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Advance English I

Juan Esteban Burbano Garzon

Repeated comparative and double comparatives

Conversation 1

Woman: Is your math class hard?

Man: Yes, it is very difficult.

Woman: Why is it hard?

Man: Well, the teacher is strict. We have lots of homework.

Woman: Oh, that sounds tough.

My version

Woman: You prefer Spanish because it's much easier than math?

Man: Yes, it's a little more difficult than the other subjects in general.

Woman: Why is it getting harder and harder for you?

Man: Well, the teacher is getting stricter and we have a lot more homework than
other students.

Woman: Oh, that sounds tough.

Conversation 2

Woman: In your family, who is funny?

Man: My dad is very funny!

Woman: Who is hard working?

Man: My mom is very hard-working. She has two jobs.

Woman: And who is really smart?

Man: My sister is smart. She is a doctor.

My version

Woman: Who in your family is the funniest?

Man: Let me think about it... My father's jokes are getting better and better!

Woman: Who works the hardest?

Man: My mother works a little more lately since she's been having two jobs.

Woman: And who is the smartest?

Man: Well... my sister is much smarter than other doctors.

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