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Compare crime rates of Singapore and India, state your reasons for it.

Talk about Singapore and their crime rate will almost always be mentioned. Unlike India, the
crime rate in Singapore is so low that the country is considered one of the safest in the world.In
fact, it is so safe that if people leave their stuff in the middle of a busy shop or restaurant, they
will likely still find it exactly where they left it.

These are the reasons why Singapore’s crime rate is so low as compared to that of India:

1: Most people are well-paid.

It has been proven that poverty is the major reason why people find themselves in conflict with
the law. Since businesses in Singapore pay their employees well, this deters them from
committing crimes. They have no need to resort to doing illegal things because their earnings
are more than enough to get by. There’s hardly any reason for them, money-wise, to commit
crimes.Whereas in India, millions of people are living under poverty.

2: The people are educated from a young age to follow and respect the law.

Discipline plays a large part in a Singaporean’s life, even when young. It is common for children
to be taught about the laws, basic etiquette, and consequences of committing crimes. Learning
these things at a young age will ensure they carry these lessons all their lives.Whereas there is
lack of moral education in India as well as the education system is outdated.

3: Corruption

People in Singapore avoid committing crimes as they know they will be easily discovered once
they do so. Unlike in India where you can get away from petty crimes by being apologetic or
slipping some bills on the greasy hands of officers, doing so is no dice in Singapore. No one is
definitely above the law here.

As a developing country, India could learn a lot from Singapore to make it a safe country to live

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