ a w^idened mediastinum (>8 cm) 20-ft embankment, across a second highway,
or an obscured aortic knob.' Other findings and then crashed into a retaining wall. Per
that are suggestive of an aortic disruption are paramedics, there was considerable vehicle
left apical pleural cap, tracheal deviation to damage. Both airbags deployed.
the right, and elevation and rightward devia- The driver R.G., reportedly unrestrained,
tion of the right mainstem bronchus." A CT arrived at the trauma center, awake, alert,
scan is done, particularly if the CXR is ques- and cooperative. He denied pain, but did
tionable, but its overall accuracy is approx- complain of thirst His vital signs were sta-
imately 53%.' Aortography remains the gold ble. Both primary and secondary exami-
standard for detecting aortic injuries. Aortog- nations failed to reveal any significant in-
raphy allows visualization ofthe aorta and any juries. However, the history of a high-speed
tears, aneurysms, occlusions, or hematomas crash, coupled with possible ejection, raised
that may be present. Ultimately, the disrup- the ievei of suspicion for a potentially se-
tion will require surgical intervention, but un- rious or a life-threatening injury. Per pro-
til the patient is ready for surgery, the ma- tocol, a portable CXR was obtained in the
jor focus is to keep the blood pressure in trauma resuscitation room. The CXR image
a specified range, usually less than 90 mm demonstrated a widened mediastinum. The
Hg. Blood pressure is of utmost importance. trauma surgeon ordered a CT scan of the
If pressure is too high, it could cause the chest. The 16 array helical CT scanner im-
aorta to completely rupttire and the patient to ages demonstrated a traumatic transection
exsanguinate. ofthe descending thoracic aorta.

The patient was taken to the OR emer- tween 3% and 75% in studies of blunt chest
gently for thoracotomy and aortic repair trauma."* High-speed deceleration collisions
Postoperatively, he was taken to the surgical are the most common cause, but speeds less
ICU, intubated on ventilator support, with than 35 mph have also contributed. Myocar-
chest tubes, an arterial iinefor BP monitor- dial contusion should be suspected in all pa-
ing, centrai venous pressure catheter, and a tients involved in MVCs of 20 mph or greater,
pulmonary artery catheter. He spent 4 days especially if there is damage to the steering
in the ICU for careful monitoring and BP wheel or the patient complains of chest pain.
control. He continued to progress on the sur- It is estimated that at least 20% of patients
gical ward. He went home postinjury day 7 with steering wheel impact sustain cardiac
in good condition. contusions, 16% of which are fatal."* The most
The passenger E.L arrived awake and frequent scenario is an unrestrained driver in
alert, complaining ofmiid tenderness to his a high-speed crash, hitting the steering wheel
chest. His chief complaint was left lower with his chest. Other, less cotnmon, mecha-
extremity pain. His vital signs were sta- nisms include falls from a height and direct
ble. Primary examination revealed no life- blo^ws to the chest, particularly in sport-
threatening injuries. Secondary examina- related incidents. Sometimes, direct trauma
tion revealed a gross deformity of his ieft hip, to the abdomen has been found to generate
left knee, and left ankle. Despite the extrem- enough upward force into the chest cavity to
ity injuries, E.L. had a good puise as well produce blunt cardiac injury.''^ The clinical
as movement. Chest x-ray demonstrated a significance of cardiac contusion is directly
widened mediastinum. Again, secondary to related to its complications and associated
the high-energy event of a high-speed MVC, injuries, including dysrhythmia, traumatic
there was suspicionfor aortic injury. CTscan myocardial infarction, thromboembolus, re-
confirmed a mid-descending thoracic aor- duced left ventricle ejection fraction and/or
tic tear. The patient remained hemodynam- cardiac output, valvular injuries, congestive
icaily stable, but was taken to the OR emer- heart failure, ventricular aneurysm, pericar-
gently for aortic repair, followed by orthope- dial efftision, coronary artery laceration, and
dic fixation of his iower extremity injuries. cardiac rupture.''
The patient tolerated the surgeries well and Clinical presentation of myocardial contu-
recovered uneventfully in the ICU for 3 days. sion is the presence of dysrhythmias. Sinus
He was discharged 5 days later without com- tachycardia is the most common dysrhythmia.
plications, with instructions to follow-up with Other dysrhythmias include premature atrial
the trauma service in the clinic.^ contractions, atrial fibrillations, right bundle
branch block, ST elevation and T-wave flatten-
MYOCARDIAL CONTUSION ing, and premature ventricular contractions.
Dysrhythmias in a chest trauma patient
Myocardial contusion, unlike concussion, should always indicate cardiac contusion, un-
results in actual histopathological changes. til proven otherwise. If evidence of external
Upon trauma to the myocardium, cellular in- chest trauma (such as fractures, the imprint
jury occurs with extravasation of erythrocytes of a steering wheel, or complaints of angina-
into the muscle wall, along with necrotic ar- like pain despite the absence of dysrhythmias)
eas of myocardial fibers, myocardial edema, exists, one should suspect cardiac contusion.
interstitial, and subendocardial hemorrhage.'' Tenderness, ecchymosis, or swelling of the
With or without necrosis, or even contusion, chest w^aU are also diagnostic. Other findings
it is believed that injured myocardial cells that may suggest contusion include chest pain
contract less forcefully, contributing to di- (usually unrelieved by nitrates), auscultation
minished cardiac output.'^ The reported in- of a pericardial friction rub, or an S3 gallop.
cidence of myocardial contusion ranges be- But once again, myocardial contusion may be
Thoracic Trauma 35
unrecognized and may only be detected when septum, intraatrial septum, chordae, papil-
serious complications develop. lary muscles, or valves.^ Rupture of the my-
Diagnosis of a cardiac contusion relies ocardium is rare, but usually fatal. Patients
mainly on an admission electrocardiogram who survive rupttire of the heart usually have
(ECG). As previously stated, if cardiac/chest sustained either right- or left-sided atrial rup-
trauma is even suspected, the patient must be ture. Mortality rates range from 50% to 85%."
ruled out for cardiac contusion. If an admis- Most survivors of myocardial rupture survive
sion ECG is abnormal, the patient should be because of cardiac tamponade.
admitted for continuous heart motiitoring and Myocardial rupture occurs when blood-
a follow-up ECG 24 to 48 hours later Most filled chambers are compressed with enough
arrhythmias usually occur within that time force to generate a tear in the chamber wall or
frame. An echocardiogram, CK and CKMB, septtim, or to rupture a cardiac valve.^ Rup-
and troponin levels are frequently assessed as ture of the heart is usually caused by blunt
a secondary tool once an abnormal ECG has chest trauma from an MVC or a fall. Just as a
been obtained. CK and CKMB are nonspecific contusion ofthe heart occurs, sufficient force
to myocardial injury and are usually elevated can completely rupture the heart depending
in trauma patients because of skeletal muscle upon the phase ofthe cardiac cycle at the time
injury. Associated with elevated troponin lev- of impact.
els, they depict a cardiac event of some sort. Clinical signs include all signs of cardiac
Troponin measures myocardial contractile tamponade and hypovolemic shock due to ex-
proteins (not found in skeletal muscle). They treme hemorrhaging. Patients may also have
are released into circulation only after loss of evidence of sternal fracture, as well as nu-
membrane integrity. The latest studies show merous rib fractures, including the first rib.
that positive cardiac enzymes offer the high- Tamponade symptoms include muffled heart
est accuracy in the diagnosis of cardiac injury. tones, JVD due to increased venous pressure,
However, there is no one diagnostic method hypotension utirelieved by fluid resuscitation,
that is unanimously accepted at this time. tachycardia, and arrhythmias. The patient may
Treatment of cardiac contusion is still very also be cyanotic from the upper chest to the
controversial, as are the related diagnostics. head.'*
It is recommended the patient be monitored Treatment of myocardial rupture is im-
continuously for symptomatic arrhythmias, mediate surgical intervention to repair the
especially ventricular irritability or conduc- heart. One third of patients quickly exsan-
tion defects. If arrhythmias occur, then the pa- guinate and the remaining two third have
tient is treated per the algorithms in advanced an intact pericardium, which ends up pro-
cardiac life support. tecting them from immediate exsanguination.
Prognosis of cardiac contusion is very Consequently, the only survivors paramedics
promising. Despite the fact that the injury would likely encounter are those with cardiac
is usually not clinically significant, complica- tamponade.''
tions can occur Patients older than 50 years
and those with preexisting cardiac disease are TRACHEOBRONCHIAL DISRUPTION
at higher risk for significant cardiac compli-
cations following blunt chest trauma.'^ With- Traumatic disruption of the tracheo-
out serious complications, or any major asso- bronchial tree is a rare, but potentially
ciated injuries, there is complete recovery. life-threatening, injury caused by blunt or
penetrating trauma. Blunt injury occurs in
MYOCARDIAL RUPTURE about 1% of cases. This is due to large amount
of thoracic bony protection surrounding the
Myocardial rupture is an acute traumatic major airway structures. Direct trauma to the
tear of the ventricles, atria, intraventricular trachea, including the mainstem bronchus.
may be bltmt or penetrating. Injury to a major Penetrating trauma is overt and is often associ-
bronchus is an unusual, and fatal, injury ated with esophageal, carotid artery, and jugu-
that is frequently overlooked. The injury lar vein trauma and reqtiires immediate surgi-
may occur at any level, but the majority cal repair.
of such injtiries result from blunt trauma, Clinicalfindingsdepend on the type and ex-
and occur within an inch of the carina. In tent of the injury. Penetrating wounds to the
blunt trauma, the impact creates a sudden neck or chest usually present w^ith an associ-
increased pressure in the airway against the ated air leak, such as subcutaneous emphy-
glottis. Approximately 80% of patients with sema, or bleeding, such as hemoptysis. Pen-
major airway injuries die at the scene as a etrating injuries to the tracheobronchial tree
result of asphyxia due to interruption or air- are usually associated v^^ith major intratho-
way obstruction compounded by aspiration racic vascular, esophageal, and/or pulmonary
of blood and intrapulmonary hemorrhage." injuries. This can usually be detected if the
Thirty percent of the remaining patients who patient presents with a pnetimothorax, and
reach the hospital alive do not often survive is relieved by chest tube insertion. The pres-
because of associated injuries. ence of a large air leak, which persists and
The incidence of tracheobronchial injuries requires multiple chest tubes to expand the
is 3%, with a mortality rate of 30%; 50% of lung, should alert you to the diagnosis. The pa-
whom die within the first hour"* Tracheal tient must undergo immediate bronchoscopy
injuries are devastating and are frequently to detect the bronchial tear.
caused by severe rapid deceleration injuries Patients with severe blunt trauma must be
or compressive forces. Traction is produced examined w^ith a high index of suspicion, es-
during deceleration and restilts in the lung be- pecially when the first 3 ribs are involved.
ing pulled away from the mediastinum. When Fractures of the larynx are a rare injury
the amount of traction overcomes the elastic- and are indicated by the following triad: (1)
ity of the trachea, the trachea ruptures.'' hoarseness, (2) subcutaneous emphysema,
Three fourths of all tracheobronchial in- and (3) palpable fracture crepitus. Other signs
juries in penetrating trauma involve the cer- of tracheobronchial disruption are dyspnea,
vical trachea, and one fourth involve the cough, hemoptysis, sternal tenderness, and
thoracic and bronchus. Cervical tracheal in- noisy breathing. Hatnman's sign (crunching
juries present with upper airway obstruc- sotmd during systole) may be heard on aus-
tion, unrelieved by oxygen, and cyanosis. cultation of the heart because of air in the
Symptoms may include local pain, dysphagia, mediastinum.'' The patient may also present
hemoptysis, subcutaneous emphysema, and in severe respiratory distress or with total
cough. Bronchial injuries frequently present airway obstruction. Observations of labored
with hemoptysis, subcutaneous emphysema, respiratory effort may be the only clue to tra-
or tension pneumothorax with a mediastinal cheobronchial injury and/or airway obstruc-
shift. tion. Noisy breathing indicates partial airway
Eighty percent of major bronchial injuries obstruction that suddenly may become com-
occur within 2 cm of the carina.''* Tra- plete and the absence of breathing suggests
cheobronchial injuries often leak into the that complete obstruction already exists. A
pleural space, mediastintim, and/or the lung persistent pneumothorax despite a function-
parenchyma. An intrapleural lesion results in ing chest tube is an important clue to a tra-
a massive air leak, and is the most devastat- cheobronchial injury.'^
ing of the tracheobronchial injuries. Clinical Ninety percent of patients will have an
signs of a mediastinal rupture are pneumo- abnormal admission x-ray.' Chest radiograph
mediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema. may reveal subcutaneous or mediastinal em-
Intraparenchymal injuries ustially seal sponta- physema, pleural effusion, pnetimothorax, or
neously if the lung is adequately expanded. fracttires of ipsilateral ribs 1 through 5, and
Thoracic Trauma 37

mediastinal hematoma. More specific signs tween 3 and 2.6 cm.'^ A rupture or tear ofthe
are peribronchial air, deep cervical emphy- diaphragm may allow^ herniation of abdominal
sema, and dropped lung (lung apex rests at contents, such as the stomach, small bowel,
the level of hilum)." or spleen, into the thorax. Herniation may re-
Stabilization of the airway is of utmost im- sult in respiratory compromise because of im-
portance. Treatment of tracheobronchial in- pairment of lung capacity, and displacement
juries may require only airway maintenance of normal lung tissue. Penetrating injuries be-
until the acute inflammatory and edema pro- low the nipple line should be evaluated for
cesses resolve. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy may the potential of diaphragmatic injury, and con-
also be helpful in diagnosing an injury or fa- current abdotninal stab wounds to the lateral
cilitating airway placement. If a distal injury is chest walls and flanks can be associated with
present, intubation can best be accomplished diaphragmatic lacerations. Delay in diagnosis
by visualization of the bronchi with a flexible is common because of attention to associated
bronchoscope, and then passing an endotra- injuries and because many ruptures are not
cheal tube over the scope. If the patient is sta- recognized on CXR or CT.
ble, administer oxygen at 100% and perform The clinical picture depends on the size
an immediate bronchoscopy. and site of injury, the presence of the hertii-
An attempt to intubate is warranted if the ation, and associated injuries. Diaphragmatic
patient's airway is totally obstructed or if injuries are difficult to diagnose at first be-
the patient is in severe respiratory distress. cause bleeding is tnitiimal and the patient is of-
Place an endotracheal tube into the mainstem ten asymptomatic. Physical examination does
bronchus of the uninjured side to improve not reveal diaphragmatic lacerations unless
ventilation of the uninjured lung.^ An emer- associated injuries exist. In the acute phase,
gent tracheostomy must be performed if the patients may demonstrate decreased breath
airway is obstructed, secondary to a ruptured sounds on the side of the injury and bowel
cervical trachea, or intubation was unsuc- sounds may be heard in the chest. The la-
cessful. This is usually followed by operative tent phase is characterized by intermittent vis-
repair ceral herniation of any abdominal structure
through the defect. In the latent phase, pa-
DIAPHRAGMATIC RUPTURE tients complain of belching, nausea, vomiting,
and vague abdominal pain. Common organs
Approximately 0.8% to 1.6% of patients that herniate include the liver on the right and
with blunt trauma have a rupture. Blunt the colon, stomach, small bowel, and spleen
trauma accounts for 75% of cases while pen- on the left. Tension viscerothorax is a compli-
etrating trauma accounts for 25% of cases.'^ cation of diaphragmatic rupture; usually the
Since no distinctive signs and symptoms are stomach herniates and undergoes volvulus,
associated with penetrating diaphragmatic in- massively dilates, and causes left lung collapse
juries, a high index of suspicion is required for and mediastinal shift to the right.
diagnosis. Clinicalfindingsinclude marked respiratory
The left side ofthe diaphragm is more prone distress, dyspnea (decreased breath sounds
to injury (65%-85% of cases)' because it is on the affected side), palpation of abdominal
not protected by the liver The left postero- contents upon insertion of a chest tube, aus-
lateral portion of the diaphragm is the weak- cultation of bowel sounds in the chest, and
est, and therefore, the most common site of paradoxical movement of the abdomen with
rupture and herniation. The size of the dis- breathing.'^
ruption is determined by the mechanism of Chest x-rays are usually normal or nonspe-
injury. In blunt trauma, the defect in the di- cific unless a substantial injury exists. In blunt
aphragm is typically between 5 and 15 cm. In trauma, CXRs are diagnostic initially in only
penetrating trauma, the defect is usually be- 25% to 50% of cases.' The presence of a
nasogastric tube within the chest or the pres- ment of a nasogastric or orogastric tube can
ence of abdominal viscera denotes a perfo- be done to decrease the amount of bowel
rated diaphragm. Diaphragmatic injuries are gas and limit the hernia's size, in addition
not clearly identified, or are missed initially, to decreasing the ileus and reducing the ob-
if the chest film is misinterpreted as show- struction. Blunt diaphragmatic injuries typi-
ing an elevated left diaphragm, acute gastric cally produce large tears measuring 5 to 10
dilatation, loculated pnetimo-hemothorax, or cm or longer Persons with traumatic hernias
a subpulmonary hematoma. The following frequently have concomitant injuries who re-
studies" may help in diagnosing diaphrag- quire emergent exploration. Surgical repair is
matic injury: necessary, even for small tears, because any
• Chest radiograph may reveal blurring defect will not heal spontaneously.
of the diaphragm, arched diaphragmatic Complications may occur in up to 64%
shadow, bowel or extraneous bubbles in of patients w^ith blunt diaphragmatic in-
the chest, nasogastric tube in the left jury and include intra-abdominal abscess and
chest. pneumonia.'" Paralysis of the diaphragm is
• Ultrasound is used to visualize large dis- cotnmon. The late complications of an undi-
ruptions or herniation. However, it may agnosed traumatic hernia include all ofthe fol-
miss small tears from penetrating injuries. lowing: bowel herniation, incarceration, and
• Computerized tomography, withfinecuts strangulation; tension hemothorax secondary
through the diaphragm, may detect small to massive bow^el herniation; pericardial tam-
ruptures of the diaphragm. ponade from herniation into the pericardial
• Magnetic resonance imaging may aid in sac; and diaphragmatic paralysis that may re-
the diagnosis because it can accurately vi- cover after repair.'^
sualize the diaphragm's anatomy. Early deaths usually are a result of associated
Diagnostic procedures injuries, not due to the diaphragmatic injury.
• Diagnostic peritoneal lavage—peritoneal There is a 25% to 40% mortality rate associ-
lavage in the presence of diaphragmatic ated with diaphragmatic tears, primarily be-
rupture may be falsely negative as much cause ofthe severity of associated injuries.'^
as 25% of the time." It is still the
most sensitive test for detecting diaphrag- ESOPHAGEAL INJURY
matic injury in penetrating lower tho-
racic trauma (red blood cell [RBC] thresh- Esophageal rupture is the most rapidly fatal
old of 5000 or 10,000 RBC/mm^). In injury. Mortality rate is 18% and increases sig-
blunt trauma, the standard RBC thresh- nificantly if the diagnosis is delayed or missed.
old is 100,000 RBC/mm'. Diagnostic Death is imminent if diagnosis is delayed.
peritoneal lavage is insensitive to di- Most esophageal injuries are caused by pen-
aphragmatic injury at this threshold.'^ The etrating trauma. Cervical esophageal injury
obvious need for laparotomy is an abso- is more common than thoracic esophagus.
lute contraindication to diagnostic peri- Blunt injury is rare (0.1% incidence),' but is
toneal lavage. Relative contraindications lethal if unrecognized. It is usually caused by
include morbid obesity, a history of multi- a forceful injection of gastric contents into
ple abdominal surgeries, and pregnancy. the esophagus from a severe blow to the up-
• Diagnosis can be made by return of lavage per abdomen, resulting in a linear tear in the
fluid from a thoracostomy tube.' lower esophagus allowing leakage into the
General supportive measures are the main- mediastinum. The esophagus has no serosal
stay of medical therapy. A confirmed diag- covering and any perforation results in di-
nosis, or the suggestion of blunt diaphrag- rect drainage into the mediastinum."* Contam-
matic injury, is an indication for surgery. While inated material is pulled into the pleural space
surgery is the only definitive treatment, place- by negative intrathoracic pressure and results
Thoracic Trauma 39
Table 5. Signs and symptoms according to location of esophageal injury*

Injury Signs and Symptoms

Cervical perforation Crepitus
Cervical esophageal perforation Cervical tenderness
Resistance of passive range of motion of the neck
Bleeding from mouth or nasogastric tube
Intrathoracic perforation Neck crepitus
Mediastinal emphysema
Abdominal esophageal tear Peritoneal irritation
Pleuritic pain

•From Mason."

in subcutaneous or mediastinal emphysema, performed. The presence of mediastinal air,

pleural effusion, retro esophageal air, and un- usually on the left side, is basis for diagno-
explained fever within 24 hours of injury. sis. Esophagoscopy or an esophagogram re-
Esophageal injuries should be considered veals the site of esophageal tear and whether
in any patient who presents with a hemo- it connects to one or both pleural spaces.'^
thorax or pneumothorax without any rib frac- Esophagoscopy is reliable in 60% of injuries,
tures, or in any patient who sustains a severe but with esophagoscopy combined with an
blow to the lower sternum or epigastrium, esophagogram, esophageal injuries are de-
who presents with pain and/or shock out of tected 90% of the time.' Recognizing injury
proportion to the clinical findings.^ to the esophagus is difficult because of its
Clinical symptoms are subtle and vague, rarity, insufficient clinical signs in the initial
and vary according to the site of rupture and 24 hours, and the presence of other injuries.
the degree of contamination. Substernai pleu- Missed injuries and delay in treatment results
ritic chest pain, with radiation to the neck or in the rapid development of sepsis and asso-
shoulders, is the most common symptom of ciated high risk of death. Therefore, prompt
esophageal injury. Swallow^ing and neck flex- aggressive investigation, including radiogra-
ion may cause pain. There are many other phy, endoscopy, and thoracoscopy, must be
signs and symptoms depending on the loca- performed
tion ofthe injury (Table 5).'^ Nursing management begins with attention
Diagnosis requires correlation of the index to airway, ventilation, oxygenation, and circu-
of suspicion with physicalfindings,radiologi- latory support. The general treatment for any
cal studies, and fiberoptic examination. Typi- esophageal tear or perforation is suspension
cal CXRfindingsare mediastinal emphysema, of all oral intake, placement of a nasogastric
pneumothorax, hydrothorax, and/or widened tube with continuous suction, and antibiotic
mediastinum. Because of concomitant in- therapy.'* A large-bore IV catheter should be
juries, the CXR may not demonstrate any ab- placed for volume replacement and adminis-
normalities and an esophagogram should be tration of rv medication therapy. Continuing
monitoring for signs of peritonitis and respi- tentially life threatening. The potentially life-
ratory insufficiency is necessary. threatening nature of these injuries demands
If pneumothorax or hydrothorax is present, an organized approach hy skilled and know^l-
then a chest tuhe is placed. Medical man- edgeahle physicians, nurses, and therapists.
agement is gastric decompression, antihiotic Applications of certain fundamental princi-
therapy, combined with operative repair con- ples of initial trauma management must he
sisting of hypassing the affected region, and applied. Assessment should he hased on a
drainage of the pleural space.'' high index of suspicion and a thorough
knowledge of pathophysiology is important
SUMMARY for optimal treatment. Recognizing the signs
and symptoms of these traumatic injuries as
Major thoracic injuries are known as the well as accurately diagnosing and managing
"Deadly Dozen." Each of these injuries may these injuries are crucial for hetter patient
present as immediate life threatening or po- outcomes.


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