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Name : La Ode Munajad

NIM : 20251345
Class : Inter
Major : Environmental Engineering

1. -Qualitative Research
As the name implies, a qualitative research approach is an approach that focuses
on quality. The purpose of quality here is to understand deeply about a
phenomenon that occurs to be investigated for its truth. Therefore, qualitative
research usually uses in-depth analysis techniques. The technique is meant to
explore the problem in detail on a case by case basis.
The purpose of qualitative research is, of course, to understand in depth a problem
in order to be able to provide suggestions that are in accordance with the results of
the research.
- Quantitative Method
The quantitative method approach is research where the data is more numerical or
numeric in nature. The numbers meant in this case are not just for mathematics,
but the intention is to examine problems that can be measured by numbers. This
quantitative research is used to examine a population or sample that aims to prove
a hypothesis set in the study. Because the data obtained is in the form of numbers,
the data analysis used will be statistical.

- Combined Method
This method is useful when both quantitative and qualitative methods are
combined into one and are often called mixed methods. Joint research is the stage
of data collection, data analysis, with a combination of sequential methods,
namely quantitative and qualitative methods or vice versa. These two methods are
used to conclude research questions.
If further concluded, quantitative research methods focus more on numerical data
with certain instruments or measuring devices, while qualitative methods aim to
describe analytical data in a narrative manner. Unlike the quantitative and
qualitative methods, combined is a method used to combine qualitative and
quantitative research.

Arranged by :

La Ode Munajad


Yogyakarta Institute of Technology 2022

The increase in population and industrial growth rate will have an impact
on the amount of waste produced, including plastic waste, paper, packaging
products containing B3 (Dangerous Toxic Materials). The amount and type of
waste really depends on the lifestyle and the type of material we consume, the
more the economy in the household increases, the more the amount of waste
produced varies. UU no. 18/2008 regarding waste management, Community-
Based Integrated Waste Management is an approach to waste management based
on community needs and requests, planned, implemented (if feasible), controlled
and evaluated with the community. Government and other institutions as
motivators and facilitators. The function of the motivator is to provide
encouragement so that people are ready to think about and find solutions to the
waste problems they face. But if the community is not ready, then the function of
the government or other institutions is to prepare first. For example by conducting
training, comparative studies and showing examples of successful programs and
others .
Keywords: Garbage, Management, 3R, Community. Waste management

Chapter 1


1.1 Background

The problem of waste management is still a big problem for Indonesia

which has not been resolved until now or even there is no definite problem
solving for this problem. Garbage that accumulates like a mountain is only
collected together and then ends up in a landfill (TPA). The piled up pile of
garbage at the final disposal site (TPA) does not only damage the aesthetics of the
environment but also has a bad impact on human health, animals and also the
preservation of the environment around the pile of garbage. As we know,
Indonesia is the fourth largest archipelagic country with a population of
273,523,615 people, with an area of 1,811,570 . So it can be concluded that
every one square kilometer is filled by about 151 residents. This is of course also
in line with the amount of waste generated. According to data taken from
waste4change data, Indonesia produces at least 175,000 tons of waste per day.
However, of the large amount of waste, only seven and a half percent can be
recycled and made into compost. The remaining 10 % of waste is piled up, 5% of
waste is burned and the rest is accumulated in the final disposal site (TPA). The
pile of garbage that is piling up in addition to causing environmental pollution.
Also increase the production of methane gas from waste. And several cases of
exploding garbage mountains in Indonesia also often occur, in addition to harming
many parties, this event also takes many lives.

Seeing these problems, it can be concluded that the solid waste problem in
Indonesia is in a red light status. It takes a lot of alternative processing to solve
this problem, because just hoarding garbage is not enough, plus the ever-
increasing population also affects the amount of waste that people produce each
year. In addition, the habits and social activities of the Indonesian people who like
to throw garbage out of place also exacerbate the situation. This makes Indonesia
need renewable innovations in waste processing that are more populist and can
change people's perceptions of waste.

One of the waste management innovations that can change people's

perception of waste is waste management startups made in Indonesia. These
startups include Gringgo, Young Trash, Garbage Mall, and Angkuts. The working
principle of the four startups is almost the same , namely connecting the
community to the nearest waste disposal site so that it can be recycled or
distributed to a more appropriate place, such as the Gringgo application, which
has services for transporting waste, sorting waste, and connecting it to recyclers.
These applications also provide benefits to the community, for example adding
points in the application, credit, Gopay, or money. The existence of these startups
is a pretty good innovation because it can minimize the amount of waste that is
disposed of carelessly. In addition, the benefits given to the community when
participating as users are a special attraction and of course can attract more
residents to take advantage of the startup.

The problem of waste is a national problem so that it must be managed

comprehensively. Solving problems regarding waste management requires
cooperation from various stakeholders ranging from the government to the
community itself. Public awareness to keep the environment clean must also be
increased so that it helps from the waste management itself startup innovations in
applications that help waste processing are good enough and help with waste
processing problems in Indonesia, especially at the Guwosari Training Center.
Even if it is done optimally and evenly it may solve the waste problems that exist
in Indonesia, but it still needs improvement in these innovations and of course still
maintaining environmental principles.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

1. create a popular garbage collection application ?
2. What are the benefits for users of garbage collection applications?
3. What is the mechanism of the garbage collection application?

1.3 Research purposes

1. Changing people's perception of the view of garbage collection, from an

ancient view to a more renewable one.
2. what benefits can be obtained from a garbage collection application.


Literature Review


Waste can be defined as a burden or a valuable resource
depending on how the waste is managed (Zaman, 2009: 1) According
to No. 18 of 2008 chapter 1 Article 1 waste is the residue of human
daily activities and or natural processes in solid form. McDougall et al
(2001:1) defines waste as something less useful and valuable, or useless
remnants. Waste is a product of human activity. physically composed
of the same materials as useful goods, distinguished only by their lack
of value. because the lack of value or usefulness can be attributed to the
mixing of the waste and the unknown composition of the waste

According to the EPA waste guidelines (2009:1) waste is

anything that is thrown away, rejected, ignored, unwanted, ignored,
unwanted, or unused material, the unused material is not for sale or
recycled, reprocessed, repaired or purified by separate activities that
produce the material In addition, waste is also defined as anything
declared by an-nissa's environmental protection regulations or policies
as waste, whether valuable or not. From the various definitions above,
there are similarities in the definition of waste in general, namely waste
is material that is discarded and decreases in value. McDonough and
Braungart (2002: 92) stated a slightly different matter . In conclusion,
waste is something that must be managed so that it has added value, can
be reused and does not pollute the environment. According to history,
waste management is identified with engineering functions. increased
production has created a problem requiring landfills.
a. Garbage Type
Types of waste by ( PS writer team ;2008)
1.Human Erecta
Human Erecta is a term for waste material released by the
human body as a result of digestion. Feces and urine are the result.
Human waste is very dangerous for health because it can be a factor in
diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.
Domestic and factory waste water is included in sewage.
Household liquid waste is generally channeled into sewers without a
filtering process, such as leftover bath water, used laundry and kitchen
waste. Meanwhile, factory waste needs to be treated specifically before
being released into the wild, it is not uncommon this hazardous waste is
channeled into rivers or seas without filtering
3. Refuse
Refuse is defined as residual material from industrial processes
or by-products of household activities. Refuse is what is popularly
called waste in everyday terms. This waste is divided into garbage and
b. The Impact of Garbage Piling According to Nisak at al (2019)
The impact due to the accumulation of abundant waste besides
the problem of running out of land for disposal, also the problem of
odor and water pollution due to the release of lechase liquid from the
pile of garbage and then the lechase liquid has the potential to pollute
the rivers and wells of residents around the TPA. Garbage accumulation
makes the environment look dirty and unorganized and not beautiful
seen by the eye and cause a source of disease, for that it must be
handled in an integrated and comprehensive manner.

The increase in population and the rapid rate of industrial growth will
have an impact on the amount of waste produced, including plastic
waste, paper, packaging products containing B3 (Dangerous Toxic
Materials). The amount and type of waste really depends on the
lifestyle and the type of material we consume, the more the economy in
the household increases, the more the amount of waste produced varies.
In addition to these conditions, we still find waste generation or
disposal in rivers that have a negative impact on the environment which
in turn disrupts human health.

At present, especially in big cities , the increase in urban waste

generation (2–4%/year) which is not followed by the availability of
adequate waste infrastructure and facilities, has an impact on
environmental pollution which is always increasing from year to year.
By relying on the collect-transport-waste pattern, the pollution load will
always accumulate at the landfill site and the waste management does
not meet the required standards.

The habit of burning garbage is already entrenched in society, both in

rural areas and in urban areas. They have not realized that the types of
waste today are different from the waste in the past. The types of waste
currently tend to be dominated by chemical synthetic waste such as
plastic, rubber, styrofoam , metal, glass etc. If the waste is burned, it
will emit toxic gases which can endanger the health of the people who
inhale it and worsen the quality of the air environment. For example,
the results of burning plastic waste produce dioxin gas which has 350
times the toxicity of cigarette smoke . Dioxins are super toxic and are
carcinogenic when they enter the human body's tissues, especially the
nerves and lungs, so they can interfere with the nervous and respiratory
systems, including causing cancer. Styrofoam burning will produce
CFCs which can damage the ozone layer and are harmful to humans.

Piles of waste in temporary landfills and final disposal sites will

produce leachate. Leachate/leachate is liquid waste that arises as a
result of the entry of external water into the waste pile, dissolving and
rinsing dissolved materials, including organic matter resulting from
biological decomposition processes. From there it can be predicted that
the quantity and quality of leachate will vary and fluctuate greatly.
Leachate / leachate that is not handled properly, namely without
processing, can have a negative impact on the environment, including
the appearance of odors, thereby reducing aesthetics, causing disease.
Vectors or carriers of diseases that arise from trash cans are typhoid,
dysentery with vectors that carry diseases are flies, cockroaches, rats
and so on.
Based on the current portrait of waste management, several indications
of problems arise caused by:

1. Garbage that is mixed between wet and dry, so it is very difficult to

reuse. Although wet waste can be composted, if it has been mixed with
hazardous waste such as batteries, sanitary napkins, or other types of
chemicals, the quality of the compost produced will be low.
2. Due to the absence of community participation, the janitors deployed
by the city government are not balanced between the number of officers
and the amount of waste that must be handled.
3. The limited capacity of the TPA, the amount of waste continuously
entering the TPA every day, only a small portion can be reduced by
scavengers. At one point the TPA was no longer able to accommodate
the municipal waste that was disposed of by the community. When the
landfill is not operational for a few days, municipal waste will pile up
and spread everywhere.
4. The operational costs of transporting waste from TPS to TPA are
continuously increasing in line with rising fuel prices and the added
need for operational costs to maintain waste transport fleets.
5. No community wants their environment to be used as a garbage
dump. In addition, in the era of regional autonomy, it was difficult to
find land outside the administrative area.
Indonesian people's understanding of the concept of waste collection is
currently very outdated. In neighboring countries, such as Singapore
and Japan, they have used applications from telephones to collect waste
so that garbage disposal and waste collection and processing activities
are more interesting. This certainly needs to be done in Indonesia.
Many regions in Indonesia have implemented this innovation, such as


Gringgo is a website-based application that can also be installed on a
cellular phone. It provides information and guidance on managing
household-scale waste. Even though it is still a trial version, this
application can already be used for parts of Denpasar.

The Gringgo application was developed by two people, Olivier

Pouillon and Febriadi Pratama. Olivier is the founder of Bali Recycling,
a company that processes waste into high-value recyclable goods
(upcycling). As for Febri, a graduate of the Interior Design Study
Program, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Bandung Institute of
Technology (ITB), who prefers information technology.

Both of them have the same anxiety , it is difficult to find information

about waste management in Bali. From there, they then developed a
mobile application to make it easier to find information about waste

Since 2014, Olivier and Febriadi have started to develop this platform.
The two of them started when there was a Start Up Weekend event in
Hubud, a co-working space in Ubud.

The initial idea, according to Febri, was that they wanted to provide
information for school children on how to collect waste that could
generate money. Along the way, the idea changed for something bigger.
Not only information for school children but also general citizens who
deal with waste every day.
In mid-2015, they started developing Gringgo. The end result they want
to get is a platform where users can get information on the types of
waste and the monetary value behind it, locations for waste disposal or
collection, and request garbage pick-up services.


1. Subekti. S (2010, February 11) HOUSEHOLD WASTE MANAGEMENT

article/view/326/411 (accessed November 15,2022)
2. Rizqi. P. M ( 2014, OCTOBER 16) SUSTAINABLE WASTE
(accessed November 15,2022)

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