Annex C - Minutes of The Meeting

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


“Facilitate the Teaching-Learning Process”
November 25, 2021


Topics Discussed:

Roles of behavior of Facilitative Teacher

What is a Facilitative Teacher?
Roles of the Principal in Supporting Facilitative Teaching-Learning
Teaching Styles
Toward Effective Teaching-Learning
Enhancing Questioning and Active Learning Skills

I. Call to Order
The meeting started with the preliminaries at 8:00 o’clock in the morning, 25th of
November 2021.
1. Lupang Hinirang (AVP)
2. Prayer led by Jocelyn Cagasan
3. Checking of attendance
4. 12 teachers attended the one-day training, the school head and the ICT

II. Session Proper

Morning session
1. Mrs. Marilou Peteros, a Grade III Teacher read the overview of the training and
the house rules.
2. The topics was presented by the School Head Mrs. Marijo Pajela through Power
Point Presentation
3. Discussions runs smoothly
4. Each teacher gives their ideas of What is a Facilitative Teacher
5. Roles of Facilitative Teachers was delivered by the school head properly
6. The Roles of the principal to support facilitative teaching – learning was
discussed. The facilitator emphasizes that if the teacher nurtures the facilitative
teaching skills, the school head must support the student-centered approach.
7. The facilitator prepares a test paper about Teaching Style Evaluation where
participants answer the evaluation seriously.

17-3, Magsaysay, Central, City of Mati, Davao Oriental
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

8. Presentation of the output (testing evaluation)

9. Discussion on teaching styles
10. Some teachers share their teaching style in their respective classes which they
think and believe very effective

At 10:00-10:20 (B R E A K- SNACKS – 20 minutes)

11. After the break, action song was presented by a Mrs. Jennelyn Mamada a Grade
IV teacher
12. Continuation on the topic about teaching styles
13. The group discussed and shared the different learning styles as per experienced
in their respective class
14. They also discussed the effective teaching strategies. Sharing of ideas makes the
discussion lively.
15. Dismissal time 11:30

Afternoon Session

1. The training started at 1:30 PM

2. Energizer was introduced by Mrs. Adelia Dindin, a Grade II teacher
3. The facilitator presented the Tips for Asking Questions
4. They also discussed that in presentation of the lesson, a teacher asks questions
that are appropriate to the level of the students mental development and if
possible questions should not only come from the teacher but also to the
6. They were asked to make a lesson plan where the activities must be more on
students’ participation (practical work approach)
7. Presentation of the output

III. Agreement
Teachers agreed on developing lesson plans and conduct a peer demonstration
teaching for its implementation. Also, the group choose English 3 as the model lesson

IV. Adjournment
The School LAC Session ended at exactly 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon, 25 th of
November 2021.

17-3, Magsaysay, Central, City of Mati, Davao Oriental

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