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The Rose Garden is located near the park's main entrance. It has four sides entries displaying a cross-like layout
with a centralized circular design emphasizing the bottle brush at middle.

The garden is split into two sections. The garden's northern section is elevated, with more plants and fewer
hardscapes. It is the location of Daniel Burnham's (Baguio City's Architect and Urban Planner) busk. The other section of
the garden is on the lower level.

The two sections are connected by a stair in the center and a circular ramp with softscapes on both sides.
Hardscape is more prevalent in the lower section. It is the location of the Spouting and Tiered Fountains, rose plants
(from which the name is derived), a comfort room near Ibaloi Park, and gazebos surrounding the tiered fountain is


The Picnic groove is one of Burnham Park's clusters. It is divided into two parts. The first section is located
around Burnham Lake, and the second section is located around the skating rink. The layout of the two differs due to
their location, the picnic groove surrounding Burnham Lake depicts a rectangular shape, as the lake itself is rectangular.
Similarly, as the skating rink is in circular shape, so does the picnic groove area.

The Skating rink Picnic groove is full of trees. There are a few concrete tables for eating, and some of them have
a board game layout design on them. The Burnham Lake picnic area has fewer trees but more flowers around it. There
are no tables nearby, and the grass is just plain carabao grass.

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