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To cite this software:

MOREIRA, Miguel Ângelo Lellis; SANTOS, Marcos dos; GOMES, Carlos Francisco Simões.
PROMETHEE_I_II_III (v.1). 2019.




The method PROMETHEE will operate following the steps below:

1st Data input related to the structure of the problem;

2nd Entering data of maximization and minimization functions;
3rd Normalization of values;
4th Weights setting for criteria;
5th Obtaining the Flows of importance;
6th Evaluation of results by PROMETHEE I, II and III.

Let's start !

Enter the number of decision making alternatives:4

Enter the number of criteria for evaluation:18

Enter a name (maximum 5 characters) for the alternative [0]: MESSI

Enter a name (maximum 5 characters) for the alternative [1]: NEYMA

Enter a name (maximum 5 characters) for the alternative [2]: MBAPP

Enter a name (maximum 5 characters) for the alternative [3]: CR7


Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [0]: Partidas

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [1]: Gols

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [2]: Assist

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [3]: Idade

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [4]: Altura

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [5]: Peso

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [6]: Acelera

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [7]: Fôlego

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [8]: Força

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [9]: Equilibrio

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [10]: Agilidade

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [11]: Impulsão

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [12]: Cabeceio

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [13]: Chute

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [14]: Finaliza

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [15]: Passe_C

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [16]: Cruzamento

Enter a name (maximum 10 caracteres) for the criterion [17]: Lançamento


MATRIX M (Criteria X Alternative):

Partidas [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Gols [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Assist [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Idade [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Altura [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Peso [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Acelera [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Fôlego [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Força [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Equilibrio [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Agilidade [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Impulsão [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Cabeceio [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Chute [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Finaliza [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Passe_C [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Cruzamento [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]
Lançamento [ x ][ x ][ x ][ x ]

Evaluate the alternatives for each specific criterion.

Entering the values for criterion ( Partidas ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):75

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):45
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):35
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):60
Entering the values for criterion ( Gols ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):38

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):25
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):21
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):58

Entering the values for criterion ( Assist ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):21

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):23
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):8
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):9

Entering the values for criterion ( Idade ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):35

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):30
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):23
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):37

Entering the values for criterion ( Altura ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):169

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):175
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):178
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):187

Entering the values for criterion ( Peso ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):67

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):68
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):73
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):83

Entering the values for criterion ( Acelera ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):87

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):94
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):96
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):83

Entering the values for criterion ( Fôlego ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):70

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):80
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):86
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):84

Entering the values for criterion ( Força ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):68

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):50
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):76
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):78
Entering the values for criterion (Equilibrio):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):95

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):83
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):82
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):71

Entering the values for criterion (Agilidade ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):91

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):96
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):92
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):87

Entering the values for criterion ( Impulsão ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):68

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):62
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):77
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):95

Entering the values for criterion ( Cabeceio ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):70

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):62
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):73
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):95

Entering the values for criterion ( Chute ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):86

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):80
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):86
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):94

Entering the values for criterion ( Finaliza ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):90

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):87
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):91
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):95

Entering the values for criterion ( Passe_C ):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):91

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):87
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):83
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):82

Entering the values for criterion (Cruzamento):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):84

Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):85
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):78
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):84

Entering the values for criterion (Lançamento):

Enter a value to alternative (MESSI):84
Enter a value to alternative (NEYMA):81
Enter a value to alternative (MBAPP):70
Enter a value to alternative ( CR7 ):77

Evaluation Matrix.

Partidas [75.0 ][45.0 ][35.0 ][60.0 ]
Gols [38.0 ][25.0 ][21.0 ][58.0 ]
Assist [21.0 ][23.0 ][ 8.0 ][ 9.0 ]
Idade [35.0 ][30.0 ][23.0 ][37.0 ]
Altura [169.0][175.0][178.0][187.0]
Peso [67.0 ][68.0 ][73.0 ][83.0 ]
Acelera [87.0 ][94.0 ][96.0 ][83.0 ]
Fôlego [70.0 ][80.0 ][86.0 ][84.0 ]
Força [68.0 ][50.0 ][76.0 ][78.0 ]
Equilibrio [95.0 ][83.0 ][82.0 ][71.0 ]
Agilidade [91.0 ][96.0 ][92.0 ][87.0 ]
Impulsão [68.0 ][62.0 ][77.0 ][95.0 ]
Cabeceio [70.0 ][62.0 ][73.0 ][95.0 ]
Chute [86.0 ][80.0 ][86.0 ][94.0 ]
Finaliza [90.0 ][87.0 ][91.0 ][95.0 ]
Passe_C [91.0 ][87.0 ][83.0 ][82.0 ]
Cruzamento [84.0 ][85.0 ][78.0 ][84.0 ]
Lançamento [84.0 ][81.0 ][70.0 ][77.0 ]

Entering maximization or minimization functions for each criterion.

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Partidas ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Gols ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Assist ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Idade ):min

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Altura ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Peso ):min

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Acelera ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Fôlego ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Força ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for (Equilibrio):max

Enter "min" or "max" for (Agilidade ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Impulsão ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Cabeceio ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Chute ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Finaliza ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for ( Passe_C ):max

Enter "min" or "max" for (Cruzamento):max

Enter "min" or "max" for (Lançamento):max

Comparison Matrix for Each Criterion.

Criterion Matrix (Partidas)

[ 0.0 ][30.0 ][40.0 ][15.0 ]
[-30.0][ 0.0 ][10.0 ][-15.0]
[-40.0][-10.0][ 0.0 ][-25.0]
[-15.0][15.0 ][25.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Gols)

[ 0.0 ][13.0 ][17.0 ][-20.0]
[-13.0][ 0.0 ][ 4.0 ][-33.0]
[-17.0][-4.0 ][ 0.0 ][-37.0]
[20.0 ][33.0 ][37.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Assist)

[ 0.0 ][-2.0 ][13.0 ][12.0 ]
[ 2.0 ][ 0.0 ][15.0 ][14.0 ]
[-13.0][-15.0][ 0.0 ][-1.0 ]
[-12.0][-14.0][ 1.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Idade)

[ 0.0 ][-5.0 ][-12.0][ 2.0 ]
[ 5.0 ][ 0.0 ][-7.0 ][ 7.0 ]
[12.0 ][ 7.0 ][ 0.0 ][14.0 ]
[-2.0 ][-7.0 ][-14.0][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Altura)

[ 0.0 ][-6.0 ][-9.0 ][-18.0]
[ 6.0 ][ 0.0 ][-3.0 ][-12.0]
[ 9.0 ][ 3.0 ][ 0.0 ][-9.0 ]
[18.0 ][12.0 ][ 9.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Peso)

[ 0.0 ][ 1.0 ][ 6.0 ][16.0 ]
[-1.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 5.0 ][15.0 ]
[-6.0 ][-5.0 ][ 0.0 ][10.0 ]
[-16.0][-15.0][-10.0][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Acelera)

[ 0.0 ][-7.0 ][-9.0 ][ 4.0 ]
[ 7.0 ][ 0.0 ][-2.0 ][11.0 ]
[ 9.0 ][ 2.0 ][ 0.0 ][13.0 ]
[-4.0 ][-11.0][-13.0][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Fôlego)

[ 0.0 ][-10.0][-16.0][-14.0]
[10.0 ][ 0.0 ][-6.0 ][-4.0 ]
[16.0 ][ 6.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 2.0 ]
[14.0 ][ 4.0 ][-2.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Força)

[ 0.0 ][18.0 ][-8.0 ][-10.0]
[-18.0][ 0.0 ][-26.0][-28.0]
[ 8.0 ][26.0 ][ 0.0 ][-2.0 ]
[10.0 ][28.0 ][ 2.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Equilibrio)

[ 0.0 ][12.0 ][13.0 ][24.0 ]
[-12.0][ 0.0 ][ 1.0 ][12.0 ]
[-13.0][-1.0 ][ 0.0 ][11.0 ]
[-24.0][-12.0][-11.0][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Agilidade)

[ 0.0 ][-5.0 ][-1.0 ][ 4.0 ]
[ 5.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 4.0 ][ 9.0 ]
[ 1.0 ][-4.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 5.0 ]
[-4.0 ][-9.0 ][-5.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Impulsão)

[ 0.0 ][ 6.0 ][-9.0 ][-27.0]
[-6.0 ][ 0.0 ][-15.0][-33.0]
[ 9.0 ][15.0 ][ 0.0 ][-18.0]
[27.0 ][33.0 ][18.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Cabeceio)

[ 0.0 ][ 8.0 ][-3.0 ][-25.0]
[-8.0 ][ 0.0 ][-11.0][-33.0]
[ 3.0 ][11.0 ][ 0.0 ][-22.0]
[25.0 ][33.0 ][22.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Chute)

[ 0.0 ][ 6.0 ][ 0.0 ][-8.0 ]
[-6.0 ][ 0.0 ][-6.0 ][-14.0]
[ 0.0 ][ 6.0 ][ 0.0 ][-8.0 ]
[ 8.0 ][14.0 ][ 8.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Finaliza)

[ 0.0 ][ 3.0 ][-1.0 ][-5.0 ]
[-3.0 ][ 0.0 ][-4.0 ][-8.0 ]
[ 1.0 ][ 4.0 ][ 0.0 ][-4.0 ]
[ 5.0 ][ 8.0 ][ 4.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Passe_C)

[ 0.0 ][ 4.0 ][ 8.0 ][ 9.0 ]
[-4.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 4.0 ][ 5.0 ]
[-8.0 ][-4.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 1.0 ]
[-9.0 ][-5.0 ][-1.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Cruzamento)

[ 0.0 ][-1.0 ][ 6.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 1.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 7.0 ][ 1.0 ]
[-6.0 ][-7.0 ][ 0.0 ][-6.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][-1.0 ][ 6.0 ][ 0.0 ]
Criterion Matrix (Lançamento)
[ 0.0 ][ 3.0 ][14.0 ][ 7.0 ]
[-3.0 ][ 0.0 ][11.0 ][ 4.0 ]
[-14.0][-11.0][ 0.0 ][-7.0 ]
[-7.0 ][-4.0 ][ 7.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Specification of normalization functions for the criteria.
Preference Values Parameters

Enter [ 1 ] for USUAL # (0 ou 1) ---

Enter [ 2 ] for U-SHAPE # (0 ou 1) q
Enter [ 3 ] for V-SHAPE # (x/p ou 1) p
Enter [ 4 ] for LEVEL # (0, 0.5 ou 1) q,p
Enter [ 5 ] for V-SHAPE I # (0, (x-q)/p ou 1) q,p
Enter [ 6 ] for GAUSSIAN # (0 ou 1-e^(-x^2/2*s^2)) s
q = indifference parameter
p = preference parameter
s = parameter to indicate change in the preference curve

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Partidas ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:4
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:8

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Gols ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:3.7
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:7.4

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Assist ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:1.5
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:3

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Idade ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:1.4
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:2.8

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Altura ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:1.8
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:3.6

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Peso ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:1.6
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:3.2

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Acelera ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:0.7
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:1.4

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Fôlego ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:1.6
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:3.2

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Força ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:2.8
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:5.6

Enter the function reference number for the criterion(Equilibrio):5

Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:2.4
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:4.8

Enter the function reference number for the criterion(Agilidade ):5

Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:0.9
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:1.8

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Impulsão ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:3.3
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:6.6

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Cabeceio ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:2.8
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:5.6

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Chute ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:1.4
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:2.8

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Finaliza ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:0.8
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:1.6

Enter the function reference number for the criterion( Passe_C ):5
Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:0.9
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:1.8

Enter the function reference number for the criterion(Cruzamento):5

Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:0.7
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:1.4

Enter the function reference number for the criterion(Lançamento):5

Enter a value for the indifference parameter q:1.4
Enter a value for the preference parameter p:2.8



Criterion Matrix (Partidas)

[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Gols)

[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][0.081][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Assist)

[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[0.333][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Idade)

[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][0.429]
[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Altura)

[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][0.667][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Peso)

[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Acelera)

[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Fôlego)

[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][0.25 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Força)

[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Equilibrio)

[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Agilidade)

[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[0.111][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Impulsão)

[ 0 ][0.818][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]
Criterion Matrix (Cabeceio)
[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[0.071][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Chute)

[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Finaliza)

[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[0.25 ][ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Passe_C)

[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][0.111]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Cruzamento)

[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]
[0.429][ 0 ][ 1 ][0.429]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Lançamento)

[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]
[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]


Enter the weights to each criterion:

[ i ] If the criteria have the same importance;

[ p ] If the criteria will be weighed for their importance.

Enter the reference letter to the weight setting of criteria:p

* The value of each criterion must be between 0.01 and 1.

* The amount of weights must be 1.

Enter the value to criterion( Partidas ):0.2

Enter the value to criterion( Gols ):0.15

Enter the value to criterion( Assist ):0.1

Enter the value to criterion( Idade ):0.12

Enter the value to criterion( Altura ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Peso ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Acelera ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Fôlego ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Força ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion(Equilibrio):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion(Agilidade ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Impulsão ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Cabeceio ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Chute ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Finaliza ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Passe_C ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion(Cruzamento):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion(Lançamento):0.0254


* The amount of weights must be 1.
* Re-enter the data.

Enter the value to criterion( Partidas ):0.2

Enter the value to criterion( Gols ):1.0756

INVALID DATA !!! The value must be between 0.01 and 1

Re-enter the value of weight to criterion( Gols ):0.2244

Enter the value to criterion( Assist ):0.1

Enter the value to criterion( Idade ):0.12

Enter the value to criterion( Altura ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Peso ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Acelera ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Fôlego ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Força ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion(Equilibrio):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion(Agilidade ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Impulsão ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Cabeceio ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Chute ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Finaliza ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion( Passe_C ):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion(Cruzamento):0.0254

Enter the value to criterion(Lançamento):0.0254

Data Checked! The amount of the weights is 1.

List with weight values in the order of each criterion.

[0.2, 0.2244, 0.1, 0.12, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254,
0.0254, 0.0254, 0.0254]



Criterion Matrix (Partidas)

[ 0.0 ][ 0.2 ][ 0.2 ][ 0.2 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.2 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.2 ][ 0.2 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Gols)

[ 0.0 ][0.224][0.224][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.018][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.224][0.224][0.224][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Assist)

[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.1 ][ 0.1 ]
[0.033][ 0.0 ][ 0.1 ][ 0.1 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Idade)

[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.051]
[0.12 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.12 ]
[0.12 ][0.12 ][ 0.0 ][0.12 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Altura)

[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.017][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Peso)

[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Acelera)

[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025]
[0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025]
[0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Fôlego)

[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ][0.006]
[0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Força)

[ 0.0 ][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Equilibrio)

[ 0.0 ][0.025][0.025][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Agilidade)

[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025]
[0.025][ 0.0 ][0.025][0.025]
[0.003][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Impulsão)

[ 0.0 ][0.021][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Cabeceio)

[ 0.0 ][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.002][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Chute)

[ 0.0 ][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ]
Criterion Matrix (Finaliza)
[ 0.0 ][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.006][0.025][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[0.025][0.025][0.025][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Passe_C)

[ 0.0 ][0.025][0.025][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.003]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Cruzamento)

[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025][ 0.0 ]
[0.011][ 0.0 ][0.025][0.011]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025][ 0.0 ]

Criterion Matrix (Lançamento)

[ 0.0 ][0.025][0.025][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025][0.025]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ]
[ 0.0 ][ 0.0 ][0.025][ 0.0 ]



MESSI [ 0.0 ][0.034][0.036][0.028]
NEYMA [0.015][ 0.0 ][0.025][0.021]
MBAPP [0.014][0.017][ 0.0 ][0.013]
CR7 [0.022][0.033][0.033][ 0.0 ]


---------- FLOWS EVALUATION ----------

Positive flows of the following alternatives:

MESSI = 0.098
NEYMA = 0.061
MBAPP = 0.044
CR7 = 0.088

Negative flows of the following alternatives:

MESSI = 0.051
NEYMA = 0.084
MBAPP = 0.094
CR7 = 0.062

Net flows of the following alternatives:

MESSI = 0.047
NEYMA = -0.023
MBAPP = -0.05
CR7 = 0.026


-------------- PROMETHEE I ---------------


Follows the evaluations for each specific case.


Evaluation of the alternative (MESSI):

(MESSI) is preferable to (NEYMA).

(MESSI) is preferable to (MBAPP).
(MESSI) is preferable to ( CR7 ).

Evaluation of the alternative (NEYMA):

(NEYMA) is not preferable to (MESSI).

(NEYMA) is preferable to (MBAPP).
(NEYMA) is not preferable to ( CR7 ).

Evaluation of the alternative (MBAPP):

(MBAPP) is not preferable to (MESSI).

(MBAPP) is not preferable to (NEYMA).
(MBAPP) is not preferable to ( CR7 ).

Evaluation of the alternative ( CR7 ):

( CR7 ) is not preferable to (MESSI).

( CR7 ) is preferable to (NEYMA).
( CR7 ) is preferable to (MBAPP).


------------- PROMETHEE II ---------------


Ordering of best alternatives for flows:

MESSI = 0.047
CR7 = 0.026
NEYMA = -0.023
MBAPP = -0.05


-------------- PROMETHEE III -------------


With a error of (0.022)

Follows the lower and upper limit values for each alternative.

(MESSI) >> X = 0.025 / Y = 0.069

(NEYMA) >> X = -0.045 / Y = -0.001
(MBAPP) >> X = -0.072 / Y = -0.028
( CR7 ) >> X = 0.004 / Y = 0.048

Evaluation of the alternative (MESSI):

(MESSI) is preferable to (NEYMA).

(MESSI) is preferable to (MBAPP).

(MESSI) is indifferent to (CR7).

Evaluation of the alternative (NEYMA):

(NEYMA) is not preferable to (MESSI).

(NEYMA) is indifferent to (MBAPP).

(NEYMA) is not preferable to (CR7).

Evaluation of the alternative (MBAPP):

(MBAPP) is not preferable to (MESSI).

(MBAPP) is indifferent to (NEYMA).

(MBAPP) is not preferable to (CR7).

Evaluation of the alternative (CR7):

(CR7) is indifferent to (MESSI).

(CR7) is preferable to (NEYMA).

(CR7) is preferable to (MBAPP).

======================== Successful results! =========================

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