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Princess Castillo CREATIVE WRITING ST.



A. BEYOND WALLS 1.1 (p. 3)

1. Why is journaling important?

It makes no difference whether you journal on a digital or traditional device, as long as you write. Journaling is used
to put your sentiments into words, particularly if you frequently keep an issue bottled up and are unable to find the
perfect words for it. When you write (especially by hand), your mind prioritizes whatever you're focusing on and
processes it at a deeper level, resulting in a great piece. The physical act of writing puts information in the spotlight and
signals to your brain that it should pay special attention. Furthermore, when you write, you are telling your brain that
your words are vital.

So, why is it important, you ask? Journaling is just as necessary as taking a bath (you have to at least do it every day
for a reason and its underlying benefits). When we are concerned by thoughts, we try to write them down to clarify the
bigger picture. A journal is the one that helps to clarify that big picture. It also assists you in committing your aspirations
to writing. Writing out your goals also allows you to better recognize what you want and what is preventing you from
achieving it. As a result, you are more likely to achieve them. It is a win-win situation. Finally, it allows you to track your
progress and see what is working and what is not, allowing you to dwell on failed projects and triumphs and better
prepare for the future.

Journaling is, after all, a marvel of life, a route to success. A benefit that goes beyond the solace of teenage (and
even adult and young adult) diaries.



I have often dreamed of a far-off place
Where a hero's welcome would be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying, "This is where I'm meant to be"

I'll be there someday, I can go the distance

I will find my way if I can be strong
I know every mile wIll be worth my while
When I go the distance, I'll be right where I belong

Down an unknown road to embrace my fate To dream is good. But to take action on that dream is greater. As a fighter, I
always see myself as a candle in the wind; a streak of light in the
Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you mysterious darkness of what we call life.
And a thousand years would be worth the wait
In fact, I dream the highest, but not the impossible. No matter what obstacle
It may take a lifetime, but somehow, I'll see it through
or uncertainty is thrown in my way, I will always strive to shove it behind.
Even if it takes a million, billion, or trillion of years, rest assured that you
will always see me standing tall.
And I won't look back, I can go the distance
And I'll stay on track, no, I won't accept defeat I will catch that dream. No. matter. What.
It's an uphill slope, but I won't lose hope
'Til I go the distance, and my journey is complete

But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part

For a hero's strength is measured by his heart

Like a shooting star, I will go the distance

I will search the world, I will face its harms

I don't care how far, I can go the distance

'Til I find my hero's welcome waiting in your arms
I will search the world; I will face its harms
'Til I find my hero's welcome waiting in your arm



To my dearest feline friend,

Before I could say anything, I am sorry in advance for the simple profanities.

It’s been ages since you mailed me a letter, and now that I have received it, I am jumping, crying, and throwing up in joy! I thought the pigs
couldn’t fly, but I guess they did, right? Oh, I’m sorry for the highfalutin words. I’m just truly baffled and delighted, my Purple Cat! But before I
spill the tea, I just hope you are doing okay because if not, I think I would be down, too. Kidding aside, I know for a fact that honest
confessions are those of someone who simply wants to participate in life's great mystery dance in the biggest and most graceful way
possible. Well, that is what is in your letter, you dummy (please don’t take the dummy part seriously). Hmm... your letter may seem like a
jigsaw at first glance, but fear not, because your friend right here is a very, very, I mean very, very good puzzle-solver. Ahem! You could say I
am an expert...

Now, let’s break the ice and ignite some fire, shall we? Of course, we will! Life is normal, and everything is fine. You are
comfortably sitting on a soft sofa, your feet on the table, sipping your hot chocolate, and a freshly baked apple pie is steaming hot on the
round table beside you with matching jazz music in the afternoon. It seems like all the odds are indeed in your favor. But then that one day,
like an uninvited guest, barges into your door, slamming it wild and loud, before you could even inhale. And that’s when everything changes.
It is as if you just woke up from a surreal daydream. Then life isn't so normal anymore, right? Not really. Although the feeling is like you're a
fat pig stuck between the narrow alley of words, that reads something along the lines of " millions of people have a disability in the world , and
no one came to act like a hero to save you. Hey, remember, I would gladly be the hero, the villain, or even just the side character (cameo)
who eats ice cream in the corner just to rescue your ass. But wow... do they make you feel that way? They’re awful.

But the word disability is a question mark itself, an enigma, you could say. What is a disability? I am nothing but a mere blue crane
who obviously hasn’t entered a school my whole life. Is it supposed to be a noun, an adjective, an adverb, or a verb? A socially constructed
idea of people who are unique? Anything? Fiddle-faddle, you don't know how to feel and act about this. Maybe you have a physical
uniqueness (let’s just coin it that way ‘cause it sounds cooler) that you've lived with since the day you were born. Maybe your uniqueness
might've come later in life. Or maybe you might even have a learning disability. I don’t know. But at some point, you may have wished you
didn't have to deal with all that comes with your own uniqueness. The world will never run out of that one person who loves to poke fun at
another’s uniqueness because they imagine it's funny. Think twice. It is not. and will always remain that way. Are they perhaps trying to
impersonate the Joker? Well, in that case, they are the worst actors ever (like... ever!). I would rate them a whopping negative 99.

Unknowingly, that person (or any entity) continues to dig under your skin. They seem to create a fury inside that makes you want
to sit them down and tell them how it really is. You may want to tell them your uniqueness isn't what the crowd makes it out to be. As you go
throughout your daily life, you're either at peace because you don't have to put up with the words of ignorant people, or you're annoyed
because there's that one person who decides to say something. As you try to inform them, they continue to look down on you as if you were
a tiny speck of rock. You refuse to listen to what your own consciousness has to say. This is what can make living with a distinct personality
suck. As your life goes on, you may have come to "learn" how to live with your uniqueness. In some cases, uniqueness isn't awful. In some
cases, you can see the world in a different way. It can sometimes be good. It's just like an old-fashioned baked apple pie we used to eat back
in the days! You see the world from the point of view where you have been in the deepest moments of pain from words that you hear and can
do nothing about. You've been in the deepest pits of pain from being mocked for the uniqueness that you probably wish you didn't have.

In the opinion of someone who lives with a “disability,” it's a weird blessing to have one. You see, I have a " uniqueness" too, just
like you. We are a pair in heaven, my dear furry friend. I guess it is true that birds of the same feather flock together, after all (except for the
part that you aren't... a bird.) And in the opinion of someone who goes through life every day hoping to not hear the mockery, it doesn't get
easier, but it’s you who gets better. In the opinion of someone who sees the world differently now, you are not defined by your uniqueness.
And in the opinion of someone whose hands are now aching, I think I’ve spilled you enough tea for today. Let my hands rest, Purple Cat.

I see you. You matter. You are cherished. Always. In all ways.

Thank you for being you!!!

From the air to your lair,

Your bluest birdy friend (Blue Crane)

P.S. Don’t worry, I will still send you sliced apple pies!

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