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Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (2015) 310–315

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Isometric hip abduction using a Thera-Band alters gluteus maximus

muscle activity and the anterior pelvic tilt angle during bridging exercise
Sil-Ah Choi, Heon-Seock Cynn ⇑, Chung-Hwi Yi, Oh-Yun Kwon, Tae-Lim Yoon, Woo-Jeong Choi,
Ji-Hyun Lee
Applied Kinesiology and Ergonomic Technology Laboratory, Department of Physical Therapy, The Graduate School, Yonsei University, 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do
220-710, South Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bridging with isometric hip abduction (IHA)
Received 7 February 2014 using the Thera-Band on gluteus maximus (GM), hamstring (HAM), and erector spinae (ES) muscle activ-
Received in revised form 3 June 2014 ity; GM/HAM and GM/ES ratios; and the anterior pelvic tilt angle in healthy subjects. Twenty-one sub-
Accepted 1 September 2014
jects participated in this study. Surface EMG was used to collect EMG data of GM, HAM, and ES muscle
activities, and Image J software was used to measure anterior pelvic tilt angle. A paired t-test was used
to compare GM, HAM, and ES muscle activity; the GM/HAM and GM/ES ratios; and the anterior pelvic tilt
angle with and without IHA during the bridging exercise. GM muscle activity increased significantly and
Gluteus maximus the anterior pelvic tilt angle decreased significantly during bridging with IHA using the Thera-Band
Preactivation (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in the activity of the HAM and ES and the
Thera-Band GM/HAM and GM/ES ratios between bridging with and without IHA (p > 0.05). The results of this study
suggest that bridging with IHA using the Thera-Band can be implemented as an effective method to facil-
itate GM muscle activity and reduce the anterior pelvic tilt angle.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to the pelvis during ambulation (Hossain and Nokes, 2005;

Leinonen et al., 2000; Mooney et al., 2001).
The gluteus maximus (GM) is one of the largest and strongest However, the GM is frequently weak and lengthened because
muscles in the body. The GM originates from the posterior sacrum many people spend a great amount of time remaining seated
and coccyx as well as the posterior gluteal line of the ilium and (Sahrmann, 2002). Decreased activity of the GM is one cause of
inserts on the iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of the femur low back pain (LBP) and results in SI joint instability and dysfunc-
(Frank and Netter, 1987). The GM is a powerful extensor and exter- tion (van Wingerden et al., 2004). In addition, hamstring (HAM)
nal rotator of the hip, and the superior part of the GM acts as a hip tightness can be observed as a compensatory mechanism for a
abductor because muscle fibers in the GM are directed downward weak GM (Massoud Arab et al., 2011; van Wingerden et al.,
and outward (Frank and Netter, 1987; Long et al., 1993). Hip exten- 2004). Also, excessive anterior pelvic tilt, lumbar lordosis with
sors, especially the GM, are important for many functional activi- dominant erector spinae (ES), and lumbar rotation occur in place
ties of daily living such as moving from sitting to standing, of a weak GM or delayed GM activation during hip extension
climbing stairs, and maintaining an upright posture during walking (Chaitow, 1996; Sahrmann, 2002).
(Winter, 1991). Because the direction of the GM muscle fibers, Bridging exercises are the most commonly used by people with
especially deep sacral fibers of the GM, are perpendicular to the weak hip extensors and trunk muscles in physical therapy pro-
sacroiliac (SI) joint, GM contraction improves SI joint stability grams. However, bridging exercises are associated with a risk of
and plays a part in force transmission from the lower extremity dominant HAM and ES activity and excessive anterior pelvic tilt
as a compensation for GM weakness regardless of the type of
bridging exercise performed. Therefore, bridging exercise with iso-
metric hip abduction (IHA) using a Thera-Band (Hygenic Corp.,
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 33 760 2427; fax: +82 33 760 2496.
Akron, OH, USA) was devised in this study. No previous studies
E-mail addresses: (S.-A. Choi), (H.-S.
have compared GM with HAM and ES muscle activity and pelvic
Cynn), (C.-H. Yi), (O.-Y. Kwon), (T.-L. Yoon), (W.-J. Choi), rapa60@ kinematics during bridging with IHA using the Thera-Band. Thus, (J.-H. Lee). the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bridging
1050-6411/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.-A. Choi et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (2015) 310–315 311

with IHA using the Thera-Band on GM, HAM, and ES muscle activ- subjects failed to perform the standardized position and maintain
ity; GM/HAM and GM/ES ratios; and the anterior pelvic tilt angle in the position during the exercise period, data collection was imme-
healthy subjects. It was hypothesized that bridging with IHA using diately stopped. Subjects performed two conditions (with IHA and
the Thera-Band would result in increased GM muscle activity, without IHA) of the same bridging exercise twice and maintained
increased GM/HAM and GM/ES ratios, and a decreased anterior each position for 5-s. Bridging without IHA was followed by bridg-
pelvic tilt angle. ing with IHA to minimize the carry over or learning effect (Park
et al., 2013). A 5-min rest between the two conditions and a
1-min rest between every two trials was given to avoid muscle
2. Methods
2.1. Subjects
2.2.1. Bridging without isometric hip abduction
A power analysis was performed with G*power software ver. The subjects were placed in a supine position. Both knees were
3.1.2 (Franz Faul, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany) using the flexed at 90°, the feet were hip-width apart while resting on the
results of a pilot study involving five subjects. The calculation of floor, and the toes were facing forward. The arms were crossed
sample size was carried out with a power of 0.80, alpha level of over the chest to minimize arm support (Fig. 1). Two plastic poles
0.05, and effect size of 0.89. This provided a necessary sample size were placed vertically along the lateral aspect of the bilateral knee
of ten subjects for this study. Twenty-one healthy subjects (6 joint to maintain hip abduction of 30°. A wooden target bar was
males, 15 females) were recruited from a university population placed at the height of the middle point of the thigh between the
(age = 22.5 ± 1.0 years, height = 165.3 ± 7.1 cm, weight = 57.5 ± greater trochanter and femoral condyle when the trunk, pelvis,
8.7 kg, and body mass index = 20.9 ± 1.8 kg/m2). and thigh were aligned in a straight line (hip extension of 0°). A
The exclusion criteria were: (1) limitations in range of motion of universal goniometer was used for knee and hip angle measure-
the bilateral hip, knee, and ankle joints; (2) a history of LBP or ments. The subject was instructed to lift his pelvis comfortably at
lower extremity dysfunctions such as iliotibial band friction syn- a self-selected speed while maintaining contact between the lat-
drome, patellofemoral pain syndrome, anterior cruciate ligament eral aspects of the bilateral knee joint and vertically placed plastic
sprains, or chronic ankle instability (Cichanowski et al., 2007; poles. When both thighs touched the wooden target bar during
Fredericson et al., 2000; Friel et al., 2006; Hewett et al., 2006; bridging, the subject was asked not to lift his pelvis further and
Ireland et al., 2003) in the past 12 months; (3) iliopsoas, rectus to hold the bridging position for 5-s without pelvic or thigh move-
femoris, or tensor fasciae latae tightness as evidenced by the ment (Fig. 2).
Thomas test, Ely’s test, or modified Ober’s test, respectively
(Kendall et al., 2005; Magee, 2007); and (4) lumbopelvic instability 2.2.2. Bridging with isometric hip abduction
demonstrated by performing the active straight leg raising test with Bridging with IHA followed the same procedure as bridging
a pressure biofeedback unit (Liebenson, 2004; Mens et al., 1999). without IHA, with the exception of the application of a blue-col-
Prior to collecting data, the examiner informed the subjects of ored Thera-Band, which is recommended by the manufacturer
the study procedures and each subject completed an informed for an intermediate or advanced workout level. The Thera-Band
consent form. The study protocol was approved by the Yonsei was wrapped around both thighs just proximal to the knees, pro-
University Wonju Institutional Review Board. viding consistent resistance to IHA. Tension was controlled by
lengthening or shortening the Thera-Band. The tension in the
2.2. Exercise procedures Thera-Band was determined when the subject was able to perform
more than ten repetitions of hip abduction of 30° in hook-lying
Subjects underwent a familiarization period of approximately position using the Thera-Band (Decker et al., 1999; Park et al.,
20 min to achieve a proper exercise performance capability. When 2013) (Fig. 3).

Fig. 1. Starting position of bridging exercise.

Fig. 2. Bridging without isometric hip abduction.

312 S.-A. Choi et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (2015) 310–315

Fig. 3. Bridging with isometric hip abduction using the Thera-Band.

2.3. Surface electromyography and data processing beginning and end, was used for data analysis, and a 30-s rest
was given between the two trials (Bolgla and Uhl, 2007; Bolgla
Electromyographic (EMG) data were collected using a wireless et al., 2010). The mean value of middle 3-s contraction of the
TeleMyo DTS (Noraxon Inc., Scottsdale, AZ, USA) and Myo-Research two trials for the maximal contraction in each muscle was taken
Master Edition 1.06 XP software was used for analyzing EMG data. as the MVIC.
The EMG signals were sampled at 1000 Hz. A band pass filter was All EMG data during two conditions of bridging exercise were
used between 20 and 450 Hz and notch filter was preset to reject recorded for 5-s twice and calculated from the middle 3-s isomet-
60 Hz. The raw data were processed into the root mean square ric phase except for each 1-s at the beginning and end. The mean
(RMS) with a window of 50 ms. The electrode sites were shaved value of the middle 3-s contraction of the two trials for each con-
and then rubbing alcohol was used to reduce skin impedance. dition was used for data analysis. To calculate the GM/HAM and
Two surface electrodes with an interelectrode distance of 2 cm GM/ES ratios, the normalized GM amplitude was divided by the
were positioned on the upper fibers of GM, the general part of normalized HAM and the normalized GM was divided by the nor-
HAM, and ES muscle bilaterally. Electrodes were placed in the mid- malized ES amplitude, respectively.
dle of each muscle belly and parallel to the direction of each mus-
cle fiber. 2.4. Measurement of anterior pelvic tilt angle
In this study, all subjects should maintain the standardized
position of bridging with hip abduction of 30° for comparing bridg- To obtain pelvic kinematic data, two reflective markers were
ing with IHA and without IHA. In this reason, we chose the upper placed on specific anatomical landmarks; namely, the anterior
fibers of the as representative of the GM because they anatomically superior iliac spine (ASIS) and posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS).
act as hip abductor more than lower fiber (Criswell, 2011; Frank In this study, the anterior pelvic tilt was defined as an angle
and Netter, 1987; Kang et al., 2013). The electrode for the upper between a line joining the ASIS, PSIS, and the vertical line from
GM was placed half the distance between the trochanter and sacral the ASIS (Fig. 4). The examiner took a picture of the subject’s pelvis
vertebrae in the middle of the muscle at an oblique angle at the with a digital camera when the subject maintained the position
level of the trochanter. For recordings of the general part of under two conditions of bridging exercises. The location of the dig-
HAM, the electrode was placed parallel to the muscle in the center ital camera and distance from the digital camera to the subject
of the back of the thigh, approximately half the distance from the were consistent. These pictures were then transferred to Image J
gluteal fold to the back of the knee. The electrode for the ES was software (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA) and
placed parallel to the spine at the level of the iliac crest, approxi- used to measure the anterior pelvic tilt angle.
mately 2 cm apart from the spine over the muscle mass
(Criswell, 2011). EMG data were collected for the mean value of 2.5. Statistical analysis
bilateral GM, HAM, and ES because there was no significant differ-
ence between right and left of GM, HAM, and ES muscle activity A Kolmogorov–Smirnov Z-test was performed to confirm a nor-
when we conducted an independent t-test (p > 0.05). mal distribution. Test–retest reliability of EMG and pelvic tilt mea-
Normalization was needed to minimize variables or differences surements in two conditions (with IHA and without IHA) of
between different recoding sites and individuals. The maximal vol- bridging exercises was assessed by intra-class correlation (ICC),
untary isometric contraction (MVIC) normalization method was 95% confidence interval (CI), the standard error of measurement
applied to each tested muscle and MVIC was recorded during a (SEM), and minimal detectable difference (MDC). SEM was calcu-
manual muscle test (MMT) in the positions described by Kendall lated for each measurement to assess absolute consistency
et al. (2005). To collect MVIC data, subjects maintained the MMT [SEM = SD 1  ICC. MDC (95% confidence interval) [MDC95 =
position of each tested muscle against manual resistance for 5-s SEM ⁄ 1.96 2] was calculated (Ries et al., 2009). Effect size index
twice. The middle 3-s contraction, excluding each 1-s at the (ESI) is calculated to determine meaningful changes between the

Fig. 4. Measurement of anterior pelvic tilt angle.

S.-A. Choi et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (2015) 310–315 313

bridging exercise with and without IHA [Mean of the bridging

exercise with IHA – Mean of the bridging exercise without IHA/
standard deviation of the bridging exercise without IHA]. A one-
way, repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used
to access the statistical significance of the GM, HAM, and ES muscle
activity; the GM/HAM and GM/ES ratios; and the anterior pelvic tilt
angle during the bridging exercise with and without IHA. Statistical
significance was set at 0.05. If a significant difference was found, a
Bonferroni correction was performed (a = 0.025). All statistical
analyses were performed using PASW Statistics ver. 18.0 (SPSS,
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).

3. Results

The test–retest reliabilities for EMG measurement of GM, HAM, Fig. 6. Comparison of anterior pelvic tilt angle between bridging exercise with and
and ES muscle were substantial in both bridging with and without without isometric hip abduction (IHA: Isometric hip abduction). ⁄p < 0.05.

IHA. (Bridging with IHA: ICC = 0.98, 95% CI = 0.97–0.99, SEM = 1.72, with IHA using the Thera-Band showed significantly lesser anterior
and MDC = 4.77 for GM, and ICC = 0.96, 95% CI = 0.93–0.99, pelvic tilt angle than bridging without IHA (P = .001) (Fig. 6).
SEM = 3.38, and MDC = 9.37 for HAM, and ICC = 0.96, 95%
CI = 0.93–0.99, SEM = 3.88, and MDC = 10.76 for ES; Bridging with-
4. Discussion
out IHA: ICC = 0.93, 95% CI = 0.85–0.99, SEM = 3.44, and
MDC = 9.54 for GM, ICC = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.89–0.99, SEM = 4.52,
To our knowledge, this study is the first to evaluate the effect of
and MDC = 12.53 for HAM, and ICC = 0.98, 95% CI = 0.97–0.99,
IHA with the Thera-Band on GM muscle activity and pelvic kine-
SEM = 2.60, and MDC = 7.21 for ES).
matics during a bridging exercise. The results partially supported
the research hypothesis.
3.1. Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and erector spinae muscle activity GM activity increased significantly by 21.1% during bridging
with IHA using the Thera-Band, supporting the research hypothe-
In terms of muscle activity, there was a significant difference in sis. A possible explanation is that applying IHA with the Thera-
GM muscle activity between bridging with IHA using the Thera- Band during bridging and maintaining hip abduction of 30°
Band and without IHA (F1,20 = 9.098, P = .007, ESI = .365). Bridging induced facilitation of the GM in advance before initiation of the
with IHA using the Thera-Band resulted in significantly greater bridging movement, consequently increasing GM muscle activity.
GM muscle activity than bridging without IHA (P = .007) (Fig. 5). Our present finding is in agreement with those of previous studies
However, there were no significant differences in the activity of demonstrating the effect of muscle preactivation on muscle firing
the HAM (F1,20 = 4.163, P = .055, ESI = .247) and ES (F1,20 = 0.319, or force. Kyrolaïnen et al. (1999) emphasized the importance of
P = .578, ESI = .064) between bridging with and without IHA. the preactivation of leg extensor for increasing running speed. Spe-
cifically, preactivity of the gastrocnemius muscle functioned as a
3.2. Gluteus maximus/hamstrings and gluteus maximus/erector spinae preparatory requirement to enhance muscle activity and the tim-
muscle activity ratios ing of muscular action with respect to ground contact during the
running cycle. Mrdakovic et al. (2008) confirmed that when a knee
In terms of muscle ratios, there were no significant differences extensor bench exercise was performed before a leg press exercise
in the GM/HAM (F1,20 = .014, P = .906) and GM/ES (F1,20 = by means of muscle preactivation, an increased EMG signal was
.559.163, P = .463) ratios between bridging with and without IHA. recorded from the vastus lateralis muscle. This result indicates that
preactivation performance by a single-joint exercise increases the
3.3. Anterior pelvic tilt angle number of motor units recruited during a multi-joint exercise.
The GM is quadrilateral in shape, and its fibers are obliquely
With regard to pelvic kinematics, there was a significant differ- directed inferiorly and laterally. It functions not only as a hip
ence in the anterior pelvic tilt angle between with IHA using the extensor, but also as a hip abductor and external rotator (Frank
Thera-Band and without IHA (F1,20 = 15. 624, P = .001). Bridging and Netter, 1987; McAndrew et al., 2006). In this study, hip abduc-
tion of 30° was sustained by two plastic poles placed vertically
along the lateral aspect of the bilateral knee joints. Such hip abduc-
tion during bridging might facilitate GM activity in terms of the
action of the GM as a hip abductor and external rotator. In a previ-
ous study, Kang et al. (2013) reported that the GM EMG amplitude
was greatest at 30° of hip abduction during prone hip extension
with knee flexion. Because the GM is a fusiform muscle that is opti-
mized when the direction of muscle pull is parallel to the muscle
fiber, hip abduction during prone hip extension with knee flexion
leads to an increased EMG amplitude of the GM.
It was expected that HAM and ES activity would be reduced
when GM activity was increased by applying IHA with the Thera-
Band during bridging exercise. This hypothesis was based on the
findings of previous studies demonstrating that synergistic mus-
Fig. 5. Comparison of gluteus maximus muscle activity between bridging exercise
cles work together to perform the same range of motion (Jonkers
with and without isometric hip abduction (GM: Gluteus maximus, IHA: Isometric et al., 2003; Kang et al., 2013; Park et al., 2013). Based on these
hip abduction). ⁄p < 0.05. findings, synergistic muscles during bridging (i.e., trunk extensors
314 S.-A. Choi et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (2015) 310–315

such as the GM, HAM, and ES) can affect one another during bridg- to the entire patient population because only healthy and young
ing: increased GM activity could reduce HAM and ES activity. subjects participated. Subjects with a broad age range and clinical
Although GM activity was significantly increased in this study, it symptoms such as GM weakness should be investigated in future
failed to elicit significant changes in the GM/HAM and GM/ES to strengthen the clinical implications of this study. Third, this
ratios between bridging with and without IHA. The unexpected study did not perform force measurement. It could help to further
findings in this study may be the result of several differences from differentiate between the two exercise protocols and EMG/force
previous studies. First, healthy subjects participated in the present data would be interesting indications for future studies in this
study and exhibited HAM or ES activity that was dominant to (or filed. Finally, this study used a cross-sectional design. Future longi-
greater than) the GM activity at the beginning of the study. In tudinal studies are necessary to identify distinct differences and
many previous studies that investigated GM activity during vari- the long-term effects of facilitation of the GM on HAM and ES
ous bridging or prone hip extension exercises in healthy subjects, activity.
the mean activity levels of the ES and HAM at baseline (i.e., before
the intervention) were less than or similar to the mean value for 5. Conclusion
the GM (Ekstrom et al., 2007, 2008; Kang et al., 2013; Sakamoto
et al., 2009). However, because the mean value of HAM and ES This study investigated the effects of bridging with IHA using a
muscle activity was about 1.8 and 2.5 times that of the GM, respec- Thera-Band on GM, HAM, and ES activity; the GM/HAM and ES
tively, during bridging without IHA in this study (without interven- ratios; and the anterior pelvic tilt angle. GM muscle activity
tion or at entry), bridging with IHA would not likely lead to increased significantly and the anterior pelvic tilt angle decreased
significant decreases in the dominant HAM and ES in a cross- significantly during bridging with IHA using a Thera-Band. These
sectional study. findings indicate that the application of a Thera-Band facilitates
Second, because a wooden target bar was used to control pelvic the GM in advance before the initiation of bridging, consequently
lift during bridging, increased activation of the HAM and ES was enhances GM activity, and prevents excessive anterior pelvic tilt
not likely to occur in the present study. No previous studies have during bridging. Therefore, bridging with IHA using the Thera-Band
recommended the most appropriate level of pelvic lifting during can be implemented as an effective method to facilitate GM muscle
bridging during bridging can be disadvantageous due to potential activity and reduce the anterior pelvic tilt angle.
overactivation of the already-dominant HAM and ES; thus, a woo-
den target bar was placed to provide contact, cueing the subjects
Conflict of interest
not to over-lift the pelvis while performing the two types of bridg-
ing. However, this valid use of a wooden target bar could have lim-
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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lower extremity muscles within different types and heights of deep jump. J University in 1986 and 1992 respectively, and Ph.D.
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degree from Keimyung University in 1998. He had
Oh JS, Cynn HS, Won JH, Kwon OY, Yi CH. Effects of performing an abdominal
research experience in Program in Physical Therapy
drawing-in maneuver during prone hip extension exercises on hip and back
at Washington University in St Louis as a Post Doc-
extensor muscle activity and amount of anterior pelvic tilt. J Orthop Sports Phys
Ther 2007;37(6):320–4. toral Fellow. He is a director in Lab of Kinetic Ergocise
Park KM, Cynn HS, Yi CH, Kwon OY. Effect of isometric horizontal abduction on based on Movement Analysis (KEMA). He is inter-
pectoralis major and serratus anterior EMG activity during three exercises in ested in the mechanisms of movement impairment,
subjects with scapular winging. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2013;23(2):462–8. movement analysis, and prevention and manage-
Ries JD, Echternach JL, Nof L, Gagnon Blodgett M. Test–retest reliability and minimal ment of the work related musculoskeletal pain syn-
detectable change scores for the timed ‘‘up & go’’ test, the six-minute walk test, drome.
and gait speed in people with Alzheimer disease. Phys Ther 2009;89(6):569–79.
Sahrmann SA. Diagnosis and treatment of movement impairment syndromes. 1st
ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2002. Tae-Lim Yoon is a professor in the Department of
Sakamoto ACL, Teixeira-Salmela LF, Rodrigues De Paula F, Guimarães CQ, Faria
Physical Therapy at the College of Health and Wall-
CDCM. Gluteus maximus and semitendinosus activation during active prone
fare of Woosong University and Ph.D. Candidate in
hip extension exercises. Braz J Phys Ther 2009;13(4):335–42.
the Department of Physical Therapy at the Graduate
Tateuchi H, Taniguchi M, Mori N, Ichihashi N. Balance of hip and trunk muscle
activity is associated with increased anterior pelvic tilt during prone hip School of Yonsei University. He received B.S. degree
extension. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2012;22(3):391–7. in Physical Therapy from Yonsei University, M.A.
van Wingerden JP, Vleeming A, Buyruk HM, Raissadat K. Stabilization of the degree in Physical Therapy from New York Univer-
sacroiliac joint in vivo: verification of muscular contribution to force closure of sity. He is a member of applied kinesiology and
the pelvis. Eur Spine J 2004;13(3):199–205. ergonomic technology laboratory, and his research
Winter DA. The biomechanics and motor control of human gait: normal, elderly and interests are movement analysis, human factors and
pathological. 2nd ed. Kitchener, ON: Waterloo Biomechanics; 1991. ergonomics, and prevention and management of
musculoskeletal problems.

Sil-Ah Choi received her B.S. degree in Physical

Therapy from Yonsei University, and M.S. degree in
Physical Therapy from Yonsei University. She is a
member of applied kinesiology and ergonomic tech- Woo-Jeong Choi is a M.S. Student in the Department
nology laboratory. Her research focuses on the of Physical Therapy at the Graduate School of Yonsei
musculoskeletal problems and movement disorders, University. She received B.S. degree in Physical
especially in muscle imbalance and dysfunction of Therapy from Yonsei University in 2013. She is a
hip, knee, and shoulder joint, using the electromy- member of applied kinesiology and ergonomic tech-
ograpic system. nology laboratory. Her research interests include
electromyographic and kinematic analysis of thera-
peutic exercise for musculoskeletal syndromes,
including scapular dyskinesis.

Heon-Seock Cynn is a professor in the Department

of Physical Therapy at the College of Health Science
of Yonsei University. He received B.S. degree in
Physical Therapy from Yonsei University, M.A. degree Ji-Hyun Lee is a Ph.D. Student in the Department of
in Physical Therapy from New York University, and Physical Therapy at the Graduate School of Yonsei
Ph.D. degree in Physical Therapy from Yonsei Uni- University. She received B.S. degree in Physical
versity. He was a full time lecturer of Seoul Health Therapy from Hanseo University, M.S. degree in
College and an associate professor of Hanseo Uni- Physical Therapy from Yonsei University. She is a
versity. He is a director of applied kinesiology and member of applied kinesiology and ergonomic tech-
ergonomic technology laboratory, and his research nology laboratory, and she is a part time lecturer of
interests are identification of etiologic factors, clas- Yonsei University. Her main research interests are
sification, and intervention approaches for move- shoulder and hip assessment and treatment strategy.
ment disorders and musculoskeletal diseases. Her papers have been published in several interna-
tional journals in these fields.

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