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International Journal of Computer Integrated


ISSN: 0951-192X (Print) 1362-3052 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tcim20

The use of Digital Twin for predictive maintenance

in manufacturing

P. Aivaliotis, K. Georgoulias & G. Chryssolouris

To cite this article: P. Aivaliotis, K. Georgoulias & G. Chryssolouris (2019): The use of Digital
Twin for predictive maintenance in manufacturing, International Journal of Computer Integrated
Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2019.1686173

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/0951192X.2019.1686173

Published online: 13 Nov 2019.

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The use of Digital Twin for predictive maintenance in manufacturing

P. Aivaliotis, K. Georgoulias and G. Chryssolouris
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece


This paper presents a methodology to calculate the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of machinery Received 7 December 2018
equipment by utilising physics-based simulation models and Digital Twin concept, in order to enable Accepted 21 September 2019
predictive maintenance for manufacturing resources using Prognostics and health management KEYWORDS
(PHM) techniques. The resources and the properties of them are first modelled in a digital environ- Manufacturing; predictive
ment able to simulate the real machine’s behaviour. Data are gathered by machines’ controllers and maintenance; simulation;
external sensors to be used for the synchronous tuning of the digital models and their simulation. RUL prediction; physics-
The outcome of the simulation is then used to assess the resource’s condition and to calculate RUL. In based model
this way, the condition and the status of the machines can be monitored and predicted as a result
from the simulation of physics-based models, without invasive techniques of common predictive
maintenance solutions. A case study is presented in this paper where the proposed methodology is
validated by predicting the RUL of an industrial robot.

1. Introduction a reactive process for maintenance decisions and cannot

prevent downtime as well as a corresponding expense
Nowadays, industries rely on machine tools of high
from happening (Jay et al. 2014).
complexity, made up of several hundreds of compo-
In order to reduce maintenance cost and maintain
nents which should be monitored and maintained in
machine uptime at the highest possible level, mainte-
order to avoid unexpected failures as much as possi-
nance should be carried out in a proactive way. That
ble. To solve this problem and protect a production
means a transformation of maintenance strategy from
line from stoppages, it is needed to be aware of the
the traditional fail-and-fix practices (diagnostics) to
health status of each manufacturing resource and its
a predict-and-prevent methodology (prognostics) (Jay
components. Eventually, this knowledge enables the
et al. 2014). Prognostics and Health Management
selection and correct scheduling of maintenance
(PHM) is an engineering discipline, focused on predicting
activities. As machinery maintenance technology
the time when a system or a component will no longer
emerged, diagnostics and prognostics gradually per-
perform its intended function (Li, Ding, and Sun 2018).
meated all areas of mechanical engineering.
An estimation of this value is the Remaining Useful Life
More and more sophisticated diagnostic methodolo-
(RUL), which is an important concept in decision-making
gies are available to determine the root causes of
for contingency mitigation. Based on health assessment
machine failure. The failure mode, effects and criticality
information, namely the RUL, as well as on additional
analysis (FMECA) is the most common diagnostic meth-
information about multi-criteria mechanisms, it deter-
odology. The FMECA consists of two analyses; the Failure
mines when a maintenance action should be executed
Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and the Criticality
(Papachatzakis, Papakostas, and Chryssolouris 2007).
Analysis (CA). The utilisation of this methodology
Predictive maintenance platforms have been devel-
enables the identification of known and potential failure
oped with the aim to cover the needs of the data
modes, their causes and effects, the prioritisation of the
acquisition and analysis and knowledge management
identified failure modes as well as the planning of the
(Spreafico, Russo, and Rizzi 2017). These platforms are
corrective actions for the corresponding failure modes
based on three main pillars; the first pillar is responsible
(Spreafico, Russo, and Rizzi 2017). However, diagnostics,
for data extraction and processing, the second one
which is conducted when a fault has already occurred, is
focuses on the maintenance knowledge modelling

CONTACT G. Chryssolouris xrisol@mech.upatras.gr Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering
and Aeronautics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

and calculation of RUL and the third pillar provides Despite the fact that a number of predictive main-
advisory capabilities of maintenance planning tenance tools/platforms and methodologies have been
(Efthymiou et al. 2012) (Chryssolouris et al. 2008a). In focused on the RUL calculation, there are still gaps
addition, strategies based on real-time prediction of which are identified. More specifically, almost all the
the remaining useful life, under the simultaneous con- aforementioned approaches are based on the availabil-
sideration of economic and stochastic dependence, ity of past failure data of the manufacturing systems in
have been developed aiming at determining the opti- order to calculate the RUL. It means that the RUL can
mal trade-off between reducing the remaining useful not be calculated without historical data. Moreover, the
life of some components and decreasing the set-up already existing methodologies focus on machine-level
cost of their maintenance (Shi and Zeng 2016). RUL prediction and not in component-level. Due to the
Information about the real component remaining life- high complexity of the modern machines, the RUL
time can be achieved by combining different techni- calculation should take place in the component level.
ques (trend analysis, component modelling, Another gap which is identified in the above tools and
simulation), while the determination of the best main- methodologies is that the models which are used for
tenance schedule relies also on the correct assessment RUL prediction are not updated over the time. Most of
of each component’s impact on the whole system, them are static and can not be adapted online in case
apart from its compatibility with company production that real machine functionality is changed. Finally,
deadlines (Aivaliotis, Georgoulias, and Chryssolouris a limitation of the already existing approaches is that
2017). RUL is the most necessary parameter, which the physics phenomena and their degradation profiles
should be predicted/estimated for the creation and are not taken under consideration.
execution of a maintenance plan (Aivaliotis et al. Scope of this research is to deal with the aforemen-
2019). A number of researches focus on the calculation tioned challenges and to fill these gaps by providing
of machine’s RUL based on different approaches. a model-driven methodology to enable the accurate
Ontology implementation allows the definition of the prediction of the machine ‘s component RUL. Physics-
entities, and their relationships, which are involved in the based models will be used to model and analyse the
design for reliability, maintenance diagnostics, prognos- components of a machine including the physics phe-
tics and maintenance planning (Efthymiou et al. 2012). nomena which affect their health status. The utilisation
Paris’ law and Kalman smoother have been combined in of the physics-based models allows the prediction of the
a generalised fault and usage model, which aims to RUL with limited historical data since the prediction is
provide an improved component health trend and based on mathematical equations inside the models.
a better estimation of the Remaining Useful Life. This Finally, the proposed approach will enable the Digital
state observer technique is a backward/forward filtering Twin concept using a simulation tuning mechanism
technique that has no phase delay (Bechhoefer and which will allow the online adaption of the digital repre-
Schlanbusch 2015). Furthermore, a stochastic model of sentation of the machine based on the real behaviour of
the machine degradation evolution has been developed it. PHM solutions for typical components such as bear-
through the Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) for prog- ings, gearboxes and spindles as stand-alone packages
nostics. The distribution of the RUL, before failure, is have grown and proved to be reliable enough for indus-
estimated by being compared with a failure criterion of trial application. However, utilisation of PHM solutions at
the future degradation states, predicted by GPR (Baraldi, the machine level is still very much restricted by the lack
Mangili, and Zio 2015). ARIMA model has been imple- of solutions to collect, connect and control data/informa-
mented for the estimation of the RUL, based on historical tion from sensors and to combine them via efficient
data, analysed by symbolic dynamics techniques digital models for the provision of valuable health assess-
(Efthymiou et al. 2011).Real-time prediction of remaining ment and prediction results for optimal maintenance
useful life and preventive opportunistic maintenance allocation. This work makes extensive use of physics-
strategy for multi-component systems considering sto- based models, aiming at a successful PHM implementa-
chastic dependence has already been investigated (Shi tion. As aforementioned, the main pillar of a PHM system
and Zeng 2016). is the prediction of the Remaining Useful Life as it depicts

the time at which a system or a component will no As mentioned above, the using of static digital
longer perform its intended function. models to generate the required data for RUL predic-
tion is not recommended because the real machine
status may be changed. To ensure that the generated
2. Approach
data by the simulation of the digital model can be used
The proposed methodology focuses on the utilisation for the accurate estimation of the RUL, the physics-
of the Digital Twin concept aiming to estimate the based digital models should be updated online by
RUL of each machine ’s component. For the RUL using data coming from the real world. A simulation
calculation, data coming from different sources tuning mechanism will be used to ensure that the
should be gathered and analysed. More specifically, simulated functionalities of the machines approximate
the proposed model-driven approach will utilise data as much as possible the real ones. The aforementioned
coming from the real machine ‘s controller and procedure is analysed hereunder.
embedded sensors as well as data coming from the To sum up, PHM exploits the estimation of the
simulation of the digital models, aiming to estimate machine’s remaining useful life for the identification
the RUL. of the optimal time in order for the next maintenance
The simulation of the digital models has resulted in action to be carried out. The main objective of this
the generation of data which cannot be reached by research is the calculation of the remaining useful life
the real machine. During the simulation of a physics- of each machine in a production plant, based on the
based digital model, the detailed mathematical combined examination of the machines’ controller
expression of the machine’s components and their data as well as the machines’ physics-based simula-
connection between them allow the user to monitor tion as it is shown in Figure 1.
and gather data from each individual virtual compo- The procedure for addressing this challenge
nent of the machine. To achieve this, a set of Virtual includes four phases:
Sensors are used aiming to define the components
which will be monitored during the simulation. As ● The first phase consists of the advanced physical
a simulation of the physics-based models, it refers to modelling of the machines. Except for the kine-
the solving of the inverse kinematics of the model by matic and dynamic characteristics of the
providing position signals as input and gets the cal- machines, a set of virtual sensors will be inte-
culated torque signals which are applied to each grated into the machines’ simulation models.
machine ’s components as a simulation output. As in ● The second phase focuses on the synchronous
reality, the same tasks will be assigned to the simula- simulation tuning of the physics-based machine
tion models aiming to use the simulation output for models. As the simulation of the machines’ mod-
the RUL calculation. els is used for their RUL calculation, the machines’

Figure 1. RUL calculation main concept.


models should be tuned continuously to avoid grey boxes (using theoretical data to complete its
possible deviations between their real and simu- model) or as white boxes, meaning that the exact
lated functionality. functionality and the working mechanism of this com-
● The third phase consists of the simulation of the ponent are known. Next, the virtual sensors of the
physics-based models using as input gathered model are defined for the completion of the
sensors and machines’ controller data. machine’s simulation model. The virtual sensors are
● While the fourth phase includes the combining modelled as a layout of elements and their function-
of the simulation outcome and monitored ality is to monitor and gather data from the physics-
machine data, aiming to predict the machines’ based models during their simulation. Therefore, it is
remaining useful life. The reliability parameters important to have defined and specified the data to
of the machines have been integrated into their be gathered from the model’s simulation in order to
simulation models. Each phase is described in be used in the algorithm of RUL prediction. The use of
detail below. virtual sensors, at each element and function of the
model, increases the computational time of the mod-
Phase 1: advanced physical modelling of the el’s simulation. Lastly, modelling parameters are
machines defined, which will be used to update the physical
model, based on the controller and sensor data. These
As depicted in Figure 2, this phase focuses on the parameters will be editable and will be associated
advanced physical modelling of the machines. The with the synchronous simulation tuning with the
definition of the kinematic and structural model of aim to adjust the behaviour of the machine’s model
the machines takes place initially. The complete with that of the real machine. More details about the
model of each machine consists of a number of ele- simulation tuning will be described in Phase 2.
ments, which represent the dynamic behaviour of
each machine’s component based on the modelling
of the mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and other func-
Phase 2: simulation tuning of the physics-based
tions. In order to have a successful and functional
model that can be simulated in an acceptable com-
putational time, it has to be defined which compo- This phase focuses on the tuning of the physics-based
nent of each machine should be modelled. Some of models, as depicted in Figure 3. The aim of this phase
the machine’s components are defined as black boxes is to realise Digital Twin of the real machines in the
(without any knowledge of its internal workings) or as simulation environment. The most important step

Figure 2. Steps of advanced modelling.


Figure 3. Synchronous simulation tuning mechanism.

here is the definition of the data that should be behaviour is decreased. When this deviation is lower
monitored both by the machines that are equipped than the desired limit, the tuning procedure stops and
with physical sensors and the controller of the the new modelling parameters are obtained and pro-
resources. According to Phase 1, the modelling para- vided to the digital model.
meters form the base for the definition of these data. A part of this phase is to define the priority of the
A data synthesis technique will also be utilised having online real-time machine’s component tuning. On
taken under consideration both the physical and the the one hand, the synchronous tuning of the simula-
computational reductions. As physical reductions, it tion models will be responsible for keeping the pre-
refers to the amount of data to be synthesised (poten- cision of the Digital Twin achievement over 95%, but
tial lack of data may occur) while as computational on the other hand, it is not necessary for all model-
reductions, it refers to the computational time for the ling parameters to be continuously updated. Some
data synthesis. The synthesised data target to tuning of the modelling parameters will be tuned with
the models by updating the modelling parameters. lower frequencies than others because of their
More specifically, the actual data which are gathered lower effect on the simulation process. A weight
by machines’ controller and external sensors will be factor table defines the frequency of tuning for
utilised for two reasons; firstly, to provide them as each machine’s component. In this way, the compu-
input in the digital model for the simulation of it and tational time is reduced.
secondly to compare them with the output of the
simulation. Accordingly, a comparison between the
Phase 3: digital twin operation
actual behaviour of the robot and the predicted one
will take place. To realise the Digital Twin concept, the As depicted in Figure 4, the main objective of this
modelling parameters which have already defined in phase is the utilisation of the Digital Twin. After the
Phase 1 aiming to eliminate the error of this compar- modelling of the machines (Phase 1) and their tuning
ison should be defined. To achieve it, an estimation of during their operation (Phase 2), their simulation is the
the modelling parameters should take place periodi- next step. The same tasks that the real machines have
cally, and to be provided in the digital model. The to perform are used as input to the simulation. These
tuning procedure is based on the comparison of the tasks are performed virtually by using the simulation
actual machine’s component behaviour with the pre- software and their outcome is used for the RUL calcula-
dicted one. Signals are compared in order to perform tion of each machine (Phase 4). The output of the
this comparison. Since the modelling parameters are virtually performed tasks is compared with the actual
estimated and the model is tuned, the deviation output of the real machine operation. The results of
between the actual and digital machine’s component this comparison are used for the RUL calculation.

Figure 4. Simulation of the digital models.

Phase 4: RUL calculation The monitored parameters can be related – indica-

tively – to temperature, voltage, current, torque and
Here, as it depicted in Figure 5, the components’ RUL is
power. They are gathered by the machine’s controller
calculated by considering the data gathered from the
directly, whilst the physics-based simulation models
sensors and the machines’ controllers as well as from
use the Virtual Sensors as described in Phase 2. All
the simulation of the machines’ physics-based models.
these measurements are filtered and grouped for
The model's integrated simulation allows for the pre-
a specific time phase. This filtering and grouping are
diction of the system’s behaviour under different work-
performed in order to avoid capturing random abrupt
ing conditions. Furthermore, the digital models can be
changes of the parameters which are not important to
used for the simulation of the machines’ in the future
the machine’s condition. The outcome of this phase
based on the defined production plan. The necessity of
allows for the calculation of the machines’ component
Digital Twin arises from the fact that the collected
RUL during their operations.
sensor data are not always adequate for the RUL esti-
The RUL prediction is based on the comparison of
mation. By using physics-based models, you can extra-
the predicted behaviour of the machine ‘s compo-
polate data using virtual sensors based on the
nents and the nominal behaviour of the machine ’s
mathematical representation of the machine.

Figure 5. RUL calculation methodology.


components. This comparison is based on signal com- The ‘Data Acquisition’ component is an IoT stack
parison and more specifically with torque signal com- supported by FIWARE components (Steinmetz et al.
parison. The procedure to estimate the RUL for 2017). The main components are the ORION Context
a machine’s component is to simulate the digital Broker to manage the data context and the IDAS IoT
model continuously taking under consideration the Agent (JSON-MQTT) to mediate between a Message
future operation plan of the real machine as well as Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) enabled sensor
the degradation model of the physics phenomena and the context broker. The signal processing meth-
during the time and to compare the simulation out- ods take place at the gateway level. More specifically,
put with the nominal output of the machine. Efficient the signals are filtered using an Infinite Impulse
algorithms are used to process and combine the Response (IIR) filter to cut undesirable frequencies
gathered data aiming to provide the generated infor- (noise) (Litwin 2000). The data acquisition and the
mation to the simulation software. This information is signal processing method are depicted in Figure 6.
used as input for the simulation and for the tuning of The RUL calculation is based on the output of
the simulation models. physics-based simulation in combination with
machines’ manufactures data which are used to vali-
date that the calculated RUL is in line with the ideal
3. System implementation operation lifetime. Although high deviations may
occur during the comparison of this metric, since the
In this section, the software which was implemented in
RUL is based on the real machines’ operation while
order to execute the presented approach is described.
manufacturers’ parameters are based on a theoretical
The modelling procedure was developed in the
level, taking under consideration the nominal opera-
OMEdit environment, a Modelica connection editor
tion of a machine and the real-predicted one, the
for OpenModelica. OpenModelica is an open-source
health status of machines’ components can be
Modelica-based modelling and simulation environ-
obtained. Accordingly, the maintenance tasks can be
ment intended for industrial usage. Modelica is a non-
prioritised based on the RUL of each component.
proprietary, object-oriented, equation-based language
to conveniently model complex physical systems. This
software allows the user to create models that describe
4. Case study
the behaviour of real-world systems in two ways. The
first way is to use components from free Modelica A case study has taken place to demonstrate the func-
Standard Library and the second is to create their tionality of the discussed approach and is presented
own components. Combining these components can and discussed here. The resource which was used in the
create large and complex systems. So, no particular case study was a six-axis robotic structure which is used
variable needs to be solved manually, as the Modelica for welding tasks in the assembly of a thermosiphonic
tool has been created with the aim to solve them system. Figure 7 depicts the selected resource during its
automatically (Mattsson, Elmqvist, and Otterc 1998). operation.

Figure 6. Data acquisition mechanism.


actuator component which was responsible to create

a torque signal for the motion of the corresponding
linked joint based on the input signal component
As it was described in Approach, the second stage
of Phase 1 is the modelling and integration of
a number of virtual sensors in the digital model aim-
ing to gather data which are not reached by any other
sensorial system or robot’s controller. In this demon-
stration, three virtual sensors were used aiming to
gather the position signal in the output shaft of the
gearbox relative to the position signal before the
bearing, to gather the speed signal in the output
shaft of the gearbox relative to the velocity signal
before the bearing and the accelerometer signal in
the output shaft of the gearbox relative to the accel-
erometer signal before the affection of axes’ inertia.
The three sensors are integrated into each gearbox of
Figure 7. Real industrial scenario for the system’s validation.
the digital model.
Assuming that the gearbox is the most critical com-
The demonstration of the proposed approach will ponent for the robots’ lifecycle, the modelling para-
be presented below per phase in order to be easier meters of the digital model arise by the gearboxes.
the correspondence with the aforementioned infor- More specifically, the parameters which mainly affect
mation in Approach chapter. the gearboxes’ operation are the modelling parameter
Fc which corresponds to the friction component of
a robot gearbox and it is relative with the Coulomb
Phase 1: advanced physical modelling of the
friction and the parameter Jm which corresponds to
the inertia of the gears (Fernandes et al. 2014). These
The digital model of the robot is presented in Figure 8. two parameters will be tuned over the time by a tuning
The modelling level of each digital robot component is mechanism which is presented in Phase 2.
presented in Table 1 and arise from the amount of the
available data which are used in the modelling. The
Phase 2: simulation tuning of the physics-based
Mechanical structure component of the robot con-
sisted of the seven links, six joints, six axes, one tool
and one base frame which corresponded to the real After the modelling phase, the simulation tuning
sub-components of the robot. A number of parameters mechanism was implemented to the models aiming
of each sub-component (e.g. mass, the centre of mass, to realise the Digital Twin. In this case study, the data
inertia tensor, axis of each link and others) have been which were used for the tuning of the model were data
defined partially by the manufacturer of the robot which were gathered from the robot’ controller and
while some of them are extracted from CAD files or accelerometers which were placed on robot’s links. For
estimated using identification procedures. Each axis is each gearbox, two signals were monitored; the first
utilised as a link between the Mechanical structure one was gathered using the machines’ controller and
component and the six gearbox components. Each monitor the actual position signal before the gearbox
gearbox component consists of one ideal gear which while the second one was gathered using the acceler-
represents the gear ratio of each axis, one rotational ometer and monitored the actual torque signal after
component with inertia which represents the gears the gearbox. The same procedure took place continu-
and one bearing which represent the Coulomb friction. ously and the data were stored in a local database
Following, each gearbox component is linked with the while the simulation was running. For each simulation
corresponding input signal component via the iteration, the actual position signals for each gearbox

Figure 8. Robot digital model.

were provided as input to the digital model. The number of the robot experiment having as output
inverse dynamic digital model was simulated in an excel file which involved the dynamic parameters
OpenModelica and calculate the predicted torque sig- of the robot. When the parameters have been esti-
nal for each gearbox. Accordingly, the tuning mechan- mated successfully, the new values of Fc and Jm were
ism requires also the simulation of the model but with imported in the digital model. Figure 9 presents how
the initial values of Fc and Jm as they were defined by the deviation between the actual and the predicted
gearboxes’ manufacturer. torque signal is eliminated during the tuning of the
The data of the real execution and the data of the system by updating the Bm and Jm parameters. These
virtual execution were compared, and the torque figures are mentioned to Axis 1 of the robot while the
errors were calculated. The estimation of the model- same procedure took place for the modelling para-
ling parameters of the model was based on Nonlinear meters of other five axes, too.
Least Square Method. Using this methodology, the Aiming to reduce the computational time of the
value ranges for parameters were restricted signifi- system, weight factors are defined for each modelling
cantly. An iterative process was executed using the parameters which underline how often each para-
estimated parameters with an aim to evaluate beha- meter will be updated. The definition of them was
viourthe of the simulated model. The dynamic para- based on the literature and more specific in studies
meters for which the calculated errors were minimum which define how each physical phenomenon affects
were saved for the next execution of the program. the machines’ health status (Chandra and Langari
This process was executed as many times as the 2006; Kang, Zhang, and Jin 2015). The initial time for

Figure 9. Torque signal comparison without model tuning (a), during the tuning (b) and after the tuning (c).

Figure 10. Nominal torque signal of the Axis 1 gearbox during Figure 11. Comparison of predicted and nominal torque signals
the execution of the welding task. after 1 month.

the execution of a simulation with both parameters to this time period was reduced, by 24%, to 197.6 ms.
be tuned on each simulation iteration was approx. The tuning weight factor of each modelling para-
260 ms and after the definition of the weight factors, meter is presented in Table 2.

Table 1. Modelling level of each digital component.

Sub- Modelling
Component component Function level
Mechanical Link Represent the rigid bodies of White
structure a robot. box
Joint Represent the rotation of a rigid
body around one axis.
Mass Represent the tool of the robot
at its TCP.
World frame Represent the base frame of the
Gearbox Ideal gear Represent the gear ratio of the Grey box
Bearing friction Represent the Coulomb friction
of the axis.
Inertia Represent the mass and the
inertia tensors of the gears.
Actuators – – Black box
Input – – Black box

Figure 12. Comparison of predicted and nominal torque signals

after 4 months. Table 2. Modelling parameters’ tuning weight factors.
Modelling parameters Tuning weight factor
Fc 80% (update 1 time each 8 simulation cycles)
Jm 60% (update 1 time each 6 simulation cycles)

Phase 4: RUL calculation

Since the Digital Twin has been created, the digital

models are ready to be used for the simulation of the
gearboxes in different operation cases. A set of experi-
ments took place and the health status of each robot
gearbox was calculated as a result of the comparison
between the nominal function of the robot and the
predicted one which was obtained by the digital
model. When the difference between them passed
a predefined limit, then the RUL calculation algorithm
provided the RUL of each element for the correspond-
ing operation case of the machine.
Figure 13. Comparison of predicted and nominal torque signals The production plan of the manufacturing com-
after 6 months.
pany and mainly the tasks of the welding robot
were taken under consideration for the execution of
the experiments. The figures below depict the opera-
Phase 3: simulation of the machines’ functionality
tion of Axis 1 gearbox of the robot during its simula-
After the modelling of the inverse kinematic robot tion for a six-month time period. The simulation of the
model and the digital model tuning, the simulation robot took place once per day within the defined time
of the whole system took place. The monitored posi- period, although one diagram per month is shown to
tion signals of the robot’s motors are converted and
imported as input to the simulation via the input
Table 3. Simulation parameters.
signal components. The simulation parameters were
Simulation parameters Values
defined with aim to execute an accurate and fast
Number of intervals 30
simulation. The output of the simulation is the torque Start time 0s
Stop time 0.6 s
signals of each robot ‘s gearbox which occurred in Integration method Dassl
order to move the simulated robot as the real one. Jacobian Coloured Numerical
Tolerance 1e-06
The simulation parameters are presented in Table 3.

depict how the bearing friction (Fc) and the inertia of robot gearboxes' RUL was estimated. The same
the gears (Jm) effect on gearbox health status. In the experiment was repeated continuously one time
same way, all the gearboxes of the robot were simu- per day – after the tuning of the digital models.
lated, and the RUL was estimated. So, the simulation iteration for the RUL calculation
As it is shown in the Figure 10–13, the deviation in this application was once per day. The calcu-
between the nominal torque signal and the predicted lated RUL was the same in all experiments. Small
torque signal was increased during the time due to the modifications may occur if the calculation takes
wear. In Figure 14, the deviations are presented. The place in daily base and not in monthly base as in
maximum allowed deviation was defined by the user of the presented scenario.
the robot taking under consideration historical data Taking under consideration the results of the pre-
and previous experience. sented pilot case, the proposed methodology enables
the machine’s component RUL prediction and it can
be a part of a more generic predictive maintenance
5. Discussion framework. Except for the RUL estimation methodol-
Based on the aforementioned case study, the RUL ogy, the proposed methodology focuses also on the
of robot Axis 1 gearbox was 6 months. It means creation of digital models and the enabling of the
that the deviation between the nominal torque Digital Twin concept. In this research, the method
signals which should be applied to the robot gear- was implemented and validated on the gearboxes of
box in order to perform the welding tasks by a robot. Although the same procedure can be applied
moving the robot, and the predicted signals in other components, too.
which are estimated taking under consideration Finally, a number of limitations and weaknesses
the future production plan and the degradation have been identified in this research. Firstly, it is
profiles of gearbox components, has exceeded assumed that the most critical components of
the maximum allowed limit. The digital model of a gearbox are the bearings. According to literature,
each component was updated daily via the tuning the main causes of bearing failures are related to
of the modelling parameters Fc and Jm. To achieve loading and lubrication issues. In this research, we
this, the required data were gathered by the are focusing mainly on the wear prediction under
robot’s controller aiming to identify the compo- normal operating conditions of a gearbox. This
nent behaviour and to adjust the digital models means that the loading is in the range given by the
of them accordingly. In a similar way, the other manufacturer while the lubrication is deteriorated
due to operational time. This is the reason why this
paper is focusing on friction. The proposed approach
is open in order to integrate vibration parameters in
the future, in another case study. Of course, the
authors will investigate the gearbox wear due to
vibrations in the future. Secondly, the proposed
methodology has not been validated through a real
scenario which includes a machine’s component
breakdown. It means that the methodology works,
and the RUL of each component is estimated.
Although, a real breakdown will validate that the
RUL was estimated with high precision or not.
Thirdly, the physics-based models of some compo-
nents have been modelled as black boxes. It
increases the possibilities of a non-precise RUL esti-
mation for these components. Almost all of these
limitations will be investigated by the authors in
Figure 14. RUL calculation based on maximum allowed deviation. the future.

6. Conclusion and future work and other critical physic phenomena which affect the
machines’ health status. Finally, the proposed methodol-
For the scope of the experiment, a defective gearbox of
ogy will be implemented in other kinds of machines and
Axis 1 of the robot was used to validate the proposed
will be validated by monitoring the machine until a real
system. It was demonstrated though that the presented
breakdown aiming to evaluate the accuracy of this
approach utilising Digital Twin to estimate RUL provides
accurate results that can be for predictive maintenance
considerations and related decision-making, such as for
production planning. Accordingly, the presented
approach can be applied, and it is mostly used, for
manufacturing resources that do not typically have Part of the work reported in this paper makes reference to the EC
such long RUL. research project “PROGRAMS – PROGnostics based Reliability
Analysis for Maintenance Scheduling” (www.programs-project.
More specifically, the utilisation of a physics-based
eu), which has received funding from the European Union’s
simulation model offers a variety of advantages. At first, Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the
the condition and the status of the machine can be Grant Agreement No. 767287.
predicted as a result from the simulation of physics-
based models, without the machines’ operation being
stopped, as it happens in the common predictive main- Disclosure statement
tenance solutions. The presented RUL calculation
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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related to the machines’ condition at component level
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