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*Diskusi bersama bapak Michael

*Minta tolong ke politala untuk membuat financial

statement dengan list nama yang ingin mendaftar S2
sebersar 75jta.
*Financial statement (175.000 nt)
List kampus
1. National ChengKung University (Agribisnis, Management
Information, Information of Science and Technology,
Institute computer and communication, depart art, depart
ilmu akuntansi, depart ilmu administrasi bisnis).
a. Khofi (Management information (IT))
b. Dodo waluyo (Management information (MBI), depart
ilmu administrasi bisnis)
c. Yunita (Management information(IT), Information of
Science and Technology )
d. Maya (Management information(IT), Information of
Science and Technology )
e. Suci (Management information(IT), Information of
Science and Technology )
f. Said (Management information(MBI))
g. Anita (Management information(IT), Information of
Science and Technology )
h. Yogi (Management information(IT), Information of
Science and Technology )
i. Insan (Management information)
2. National Pingtung University (dep of management
information system, information technology and
applications, bisnis administration, department of food
science, institute of food safety management, international
master degree program in agreebisnis management,
graduate institute of management of innovation and
technology )
a. Khofi (dep of management information system, graduate
institute of management of innovation and technology)
b. Dodo waluyo (department of food science, institute of
food safety management, international master degree
program in agreebisnis management)
c. Yunita (dep of management information system,
information technology and applications)
d. Maya (dep of management information system,
information technology and applications)
e. Suci (dep of management information system,
information technology and applications)
f. Said (graduate institute of management of innovation
and technology, bisnis administration)
g. Anita (dep of management information system,
information technology and applications)
h. Yogi (dep of management information system,
information technology and applications)
i. Insan (dep of management information system,
information technology and applications)
j. Sri
3. National Taiwan of Science and Technology

4. Tsing Hua University (electrical engineering and computer

science, computer science, electrical engineering, electronic
engineering, communication engineering, photonic
technology, learning science and technology, international
master program in information system and application,
international master bisnis and management)
a. Yunita (learning science and technology, computer
b. Suci (computer science)
c. Maya (learning science and technology, computer
d. Anita (computer science)
e. Yogi (
5. National Kaohsiung University (depart of finance and
information, depart computer and communication
engineering, depart of computer science and information
engineering, Bisnis administrasi, depart of bisnis
administration, depart of information management, depart
of international bisnis)
a. Dodo Waluyo
b. Khofi (depart of information management)
c. Dodo waluyo
d. Yunita (depart computer and communication
engineering, depart of computer science and information
e. Maya (depart computer and communication engineering,
depart of computer science and information engineering)
f. Suci (depart computer and communication engineering,
depart of computer science and information
g. Said (Bisnis administration)
h. Anita (depart computer and communication engineering,
depart of computer science and information engineering)
i. Yogi (depart computer and communication engineering,
depart of computer science and information engineering)
j. Insan (depart of information management)
Persyaratan pendaftaran:
1. Application form
2. Declaration (download from website)
3. Financial statement
4. Recommendation letter (2)
5. Autobiography
6. Study plan
7. Official transcripts by years
8. Identify card (passport, ROC, Visa)

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