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[Question 3]

in weak and negligible

chemical potential

Using Mathematica
In[•] ≔ Integrate[𝑢Sqrt[𝑇^2𝑢^2 − 𝑚^2]Exp[−𝑢], {𝑢, 𝑚⁄𝑇 , In inity}]

𝑚Abs[𝑚]BesselK 2, 𝑇
Out[•] ≔ ConditionalExpression , Im[𝑚] ⩵ 0&&Im[𝑇] ⩵ 0&&(Re[𝑚] < 0&&Re[𝑇] < 0)||(Re[𝑚] > 0&&Re[𝑇] > 0)

modified Bessel function of the second kind

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